A Dialogue Between A Shopkeeper and A Customer

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A dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes


Shopkeeper: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes please. I want some black shoes.

Shopkeeper: With laces or slip-on?

Customer: With laces please.

Shopkeeper: What size?

Customer: Ten I think but would you measure my foot?

Shopkeeper: Certainly! Yes it is ten. Now... how about these?

Customer: Well, they feel a bit tight here. Can I try a different pair of shoes?
Shopkeeper: Of course. Try these.

Customer: They're a better fit, but I don't like the colour. They are too shiny.

Have you got them in some other colour?

Shopkeeper: Yes we do. We have white, brown, grey and red.

Customer: Could I try on the white pair, please?

Shopkeeper: One moment. I’ll grab the white ones for you……… There we go.
Customer: Thank you…… I like white better and they fit nicely. I’ll take them!

Shopkeeper: Certainly. Anything else?

Customer: No, that’s all. How much are they?

Shopkeeper: It comes to $49.99. Would you like to pay in cash or by card?

Customer: Card, please.

Shopkeeper: No problem…… Here’s your receipt. Thank you and please come again.
Customer: You too. Bye.

Shopkeeper: Bye.

A dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes

Cut & paste activity: Arrange the mixed up dialogue below:

1 Created by Auphelia/Retail/ A dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes

Customer: Ten I think but would you measure my foot?
Shopkeeper: Of course. Try these.
Shopkeeper: One moment. I’ll grab the white ones for you……… There we go.
Customer: You too. Bye.
Shopkeeper: Certainly! Yes it is ten. Now... how about these?
Shopkeeper: Yes we do. We have white, brown, grey and red.
Customer: Yes please. I want some black shoes.
Shopkeeper: It comes to $49.99. Would you like to pay by cash or card?
Customer: No, that’s all. How much are they?
Customer: With laces please.
Shopkeeper: Bye.
Customer: Could I try on the white pair, please?
Shopkeeper: With laces or slip-on?
Customer: Well, they feel a bit tight here. Can I try a different pair of
Shopkeeper: No problem…… Here’s your receipt. Thank you and please come again.
Customer: Thank you…… I like white better and they fit nicely. I’ll take
Shopkeeper: What size?
Customer: Card, please.
Shopkeeper: Certainly. Anything else?
Shopkeeper: Can I help you?
Customer: They're a better fit, but I don't like the colour. They are too
shiny. Have you got them in some other colour?

A dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes

Choose the words or phrases to complete the text.

brown cash tight again else colour size moment laces

pair receipt much foot shiny black shoes better please ten

2 Created by Auphelia/Retail/ A dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes

Shopkeeper: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes please. I want some (1) ____________________.

Shopkeeper: With (2) ____________ or slip-on?

Customer: With laces (3) ______________.

Shopkeeper: What (4) ___________?

Customer: Ten I think but would you measure my (5) __________?

Shopkeeper: Certainly! Yes it is (6) __________. Now... how about these?

Customer: Well, they feel a bit (7) ___________ here. Can I try a different (8)

_________ of shoes?
Shopkeeper: Of course. Try these.

Customer: They're a better fit, but I don't like the (9) _____________. They are

too (10) ____________. Have you got them in some other colour?
Shopkeeper: Yes we do. We have white, (11) _____________ , grey and red.

Customer: Could I try on the white pair, please?

Shopkeeper: One (12) ________________. I’ll grab the white ones for you……… There we go.
Customer: Thank you…… I like white (13) ____________ and they fit nicely. I’ll

take them!

Shopkeeper: Certainly. Anything (14) __________?

Customer: No, that’s all. How (15) __________ are they?

Shopkeeper: It comes to $49.99. Would you like to pay by (16) _________ or card?
Customer: Card, please.

Shopkeeper: No problem…… Here’s your (17) ________________. Thank you and please come
(18) ______________.
Customer: You too. Bye.

Shopkeeper: Bye.

1. Look at the dialogue. Who is it between?

2. What does the customer want to buy?

3. What type of shoes does she want to buy?

4. Why does the customer ask the shopkeeper to measure her foot?

3 Created by Auphelia/Retail/ A dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes

5. What foot size is the customer?

6. How do the black shoes feel for the customer?

7. Does she like the next pair of shoes after the black pair? Why? Why not?

8. Which colour does the customer ask for to try on?

9. How much are the white pair of shoes?

10. Write the amount in words.

11. How does the customer pay for the shoes?

12. Write YES or NO.

a. The customer wants some slip-on black shoes. ________

b. The customer has is a size eight. ________

c. The shopkeeper measures her own foot. ________

d. The black pair of shoes feel tight. ________

e. The customer doesn’t like the colour of the second pair of shoes. ________

f. The shoes come in white, brown, grey and blue. ________

g. She buys the white pair of shoes. ________

h. The shoes cost $59.99. ________

i. The customer pays by card. ________

13. Put the words below in alphabetical order. (a, b, c, ……)

laces 3.

black 4.

shoes 5.

white 6.

cash 7.
pair 8.

4 Created by Auphelia/Retail/ A dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes

colour 9.
card 10.

Correct the spellings below.

1. plaese - _____________________________ 6. kolor - ________________________________

2. blaak - _______________________________ 7. shinny - ______________________________

3. meesure - ____________________________ 8. brauwn - _____________________________

4. sertainly - ____________________________ 9. resipt - _______________________________

5. diferenct - ___________________________ 10. shopkiper - ___________________________

Fill in the gap.

1. r __ c __ __ p t 2. m __ m __ __ t 3. l a __ c __ s

4. m __ __ s __ r __ 5. d __ f f __ __ __ __ t 6. s h __ p k __ __ p __ r

7. s h __ __ s 8. c __ __ t __ m __ __ 9. c __ l __ __ r

10. __ __ g h t 11. b r __ __ n 12. f __ __ t

Mixed-up Sentences
Put the mixed-up sentences into a correct sentence.

1. some . I shoes want black


2. try shoes of a ? can different I pair


3. are they . shiny too


4. ones white I’ll the . grab for


5. better fit I they nicely . like white and


6. please . thank you again and come


Match the syllables: words

Draw a line from each syllable in the left to a syllable in the right to make words related to ‘A dialogue
between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes’. Then write each completed word to the right.

5 Created by Auphelia/Retail/ A dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes

bl ces

me ack

bu ipt

wh zes

fo tomer

la ght

b ot

rec en

f ite

t it

si asure

ti ying

cus ye

6 Created by Auphelia/Retail/ A dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer buying shoes

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