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1. VOR operate in the ……… band, it transmits a bearing signal by means of a

…….. and uses …….. to determine the radial.

a) VHF stationary limacon phase comparison

b) UHF stationary cardioid envelope matching
c) VHF rotating limacon phase comparison
d) UHF rotating cardioid envelope

2. The bearing signal transmitted from a Conventional VOR beacon is:

a) produced by a 30Hz amplitude modulated signal, a Limacon, which

rotates at 30revs./sec.
b) produced by a 30Hz amplitude modulated signal, a Cardiod, which rotates
at 30revs./sec.
c) produced by a 30Hz frequency modulated signal rotating at
d) produced by a 30Hz amplitude modulated signal, a Limacon, which
rotates anti-clockwise at 30revs./sec.

3. An aircraft DME receiver does not lock on to signals reflected from the ground

a) DME uses the UHF band.

b) DME transmits twin pulses.
c) the pulse recurrence rates are varied.
d) The reflections are not at the receiver frequency.

4. The advantage of a narrow beam in a primary pulsed radar system is that:

a) target definition is improved.

b) system range (ignoring any PRF limitations) is improved
c) differentiation between adjacent targets is more likely to occur.
d) all of the above advantage apply.

5. When using an Airborne Weather Radar in the weather mode the strongest returns
on the screen indicate:

a) areas where high concentrations of large water droplets exist.

b) areas of moderate or severe turbulence.
c) areas of probable windshear.
d) areas of thunderstorm activity.
The VOR in an aircraft is correctly tuned and set to fly the centerline of an
airway within UK airspace. The indication on the VOR/ILS deviation indicator is
shown below. At the same time the DME gave a range of 115nm from the facility.
Use this information to answer the next two questions. (Assume 1 dot equals 2 )

6. At the time of the observation, the aircraft was on the …… radial and, assuming
still air conditions, on regaining the centre line it will be necessary to turn………

a) 159 right onto 347

b) 175 left onto 167
c) 339 right onto 167
d) 355 left onto 347

7. At the time of the observation the aircraft was displaced from the centre line by:

a) 4nm
b) 8nm
c) 12nm
d) 15nm

8. Both the VOF and the ADF in an aircraft are correctly tuned and identified. The
indications from both are shown on the RMI illustrated:
The information given by the RMI is:

a) that the aircraft is heading 360 (M), is on the 220

radial from the VOR, and bears 110 (M) from the
b) that the aircraft is heading 360 (M), is on the 040
radial from the VOR, and bears 110 (M) from the
c) that the aircraft is heading 360 (M), is on the 220
radial from the VOR, and bears 290 (M) from the
d) that the aircraft is heading 000 (T), is on the 220 radial from the VOR,
and bears 110 (M) from the NDB.
9. The rate of descent of an aircraft with an approach speed of 140kt on an ILS
approach with a glide path angle of 3.25 is (use 1 in 60):

a) 700 ft/min
b) 780 ft/min
c) 860 ft/min
d) 1050 ft/min

10. Study this diagram of a VOR presentation. Assuming the proper selection has
been made, choose the line which contains the words to correctly complete the
following statement:

“You are on the …….. radial and, on reaching the selected radial you should turn
….., assuming still air conditions.

a) 279 left
b) 099 right
c) 273 left
d) 093 right

11. In a conventional VOR the references signal is …..

and the variable signal is….. .

a) FM AM
b) AM FM
c) FM FM
d) AM AM
12. The diagram above shows four aircraft in relation to the localizer beam of an ILS.
The aircraft position which corresponds to the illustration of the ILS presentation
shown is:

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

13. The ILS outer market transmits on ….. and is identified by an aural signal of …..
The line with the correct terms to complete the above statement is:

a) 75Mhz 2 dashes per second.

b) 75khz alternate dots and dashes
c) 75Mhz alternate dots and dashes
d) 75khz 2 dashes per second
14. The diagram above shows four aircraft in relation to a VOR. Assuming that in
each case the pilot has selected 080 on the OBS, the aircraft position which
corresponds to the VOR presentation shown is:

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

15. The maximum theoretical range at which an aircraft at FL 225 can receive signals
from a VOR station situated 1,600 ft AMSL is:

a) 194nm
b) The DOC range limit.
c) 237.5nm
d) 68.75nm

16. An aircraft is required to intercept and home to a VOR along the 244 radial. The
OBS should be set to:

a) 064 to get correct needle sense and a TO indication.

b) 244 to get correct needle sense and a TO indication.
c) 064 to get correct needle sense and a FROM indication.
d) 244 to get correct needle sense and a FROM indication.
17. Which of the following statements is correct?
a) Primary radar uses echoes from a reflecting object, whereas
secondary radar uses responses from a transponder beacon.
b) Primary radar gives range not bearing, of a reflecting object.
c) Secondary always measures the bearing of a reflecting object more
accurately than primary radar.
d) Only secondary radar can be carried on an aircraft.

18. A Doppler VOR (DVOR) is more accurate because it minimises ….. error. The
reference signals and variable phase directional signals rotate …….. are ……. and
respectively, and an aircraft …… to be fitted with a special receiver.

a) site; anti-clockwise; FM; AM; needs.

b) equipment; anti-clockwise; AM; FM; does not needs.
c) site; clockwise; AM; FM; needs.
d) site; anti-clockwise; AM; FM; does not need.

19. If an aircraft’s ground speed reduces by 10kt whilst it is flying an ILS approach
with a 3 glidepath then its rate of descent:

a) should increase by 50 ft./min.

b) should decrease by 25 ft./min.
c) should increase by 25 ft./min.
d) does not need to be adjusted as the speed change is too small to have any
significant effect.

20. The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is a system which consists of …..
active satellites plus …… operational spare satellites in ………. orbital planes
around the earth. A minimum of ……. satellites are needed to provide a …….
dimensional fix.

a) 21; 3; 6; 3; 3;
b) 21; 3; 4; 3; 2;
c) 21; 3; 6; 4; 3;
d) 24; 3; 5; 3; 3;
21. At 1000UTC in zero wind conditions three aircraft are using the same co-located
VOR/DME transponder. Aircraft A is at 120nm, FL 350, heading 270 (M) on the
270 radial. Aircraft B is at 15nm, FL 70, heading 300 (M) on the 120 radial.
Aircraft C is at 15nm, FL 410, heading 090 (M) on the 120 radial. Aircraft C is at
15nm, FL 410, heading 090 (M) and crossing the 180 radial. Which of the
following statements is correct?

a) Aircraft B’s DME groundspeed computation is the most accurate.

b) Aircraft A’s DME groundspeed computation is the most accurate.
c) All the DME groundspeed computation are correct.
d) Aircraft C’s DME groundspeed computation is the most accurate because
the aircraft is the highest and furthest from the beacon.

22. An aircraft is flying downwind within the coverage sectors of an ICAO ILS; it is
abeam and to the left of the touchdown point and above the glideslope:

a) Its localizer receiver is detecting more 150Hz than 90Hz modulation and
the localizer needle indicates fly “right”; the glideslope receiver is
receiving more 90Hz than 150Hz modulations and the indication is to fly
b) Its localizer receiver is detecting more 150Hz than 90Hz modulation
and the localizer needle indicates fly “left”; the glideslope receiver is
receiving more 90Hz than 150Hz modulations and the indication is to
fly down.
c) Its localizer receiver is detecting more 90Hz than 150Hz modulation and
the localizer needle indicates fly “left”; the glideslope receiver is receiving
more 150Hz than 90Hz modulations and the indication is to fly down.
d) Or, like me you are totally confused!

23. Both the VOR and the ADF in an aircraft are correctly tuned and identified. The
indications from both are shown on the RMI illustrated. Use this information to
answer the following question.
The information given on the RMI is:

a) that the aircraft is heading 012 (M), is on the 110

radial from the VOR, and bears 350 (M) from the
b) that the aircraft is heading 110 (M), is on the 120
radial from the VOR, and bears 180 (M) from the
c) that the aircraft is heading 120 (M), is on the 170
radial from the VOR, and bears 290 (M) from the
d) that the aircraft is heading 012 (M), is on the 290 radial from the VOR,
and bears 170 (M) from the NDB.
24. Two navigational facilities using the principle of phase comparison are:

b) Decca Doppler
d) Decca VOR

25. Which following statement is true?

a) Primary radar uses echoes from a reflecting object whereas secondary
radar uses responses from a transponder.
b) Primary radar can only find the range of a reflecting object.
c) Secondary radar can always measures the bearing of a reflecting object
more accurately than does a primary.
d) Only secondary, not primary, radar can be carried in aircraft.

26. The maximum range at which an aircraft at FL250 can receive transmissions from
a VHF R/T station at 300 ft is:

a) 200nm
b) 219nm
c) 175nm
d) 198nm

27. The frequency band containing a wavelength of 75 cm is:

a) MF
b) HF
c) VHF
d) UHF

28. The phase of a variable wave is at 240 as the phase of a reference wave is 090 .
The phase difference is:

a) 210
b) 150
c) 330
d) 030

29. An aircraft has to communicate with a VHF station at a range of 300 nm, if the
ground station is situated 2500’ amsl which of the following is the lowest altitude
at which contact is likely to be made?

a) 190’
b) 1,378’
c) 36,100’
d) 84,100’
30. The phenomenon of coastal refraction which affects the accuracy of ADF

a) is most marked at night.

b) can be minimized by using beacons situated well inland.
c) can be minimized by taking bearings where the signal crosses the
coastline at right angles.
d) is most marked one hour before to one hour after sunrise and sunset.

31. An aircraft is intending to track from NDB ‘A’ to NDB ‘B’ on a track of 050 (T),
heading 060 (T). If the RBI shows the relative bearing of ‘A’ to be 170 and the
relative bearing of ‘B’ to be 330 then the aircraft is:

a) Port of track and nearer ‘A;.

b) Port of track and nearer ‘B’.
c) Starboard of track and nearer ‘A’.
d) Starboard of track and nearer ‘B’.

32. In order to resolve the 180 directional ambiguity of a directional LOOP aerial its
polar diagram is combined with that of a SENSE aerial……. to produce a ………
whose single null ensures the ADF needle moves the shortest distance to indicate
the correct…...

a) at the aircraft, cardiod, radial.

b) at the transmitter, limacon, bearing.
c) at the aircraft, limacon, bearing.
d) at the aircraft, cardiod, bearing.

33. The phenomena of coastal refraction affecting ADF bearings is caused by the
signal …… when it reaches the coastline and bending……… the normal to the

a) accelerating towards
b) decelerating towards
c) accelerating away from
d) decelerating away from

34. An aircraft is homing towards a VOR which marks the centre line of an airway?
Assume that one dot equals 2 degree.

a) 3 dots
b) 2 dots
c) 2.5 dots
d) 1.5 dots
35. An aircraft is required to intercept and home to a VOR along the 064 Radial. The
OBS should be set to:

a) 064 to get correct needle sense and a TO indication.

b) 244 to get correct needle sense and a TO indication.
c) 064 to get correct needle sense and a FROM indication.
d) 244 to get correct needle sense and a FROM indication.

36. An aircraft is attempting to home to a VOR beacon. The pilot diagram transmitted
by a VOR station are:

a) one and a half dots fly right.

b) one and a half dots fly left.
c) three dots fly right.
d) three dots fly left.

37. The VOR in an aircraft is correctly tuned and

set to define the centre line of an airway
within UK airspace which you intend to fly.
The indication received on the VOR/ILS
deviation indicator is shown below. At the
same time the DME gave a range of 90nm
from the facility. At the time of the
observation, the aircraft’s radial and distance
from the airway centre-line were:

a) 062 radial 9nm

b) 074 radial 6nm
c) 242 radial 6nm
d) 254 radial 9nm
38. An aircraft is tracking away from VOR “A” on the 310 radial with 8 starboard
drift; NDB “X” is north of “A”. Which diagram below illustrates the RMI when
the aircraft is on its present track with a QDR from “X” of 270?

39. An aircraft bears 175 (M) from a VOR. If the aircraft OBS is set to 002 its
heading is 359 (M) which diagram below represents the aircraft VOR/ILS
deviation indicator? (assume 1 dot = 2 )

40. An aircraft carrying out an ILS approach is receiving stronger 150Hz signals than
90Hz signals. The correct actions to be taken to place the aircraft on the centerline
and on the glidepath are to fly:

a) DOWN and LEFT.

b) UP and LEFT.
c) UP and RIGHT.
d) DOWN and RIGHT.

41. Which of these ILS indicators shows an aircraft on final approach left of the
centre line and at maximum safe deviation below the glide path?

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