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Major Assignment 1 (TB1)

Name : Mardhatila

NIM : 43121010039

Link YouTube :

Project describing personal information, activities, job and favorite things to do

Assalamualaikum wr wb, Hello everyone ! Let me introduce myself. My

name is Mardhatila, you can call me Mardha or Mar. I live in Tanah Tinggi,
Tangerang. I’m student of Mercu Buana University and my major is
Management. I choose management because the job prospects of graduates
majoring in management are also diverse. My favorite subjects are Math and
English, i like math because i like counting something, it’s interesting for me if i
have to find an answer of the math question. I also like english because i
wanna know more about grammar, pronouncation, etc, because english is also
International Language so we have to know how to speaking in english
correctly. Speaking of hobbies, i’m really into songs and music, i love kpop and
i kpopers. I’m a fan of BTS, i love BTS so much, everyday i listen to their
music and i watched their variety show. All BTS songs are my favorite. And
also i like streaming movie or kdrama from Netflix, my favorite kdrama is
Itaewon Class and Start Up, i like Itaewon Class because i'm a fan of the main
character is Park Seo Joon and the storyline presented by Itaewon Class also
has values that can be applied in life and tells about how Park Sae Ro Yi (Park
Seo Joon) struggled and woke up from adversity because of his dark past.
Even though his ambition for success stems from a desire for revenge, Park
Sae Ro Yi always tries to do everything in a honest, and against injustice way.
And i like Start Up because it tells about the struggle to achieve success in
establishing a startup company in order to become a successful entrepreneur.
Let me tell you about my daily activity, i get up arround 5 a.m then i
wash my face, take a shower and brush my teeth after that i pray and
breakfast. And apply my skincare in the morning, usually i like to use serum
and sunscreen. During the pandemic my activities were mostly at home, and
then at 7.30 a.m i get ready for online classes. After studying online i work on
the assignment given by a lecture because i want to collect assignment on
time. In this pandemic situation everyone will feel bored, thats why i like
watching movies, listening to music and playing games. Finished working on
the assignment from the lecturer i had dinner, took a shower wash my face, i
pray and apply my night skincare routine and i went to sleep. So thats my daily
Okay so maybe that i can say, i’m sorry if my grammar or my pronouncation is
not good. Thankyou for watching

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