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Designer babies-

A Boon or Bane

Made by:- Tarun Bansal

XI Sci.B
The objective of my project on “Designer baibies- a boon or
bane” is to explore into the controversial topic of genetic
modification of babies and to critically examine the ethical,
social, and scientific dimensions surrounding the concept.
Through a comprehensive analysis, I aim to shed light on
whether the ability to customize the babies genetically for
future generations is a boon or a bane for humanity.
In an era where advancements in genetic engineering and
biotechnology are rapidly evolving, this idea has emerged as
a topic of heated debate. My purpose is to explore its
potential benefits in eradicating genetic diseases, people’s
choice, ethical issues with the development of such a life
changing process and the unforeseen consequences that may
arise from the pursuit of designing human traits.

This is to certify that “Tarun Bansal”

student of class – “XI Sci.B” from
“Ramjas school Pusa Road” has
successfully completed their English
Project on the topic- “Designer Babies-
A boon or bane” under the guidance of
“Miss. Rachel Wilson”.

Teacher’s Signature
Action plan

Research tools and methodology:

Project has been completed by conducting a survey on
the topic for the general people and then analyzing
what their answers and interpreting whether genetic
modifications will be considered a boon or a bane for
the society
The survey and its results are attached along the
project file.

A designer baby is a baby whose genetic makeup has

been selected or altered, often to exclude a particular
gene or to remove genes associated with the disease.
This process usually involves analyzing a wide range of
human embryos to identify genes associated with
particular diseases and characteristics, and selecting
embryos with the desired genetic makeup; a process
known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis. a designer
baby is a baby whose genetic makeup has been
selected or altered, often to exclude a particular gene
or remove disease-associated genes. This can be very
helpful for all those who are not able to conceive
babies due to any problem or infertility. It can be used
to treat incurable diseases like genetic disorders or

Choosing designer babies: Boon of Bare as topic for the

project allows exploration of dilemmas, impacts on
parents and societal attitude towards genetic
It made us aware about how people think about
genetic engineering and how relevant it will be in the
practical life. If the process is safe it can be used to
treat incurable diseases like Cancer and can be life
A designer baby is a baby genetically engineered in
specially selected traits, which can vary from disease-
rink to gender selection. Before the advent of genetic
engineering invitro fertilization (IVF), designer babies
were primarily a science fiction concept.
First designer baby was born to the Nath family from
Denver, Colorado. 'Adam Nash' was conceived from his
stem cells from the umbilical cord, which was later
used for the life-saving treatment for his sister
suffering from Franconi’s anemia
Most people believe that the ability to design babies
would lead to positive development with a sett a
future. Also few people are not sure if it would lead to
a positive impact or can go and impact people in
negative ways.

Potential Benefits:
Though the concept of designer babies is a debating
topic still the majority believes that it has potential
benefits especially in the field of medical. It can be
used to stop or terminate genetical disorders, pre
mature diabetes, congenital disorders. This process will
help conceiving a perfectly healthy child. Which will
also cast a positive impact on society as a whole This
concept can also be seen as a "God gift" for all those
people who the not able to give birth to their young
ones and can surely solve the problem of fertility.
Some ever want the children to have best physical
appearance, like skin colour, height, & IQ level, etc.
Ethical Issues:
Regarding several benefits it certainly has for ethical
issues regarding the concept of designing babes. It
could possibly be unsafe for the mother and the baby
(embryo). The process might get misused for unethical
things. People preferring specific gender & changing
the IQ level of a child can harm the nature and is surely
disturbing natural cycle of birth. This also hampers the

Designer babies is a powerful concept and majority of
people agree to use this process to cure genetic
diseases and give birth to a perfectly healthy child
even to abnormal births. But before the use it must be
made sure that it will not harm the health of the
mother or any sort of harm to the foetus. Genetic
modification should be done with legal regulations and
this process must be kept safe as it can be used in a
negative way or for some unethical actions like
choosing particular gender or changing the IQ level.
What I Learned!!

I was a wonderful experience researching about such a

great method which can be life changing and even I
learn many things like how to conduct a survey, how to
analyze the survey and prepare a report. The project
taught me ways to distinguish between correct and
false information available all over the internet.
I also learned about the topic (Designer babies) and
found out that genetic modification is a powerful tool
and can solve the problem of millions of people but
must be used with proper care and safely to avoid any
harm. Till date it is the only way which can cure Cancer
and many genetical diseases

For Successfully completing my project file. I

have taken help from the following website

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