Top Notch 3B Test - Units 9 - 10

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Name: Top notch 3B- Unit 9 and 10 AVA English Institute

A: Fill in the blanks with the words.

Volcano renewable lake corrupt energy-efficient liberal

climate change pollution steep slippery conservative foggy dark

1. Tom is swimming in the __________.

2. I needed to turn on the flashlight. It was really __________.

3. It’s dangerous to drive when it’s __________.

4. Because of the rain, the roads were ___________ and we needed to drive much more slowly.

5. Flat can be the opposite of __________.

6. Wind power is a __________ kind of energy.

7. The old heater uses too much electricity, but the new heater is really __________.

8. When factories release their waste into the river, they are adding to the problem of water ________.

9. The __________ judge used his power to his own benefit.

10. A __________ person is not willing to change the systems.

C: Write sentences like the example.

Example: It was very cold I couldn’t go out => It was too cold (for me) to go out.

21. It was very windy

We didn’t go on a picnic. =>

22. The boy was very sad.

He couldn’t play with his friends. =>

24. This painting is very beautiful.

We can’t sell it. =>

Name: Top notch 3B- Unit 9 and 10 AVA English Institute

25. This road is very rocky.

I can’t ride my bike on it. =>

28. My grandfather is very old.

He can’t run as fast as me. =>

D: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms.

31. I need to remind my father __________ (take) his pills.

32. The young man offered __________ (help) me with my luggage.

33. You seem __________ (be) sick.

34. The teacher encouraged the students __________ (speak) in the class.

35. The man told me ___________ (not tell) anyone about his secret.

F: Do the matching.

46 Capital …………… A. worries

47 No …………… B. coincidence!
48 Keep the tires …………… C. to disagree
49 What a …………… D. of Shiraz
50 Fund …………… E. what you mean but…
51 North …………… F. punishment
52 Agree …………… G. Military service
53 That’s one way …………… H. the solutions
54 I see …………… I. inflated
55 compulsory …………… J. to look at it, but…
Name: Top notch 3B- Unit 9 and 10 AVA English Institute

G Read the blog posts. Then check () the correct answer for each question.

Daniel and
Only Only
Who . . . ? Daniel Megan
56. prepared for the event   
57. had to speak in a foreign language   
58. spoke to a group   
59. was successful   
60. wouldn’t like to have the experience   
Name: Top notch 3B- Unit 9 and 10 AVA English Institute

H: Listen to Jake and Andrea talk about a trip to Paris. Circle True or False for each sentence.

1. Jake went to Paris a year ago. True False

2. Andrea and her friend Casey went to college together. True False

3. Casey was sitting in a café in Paris when Andrea saw her. True False

4. Andrea and Casey spent several days in Paris together. True False

I : Listen to Brad talk about something that happened to his car. Circle True or False for each sentence.

1. Brad and Karen went to a movie with some friends. True False

2. Brad had parked his car in a parking garage. True False

3. Someone vandalized Brad’s car. True False

4. Brad reported the problem to the police. True False

J: Choose one of these controversial topics: the driving or voting age, capital punishment, or
compulsory military service. Talk about whether you are for or against it. Write at least five











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