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Title: Efficient On-Chip SVM Implementation for Sensor Fusion-Based Activity Recognition on

Lightweight Edge Devices


Machine learning (ML) technology helps users in the smart home domain by providing useful
services via activity classification. However, because of their complex architecture, previous
high-performance ML algorithms frequently require significant power and memory
consumption. Although there have been attempts to create lightweight machine learning/deep
learning models for human activity classification, current approaches still require a significant
amount of resources, making them inappropriate for highly resource-constrained embedded
devices, which are common in smart home contexts.

In this paper, we offer a memory-efficient, high-speed, low-power machine learning method

designed for the classification of smart home activity data in severely resource-constrained
contexts. Using the MNIST dataset as a stand-in for real-world activity data, our method entails
interpreting smart home activity data as image data. The three primary parts of the suggested
machine learning algorithm are data preprocessing, training, and classification
Training data with the same labels are further separated into finer-grained clusters during the
data preprocessing stage. During the training phase, each cluster of preprocessed data is used to
create a hyperplane by accumulation and thresholding. Then, using an error function derived
from bitwise operations, the classification process classifies the incoming data by determining
how similar it is to each hyperplane.
We verify our approach by loading trained hyperplanes and performing classification on 1000
training data points on embedded systems, such as the Raspberry Pi 3 and STM32 Discovery
board. Our suggested technique shows advantages in memory usage (15.41%), power
consumption (41.7%), performance (50.4%), and power per accuracy (39.2%) when compared to
a linear support vector machine built via Tensorflow Lite. Additionally, in contrast to a
convolutional neural network model, our method


The development of smart homes has revolutionised our relationship with our living
environments by providing previously unheard-of levels of efficiency, comfort, and convenience.
The integration of several sensors and actuators with clever algorithms to automate processes
and offer individualised services catered to the requirements and preferences of the residents is
fundamental to the idea of smart homes. Activity recognition, or the identification and
interpretation of human actions and behaviours inside the home environment, is a crucial
component of smart home systems.

Numerous applications, such as energy management, security monitoring, healthcare support,

and personalised automation, are made possible by activity identification in smart homes. Smart
home systems can optimise resource utilisation, improve safety, and provide context-aware
services that adjust to users' daily routines and habits by comprehending human actions.

Nevertheless, there are several obstacles to overcome before ML algorithms for activity
recognition in smart homes can be implemented, especially in embedded systems with limited
resources. The application of conventional machine learning models is restricted in contexts with
low processing power and energy restrictions due to their high computational resource and
memory footprint requirements. Furthermore, the intricacy of conventional machine learning
algorithms could impede their ability to function in real-time, making them unsuitable for time-
sensitive applications in smart home environments.

Recent work has concentrated on creating deep learning (DL) and lightweight machine learning
(ML) models specifically for embedded systems in smart homes in order to overcome these
issues. By balancing computational efficiency, memory consumption, and classification
accuracy, these models seek to enable activity recognition in contexts with limited resources.
Nevertheless, current methods are still unable to satisfy the demanding specifications of smart
home embedded systems, requiring more
Our study introduces a new method for activity recognition in smart homes, with a focus on
embedded systems that have limited resources. Because of its low power consumption, memory
efficiency, and high speed, our suggested machine learning method can be implemented in
settings with severely constrained computational resources. Our algorithm outperforms existing
solutions in terms of memory usage, power consumption, performance, and power efficiency by
utilising novel approaches in data preparation, training, and classification.

The rest of this essay is structured as follows: A thorough overview of relevant work in the areas
of lightweight ML/DL models for embedded systems and activity identification is given in
Section 2. Our suggested ML algorithm's design concepts and methodology, including data
preprocessing, training, and classification, are described in depth in Section 3. Section Four

Lectuature survey

[1] Silverio-Fernández, Renukappa, and Suresh's research, "What is a smart device? A conceptualization
within the paradigm of the Internet of Things" provides valuable insights into the understanding of
smart devices in the context of the IoT. Their conceptualization contributes to the evolving discourse
surrounding IoT-enabled devices, shedding light on their characteristics and implications. By exploring
the definitions and attributes of smart devices, the study offers a framework for comprehending their
role in shaping interconnected ecosystems. This research serves as a foundational piece in the literature,
enriching our understanding of smart devices and their significance within the broader IoT landscape.

[2] Lee and Park's work on "Adaptive ECG Signal Compression Method Based on Look-ahead Linear
Approximation for Ultra Long-Term Operating of Healthcare IoT Devices" published in Human-Centric
Computing and Information Sciences in 2021 addresses the critical challenge of efficient ECG signal
compression for prolonged operation of healthcare IoT devices. Their proposed method, leveraging
look-ahead linear approximation, offers adaptive compression tailored for ultra-long-term monitoring,
contributing to the sustainability and effectiveness of healthcare IoT systems. This research advances
the field by providing a practical solution to optimize resource utilization and ensure continuous, reliable
operation of IoT-enabled healthcare devices in real-world settings.

[3] Lee, Lee, Oh, and Park's research on "Energy-Efficient FPGA Accelerator with Fidelity-Controllable
Sliding-Region Signal Processing Unit for Abnormal ECG Diagnosis on IoT Edge Devices" published in IEEE
Access in 2021 addresses the challenge of energy efficiency in abnormal ECG diagnosis on IoT edge
devices. Their proposed FPGA accelerator, equipped with a fidelity-controllable sliding-region signal
processing unit, offers efficient computation tailored for edge devices, enhancing the accuracy and
speed of abnormal ECG diagnosis while minimizing energy consumption. This work contributes to
advancing IoT-based healthcare by enabling real-time, energy-efficient diagnosis of cardiac
abnormalities, thereby improving patient care and system sustainability.

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