Employees Labor Laws

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Employee labor laws in Zambia are governed by the Employment Code Act No.

3 of
2019, the Industrial and Labour Relations Act, and the Constitution of Zambia. Key
aspects include:

1. Terms and Conditions of Employment: Contracts of employment must be in

writing for durations exceeding six months.

2. Protected Employees: Include cleaners, general workers, and qualified clerks.

3. Minimum Employment Benefits: Employers must provide paid public holidays,

annual leave, sick leave, and compassionate leave.

4. Collective Bargaining: Terms and conditions of employment can be agreed upon

through collective bargaining at the industrial level.

5. Flexible Working Hours: Employers and employees can agree on flexible working
hours, including remote work.

6. Trade Union Recognition: Trade unions must register with the Commissioner
within six months of formation.

7. Rights of Trade Unions: Include the right to form and join a trade union, freedom
of association, and the right to strike.

8. Works Councils: Not recognized under Zambian employment laws.

9. Discrimination: Prohibited grounds include race, sex, marital status, religion,

political opinion, and disability.

10. Sexual Harassment: Employers must have a policy on harassment, and sexual
harassment is an offense under the Penal Code.

11. Enforcing Discrimination Rights: Employees can file complaints with the High
Court's Industrial Relations Division.

12. Remedies for Successful Discrimination Claims: Include damages, compensation,

re-employment, or reinstatement.

Employers in Zambia must comply with these laws to ensure fair labor practices and
maintain a positive work environment.

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