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A Detailed Lesson

Plan in Grammar
Expand ideas using principles of cohesion and coherence



May 2024
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
literature and other text types serve as instruments to resolve social conflicts, also
how to use the language of research, campaigns and advocacies.
B. Performance Standards: The learner competently presents a research report on a
relevant socio-cultural issue.
C. Learning Competencies: The learners:
1. Expand ideas using principles of cohesion and coherence
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. identify the elements in writing a good paragraph;
2. arrange a paragraph to make it cohesive and coherence;
3. use transitional devices in writing a paragraph; and
4. construct a paragraph using the elements of a good paragraph.

A. Topic: The Paragraph and Paragraph Writing - Elements of a Good Paragraph
B. Prerequisite: Writing an Essay
C. Methodology: ICT Integration
Direct Method
Lecture-based Learning
Inquiry-based Learning
D. Materials: Laptop
E. Values: Critical Thinking


A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide:
Department of Education. (2016). K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.
p. 232
2. Learner’s Material:
3. Textbook:
B. Other Learning Resources:
 Three elements of the Paragraph: Basic Elements of the Paragraph. (n.d.).
Retrieved from
 L. (2020, June 15). 6.1: What Is a Paragraph? Humanities LibreTexts. Retrieved

 Para. (n.d.). Catholic Curriculum on a Shoestring. Retrieved from


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!

How are you today?

We are feeling great, Ma’am.
That is good to know. I hope everyone feels
that way. Before we proceed, let us all get
settled, arrange your chairs, and pick up the
pieces of paper.
Class representative leads the prayer.
Now, may I ask the class president to lead us
in prayer. Lord, we thank You for this day. Help
us to focus our hearts and minds now
on what we are about to learn. Inspire
us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen
and write. Guide us by your eternal
light as we discover more about the
world around us. We ask all this in the
name of Jesus. Amen.
Class Secretary checks the
Alright, may I ask then the class secretary to
check the attendance and submit it to me after
the class.
No one is absent, Ma’am.
Is anyone absent?

That’s great! Thank you everyone for

regularly attending our class. Now, let me
remind you of the class rules for us to have a
smooth-sailing discussion. Our class rules are
in the form of an acronym LEARN:

L – Listen attentively
E – Empower one another
A – Ask questions politely
R – Raise your hand if you want to recite
N – Note your lessons

Is everything clear with you, class?

Yes, Ma’am.

I will distribute a point card where you can

record your points. Hence, you should listen
attentively because every correct answer
corresponds a point and the top five student
who have the highest point will receive a
reward after our class.

Is that clear, class? I look forward on your

active participation on our class discussion. Yes, ma’am.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Thank you, class. Now, we will have a fun
activity. This activity is called CHAIN OF
KNOWLEDGE. The mechanics of this game
is that you will choose a topic from the
mystery boxes. Whatever topic you choose,
you will give information about it. You have a
total time of 5 minutes to come in front and
write information about that topic.
Did you understand, class? Yes, ma’am.
Are you ready? Yes, ma’am.

Now, if you’re ready, say hep hep hooray!

Hep hep hooray!
Alright, it seems that you are excited. I want
one volunteer to choose from the four mystery
boxes, and whatever topic you have picked, The volunteer picks a topic from the
you must provide a chain of information about mystery box.

Alright, the topic you have picked is …

Since you volunteered to pick your topic, we Students come in front and gives
will start with you. Moreover, those who want information about the topic.
to do it next, be ready to come in front once
the 30-second countdown is finished.
It was fun and informative, ma’am.
Alright, time is up! How was the activity,
Thank you, ma’am.
To those brave souls who came in front and
participated, you earned 2 points.
Yes, ma’am.
Let’s take a look at your output. You have
provided a couple of sentences about the topic
you have picked, right?
A paragraph, ma’am.
Based on your activity, what do you think is
our topic for today? What do you call when
you write together a number of sentences
about a certain topic?

Very good! 2 points for you. You have created

a paragraph, our topic for today.
Yes, ma’am. Because we provided
Do you think that the information you
information about the topic we have
provided is related to your topic? Why do you
say so? picked and nothing else.

Is it written in a logical manner? We are not sure, ma’am.

Does the paragraph you created focus on a No, ma’am.

single idea?
No, ma’am, because none of the
Do you consider your paragraph as a good questions you have asked corresponds
paragraph? Why do you say so? to the paragraph that we have write.

Later on, we will tackle if you wrote a good


In writing a good paragraph, there are things

that we must consider.

But before we delve into our discussion, let

me share with you the learning objectives that
are expected from you.

At the end of the lesson, the students will be

able to:
1. identify the elements
in writing a good
2. arrange a paragraph
to make it cohesive
and coherence;
3. use transitional
devices in writing a
paragraph; and
4. construct a paragraph
using the elements of
a good paragraph.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Did you understand, class? Yes, ma’am.

Going back, there are things that we must

consider in writing a good paragraph. But let
us first define the word paragraph.

What is a paragraph? A paragraph is a group of sentences

that fleshes out a single idea. In order
for a paragraph to be effective, it must
begin with a topic sentence, have
sentences that support the main idea of
that paragraph, and maintain a
consistent flow.
Thank you, class. A paragraph is a collection
of sentences that go together to build on a
single idea called the main idea.
The paragraph's main idea is usually stated in
the topic sentence, which is usually at the start
or end of the paragraph. Your main idea
should be discussed with details in the
following sentences called supporting
Yes, ma’am.
Let us again take a look at the paragraph that
you did. Do you consider it as a paragraph?
Because it consists of five sentences
that deals with the topic, ma’am.

No, ma’am.
Paragraphs are groups of sentences, but not
random sentences. Do you also consider it as a
good paragraph?

Yes. What you did is an example of a

Yes, ma’am.
paragraph but it not a good paragraph. Writing
a good paragraph is just like making a
delicious burger. You need the bun,
vegetables, meat, and sauces, right?

A good paragraph also consists several The four essential elements in writing
ingredients or elements. a good paragraph:
 Unity
 Order
 Coherence
 Completeness

To be as effective as possible, a paragraph

should contain each of the following: Unity,
order, coherence, and completeness. As you
will see, all of these traits overlap. Using and
adapting them to your purposes will help you
construct effective paragraphs.

In a paragraph there is something that’s being

talked about. And what do you call that? Topic, ma’am.

Very good! 2 points for you. The topic or

what we call the topic sentence. What is a The main idea of your paragraph,
topic sentence? ma’am.

Good job, 2 points for you. The first essential

element of a paragraph is unity. Please read. Unity is achieved by focusing each
paragraph on a single idea, often
called the controlling idea. This
controlling idea is usually established
in the topic sentence. Being the most
important sentence in the paragraph, a
topic sentence directs the reader’s
attention towards the main points
discussed with details in the following
Thank you, class. A topic sentence should be sentences (supporting sentences).
carefully written as it will show the reader
what you are going to talk about.
When writing a new paragraph, it always
needs to be indented.

Let’s take a look at this example. Please read.

Social media is used by a lot of

people. It's on the internet. People use
it to talk to each other and share
things. Businesses also use it. It's
Does it have a topic sentence? Can you changed how we communicate.
identify the topic sentence in that paragraph?
Social media is used by a lot of
Does the paragraph have the element of unity? people, ma’am.

No, ma’am.
It presents very basic information
without providing any supporting
details, examples, or analysis.
Additionally, it fails to follow a
logical structure, making it difficult
Very good, 3 points for you! This paragraph for the reader to understand the main
does not have unity. The supporting details point or purpose of the paragraph.
doesn’t support the main idea and it wander
within different ideas.

Let’s make the example better. Please read.

The rise of social media has
revolutionized the way people
communicate and interact in the
modern world. Social media platforms
such as Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram have been everywhere in
daily life, offering users
unprecedented opportunities to
connect with others instantly. These
platforms facilitate not only personal
communication but also the sharing of
ideas, news, and experiences on a
global scale. Additionally, social
media has transformed the way
businesses engage with their
customers, providing new avenues for
marketing and customer service. In
summary, the emergence of social
media has profoundly transformed
communication, connecting
individuals worldwide and reshaping
business practices.
What is the topic sentence?
The rise of social media has
revolutionized the way people
communicate and interact in the
modern world.
Good! 1 point for you.

Does this paragraph observe the element of

unity? Yes, ma’am.
Why do you say so?
All the supporting details contribute to
the central idea expressed in the topic
sentence, which is the transformative
impact of social media on
Great! 3 points for you. In writing a good communication and interaction,
paragraph, it is important that your supporting ma’am.
sentences revolves only in your main idea.

Did you understand, class?

Alright. As I have said earlier, writing a good Yes, ma’am.

paragraph is like making a delicious burger.
The top bun which serves as the topic

Now, if we have the topic sentence, how can

your readers know more about your main
topic? What should you add?
Supporting details, ma’am.
Impressive! 2 points for you. Of course, how
can you reader know more about your main
idea if you will not write the details about it,
Just like the burger, how can you make it as a
That is right! Your main idea should be
discussed with details in the following By adding the ingredients, ma’am.
sentences called supporting sentences. But
your supporting sentences should be in order.

What is order?

Order refers to the way you organize your

supporting sentences. Whether you
choose chronological order, order of
importance, or another logical
presentation of detail, a solid paragraph
always has a definite organization. In a
well-ordered paragraph, the reader
Having supporting details in your paragraph follows along easily, aided by the pattern
doesn’t make it a good paragraph. Your you’ve established. Order helps the reader
supporting details must be in an organized grasp your meaning and avoid confusion.

Just like the burger, it has ingredients like

lettuce, cheese, tomato, and meat. These
should be stacked nicely so that it is
presentable and will not fall, right?
Yes, ma’am.
Your supporting sentences must be organized
in a particular manner that observes
coherence. When we say coherence, it means?
Coherence is the quality that makes your
writing understandable. Sentences within
a paragraph need to connect to each other
and work together as a whole. One of the
best ways to achieve coherency is to use
transition words. These words create
bridges from one sentence to the next.
You can use transition words that show
order (first, second, third); spatial
relationships (above, below) or logic
(furthermore, in addition, in fact). Also, in
writing a paragraph, using a consistent
In writing, coherence is the trait that makes verb tense and point of view are important
the paragraph easily understandable to a ingredients for coherency.
reader. Each sentence in a paragraph should
connect into the next one and work well
together as a whole.

Each sentence should flow logically from one

to the next, maintaining a clear and consistent
focus throughout the paragraph and to achieve
this you must create bridges.

Think of what bridges do into our community.

What does it do?

You’re right! 2 points for you. What else?

They join cities and islands, ma’am.
Good job! 2 points for you. These bridges also
connect sentences and ideas, helping the They connect places to one another.
writer avoid “sentence stacking.” Sentence
stacking happens when bridges are lacking
and sentence structure is not varied.

In order to avoid that, there are two types of

bridges that can be employed. What are they?
Please read.

Two types of bridges that can be

Logical bridges carry the same idea over from employed:
sentence to sentence. Successive sentences Logical Bridges
can be constructed in parallel form. Verbal Bridges
When we say parallel, what does it mean?
Very good! 2 points for you. It is
interconnected or aligned.

Next, verbal bridges link ideas using repeated Interconnected, ma’am.

key words, synonyms, pronouns, and

When we say repeated key words, this helps

focus your ideas and to keep your reader on

Read the example.

The problem with contemporary art is
that it is not easily understood by most
people. Contemporary art is
deliberately abstract, and that means it
leaves the viewer wondering what she
What is the repeated key word in that is looking at.
Contemporary art, ma’am.
Very good! 1 point for you. Next, Synonyms.
What is a synonym? A synonym is a word that has the
same meaning as another word,
Impressive! A point for you. Synonyms are ma’am.
words that have essentially the same meaning,
and they provide some variety in your word
choices, helping the reader to stay focused on
the idea being discussed.

Take a look at the example.

Myths narrate sacred histories and explain

sacred origins. These traditional narratives
are, in short, a set of beliefs that are a very
real force in the lives of the people who tell

Myth and traditional narratives,

What is the synonymous word there? ma’am.

Very good! 1 point for you. Next, pronouns. He, she, them, they, and it, ma’am.
What are the pronouns?

Good job! This, that, these, those, he, she, it,

they, and we are useful pronouns for referring
back to something previously mentioned. Be
sure, however, that what you are referring to
is clear.

Let’s take a look at this example. Please read. When scientific experiments do not
work out as expected, they are often
considered failures until some other
scientist try them again. Those that
work out better the second time
around are the ones that promise the
most rewards.

What is the pronoun used there? And what it They and those, ma’am. And it refers
refers to? to scientific experiments.

Great answer! 1 point for you. You are very Moreover, furthermore, firstly,
observant. Next, transitional words. Do you secondly, also and as well as, ma’am.
know any transitional words you use in your
academic writings?

Very good! There are many words in English

that cue our readers to relationships between
sentences and joining sentences together. Here
are just some examples of transitional words.
Let’s take a look at this example. Please read. The economy is struggling.
Unemployment rates are rising.
Inflation is also increasing. Many
people are facing financial difficulties.

Do you think logical and verbal bridges are No, ma’am.

employed in this example?

Can you make it coherent? The economy is struggling due to

various factors. Firstly, unemployment
rates are rising, indicating significant
job losses across sectors. Additionally,
inflation is increasing, exacerbating
financial pressures on households.
Consequently, many people are facing
financial difficulties as they grapple
with job insecurity and rising living
Impressive! 4 points for you. costs.

Did you understand, class? Is there anything None, ma’am.

you want to clarify?

Just like what I have said earlier, the

supporting details must be stacked using the
bridges to connect sentences. Just like the
burger, in between the ingredients, there is
sauce, right? And it acts as bridges. It has
mustard and ketchup that keep the ingredients
together in place.

Did you get it, class? We are now close in Yes, ma’am.
completing the burger.
Completeness means a paragraph is
Next to coherent is completeness. Please read. well-developed. If all sentences
clearly and sufficiently support the
main idea, then your paragraph is
complete. If there are not enough
sentences or enough information to
prove your thesis, then the paragraph
is incomplete. Usually three
supporting sentences, in addition to a
topic sentence and concluding
sentence, are needed for a paragraph
to be complete. The concluding
sentence or last sentence of the
paragraph should summarize your
main idea by reinforcing your topic
In order to have a complete paragraph, all the sentence.
sentences must sufficiently support the main
idea. To sum up or to complete your
paragraph, the last step is to add your
concluding sentence or the ‘bottom bun of a
What is a concluding sentence? The concluding sentence is the last
sentence in the paragraph. It should
concisely end the paragraph and
transition to the next paragraph, if

A good concluding sentence should wrap up

the paragraph and give the reader a sense of
closure. Yes, ma’am.

Did you understand, class?

Alright. Group yourselves into three. You

have 5 minutes to do this activity. This is what
you’re going to do.

Direction: Arrange the given sentences to

make it a good paragraph. Number each
sentence from 1 - 7 according to its right
arrangement. Make sure to observe the
elements of a good paragraph.

Through studying English, I can delve into the

works of iconic writers, explore diverse cultures,
and engage in meaningful conversations with
people from different backgrounds.

I love learning English subject for numerous

reasons, each contributing to my passion for
mastering this language.

Moreover, mastering English opens doors to

countless opportunities, both academically and
professionally, as it is widely recognized as the
international language of business, science, and

Additionally, I find joy in the intricacies of English

grammar and vocabulary, constantly expanding
my linguistic repertoire and honing my
communication skills.

Firstly, English serves as a gateway to a vast

world of knowledge and communication, allowing
me to access literature, films, and information
from around the globe.

Overall, my love for learning English stems from

its power to connect, empower, and enrich my
understanding of the world.

Lastly, learning English fosters a deeper

appreciation for language itself, allowing me to
express myself creatively and eloquently.

Time’s up! Let’s check your answers. Who

wants to volunteer to read their answer? Ma’am!

You may proceed, Jana. Students read their answer.

Very good, your paragraph observed the

elements of a good paragraph. In order check
your answer, here is a basis.

I love learning English subject for numerous

reasons, each contributing to my passion for
mastering this language. Firstly, English
serves as a gateway to a vast world of
knowledge and communication, allowing me
to access literature, films, and information
from around the globe. Through studying
English, I can delve into the works of iconic
writers, explore diverse cultures, and engage
in meaningful conversations with people from
different backgrounds. Moreover, mastering
English opens doors to countless
opportunities, both academically and
professionally, as it is widely recognized as
the international language of business,
science, and diplomacy. Additionally, I find
joy in the intricacies of English grammar and
vocabulary, constantly expanding my
linguistic repertoire and honing my
communication skills. Lastly, learning English
fosters a deeper appreciation for language
itself, allowing me to express myself
creatively and eloquently. Overall, my love
for learning English stems from its power to
connect, empower, and enrich my
understanding of the world.

Please read it while checking your answers.

Pass your papers forward.

How was the activity, class?

How was our lesson? Did you understand, it? It is enjoyable, ma’am.

Question! What makes a paragraph a good Yes, ma’am.

By having unity, order, coherence and
Very good! 1 point for you. When we say it completeness, ma’am.
has unity, it means?
A unified paragraph is one that sticks
Very good! 2 points for you. A unified to a single main idea from start to
paragraph organizes the writer's thoughts so finish, ma’am.
the reader can make the most of them.

Why is it important that your paragraph has These elements are essential because
all of these four elements? it helps to ensure that a paragraph
presents a clear and coherent idea or
argument to the reader. With these
elements, a paragraph can become
cohesive and easier to follow, making
it easier for the reader to grasp the
intended message.

Topic sentence, supporting details,

Great answer! 4 points for you. What are the and concluding sentence, ma’am.
parts of a paragraph?

Impressive! A point for you to commend your

remembering skills.

Paragraph writing is the first step in mastering

writing skills. According to Wali and Madani
(2020), a paragraph is an essential skill in
writing. Before mastering any writing skills,
we must first master paragraph writing skills.
Writing a paragraph is important for
Why is it important to write a good several reasons. First, it helps us
paragraph? arrange and structure our thoughts
logically. By simplifying our ideas,
we may better express ourselves and
deliver our message. Second,
paragraphs create a visual break in the
text, making it easier to read and
understand. Third, paragraphs also
improve writing quality and coherence
by creating a flow and rhythm.
Finally, writing paragraphs helps us
arrange and develop our major points
and arguments, making our academic
writing more convincing. Thus,
paragraph writing is essential for
efficient communication and writing

Very comprehensible answer! 5 points for Student answer.


As a student, can you cite examples where

you employ writing a good paragraph in your None, ma’am.
everyday life?

Do you have more questions, class?

Alright. You are now ready to take your


Direction: Construct a topic sentence and a concluding sentence to complete the
paragraph below. Base your answer from the supporting details.

____________________________________________________________________.It is
known as the “Home of Great Leaders,” it boasts a rich historical and cultural heritage, as well
as scenic landscapes that attract visitors from everywhere. One of its most notable landmarks is
the Marcos Museum and Mausoleum, dedicated to the controversial former Philippine
President Ferdinand Marcos, who was born in Batac. The museum showcases memorabilia and
artifacts from his presidency, while the mausoleum houses his preserved remains before it was
transferred to the Libingan ng mga Bayani. Aside from its historical significance, Batac City
offers a range of attractions and activities for tourists, including picturesque churches, such as
the imposing St. William’s Cathedral Church (Catholic Church) and the Artemio Ricarte
Shrine, which honors the famous Filipino painter and revolutionist. Moreover, Batac is
renowned for its culinary delights, particularly its signature delicacy, the Empanada, a product
that is filled with mung beans, papaya, longganisa, and egg, wrapped in mashed rice flour in
orange color, a must-try for visitors for its crunch and deliciousness.

Direction: Reflect on your plans for your summer vacation, considering the activities that
excite you the most, and construct a well-written paragraph about them. Write your answer
on one whole sheet of paper. Your output will be graded based on the rubric below.

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