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TRƯỜNG THPT ……… NĂM HỌC……………………….

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
Mã đề thi…….
Họ, tên thí sinh:..........................................................................
Số báo danh:...............................................................................

Questions 1 – 2 : Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

Câu 1: A. president B. prisoner C. disaster D. researcher
Câu 2: A. seat B. great C. feat D. beat

Question 3 – 5: Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others .
Câu 3: A. activity B. temporary C. ordinary D. necessary
Câu 4: A. algebra B. carefully C. politics D. statistics
Câu 5: A. modern B. Chinese C. teacher D. singer

Questions 6 - 25: Choose one best option to complete each sentence by circling the
corresponding letter A, B, C, or D.
Câu 6: I don't mind your _________the phone as long as you pay for your calls.
A. using B. used C. to use D. use
Câu 7: That is the school, I used to learn.
A. when B. that C. which D. at which
Câu 8: The 22 SEA Games was the first time when Vietnam finished top of the medal
____ .
A. standings B. events C. programs D. spirits
Câu 9: After closing the door, it occurred to Mrs. Martin that she ________ the key inside .
A. had left B. will have left C. would leave D. has left
Câu 10: You need to eat more fruits to stay .
A. heathily B. healthiness C. health D. healthy
Câu 11: Did you remember anything ________at the party?
A. interests B. interested C. interesting D. to interest
Câu 12: The total weight of all the ants in the world is much greater than ________.
A. that of all human beings
B. is of all human beings
C. to all human beings
D. all human beings is that
Câu 13: In case you need any , don’t hesitate to call for mine.
A. assistant B. assist C. assisting D. assistance
Câu 14: “Let’s go to the movie now.” – “Oh, ________!”
A. I don’t B. Why's that? C. Good idea D. I need it
Câu 15: What time do you often leave home school every day?
A. from B. at C. for D. to
Câu 16: On the slope of Long's Peak in Colorado_____the ruin of a giant tree.
A. lies B. lie C. where lies D. that lies
Câu 17: Mr. Miller hates _______ .
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A. being kept waiting B. being waiting
C. to wait D. to be waiting
Câu 18: Why did many animals ________?
A. extinction B. become extinct
C. become extinction D. extinct
Câu 19: I can't find my umbrella. I________ it in the restaurant last night
A. might leave B. had left C. must have left D. left
Câu 20: David! I think someone at the door!
A. knocked B. is knocking C. will knock D. knocks
Câu 21: Of Charles Dickens’ many novels, Great Expectations, is perhaps _______ to many
A. more than most satisfying one
B. the most satisfying one
C. the more satisfying than
D. most satisfying one
Câu 22: The prisoner ________to have escaped by climbing over a wall.
A. is think B. is thought C. thought D. has thought
Câu 23: Domestic chores will no longer be a burden thanks to the inventions of laborsaving
A. Foreign B. Household C. Official D. Schooling
Câu 24: Petrol is _______ it used to.
A. twice as expensive as B. more expensive than twice
C. twice more than expensive D. twice expensive more than
Câu 25: If people drove more carefully, _____ fewer accidents.
A. there are B. there have been C. there will be D. there would be

Question 26 – 30: Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for
the sentence to be correct by circling letter A, B, C, or D.
Câu 26: The first SEA Games were held(A)in Bangkok, Thailand, from 12 to 17 (B)
December, 1959 comprising(C) more and more(D) 527 athletes and officials from Southeast
countries .
Câu 27: The first(A) world championship(B) of windsurfing held(C) in(D) 1973.
Câu 28: UNICEF uses(A) the term 'child protection' (B) to refer for (C) preventing and
responding to violence, exploitation and abuse against(D) children and teenagers.
Câu 29: Meal time is a great time (A) for family members to talk(B) about that(C) is
going(D) on in their lives .
Câu 30: Do you ever (A) feel that (B) life is not being fair to you because(C) you cannot
seem to get the job where(D) you want or that really suits you ?

Questions 31 - 40: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option
to fit each space.
I ___(31) ___read “The incredible Journey” by Sheila Burnford, a book about three
animals friends who travel across the Canadian ___(32) ___looking for their owners. It is a
fascinating story that describes some of the incredible things animals ___(33) ___can do.
When a Canadian family goes to England on a long trip, they leave their three pets ___(34)
___a friend who lives 300 miles away. Though ___(35) ___by the friend, the pets miss their
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family. One day, they are able to leave the ___(36) ___house unnoticed and began the long
journey to find their owners. The ___(37) ___theme of the book, a problem with the animals
must resolve, is ___(38) ___to survive life in the wildness in order to ___(39) ___home. They
never could have completed the journey alone, but they take ___(40) ___one another, and all
the three make it and are reunited with their owners.

Câu 31:
A. never B. recent C. hardly spoken D. recently
Câu 32:
A. river B. beach C. wildly D. wildness
Câu 33:
A. what B. where C. that D. who
Câu 34:
A. on B. for C. to D. with
Câu 35:
A. well treat B. treat badly C. well treated D. treat well
Câu 36:
A. friend’s B. friends’ C. friend D. friends
Câu 37:
A. centre B. central C. beginning D. last
Câu 38:
A. how B. what C. when D. who
Câu 39:
A. arrive at B. arrive C. arrives D. arrived
Câu 40:
A. care B. care of C. look after D. care for

Questions 41 - 45 : Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to the
questions by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D.
It is a characteristic of human nature that people like to get together and have fun, and
people live during America's frontier days were no exception. However, because life was hard
and the necessities of day-to-day living took up their time, it was common for recreation to be
combined with activities necessary for survival. One example of such a form of recreation
was logrolling. Many frontier areas were heavily wooded, and in order to settle an area it was
necessary to remove the trees. A settler could cut down the trees alone, but help was needed
to move the cut trees. After a settler had cut a bunch of trees, he would then invite his
neighbors over for a logrolling.
A logrolling is a community event where families got together for a combination of work
and fun. The women would bring food and have a much needed and infrequent opportunity to
relax and chat with friends, the children would play together exuberantly, and the men would
hold lively competitions that involved rolling logs from place to place as quickly as possible.
This was a day of fun for everyone involved, but as its foundation was the need to clear the
Câu 41: The main idea of the passage is that in America's frontier days .
A. it was necessary for early settlers to clear the land
B. people cleared land by rolling logs
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C. people combined work with recreation
D. a logrolling involved the community
Câu 42: The expression day-to-day in line 3 could best be replaced by which of the following
A. every day B. day after day C. daytime D. today
Câu 43: According to the passage, what did people have to do first to settle an area?
A. Get rid of the trees
B. Build farms
C. Develop recreation ideas
D. Invite neighbors over
Câu 44: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about a logrolling
A. It was rather quiet. B. It involved a lot of people.
C. It could be enjoyable.' D. There could be a lot of movement.
Câu 45: This passage would probably be assigned reading in which of the following courses
A. Environmental Studies B. Psychology
C. History D. Forestry

Questions 46 - 50 : In italic below are cues to make sentences. Choose correct option
by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D.
Câu 46: There / new/ customs / different/ be/ countries/ for/ celebrating/ year.
A. There is customs in different countries for celebrating the New Year.
B. There are customs in different countries for celebrating the New Year.
C. There are customs in different countries for celebrating New Year.
D. There are customs different countries for celebrating the New Year.
Câu 47: heavy / London /fog / cleared / banning / cars /from / city centre.
A. The fog in London was cleared by ban cars from the city centre.
B. The heavy fog London was cleared by banning cars from city centre.
C. Heavy fog in London was cleared banning cars from the city centre.
D. The heavy fog in London was cleared by banning cars from the city centre.
Câu 48: Nam/ study/ do/ not/ but/ exam/ Lan/ for/the.
A. Nam studies for the exam, but Lan did.
B. Nam didn’t study for the exam, but Lan did.
C. Nam didn’t study for the exam, but Lan didn’t.
D. Nam didn’t study the exam, but Lan did for.
Câu 49: Sunday /Father's Day / be/ celebrated / third / June / countries.
A. Father's Day celebrates on third Sunday June in some countries.
B. Father's Day celebrated the third Sunday in June in some countries.
C. Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June in some countries.
D. Father's Day celebrated the third Sunday in June in countries.
Câu 50: What / you/ use / Internet / for?
A. What do you use the Internet?
B. What do you use the Internet for?
C. What do you do the Internet for?
D. What do you use Internet for?

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