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NOTES: LENT SEASON news and promised them His Holy Spirit.

Then Jesus went up to Heaven. This

LENT – The 40-day period before the
event is called.
resurrection of Christ which ends on
Holy Saturday and which is also marked PENTECOST - Fifty days after the
with the penance and interior renewal Resurrection of Jesus called_________.
to spiritually prepare ourselves for the It is signified with the coming of the Holy
resurrection. Spirit through tongue of fire.
EASTER - The season of the Church HOLY THURSDAY - The washing of the
where we commemorate the triumph of disciple’s feet, the institution of the Holy
Jesus over sin by making us all a new Eucharist during the Last Supper are
creation. commemorated on.
LENT- This season reminds us all to KWARESMA - The Visayan term for Lent
commemorate the suffering, crucifixion is.
and death of Christ to save all of us.
MIYERKOLES BADLIS - The Visayan term
PASCHAL MYSTERY- This doctrine for Ash Wednesday is.
reminds us of the three important
elements in the salvation of humanity
equivalent to refer to Palm Sunday is.
which consist of the passion, death and
resurrection of the Lord. SEMANA SANTA - The Visayan term for
Holy Week is.
ASH WEDNESDAY - Lent begins on this
day where Christians are marked with BIYERNES SANTO - Jesus died on the
ashes in their foreheads to signify that cross at 3 pm on a:
they come from dust and to dust they
shall return.
traditional way of offering prayers and
ASH WEDNESDAY AND GOOD FRIDAY- reflections on the different events of the
The days of the year where both Fasting passion of Jesus by following a set of
and Abstinence are strictly observed. journey or way as if one journeys with
Jesus in his suffering.
FASTING-It is an act of sacrifice where
Christians eat only one full meal on the SENAKULO - It is a live reenactment or
days appointed by the Church. play on the Passion of Christ.
ABSTINENCE - It is an act of sacrifice VISITA IGLESIA - It is the tradition of
where Christians do not eat meat on the visiting seven different Churches during
days appointed by the Church: Lent.
SIETE PALABRAS - While on the cross, EASTER SUNDAY - During this time of
Jesus said/spoke His last words They are darkness going towards dawn, there will
popularly called. be a blessing of Water and Fire and the
renewal of Baptismal Vows as we
18-59 YEARS OLD - Catholics who are
welcome life. This event is celebrated as
going to observe Fasting are those who
welcoming the risen Christ which is. THE
belong to this age range.
14 YEARS OLD ABOVE - Abstinence MARY – A religious event called the
applies to Catholics with this age range. “Sugat” is an Easter celebration
ALL FRIDAYS OF LENT - Aside from the
days appointed by the Church Catholics
must also observe Abstinence on.
ASCENSION - Forty days after the
Resurrection of Jesus, He commissioned
his disciples to go and share the good

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