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 I am so proud of how I handled myself this year. I fought so many silent battles every night.

humbled myself, wiped my own tears just to make sure that when the morning came up it turns to
 Act like nothing happened but the truth it hurts so bad
 Life is great, so remember to smile. It’s hard to please everyone. So keep delightful for yourself
 Terkadang jarang ada yang paham kalau percaya diri memang sesusah itu. Kayak ada aja yang bikin
minder, padahal udah menanamkan self love sampe ke tulang rusuk. Tapi tetep aja
 Just because I didn’t react doesn’t mean I didn’t notice
 I became so private with my life, I used to tell my friends everything. Now I don’t tell anyone
anything. Now, if you ask, I’m always good
 Wanita tidak suka menjelaskan apa yang dia mau, tapi wanita berharap lelaki mengerti
 I can’t remember the last time I was proud of myself
 Mata ngantuk, pikiran sibuk
 Nahan diri supaya ga ngambekan, ga gampang badmood is another level of kasihan ke kamu
 Gapapa tahan, sabar, semangat
 I deserve this pain cuz I’m not deserve to be happy
 I hope u feel what I felt, when u shattered my soul, cause u were cool and I’m fool, so please let me
 It’s okay I have myself, I don’t need anyone
 Don’t trust too much, don’t love too much, don’t hope too much. Because that too much can hurt so

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