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MDCAT Pehchan Batch

⁂Variation and Genetics⁂

Instructor Name: Marium Imtiaz








MN Blood type & ABO blood type diff.
• Antigens: The ABO blood group system is based on
the presence or absence of antigens A and B on the
surface of red blood cells. In contrast, the MN blood
group system is based on the presence or absence of
the M and N antigens.
• Inheritance: The ABO blood group system is
determined by three alleles: A, B, and O. These alleles
determine the presence or absence of A and B
antigens on red blood cells. The inheritance pattern is
more complex, with multiple alleles involved. On the
other hand, the MN blood group system is simpler,
with two alleles: M and N. The M allele codes for the
M antigen, and the N allele codes for the N antigen. It
follows a simple co-dominant inheritance pattern.
MN Blood type & ABO blood type diff.
• Antigen expression: In the ABO blood group
system, individuals can have blood types A, B, AB,
or O, depending on the combination of A and B
antigens on their red blood cells. In the MN blood
group system, individuals can have blood types M,
N, or MN, depending on the presence or absence
of M and N antigens.
• Clinical significance: While both the ABO and MN
blood group systems are important for blood
transfusion compatibility, the ABO system is more
widely used in transfusion medicine due to its
stronger association with transfusion reactions.
However, the MN blood group system can also
play a role in certain diseases and conditions, such
as certain types of cancer.
MN Blood type
Rh made easy….
• Rh (-) woman + Rh (+) man = Rh (+)
• Rh positive fetus cross the placental
barrier and enter into Rh negative
mother's blood stream.
• Mother's immune system reacts fetal Rh
antigen stimulus by producing a large
number of anti-Rh antibodies.
• Mother's antibodies + fetus RBCs-
Bombay Phenotype
• What is it?- Inability to express antigen A and B
on RBC surface
• Results in: lack of the precursor H substance or
• Happens because of lack of a specific
glycosyltransferase, encoded by the H allele at the
FUT1 locus.
• The recessive allele h cannot insert sugar
molecule to glycoprotein.
• Phenotypically like O, but are not genotypically O.
• Universal donors but can receive blood from
people with Bombay phenotype only.
Morgan did what?
• Discovered X-linked inheritance
• Discovered sex determination [X and Y
• Provided convincing evidence that Mendel’s
factors are located on chromosomes.
Recombination frequency between two linked
genes can be calculated by
a) Back cross- crossing an individual with one of its parents or an
individual with the same genotype or phenotype as one of its parents.

b) Test cross-
c) Normal cross
d) None of these

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 50%
Difficulty Level Medium
Topic for Revision Recombination
Haemophilia B is due to abnormality of factor
b) IX
c) X
d) XI

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 20%
Difficulty Level Easy
Topic for Revision Hemophilia
Gene for blue opsin is present on chromosome
a) X
b) Y
c) 7
d) 11

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 30%
Difficulty Level Medium
Topic for Revision Color Blindness
form one linkage group on human chromosome 11
a) Color blindness, gout and albinism
b) Sickle cell anemia, leukemia and albinism
c) Color blindness, hemophilia and gout
d) Sickle cell anemia, albinism and hemophilia

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 25%
Difficulty Level Medium
Topic for Revision Gene Linkage
Which of the following is X-linked dominant trait in
a) Hemophilia A
b) Vitamin D resistant rickets
c) Red-green color blindness
d) Testicular feminization syndrome

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 20%
Difficulty Level Easy
Topic for Revision X-linked Inheritance
This is not true about testicular feminization syndrome
a) It is androgen insensitivity syndrome
b) Individuals are females in appearance
c) Having blind vagina but no uterus
d) Degenerated testes are present in scrotum

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 50%
Difficulty Level Hard
Topic for Revision Testicular Feminization
Each type of cone cell has specific light absorbing
proteins called
a) Rhodopsin
b) Porphyrin
c) Retinol
d) Opsins

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 10%
Difficulty Level Easy
Topic for Revision Color Blindness
Women with normal colour vision whose father
was red-green colour blind married a red-green
colour blind man. What is the probability of her
first-born child being red-green colour blind?
a) 1.0
b) 0.75
c) 0.50
d) 0.66

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 20%
Difficulty Level Medium
Topic for Revision Color Blindness
Morgan and his colleagues studied more than
traits in Drosophila
a) 60
b) 85
c) 90
d) 8

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 60%
Difficulty Level Hard
Topic for Revision Sex Linkage in
Pick up the odd pair
a) Haemophilia - A, Factor VIII
b) Haemophilia - C, Factor XI
c) Haemophilia - B, Factor XI
d) Haemophilia - B, Factor IX

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 25%
Difficulty Level Easy
Topic for Revision Hemophilia
Drosophila has pair of chromosomes
a) 3
b) 16
c) 4
d) 20

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 45%
Difficulty Level Hard
Topic for Revision Sex Linkage in
Mode of inheritance of human traits can be traced
a) Mating
b) Pedigree
c) Phylogeny
d) Outbreeding

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 20%
Difficulty Level Easy
Topic for Revision Pedigree
Pick the correct formula of recombination
Sum of all combinations
a) = x 1000
Recombinant types

Sum of all combinations

b) = x 100
Recombinant types

Recombinant types
c) = x 1000
Sum of all combinations

Recombinant types
d) = x 100
Sum of all combinations
Topic Variation and Genetics
Inaccuracy 30%
Difficulty Level Easy
Topic for Revision Recombination
Normal fruit flies Drosophila, the wild type, has
a) Dark red eyes
b) Yellow eyes
c) Red eyes
d) White eyes

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 15%
Difficulty Level Medium
Topic for Revision Sex Linkage in
Pick up autosomal recessive type of hemophilia in
a) Hemophilia B
b) Hemophilia A
c) Hemophilia C
d) Hemophilia D

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 25%
Difficulty Level Easy
Topic for Revision Hemophilia
Which one of the following symbols and its
representation, used in human pedigree analysis
is correct?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 5%
Difficulty Level Easy
Topic for Revision Pedigree
The genes present on sex chromosomes but not
controlling sexual characters are called
a) Autosomal linkage
b) Y linkage
c) Sex linkage
d) XX linkage

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 15%
Difficulty Level Medium
Topic for Revision Sex Linkage
Which situation can reduce the chances of variation
and genetic recombination?
a) Random fusion of gametes
b) Crossing over
AJK 2019
c) Gene linkage
d) Mutation

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 20%
Difficulty Level Easy
Topic for Revision Gene Linkage
Two parents one hemophilic & other carrier,
chances among the male offspring to be hemophilic
is (NUMS 2017)
a) 25%
b) 50% NUMS 2017
c) 75%
d) 100%

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 5%
Difficulty Level Easy
Topic for Revision Hemophilia
Failure of sister chromatids to separate is called
a) Interference
b) Non-fusion
NUMS 2019
c) Non-disjunction
d) Fusion

Topic Variation and Genetics

Inaccuracy 5%
Difficulty Level Medium
Topic for Revision Genetics

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