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1. Protection of minority rights: freedom of religion is basic legal and civil right of all
people and the bill safeguards these rights.
2. clarity and comprehensiveness in dealing with all the means of coercion: force,
allurement and deception
3. protection of vulnerable minorities in the wider context: promotes equality in all
spheres of life, including social, political, economic and academic

1. ambiguous and difficult legal parlance: case in point is no concrete definition and
explanation of what constitutes misrepresentation
2. lack of awareness and propagation: Bill was rejected, even if it had been ratified, the
common man would not have known that he had recourse to the law in case of
harassment or persecution
3. does not address the issue of people changing religion in order to avail greater
opportunities which they are barred from due to their religion.

1. religious extremism: people seem to believe that according minorities greater
religious freedom will somehow be anti-Islamic or will contradict religious beliefs and
2. undue influence of political figures: many influential people oppose this law because
they are profiting from the business of converting and selling off Hindu girls to older

1. excellent opportunity for Pakistan to recover its tarnished reputation in the
international community and prove itself to be an enlightened state concerned with
the rights and protection of all its citzens, rather than a country steeped in bigotry,
hatred and religious fanaticism.
2. Way of strengthening democracy in our country, since one of the basic tents of the
democratic system is the equality of all citizens before the law.

1. Paving the way for inter-faith harmony, reducing tensions arising because of religious
2. Helping to increase religious tolerance and equality in our country by allowing
minorities equally access all those opportunities which are available to their mulsim

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