Post Activity Report - Blood Letting Activity - Blood Donors' Day - May 19, 2023

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Blood Letting Activity “Blood Donors’ Day”

Post Activity Report: Blood Letting Activity "Blood Donors’ Day"

Date: May 19, 2023

Venue: Tacurong City Cultural and Sports Center

The dedicated team from the Office of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management once again
demonstrated their commitment to community well-being by actively participating in the "Blood
Donors' Day" organized by the City Government of Tacurong. This impactful event took place on May
19, 2023, at the Tacurong City Cultural and Sports Center.

Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle: Beyond its life-saving implications, the Blood Donors' Day served as a
platform to advocate for a healthy lifestyle in Tacurong City. The act of blood donation not only benefits
recipients but also encourages donors to maintain a health-conscious way of life.

Fostering the Spirit of Volunteerism: The event was a testament to the vibrant spirit of volunteerism
among Tacurongnons. The staff from the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office,
alongside numerous participants from different sectors—both private and public—embodied the ethos
of giving back to the community.

Community Unity in Action: The Blood Donors' Day became a symbol of unity within the community, as
individuals from diverse backgrounds came together for a common cause. This collaborative effort
showcased the strength that emerges when communities rally together to make a positive impact.

The Office of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management takes pride in actively engaging in
initiatives that go beyond disaster preparedness, addressing the broader aspects of community health
and resilience. By participating in this bloodletting activity, the office not only contributed to saving lives
but also reinforced the values of unity and care within Tacurong City.

Kudos to all the participants, organizers, and especially the blood donors who generously gave a part of
themselves to support the health and well-being of Tacurongnon.

Prepared by:


Local DRRM Assistant

Noted by:


City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Officer
Blood Letting Activity “Blood Donors’ Day”
May 19, 2023

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