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Polyconic Projections

A projection which consists- of a series of cones with their apexes all on the extension
of the earth's polar axis are placed over the sphere. "-The equator appears as a
horizontal line and the poles are points at their correct surface distance from the
equator. This is not suitable for large-scale maps. It is particularly ideal for portraying
countries which extend in a north-south direction such as the Philippines, Chile, Finland,
Sweden and Argentina.

Gnomonic Projections

Maps portrayed by this projections are used for navigation by trans-polar or trans-
oceanic routes. They are also for radio and seismic work because the waves in more or
less great-circle directions.

Terrestrial Photogrammetry

Type of photographs taken with ground based cameras from known positions or stations
with the camera axis horizontal or nearly so.

Aerial Photogrammetry

Type of photographs taken by a precision camera mounted in an airplane, balloon or

spacecraft flying over the area.

Metric Photogrammetry

A particular area of photogrammetry which -refers to the use of measurements made on

aerial photographs to obtain quantitative data about the earth's surface. It basically
involves the precise measurements and computations to Determine shapes and sizes of

Interpretive Photogrammetry

An area in photogrammetry which is usually used in recognizing and identifying objects

on the photograph, as well as judging their significance. The product of this
photogrammetry is usually a map showing information such as the distribution of soil
types,- land used, vegetation species, rock types, or other environmental factors.

Composite Photographs

A photograph made by joining several photographs taken at a single camera station

usually by a multi-lens camera.

Extraterrestrial Photographs

A type of photograph which has emerge as a result of space exploration. The camera
used may be fixed -on earth, take, from a spacecraft, contained in an artificial satellite,
or positioned on the moon and near planets.

Trimetrogon Photographs

A type of photograph which has a photographic unit which consists of three 'wide-angles
single-lens cameras.

Camera Body

The part of a camera which consists of 2 one-piece casting which houses the drive
mechanism for the shutter assembly and the magazine.


A part of an aerial camera which consists of a light-tight container which holds the
supply of exposed and unexposed film.

Lens Cone Assembly

The part of a camera which contains the lens, filter, diaphragm, nodal points, and the


Part of a camera which controls the length of time that light is permitted to pass through
the lens.


A part of a camera whose function is to control the amount of light striking the emulsion
of the film which is positioned in the focal plane.


A part of a camera which consists of piece of colored glass placed -in front of the
camera lens to prevent stray an undesirable light from entering the camera,

Gnomonic chart

A chart which is popularly called great circle chart,


A special purpose map generally for water or air navigation and other particular

Isopach maps

Maps which shows thickness of a specific stratigraphic interval (such as a layer of oil
shape) by using isopaches’ thickness contours.

Lithofacies map

Maps which shows rock types in stratigraphy unit and shows location of sandstone in a
formation of several strata.

Tectonic maps

Maps which display the actual or projected surface resulting from such structural
elements as fault planes and fold axes. It shows also the degree to which initially
horizontally rock layers of 8 deformed.

hypsometric map.

A map showing land or submarine bottom relief in terms of height above a datum at any
contour, hachures, and shading.

Cylindrical map projection

A map projection produced by projecting the geographic meridians and parallel onto a
cylinder which is tangent to the surface of a sphere and developing the cylinder into a

Cassini map projection

A conventional map projection constructed by computing the lengths of arcs along

selected geographic ''meridians and along great circle perpendicular to that meridian
and plotting these as rectangular coordinates on a plane.

chorographic map

Any map representing large regions, countries, or continents on a small scale.

conic map projection

A map projection produced by projecting the geographic meridians and parallels onto a
cone which is tangent to the surface -of a sphere and then developing the cone into a


The art and science of preparing all types of maps and charts.

Bathemetric map

A topographic map of floor of the sea.

Aphylactic map projection

A modified equal area map projection of the so-called conical type having lines
representing standard parallel and central meridian intersecting near the center of the

Base map

A map showing certain general information used as a base upon which additional
information of thematic map.

Gnomonic projection

The following is one of the characteristics of a certain projection. Indicate which best fits
the particular projection. One characteristic of a projection is that the rays of projection
originate from. The center of the earth.

geodetic levelling

First and second order levelling are commonly termed

standard base map

CM, BM, PBM and RBM are classification of

meridian arrow

For purposes of orientation every map must. have this symbol. The direction of the
reference meridian used in a map is indicated by a needle or feathered arrow pointing


Plans in isolated land titles thus ___________ of land as surveyed for Juan de la Cruz.

field of view

The angular space that can be seen through the telescope is:

True North

Magnetic declination is always referred to the


The hydrographic works that determine the depth of underwater bed;

cadastral map

'What map has for its entries the name of the claimants and the adjacent boundaries of
the project

Bathymetric map

A topographic map of the ocean floor

cadastral registration

Cadastral maps can be reproduced only for. .

Lambert projection

A type of projection which is a conic based upon two parallels where the cone cuts
through the sphere at two chosen standard parallels.

Hypsometric map

A map showing land or submarine bottom relief in terms of height above or below a
datum by any method such as contours, hachures, and shading.


The angle formed between the magnetic meridian and the true meridian

photo scale

The ratio of the photo distance to the map distance multiplied with the map scale is the

distance and bearing

If the entries in the map is already overcrowded, what descriptions should be tabulated.


What is the standard scale used cadastral maps?


The time indicated by the stars is called


The configuration or shape and roughness of the ground is referred to as

Phil. Insulae

A Dutchman drew the first map devoted exclusively to the Philippines called


In the long-forgotten time, the Philippines was called by the Chinese as

neat lines

The inner border of a map


Related to the measurement of ocean or other water depths.


Small or medium scale map-showing the nature relief by semi-pictorial symbols


Is a study of drawing maps; charts, globes, and relief models

Transverse Mercator

Which grid system considers the portion of the earth between two selected parallels of
latitude to be horizontal slice of a cone.


On globe, rhumb line is a

British grid

The area to be mapped must be small, long and narrow with the long axis in the
direction of the meridian or parallel using


Color of ink to Plot the latitude and longitude of corner 1 on plan

Capt. William Nicholson

After the British occupied Manila in 1762, drawn in 1536 the nautical charts of the city
unsurpassed in accuracy for over 270 a hundred years after

Chorographic map

Any map representing large regions, countries, or continents on a small scale,

Statistical Map

A type of map which is used to emphasize a single topic such as geology, population,
crop production, land use and meteorological data.

Universal Transverse Mercator

A map projection in which some of its specifications are that its reference ellipsoid is
Clarke 1866 whose origin of latitude is at the equator and-its origin of longitude is at the
central meridian.

CM17°38'N 121°42'E

As can be gleaned jn the CM of Tuguegarao Cadastral 151, CM 17° 37' N 121°42' E.

What is the CM North of this cadastral map?

Carta Hydugraphica y Chorographica de las Islas Filipinas

The best known ancient Philippine Map is:

CM17-36N 121-42E

As required in preparation of a CM.,at latitude 17°36' N and longitude 121'42" E, the title
page is labelled:


The color is used for all man-made or cultural - features, political subdivisions, place,
names, guidelines and letterings on the map.


What branch of the art of surveying which deal with such great areas that it become
necessary to make systematic. Allowance for the effect of the earth's curvature,


Survey symbol to designate consolidation and subdivision as decreed by Public Land



The kind of survey used for the purpose of locating markings under the surface of the
earth is:

CM14-49N 120-54E sec.3

Sectional cadastral map on the bottom right of the standard cadastral map and shall be
numbered as:

original plans

Geodetic engineers shall submit their __________ filled out in the appropriate blanks
and signed and scaled by them.

map scales

It refers to the relationship which the distance between any two points on the map bears
to the corresponding distance on the ground.

horizontal distance

Distance between two points in plane surveying means

Nautical Manual

Rutter Means:


Where do you submit the survey returns for verification and approval?

Bedrock Maps

It shows geologic formation that is either exposed at the surface or overlain by surface
deposits. Such maps are essential for construction projects and mineral exploration.


A closed backward contour line represent:


The GE in private practice shall use the survey symbols for public land survey which
shall be suffixed to identify said survey being accepted by the LMS/DENR.


The GE in Bureau of Lands shall use the survey symbols for public land survey which
shall be suffixed to identify said survey being accepted by the LMS/DENR,


What is the the central meridian for zone III of the Philippine Plane Coordinate System.


What is the the central meridian for zone I of the Philippine Plane Coordinate System.


What is the the central meridian for zone II of the Philippine Plane Coordinate System.


What is the the central meridian for zone IV of the Philippine Plane Coordinate System.


What is the.the central meridian for zone V of the Philippine Plane Coordinate System.

116°00' to 118°30"

The extent of zone I of the Philippine Plane Coordinate. System having a central
meridian of 117" is:

117°30' to 120°30"

The extent of zone II of the Philippine Plane Coordinate System having a central
meridian of 119" is:

119°30' to 122°30"

The. extent of zone III of the. Philippine Plane Coordinate System having a central
meridian of 121" is:

121°30' to 124°30'

The extent of zone IV of the Philippine Plane Coordinate System having a central
meridian of 123" is:

123°30' to 127°00"

The extent of zone V of the Philippine Plane Coordinate System having a central
meridian of 125" is:


The scale factor at the Central Meridian of the Philippine Plane Coordinate System.

Intersection of Equator and the Central Meridian of each zone, with a Northings of
0 meter and an Easting of 500,000.00 meters.

All computations, maps and plans of cadastral land surveys submitted to the Bureau of
Lands for verification and approval shall be prepared using the Philippine Plane
Coordinate System (PPCS) has a point of origin at:

Transverse Mercator, in zones of two degrees net width.

The projection used for maps and plans of cadastral surveys. using Philippine Plane

30 x 30 x 100 cm. centered by galvanized iron spike and level on top, set sixty (60)
centimeters, in the ground leaving projection of forty (40) centimeters above the

The dimension of the standard concrete monuments defining, the positions of provincial,
city and municipal boundaries.

15 cm in diameter by 40 cm. in length set not less than 35 cm. in the ground

The standard dimension for standard concrete monuments defining possession of
corners of tracts of land.


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