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Detailed Lesson Plan in

English Grade 9






Learning Competency: EN9LT-14: If Analyze literature as a means of discovering the self

A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature
and other text types serve as means of connecting to the world; also how to use ways of
analyzing one-act play and different forms of verbal for him/her to skillfully perform in a one-act
B. Performance Standards: The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective
verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice,
Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.
C. Learning Competencies: Formulate predictions based on the material viewed.
D. Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, the students must have:
 identified the distinguish elements of Anglo-American one-act plays;
 displayed the importance of being true to self through reflection;
 demonstrated understanding of the text through completing a graphic organizer; and
 created an ending of a story.
A. Topic: While the Auto Waits by O. Henry
B. Values infused: Class Participation, Critical Thinking, Academic Integrity, Being true to self
C. Teaching Strategies:
 Language-based Teaching
 Personal Response Approach
 ICT Integration
 Point Reward Scheme
 Direct Instruction
 Prompting
 Strategic Pause
A. References
1. Curriculum Guide: Curriculum Guide for English Grade 9 page 210
2. Learning Materials:
 Module in English Grade 9 Quarter 3 Week 5: Formulate predictions based on the
material viewed.
 English 9 Quarter 3 – Week 5: One-Act Play
 A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature pp., 353-370
3. Textbook:
4. Other Learning Resources:
B. Teaching Materials
 PowerPoint
 TV
 Laptop

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminaries
Good morning, class! Good morning, ma’am!
How are you? We’re fine, ma’am.
That is good to hear! Before we start our class, Amen.
may I ask our prayer leader to lead the prayer?
Now, I will share with you some rules that you
must follow during our class.

None, ma’am.
Is there any clarification, class? I hope you abide
these rules.
Before we proceed, let us all settle down,
arrange your chairs, and pick up the pieces of Present.
paper under your seat.
Alright. I am going to check your attendance. Say
present if you are here.
Be reminded that in any case nobody wants to
recite or participate, I will use the magic wheel
to pick a name from the class. So, always listen
attentively and of course, a corresponding point Hep hep hooray!
will be given every time you participate in the
class and will receive a reward at the end of the
week. Is that clear, class? I look forward on your
participation on our discussion. Incognito.
Now, if you’re ready, say hep hep hooray!
Let’s start the class with WORD OF THE DAY. Incognito.
(The teacher will flash a word on the TV.) He tried to go incognito but his bizarre disguise
Who knows this word? Can someone read this made him stand out even more.
word? Hidden, ma’am.

Great! The proper pronunciation of this word is

uhn·kaag·nee·tow. Now altogether,

Now, let’s look at this sentence. Everybody read.

Incognito - with one's identity concealed.
Very good. Based on the sentence, what do you Student’s answer.
think is the meaning of that word?
Very good! 1 point for you. Our word of the day

(The teacher will flash the meaning of it on tv.)

(Incognito - with one's identity concealed.)

Everyone let’s read. Students answer.

Thank you, class. When we say incognito, it is Students answer.

hiding your identity or being anonymous. Can
you use incognito in a sentence?
B. Leson Proper
Very good! 1 point for you. Give yourself a pat
for unlocking a new word. I hope you use this  Waiters hovered near our table.
word in your writing compositions. - To stay very close to a person or place.
Before we proceed with our lesson, let me ask  He greeted her with a gallant bow.
you: Are you being true to yourself? Why do you - Having or showing politeness and respect for
say so? women.
Alright. Have you ever encountered a situation  He didn’t want to be recognized, so he
wherein you witnessed someone pretending to travelled incognito.
be not? - Having a hidden identity.
Thank you for sharing, class. Our lesson will  He was a well-known connoisseur of art.
discuss characters who pretend to be someone - A person who knows a lot about something
they don't. Do you think they were caught lying? such as art, wine, food, etc.
Let's find out.  On a whim, we stopped at the roadside stand
For us to fully understand the selection let us to get ice cream.
first unlock the unfamiliar words that you could - A sudden wish, desire, decision, etc.
encounter in the story through context clues. Yes, ma’am.

O. Henry
 His real name is William Sidney Porter
 Born on September 11, 1862, in Greensboro,
North Carolina.
 O. Henry was an American writer whose short
stories are known for wit, wordplay, and clever
twist endings.

Students answer.
Did you understand, class?
But before we start, let us know first the
background of the author who wrote this
beautiful story. Please read.
Yes, ma’am.
(The students will read the story.)

Alright. O. Henry is a famous writer known for Yes, ma’am.

his clever twist endings. And one his works is Girl, young man, waitress and chauffer, ma’am.
called ‘While the Auto Waits’. O. Henry, ma’am.
Based on the title, what do you think this story is The quiet corner of a city park, ma’am.
all about?
Now, I would like you to divide the class into four Mr. Parkenstacker, ma’am.
groups. I will give you a copy of the story; you
must read it. Choose a representative to come in Reading, ma’am.
front and pick a character you will portray.
Did you understand? From the girl, I think the reason why she is not
proud of being poor. She brags to other people,
All right. For you to better understand the story, saying she is bored from being rich, which is
let’s watch the play. Listen attentively because I untrue. To the young man, indeed, he did not
will be asking you questions later. reveal his actual status because the girl said that
Did you understand the story, class? she was bored of being rich and stated that she
For 2 points, who are the characters in the story? wanted to marry someone that is not rich, so he
Very good! For 1 point, who wrote that story? pretended to be poor, as a cashier of a
Good! Where did the story happen? restaurant nearby, even though he is rich one. In
Very good! 1 point for you. What was the name short, he pretended to be someone he was not
of the young man who has been hovering for his genuine, lovely feelings for the girl.
nearby? Students answer.
Yes, very good! What was the girl doing on a
bench? The moral lesson of "While the Auto Waits" is
Very good! What do you think are the intentions that appearances can be deceiving, and one
of the characters for not revealing their true should not be quick to judge others based on
status in life? their outward appearance or social status.
Students answers.

Students answer.

When you're true to yourself, you not only trust

Very good! 3 points for you. Would you consider the judgments and decisions that you make, but
the situations of the characters a “white lie?” others trust you as well.
Why or why not? One-Act Play
Very good, 2 points for you. What is the
lesson/moral that we can get from the story? A one-act play is a play that has only one act,
usually consisting of one or more scenes.
1 point for you. Good job. If you were in the Features of One Act play are:
same situation, would you lie just to be accepted  One act plays are the plays that are confined in
by that person? Why or why not? one act only.
If you were the author, how would you end the  The scenes may be multiple and in variations.
play?  The write up of the plays are concise and
Why is it important to be true to yourself? written precisely.
 The aim of the plays is intended towards
Thank you, class. The story you have read is producing one effect.
called One-Act play. Let’s define one-act play.  The scenes are dominated by a single situation.
Please read.  It has a beginning, a middle and an end, like
There are features of a one act play, please read. the dramas.
1.Characters- the people involved in the play.
2. Setting- place where or when did the play
3. Plot- the series and sequence of events that
lead the hero (and the audience) on the journey
(Gulle, n.d.).
No, ma’am.

There are elements of a one-act play.

1.Characters- the people involved in the play. Introduction or Exposition. It explains the
2. Setting- place where or when did the play situation with which the story begins. It
happened. introduces the characters and describes the
3. Plot- the series and sequence of events that setting.
lead the hero (and the audience) on the Journey
(Gulle, n.d.). It is where the complication is presented.
Are you familiar with this kind of pyramid?
This kind of pyramid is called Freytag’s pyramid.
It is where the parts of the plot are introduced. Climax, ma’am.
This is the part of a story where the characters The highest point of interest, where a question is
are introduced. What is it? usually raised.
First, this part is the Introduction or Exposition. Falling Action or Resolution, ma’am.
Please read. Falling action - solutions to the problems are
It explains the situation with which the story
Next, Rising Action or Involution. Please read. Conclusion - situation which the story ends.
Rising action is the piece of a story that leads up
to the most exciting part. Which is the?
Very good! 1 point for you. Please read.
Thank you. It the most intense, exciting, or
important point of a story. What’s next to
Very good, 1 point for you! What is Falling
action? Please read. 4.Dialogue- means the words/lines the
Falling action is the period in a story that follows characters say in a story, movie, play, etc.
the climax and leads to the resolution. It can be
used to clarify the events of the climax, ease any
built-up tension, or wrap up loose ends. If the
falling action is the part of the story where 6. Theme - tells us what the play is all about.
solutions to the problem are presented, what
comes next?
Great! Conclusion is the ending of the story. It is
the final and most powerful point of a story.
There, the struggle is resolved, and the meaning
or central theme becomes clear to the reader.
Did you understand, class?
Now to continue, the fourth element of one-act
play, please read.
4.Dialogue- means the words/lines the
characters say in a story, movie, play, etc.
Dialogue means the conversation between two
or more people.
And the fifth element, please read.
5. Theme - tells us what the play is all about.
The theme in a story is its underlying message,
or 'big idea. ' In other words, what critical belief
about life is the author trying to convey in the The play tells us about of identity, honesty,
writing of a story? This belief, or idea, transcends curiosity, independence, and acceptance. The
cultural barriers. It is usually universal in nature. character lied to each other as they were trying
Did you understand, class? to protect their own personal interest in life.
Alright. To test if you understand our lesson,
please bring out 1 whole sheet of paper and
answer this seatwork.
Students answer.

Time is up! Let’s check your answers.

(The teacher checks the students answers and
supplements it.)
What is the theme of the story that you have
read, class? Students answer.

Yes, very good. The author wants to send the

message the importance of being true to self.
What do you think is the implication of the story
to human lives? Characters, setting, plot, dialogue, and theme,
Yes. It is important in our lives to be true to ma’am.
ourselves and to other people. We don’t need to Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action,
pretend to be someone else just to impress and conclusion, ma’am.
other people to gain some love and respect.
People will love you the way you are on how you None, ma’am.
treat them.
If you were the author, how will you end the
Did you understand our lesson, class?
Again, what are the elements of one-act play?

Very good! 1 point. What are the parts of a plot?

Good job! Do you have any questions, class?


Direction: Do one-act play pretending that you are O. Henry. How would you end the play, ‘While the
Auto Waits’?. You are graded based on the rubric below.


Review our topic about the argumentative text, making predictions, While the Auto Waits, and
elements of a one-act play. Be ready for a quiz tomorrow.

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