Answers For Value Education - Annual Revision

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1. Ruchitha was a brave girl.
2. Ruchitha was awarded in the year 2016 for her act of bravery.
3. Ruchitha lived in a small village called Masaipet in Telangana.
4. We need to be careful when we drive a bus or a van.
5. On absorbing good qualities in our life, we feel happy, peaceful &
6. The mantra “Vishwani Dev “is from Veda, chapter Yajur Veda, 30th
7. Om is the primary name of God.
8. We pray to God to remove all the bad qualities in our life.
9. We should learn and follow the value in life.
10. Guru Dronacharya taught the brother the lesson on truth.
11. Yudhistira was an honest prince.
12. Yudhistira learnt the lesson in 1 week.
13. The waves that keep coming at the bank the oceans have well defined
14. The creator of the Sun, Moon, starts, ocean is the Supreme Force
15. Farmers sow the seeds and provide it with nourishment, but that which
makes it grow is the Supreme Force.
16. The supreme commander of the Indian Armed Forces is the President
17. The team that protects our Oceans is called Indian Navy.
18. Indian Armed Forces has three teams.

Fill in the blanks:

1. The three team of the defence in Indian are Indian Army, Indian Air
Force, & Indian Navy.
2. The highest rank in the Indian army is General.
3. The present chief of the Indian army is General Manoj Pande.
4. The motto of Indian army is “SERVICE BEFORE SELF”.
5. The farmer Sow the seeds in fields; provides Water, and after few
days he can see Bright green color plant coming out of the ground as
rice crop.
6. According to the Vedas, the superme force is known as Om.
7. There is only One supreme force who has created the Universe.
8. It took such a long time for Yudhistira to learn the lesson because he
was ensuring that his mind does not even a single thought of telling
9. Drona wanted his students to learn that we should never tell a lie.
10. Yudhistira was bright & sincere student who learns lessons very
11. We should pray to God to remove all our faults & bad qualities and
bestow us with all good qualities.
12. Prayer supported with sincere efforts helps to remove all bad
qualities from us.
13. We have an inner voice which helps to differentiate between the right
and wrong and helps to gain Mental Strength.
14. Prayer provides us inner motivation.
15. When we pray, we should ask for good intellect and good qualities
from the Almighty.
16. The bus had to cross a railway crossing each day to reach the school.
17. After accident, she was brave enough to give her father’s contact
number to the medical staff.
18. Ruchitha was not able to save her younger sister because her sister
was sitting in the first row and she was unable to quickly come
towards the window.
19. Ruchitha was awarded the National Bravery Award by prime Minister
Shri. Narendra Modi.
1. Her younger brother suffered injuries in the accident and recovered
later. False
2. She saved her life as well as of other two friends who were seated
nearby by pushing them out of the window. True
3. Ruchitha noticed a train coming towards the bus and alerted the
driver. True
4. There were 30 students in the school bus along with the Ruchitha.
5. Richitha regrets for not being able to save her sister. True
6. God is the creator of the universe and the giver of true happiness.
7. We should apply the knowledge gained, in our day-to-day life. True
8. We should pray to God for material things. False
9. Sincere prayer helps us to gain the courage to stand up and tell the
truth. True
10. We have learnt our lessons well only when we practice them. True
11. The teacher waited for Yudhistira to learn the lesson. True
12. Yudhistira was not able to learn the lesson on the first day as he was
trying to overcome the trap of lies. True
13. The universe was created by itself. False
14. God has made such a unique creation wherein on one hand, we have
the large oceans which we can see and on the other hand we can feel
the blowing breeze but cannot see. True
15. Om is the only name of the supreme force. False
16. The vast oceans, sun, moon etc... were created by someone who has
a form. False
17. Murukku cannot be made without rice and urad dal. True
18. The logo of the army has two swords kept crossed with India’s
National Emblem placed on top of it. True
19. Indian Army Day is celebrated with great pride every year on the15th
of December in Delhi in the form of parades and other Military
shows. False
20.The badge that a soldier wears on his uniform represents the ‘Rank
‘in the Army. True
21. India has a very large ‘Armed Force ‘comprising of 21 lakh soldiers.

Answer The Following:

Indian Army:
1. If you were to join the defence forces of India, which branch would you
like to join? why?
Ans: I would like to join the Indian army, there are some evil people who
wants to destroy our country India our motherland. I will join Indian Army and
guard our country.
2. Name the ranks in the Indian Army? Ans: General, LT. General, Major.
General, Brigadier, Colonel, LT. Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant.
3. What is the logo and motto of the Indian Army?
Ans: It is two swords kept crossed with India’s National Emblem placed on top
of it. Our motto is “SERVICE BEFORE SELF”.
4. Which branch of defence forces in India protect skies?
Ans: The branch of the defence forces that protects our skies is INDIAN AIR
5. When and where is the Indian army day is celebrated?
Ans: The Indian Army Day is celebrated every year on 15 th January in New Delhi.
6. How is the Indian army day is celebrated?
Ans: The Indian Army Day is celebrated with great pride with parades and
Military’s shows.

Prayer – Imbibe what is Good:

1. Will prayer remove all our bad qualities?
Ans: (a) Yes, God continuously guides us within our mind.
(b) He talks to us with our inner voice that helps us to know right from wrong.
(c) When we pray we become strong to listen to our inner voice which helps us
to do good and keep away from evil.
2. What are the benefits of sincere prayer?
Ans: Prayers should be supported by sincere efforts
(a) Prayer gives us inner motivation.
(b) Prayer gives us mental strength and courage to speak the truth always.
3. What should we ask when we pray to God?
Ans: (a) We pray to Almighty to remove all our bad qualities and our faults.
(b) We should not ask the Almighty for material things. Instead, one should
pray for good intellect and good qualities.
4. When will we feel happy, peaceful and satisfied in our life?
Ans: (a) When we are able to let go off our bad qualities and absorb the good
qualities, our life will be beautiful.
(b) We will be loved by everyone like our parents, friend’s relatives. Above
which we will feel happy, peaceful and satisfied.
5. Which are the two bad quality that you like to quit?
Ans: Laziness, procrastination, intolerant, disrespectful.
6. Write any 2 ways in which you can make your parents feel happy about
Ans: By being obedient and by listening to them we can make our parents feel
Brave Ruchitha:
1. How did Ruchitha respond when she saw the train?
Ans: Ruchitha quickly alerted the driver to move the bus away from the track
2. How did Ruchitha save herself and her friends?
Ans: Ruchitha had very good presence of mind she immediately pushed two of
her friends, seated near the window and she jumped out of the window to save
3. Name the award received by Ruchitha for her act of Bravery?
Ans: Ruchitha received the NATIONAL BRAVERY AWARD from Honorable Prime
Minster Shri. Narendra Modi on January 24th ,2016.
4. How was grandfather called in Bengali?
Ans: Grandfather in Bengali is called as Thakurda.
5. Who was Ruchitha?
Ans: Ruchitha was 8 years old girl, who lived in small village called Masaipet in
6. How many children were travelling in the bus?
Ans: Ruchitha was going to school with 25 other children in her school bus.

Walk and talk

1. How do we call grandfather in Telugu?
Ans: Grandfather in Telugu is called as Thathayya.
2. What was the lesson thought by Guru Dronacharya?
Ans: Guru Dronacharya students including gauravas and Pandavas always
speak that truth never tell a lie.
3. How did Duryodhana make fun of Yudhistira?
Ans: Duryodhana make fun of Yudhistira by saying brilliant answer Prince
Yudhistira. Finally, you learn this simple sentence in one week. It is
almost like one word per day.
4. How long did Yudhistira take to learn the lesson
Ans: Yudhistira took a whole week of completely get out of the trap of lies.
He was trying to make sure that even the thought of telling lie does not arise in
his mind.
5. How did Yudhistira learn the lesson?
1. On first day he told lie on 5 different moments. But his mind wants to
change this one.
2. On 3rd day he reduced one lie.
3. On 4th day he thinks of lie but his mind wants to stop it.
4. Finally lasts 2 day he thought of even single lie not cross his mind, at last
he understands the lesson and follow this in his life.
The Creator
1. What is grandfather called in Hindi?
Ans: Grandfather is called as Naniji in Hindi
2. Who was created this universe?
Ans: There is one supreme force who created this universe. He has created
this Sun, Ocean, Moon and Star.
3. What is the Primary Name of the god?
Ans: Supreme force is known by different name. As per Veda Primary Name
of God is “OM”.

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