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Weeky the Woodpecker

Weeky’s mother was a very careful woodpecker . Weeky’s father was a very hard-working one . For many
days , he was searching for a good tree to make a shelter . Finally , he found a strong Sal tree and within a day
, he dug a hole large enough to fit for Weeky’s mother . Weeky’s mother lived inside this hole and Weeky’s
father sealed the hole with mud ; he left a tiny opening so that , he can communicate with her . Weeky’s
mother was a prisoner in this room for two months . During this period , an egg was laid and Weeky was
born .

Weeky grew with extreme rapidity . He soon developed a foot-long bill . He was a little darker than his
parents . He had a stomach that could never be filled , no matter how hard his parents tried to fill it , by
bringing him large amounts of Jackfruits and Berries . In two months , he had grown very fast and soon as the
room became more crampled , his mother burst through the wall and then , she and her husband mended the
wall so that , Weeky do not fall out too .

Weeky was quite happy in his cell , and didn’t urge for freedom . He got plenty of Jackfruits and Blueberries
to eat . He lived contened life there . Then something happened to change the course of his life .

There was a loud BANG in the wall , not like the soft Bang produced by his mother and father , but a loud
and cruel Bang . Eventually , the wall gave away , and instead of his mother and father , there was a pair of
eyes and Grandfather emerged and took the young woodpecker out of the hole and put him in a bag . Weeky
rejected with , “Ke-Ke” and tried to free himself , but to no effect . He was taken away from his home and
Grandfather added him to his private zoo in the back garden .

Weeky had a simple outlook . Once , he got used to us , he began to welcome the approach of strangers . For
him , Grandfather and I meant the arrival of food and greeted us with a loud croaking , “Ka Ka Kaee” .
Grandfather gave him a very roomy cage in the balcony , and a large tub of hot water everyday for his bathe .

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