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In a standard atmosphere and at the sea level, the calibrated airspeed (CAS) is:
1) equal to the true airspeed (TAS)
2) independent of the true airspeed (TAS)
3) higher than the true airspeed (TAS)
4) lower than the true airspeed (TAS)

A pitot tube covered by ice which blocks the ram air inlet will affect the following
1) airspeed indicator only
2) vertical speed indicator only
3) airspeed indicator, altimeter and vertical speed indicator
4) altimeter only

A pitot blockage of both the ram air input and the drain hole with the static port open
causes the airspeed indicator to:
1) freeze at zero
2) react like an altimeter
3) read a little high
4) read a little low

The pressure measured at the forward facing orifice of a pitot tube is the:
1) static pressure
2) total pressure
3) dynamic pressure
4) total pressure plus static pressure

In a non-pressurized aircraft, if one or several static pressure ports are damaged, there is
an ultimate emergency means for restoring a practically correct static pressure intake:
1) breaking the rate-of-climb indicator glass window
2) descending as much as possible in order to fly at a pressure as close to 1013.25hPa as
3) calculating the ambient static pressure, allowing for the altitude and QNH adjusting the
4) slightly opening a window to restore the ambient pressure in the cabin

The atmospheric pressure at FL70 in a "standard + 10" atmosphere is:

1) 1013.25hPa
2) 781.85hPa
3) 644.41hPa
4) 942.13hPa

On board an aircraft the altitude is measured from the:

1) density altitude
2) temperature altitude
3) standard altitude
4) pressure altitude
The use of the TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) for avoiding an aircraft in flight is
now general. TCAS uses for its operation:
1) the echos of collision avoidance radar system especially installed on board
2) the echos from the ground air traffic control radar system
3) the replies from the transponders of other aircraft
4) both the replies from the transponders of other aircraft and the ground-based radar

If an aircraft is equipped with one altimeter which is compensated for position error and
another altimeter which is not, and all other factors being equal...
1) there will be no difference between them if the air data computer (ADC) is functioning
2) ATC will get an erroneous altitude report SSR
3) at high speed, the non-compensated altimeter will indicate a higher altitude
4) at high speed, the non-compensated altimeter will indicate a lower altitude

The pressure altitude is the altitude corresponding:

1) in standard atmosphere, to the reference pressure Ps
2) in standard atmosphere, to the pressure Ps prevailing at this point
3) in ambiant atmopsphere, to the reference pressure Ps
4) in ambiant atmosphere, to the pressure Ps prevailing at this point

The altimeter consits of one several aneroid capsules located in a sealed casing. The
pressure in the aneroid capsule (i) and casing (ii) are respectively:
1) (i) static pressure at time t (ii) static pressure at time t- t
2) (i) static pressure (ii) total pressure
3) (i) vacuum (or a very low pressure) (ii) static pressure
4) (i) total pressure (ii) static pressure

The altitude indicated on board an aircraft flying in an atmosphere where all atmosphere
layers below the aircraft are warm is:
1) higher than the real altitude
2) lower than the real altitude
3) equal to the standard altitude
4) the same as the real altitude

The density altitude is:

1) the pressure altitude corrected for the density of air at this point
2) the temperature altitude corrected for the difference between the real temperature and
the standard temperature
3) the altitude of the standard atmosphere on which the density is equal to the
actual density of the atmosphere
4) the pressure altitude corrected for the relative density prevailing at this point

In case of accidental closing of an aircraft's left static pressure port (rain, birds), the
1) overreads the altitude in case of a sideslip to the left and and displays the
correct information during symmetric flight
2) keeps on providing reliable reading in all situations
3) overreads the altitude in case of a side-slip to the right and displays the correct
information during symmetric flight
4) underreads the altitude

The altimeter is fed by:

1) dynamic pressure
2) total pressure
3) static pressure
4) differential pressure

The error in altimeter readings caused by the variation of the static pressure near the
source is known as:
1) barometric error
2) position pressure error
3) hysteresis effect
4) instrument error

If the static source of an altimeter becomes blocked during a descent the instrument will:
1) gradually indicate zero
2) indicate a height equivalent to the setting on the milibar subscale
3) continue to display the reading at which the blockage occured
4) under-read

The primary factor which makes the servo-assisted altimeter more accurate than the simple
pressure altimeter is the use of:
1) combination of counters/pointers
2) more effective temperature compensating leaf springs
3) an induction pick-off device
4) a sub-scale logarithmic function

If the static source to an altimeter becomes blocked during a climb, the instrument will:
1) continue to indicate the reading at which the blockage occured
2) under-read by an amount equivalent to the reading at the time that the instrument
became blocked
3) gradually return to zero
4) over-read

At sea level, on a typical servo altimeter, the tolerance in feet from indicated must not
1) +/- 70ft
2) +/- 60ft
3) +/- 30ft
4) +/- 75ft
The altitude indicated on board an aircraft flying in an atmopshere where all the atmosphere
layers below the aircraft are cold is:
1) higher than the real altitude
2) lower than the real altitude
3) equal to the standard altitude
4) the same as the real altitude

When flying from a sector of warm air into one of colder air, the altimeter will:
1) underread
2) be just as correct as before
3) show the actual height above ground
4) overread

The hysteresis error of an altimeter varies substantially with the:

1) aircraft altitude
2) mach number of the aircraft
3) static temperature
4) time passed at a given altitude

The purpose of the vibrating device of an altimeter is to:

1) reduce the hysteresis effect
2) reduce the effect of friction in the linkages
3) allow damping of the measurement in the unit
4) inform the crew of failure of the instrument

The QNH is by definition the value of the:

1) atmospheric pressure at the sea level of the location for which it is given
2) altimeter setting so that the needles indicate zero when the aircraft is on ground at the
location for which it is provided
3) atmospheric pressure at the level of the ground overflown by the aircraft
4) altimeter setting so that the needles of the altimeter indicate the altitude of the
location for which it is given

The limits of the white scale of an airspeed indicator are:

1) VSO for the lower limit and VLE for the upper limit
2) VSI for the lower limit and VLE for the upper limit
3) VSO for the lower limit and VFE for the upper limit
4) VSI for the lower limit and VFE for the upper limit

If the static source to an airspeed indicator (ASI) becomes blocked during a descent the
instrument will:
1) under-read
2) continue to indicate the speed applicable to that at the time of the blockage
3) read zero
4) over-read

When climbing at a constant Mach number below the tropopause, in ISA conditions, the
Calibrated Airspeed (CAS) will:
1) increase at an exponential rate
2) decrease
3) remain constant
4) increase at a linear rate

For a constant Calibrated Airspeed (CAS) and a level flight, a fall in ambient temperature
will result in a:
1) higher True Air Speed (TAS) due to an decrease in air density
2) lower True Air Speed (TAS) due to an increase in air density
3) lower True Air Speed (TAS) due to an decrease in air density
4) higher True Air Speed (TAS) due to an increase in air density
When descending through an isothermal layer at a constant Calibrated Airspeed (CAS), the
True Airspeed (TAS) will:
1) increase at a linear rate
2) increase at an exponential rate
3) decrease
4) remain constant

A leak in the pitot total pressure line of a non-pressurized aircraft to an airspeed indicator
would cause it to:
1) under-read
2) under-read in a climb and over-read in a descent
3) over-read in a climb and under-read in a descent
4) over-read
The airspeed indicator circuit consists of pressure sensors. The pitot tube directly supplies:
1) the dynamic pressure
2) the static pressure
3) the total pressure
4) the total pressure and the static pressure
With a pitot probe blocked due to ice build up, the aircraft airspeed indicator will indicate in
descent a:
1) fluctuating speed
2) decreasing speed
3) increasing speed
4) constant speed

The limits of the green scale of an airspeed indicator are:

1) VS1 for the lower limit and VNO for the upper limit
2) VS1 for the lower limit and VLO for the upper limit
3) VSO for the lower limit and VNO for the upper limit
4) VS1 for the lower limit and VNE for the upper limit

With a constant weight, irrespective of the airfield altitude, an aircraft always takes off at
the same:
1) calibrated airspeed
2) ground airspeed
3) true airspeed
4) equivalent airspeed

Considering the maximum operational Mach number (MMO) and the maximum operational
speed (VMO), the captain of a pressurized aircraft begins his descent from a high flight
level. In order to meet his scheduled time of arrival, he decides to use the maximum ground
speed at any time of the descent. He will be limited:
1) by the VMO in still air
2) by the MMO
3) initially by the VMO, then by the MMO below a certain flight level
4) initially by the MMO, then by the VMO below a certain flight level
All the anemometers are calibrated according to:
1) St-Venant's formula which takes into account the air compressibility
2) St-Venant's formula which considers the air as an uncompressible fluid
3) Bernoulli's limited formula which takes into account the air compressibility
4) Bernoulli's limited formula which considers the air as an uncompressed fluid

The limits of the yellow scale of an airspeed indicator are:

1) VLE for the lower limit and VNE for the upper limit
2) VFE for the lower limit and VNE for the upper limit
3) VNO for the lower limit and VNE for the upper limit
4) VLO for the lower limit and VNE for the upper limit

VNO is the maximum speed:

1) which must never be exceeded
2) at which the flight controls can be fully deflected
3) not to be exceeded except in still air and with caution
4) with flaps extended in landing position

The airspeed indicator of a twin-engined aircraft comprises different sectors and color
marks. The blue line corresponds to the:
1) speed not to be exceeded, or VNE
2) optimum climbing speed with one engine inoperative, or Vy
3) maximum speed in operations, or VMO
4) minimum control speed, or VMC

VFE is the maximum speed:

1) with the flaps extended in a given position
2) with the flaps extended in landing position
3) at which the flaps can be operated
4) with the flaps extended in take-off position

VLE is the maximum:

1) speed with flaps extended in a given position
2) speed at which the landing gear can be operated with full safety
3) speed authorized in flight
4) flight speed with landing gear down

After an aircraft has passed through a volcanic cloud which has blocked the total pressure
probe inlet of the airspeed indicator, the pilot begins a stabilized descent and finds that the
indicated airspeed:
1) increases steadily
2) decreases abruptly towards zero
3) increases abruptly towards VNE
4) decreases steadily

VNE is the maximum speed:

1) which must never be exceeded
2) not to be exceeded except in still air and with caution
3) at which the flight controls can be fully deflected
4) with flaps extended in landing position

The calibrated airspeed (CAS) is obtained by applying to the indicated airspeed (IAS):
1) and instrument and density correction
2) a compressibility and density correction
3) an antenna and compressibility correction
4) an instrument and position/pressure error correction

During a climb after take-off from a contaminated runway, if the total pressure probe of the
airspeed indicator is blocked, the pilot finds that indicated airspeed:
1) increases abruptly towards VNE
2) increases steadily
3) decreases abruptly towards zero
4) decreases steadily

The velocity maximum operating (VMO) is a speed expressed in:

1) equivalent airspeed (EAS)
2) computed airspeed (COAS)
3) calibrated airspeed (CAS)
4) true airspeed (TAS)

VLO is the maximum:

1) cruising speed to to be exceeded except in still air with caution
2) speed with flaps extended in a given position
3) speed at which the landing gear can be operated with full safety
4) flight speed with landing gear down

During a straight and uniform climb, the pilot maintains a constant calibrated airspeed
1) the Mach number is increases and the true airspeed (TAS) increases
2) the Mach number is constant and the true airspeed (TAS) is constant
3) the Mach number is increases and the true airspeed (TAS) is constant
4) the Mach number is constant and the true airspeed (TAS) decreases

A VMO-MMO warning device consists of an alarm connected to:

1) a barometric aneroid capsule subjected to a static pressure and an airspeed
sensor subjected to a dynamic pressure
2) a barometric aneroid capsule subjected to a dynamic pressure and an airspeed sensor
subjected to a static pressure
3) a barometric aneroid capsule and an airspeed sensor subjected to a dynamic pressure
4) a barometric aneroid capsule and an airspeed sensor subjected to a static pressure

If the outside temperature at 35000ft is -40°C the local speed of sound is:
1) 686kt
2) 596kt
3) 307kt
4) 247kt

At a constant calibrated airspeed (CAS), the Mach number:

1) remains unchanged when the outside temperature increases
2) decreases when the altitude increases
3) remains unchanged when the outside temperature decreases
4) increases when the altitude increases

Indication of Mach number is obtained from:

1) indicated speed and altitude using a speed indicator equipped with an altimeter type
2) a kind of echo sound comparing velocity of sound with indicated speed
3) an ordinary airspeed indicator scaled for Mach number instead of knots
4) indicated speed (IAS) compared with true airspeed (TAS) from the air data computer

The Mach number is the:

1) corrected airspeed (CAS) divided by the local speed of sound
2) indicated airspeed (IAS) divided by the local speed of sound
3) equivalent airspeed (EAS) divided by the local speed of sound
4) true airspeed (TAS) divided by the local speed of sound

The principle of the Mach indicator is based on the computation of the ratio:
1) (Pt+Ps) to Ps
2) (Pt-Ps) to Ps
3) (Pt-Ps) to Pt
4) Pt to Ps

At a constant Mach number, the calibrated airspeed (CAS):

1) remains unchanged when the outside temperature increases
2) remains unchanged when the outside temperature decreases
3) decreases when the altitude increases
4) increases when the altitude increases

The Mach number is:

1) the ratio of the indicated airspeed to the sonic velocity at the altitude considered
2) the ratio of the aircraft conventionnal airspeed to the sonic velocity at the altitude
3) the ratio of the aircraft true airspeed to the sonic velocity at the altitude
4) a direct function of temperature; it varies in proportion to the square root of the absolute

Sound propagates through the air at a speed which only depends on:
1) density
2) temperature
3) pressure
4) temperature and the pressure

The velocity of sound at the sea level in a standard atmosphere is:

1) 332kt
2) 661kt
3) 1059kt
4) 644kt

Machmeter readings are subject to:

1) density error
2) temperature error
3) setting error
4) position pressure error

The reading of a Mach indicator is independent of:

1) the differential pressure measurement
2) the total pressure
3) the outside temperature
4) the static pressure

The operating principle of the vertical speed indicator (VSI) is based on the measurement of
the rate of change of:
1) Kinetic pressure
2) Dynamic pressure
3) Total pressure
4) Static pressure

The response time of a vertical speed detector may be increased by adding a:

1) bimetallic strip
2) return spring
3) correction based on an accelometer sensor
4) second calibrated port

The vertical speed indicator of an aircraft flying at a true airspeed of 100kt, in a descent
with a slope of 3 degrees, indicates:
1) -300ft/min
2) -250ft/min
3) -150ft/min
4) -500ft/min

The vertical speed indicator (VSI) is fed by:

1) differential pressure
2) dynamic pressure
3) static pressure
4) total pressure

The advantages provided by an air data computer to indicate the altitude are:
1 Position/pressure error correction
2 Hysteresis error correction
3 Remote data transmission capability
4 Capability of operating as a conventional altimeter in the event of a failure
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 2, 3, 4
2) 1, 2, 3, 4
3) 1, 3, 4
4) 1, 2, 3

Ts the static temperature (SAT)
Tt the total temperature (TAT)
Kr the recovery coefficient
M the Mach number
The total temperature can be expressed approximately by the formula:
1) Tt = Ts (1 + 0.2Kr x M 2)
2) Tt = Ts (1 + 0.2M 2)
3) Tt = Ts / (1 + 0.2Kr x M 2)
4) Tt = Ts (1 - 0.2 x M 2)

An Air Data Computer (ADC):

1) transforms air data measurements into electric impulses driving servo motors in
2) measures position error in the static system and transmits this information to ATC to
provide correct altitude reporting
3) is an auxiliary system that provides altitude information in the event that the static
source is blocked
4) converts air data measurements given by ATC from the ground in order to provide
correct altitude and speed information

Cruising at FL390, M.84 is found to give a TAS of 499kt. The ISA deviation at this level will
1) +17.
2) -19.
3) -17.
4) +19.

Compressibility error in the ASI is normally corrected by:

1) Accurate calibration of the instrument
2) Use of a calibration card placed next to the instrument
3) The error is insignificant and can be ignored
4) Use of the navigation computer

Turbulent flow around a pressure head will cause:

1) density error.
2) 95% increase in manoeuvre induced error.
3) approximately 95% of the position error.
4) an increase in the dynamic pressure.

Dynamic pressure is given by:

1) The static energy formula: 1/2 density x V2
2) The kinetic energy formula: 1/2 density x V2
3) The static energy formula P1V1 = P2V2
4) The kinetic energy formula P1V1 = P2V2

The advantages of an ADC over a traditional pitot - static system are:

position and compressibility correction.
reduced lag
ability to supply many instruments
ability to act as an altimeter following failure.
1) 1, 2 & 3
2) 2, 3 & 4
3) 1, 2 & 4
4) 1, 3 & 4

A servo altimeter has a quoted accuracy of 1 mb at mean sea level. The accuracy in the
standard atmosphere is:
1) +- 50 ft at 20 000 ft and +- 90 ft at the tropopause
2) +- 27 ft at MSL and +- 50 ft at 10 000 ft
3) +- 50 ft at 10 000 ft and +- 100 ft at 40 000 ft
4) +- 30 ft at 20 000 ft and +- 100 ft at 20 000 ft

VNO is the maximum speed:

1) with flaps extended in landing position.
2) which must never be exceeded.
3) not to be exceeded except in still air and with caution.
4) at which the flight controls can be fully deflected.

An is aircraft flying at a TAS of 1100 knots at FL 650. A change in 0.1M causes a change in
TAS of 57 knots.
The temperature deviation at FL 650 assuming an ISA atmosphere is:
1) +2.5
2) -5
3) +5
4) -2.5

An aircraft is passing 6,500 ft in a descent when the static line becomes blocked. The
altimeter then reads:
1) less than 6,500 ft
2) more than 6,500 ft
3) zero
4) 6,500 ft

How many diaphragms are present in a basic Mach meter?

1) Four.
2) Two.
3) One.
4) Three.

When an altimeter is used for SSR it is always referenced to:

1) The pressure setting in use
2) 1013.25 hPa
3) QFE
4) QNH

Aircraft with pressurized cabin in flight:

When switching to the alternate static pressure source, the pointer of the Vertical Speed
1) indicates correctly
2) indicates a climb, then settles down and reads incorrectly
3) indicates a descent, then settles down and reads incorrectly
4) indicates a slight continuous descent

The errors to which the machmeter is subject are:

1) instrument error, position error, compressibility error and manoeuvre induced error.
2) instrument error, position error, barometric error, temperature error and manoeuvre
induced error.
3) instrument error, position error.
4) instrument error, position error, density error and manoeuvre induced error.

Pressure error in an altimeter arises because:

1) The true external static pressure is not accurately transmitted to the instrument
2) The true external pitot pressure is not accurately transmitted to the instrument
3) The true external kinetic pressure is not accurately transmitted to the instrument
4) The true external dynamic pressure is not accurately transmitted to the instrument

The airspeed indicator is calibrated to:

1) the full ISA
2) ISA at the height the aircraft is flying
3) ISA at mean sea level
4) ISA at 36,000 ft

M: Mach number
Ts: static temperature
Tt: total temperature

Which of the following statements is correct?

1) Ts = Tt x (1+0.2M2)
2) Ts = Tt / (0.2M2)
3) Ts = Tt / (1+0.2M2)
4) Ts = Tt x (0.2M2)

As an airplane climbs higher, the true airspeed for a given indicated airspeed will:
1) Increase
2) Vary depending on the actual value of the indicated airspeed and the angle of attack
3) Remain the same
4) Decrease

Which of the following instruments require pitot and static pressure inputs?
1) Airspeed indicator, vertical speed indicator, altimeter.
2) Airspeed indicator and machmeter.
3) Airspeed indicator, machmeter and vertical speed indicator.
4) Airspeed indicator only.

An aircraft is flying straight and level, over a warm air mass. The altimeter reading will be:
1) oscillating around the correct height
2) correct
3) less than the real height
4) greater than the real height

The difference between static air temperature and total air temperature is known as:
1) the recovery factor
2) the ram rise
3) corrected outside air temperature
4) hot ramp radiation
When descending through an isothermal level the TAS will .... (i), the CAS .... (ii) and the
LSS will .... (iii):
1) i remain constant ii decrease iii increase
2) i increase ii increase iii decrease
3) i remain constant ii increase iii remain constant
4) i decrease ii decrease iii remain constant

If the static line to the ASI becomes blocked during a climb, the ASI reading will:
1) increase, no matter what the actual airspeed is.
2) remain fixed.
3) progressively underread.
4) progressively overread.

An aircraft is flying at FL 390, temperature -56.5° C at Mach 0.85. The TAS of the aircraft
1) 476
2) 472
3) 561
4) 485

The temperature at the airport is 23° C, what is the local speed of sound:
1) 694 knots
2) 671 knots
3) 644 knots
4) 616 knots

What does a vertical speed indicator actually measure?

1) The rate of pressure change.
2) The rate of temperature and altitude change.
3) The rate of temperature change.
4) The rate of altitude change.

EAS is:
1) IAS corrected for compressibility
2) IAS corrected for instrument error only
3) CAS corrected for position error
4) CAS corrected for compressibility

For an altimeter, pressure fluctuations at the static vent cause:

1) Barometric error
2) Temperature error
3) Position error
4) Hysteresis error

The combined Machmeter / ASI is subject to the following errors:

1) instrument, pressure and temperature only
2) position, density, instrument, compressibility, manoeuvre induced
3) those of the Machmeter only
4) instrument and compressibility only
A temperature sensor having a recovery factor of 0.75 indicates 30° C. Static Air
Temperature (SAT) is 25° C.
How high is the Ram-rise?
1) 40° C.
2) 6.7° C.
3) 5° C.
4) 18.8° C.

An Air Data Computer (ADC):

1) Is an auxiliary system that provides altitude information in the event that the static
source is blocked
2) Measures position error in the static system and transmits this information to ATC to
provide correct altitude reporting
3) Converts air data measurements given by ATC from the ground in order to provide
correct altitude and speed information
4) Transforms air data measurements into electric impulses driving servo motors
in instruments

What corrections must be applied to indicated airspeed to produce true airspeed?

1) Correction for wind and temperature.
2) Correction for heading and altitude.
3) Correction for altitude and wind.
4) Correction for altitude and temperature.

An increase of 0.15 Mach results in an increase of 93 kt TAS of an aircraft. The local speed
of sound is:
1) 685 kt
2) 560 kt
3) 580 kt
4) 620 kt

An aircraft is in level flight at FL100 over a mountain range, which extends up to 2.400
metres AMSL. If the regional QNH is 998 hPa (use 30 ft/hPa), what is the approximate
terrain clearance?
1) 1.681 feet.
2) 7.869 feet.
3) 2.581 feet.
4) 450 feet.

The Airspeed Indicator measures:

1) Static pressure
2) Static pressure changes
3) Differential pressure
4) Differential pressure changes

An aircraft flies an altitude of 3500 feet from A, elevation 700 feet QNH 1015 mb to B,
elevation 1120 feet QNH 992 mb. Assuming the altimeter sub-scale is not changed, the
aircraft will arrive over B at a height of:
1) 2810 feet
2) 1690 feet
3) 2670 feet
4) 3500 feet

The Mach number is:

1) a direct function of temperature ; it varies in proportion to the square root of the
absolute temperature.
2) the ratio of the aircraft true airspeed to the sonic velocity at the altitude
3) the ratio of the aircraft conventional airspeed to the sonic velocity at the altitude
4) the ratio of the indicated airspeed to the sonic velocity at the altitude considered.

Calibrated air speed is:

1) IAS plus compressibility correction
2) IAS plus instrument error correction
3) IAS plus the pressure error
4) IAS plus density error correction
CAS is IAS corrected for:
1) instrument error.
2) compressibility.
3) position error.
4) density error.

Change of temperature as an aircraft climbs or descends:

1) has no effect on the VSI readings, as only static pressure is used in this instrument.
2) will affect VSI readings whenever actual temperature lapse rate differs from the standard
atmosphere temperature lapse rate.
3) must be corrected using a computer or correction tables.
4) is compensated at the metering unit by means of a capillary and orifice.

The ISA temperature and pressure for 18 000 ft are:

1) -12.7° C and 595.2 hPa respectively
2) -20.7° C and 595.2 hPa respectively
3) -20.7° C and 506 hPa respectively
4) -12.7° C and 506 hPa respectively

The principle of operation of a servo-assisted pressure altimeter is that:

1) static and pitot pressure are compared with the resultant pressure being used to drive
the counter and pointer system
2) static pressure is used in the same way as a simple altimeter except that several
capsules are used
3) static pressure changes are converted via an E- and I-bar transducer into
electrical signal which is used, via a follow-up system, to move a digital counter
and pointer system
4) static pressure enters an aneroid capsule causing it to expand

When flying from low pressure to high pressure, the barometric error of an altimeter will
cause the instrument to:
1) indicate a higher altitude than the correct one.
2) overread the true altitude of the aircraft.
3) indicate the true altitude.
4) underread the true altitude of the aircraft.
VFE is the maximum speed:
1) with the flaps extended in take-off position.
2) with the flaps extended in a given position.
3) with the flaps extended in landing position.
4) at which the flaps can be operated in turbulence.

Compared to the VSI what errors are eliminated by the IYSI?

1) temperature
2) turning
3) pressure
4) lag

If the pitot tube is clogged, which instrument(s) is/are affected?

1) Altimeter only.
2) Vertical speed indicator only.
3) Altimeter and airspeed indicator.
4) Airspeed indicator only.

We are maintaining a constant flight level. That means:

1) the outside air pressure is constant.
2) the altitude above sea level is constant.
3) the altitude is constant when the sea-level pressure is constant.
4) the outside air pressure is constant if the temperature remains constant.
The vertical speed indicator indications may be in error for some seconds after starting or
finishing a climb or descent. The error is a result of:
1) a combination of time lag and manoeuvre induced errors.
2) a combination of time lag and instrument error.
3) manoeuvre induced errors only.
4) a combination of position error and manoeuvre induced errors.

During a steady climb the pitot head becomes totally blocked by ice. As the climb continues
the indications of the machmeter will:
1) increase no matter what the actual Mach number
2) progressively under indicate the Mach number
3) go to zero and stay there
4) stick at the Mach number at the time of blockage

The mach number is the:

1) indicated airspeed (IAS) divided by the local speed of sound.
2) corrected airspeed (CAS) divided by the local speed of sound.
3) true airspeed (TAS) divided by the local speed of sound.
4) equivalent airspeed (EAS) divided by the local speed of sound.

Density varies:
1) Directly with pressure and inversely with temperature
2) Inversely with temperature and pressure
3) Directly with temperature and pressure
4) Inversely with pressure and directly with temperature

The Mach number is a function of the:

1) Isobaric gradient of the fluid.
2) Absolute temperature of the air.
3) relative air temperature.
4) humidity of the air.

The reason for having a square-law compensation in the airspeed-indicator mechanism is:
1) The differential pressure decreases with the square of the airspeed
2) The differential pressure increases with the square of the airspeed
3) The ram air pressure decreases with the square-root of the airspeed
4) The ram air pressure increases with the square-root of the airspeed

Total Air Temp is always... than Static Air Temp and the difference varies with...
1) warmer, altitude.
2) colder, CAS.
3) warmer, TAS.
4) colder, altitude.

Indicated airspeed corrected for position error is:

1) True air speed.
2) Calibrated airspeed.
3) Ground speed.
4) Equivalent air speed.

The vertical speed indicator VSI is fed by:

1) total pressure.
2) static pressure.
3) differential pressure.
4) dynamic pressure.

Ts: the static air temperature (SAT)
Tt: the total air temperature (TAT)
Kr: the recovery coefficient
M: the Mach number
1) Tt = Ts(1-0.2 x M2)
2) Tt = Ts(1+0.2 x Kr x M2)
3) Tt = Ts(1+0.2 x M2)
4) Tt = Ts/(1+0.2 x Kr x M2)

Compressibility Error requires a .... (i) correction because it is .... (ii) of ....(iii) pressure. It
gives .... (iv):
1) (i) positive (ii) an increase (iii) dynamic (iv) TAS
2) (I) negative (ii) a decrease (iii) static (iv) EAS
3) (i) negative (ii) an increase (iii) dynamic (iv) EAS
4) (i) positive (ii) a decrease (iii) static (iv) TAS

Dynamic pressure is:

1) Pitot pressure minus static pressure
2) Density and static pressure
3) Pitot pressure plus static pressure
4) Static pressure minus pitot pressure

If the static vent becomes blocked during climb:

1) the VSI will return to zero.
2) the VSI will indicate an increasing rate of climb.
3) the VSI will indicate a decreasing rate of climb.
4) the VSI will stop at the rate of climb of the aircraft at the time of blockage.

A pitot tube covered by ice which blocks the ram air inlet will affect the following instrument
(s) :
1) airspeed indicator only.
2) vertical speed indicator only.
3) airspeed indicator, altimeter and vertical speed indicator.
4) altimeter only.

The velocity maximum operating (V.M.O.) is a speed expressed in :

1) computed airspeed (COAS).
2) equivalent airspeed (EAS).
3) calibrated airspeed (CAS).
4) true airspeed (TAS).

The static pressure error of the static vent on which the altimeter is connected varies
substantially with the:
1) Mach number of the aircraft
2) aircraft altitude
3) static temperature
4) deformation of the aneroid capsule

The airspeed indicator of an aircraft is provided with a moving red and white hatched
pointer. This pointer indicates the:
1) speed indicated on the autothrottle control box versus altitude
2) maximum speed in VMO operation versus altitude
3) speed indicated on the autothrottle control box, versus temperature
4) maximum speed in VMO operation, versus temperature

In An Air Data Computer (ADC), aeroplane altitude is calculated from:

1) Measurement of elapsed time for a radio signal transmitted to the ground surface and
2) Measurement of outside air temperature (OAT)
3) The difference between absolute and dynamic pressure at the fuselage
4) Measurement of absolute barometric pressure from a static source on the

Today's airspeed indicators (calibrated to the Saint-Venant formula), indicate, in the

absence of static (and instrumental) error :
1) The conventional airspeed (CAS) in all cases
2) The airspeed, whatever the altitude
3) The equivalent airspeed, in all cases
4) The true airspeed

A rate integrating gyro is a detecting element used in:

1 An inertial attitude unit
2 An automatic pilot
3 A stabilizing servo system
4 An inertial navigation system
5 A rate-of-turn indicator
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 1, 4
2) 2, 3, 4
3) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
4) 2, 3, 5

The diagram in the annex shows three gyro assemblies. A, B and C. Among these gyros
- one is a roll gyro (noted 1)
- one is a pitch gyro (noted 2)
- one is a yaw gyro (noted 3)
The correct matching of gyros and assemblies is:
1) 1B, 2C, 3A
2) 1C, 2B, 3A
3) 1B, 2A, 3C
4) 1A, 2B, 3C

The basis properties of a gyrospace are:

1 The gyro's weight
2 The rigidity in space
3 The inertia
4 The high RPM
5 The precession
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 2, 5
2) 3, 4
3) 1, 3, 5
4) 2, 3, 5

Compared with a conventional gyro, a laser gyro:

1) consumes a lot of power
2) has a longer life cycle
3) has a fairly long starting cycle
4) is influenced by temperature

In the building principle of a gyroscope, the best efficiency is obtained through the
concentration of the mass:
1) on the periphery and with a low rotation speed
2) on the periphery and with a high rotation speed
3) close to the axis and with a high rotation speed
4) close to the axis and with a low rotation speed

Among the systematic errors of the "directional gyro", the error due to the earth rotation
make the north reference turn in the horizontal plane. At a mean latitude of 45°N, this
reference turns by...
1) 15°/hour to the right
2) 10.5°/hour to the right
3) 7.5°/hour to the right
4) 7.5°/hour to the left

A laser gyro consists of:

1) a laser generating two light waves
2) 2 electrodes (anodes+cathodes)
3) a gyro with 2 degrees of freedom
4) two moving cavities provided with mirrors

The directional gyro axis no longer spins about the local vertical when it is located:
1) on the North pole
2) in the latitude 30°
3) in the latitude 45°
4) on the equator

The maximum directional gyro error to the earth rotation is:

1) 15°/hour
2) 90°/hour
3) 5°/hour
4) 180°/hour

A directional gyro is:

1 a gyroscope free around two axis
2 a gyroscope free around one axis
3 capable of self-orientation around an earth-tied direction
4 incapable of self-orientation around an earth-tied direction
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 1, 3
2) 2, 3
3) 2, 4
4) 1, 4
For an aircraft flying a true track of 360° between the 005°S and 005°N parallels, the
precession error of the directional gyro due to apparent drift is equal to:
1) depends only on the aircraft's ground speed
2) +5°/hour
3) -5°/hour
4) 0°/hour

An airborne instrument, equipped with a gyro with 2 degrees of freedom and a horizontal
spin axis is:
1) a turn indicator
2) a directional gyro
3) an artificial horizon
4) a flux gate compass

The heading read on the dial of a directional gyro is subject to errors, one of which is due to
the movement of the aircraft. This error...
1) is at its greatest value when the aircraft follows a meridional track
2) is, in spite of this, insignificant and may be neglected
3) is dependent on the ground speed of the aircraft, its true track and the average
latitude of the flight
4) shows itself by an apparent rotation of the horizontal axis of the gyroscope which seems
to turn at 15° per hour to the right in the northern hemisphere

The gimbal error of the directional gyro is due to the effect of:
1) an apparent weight and an apparental vertical
2) the aircraft's track over the earth
3) a bank or pitch attitude of the aircraft
4) too slow precission on the horizontal gimbal ring

The directional gyro axis spins about the local vertical by 15°/hour:
1) on the equator
2) in the latitude 30°
3) in the latitude 45°
4) on the North pole

The characteristics of the directional gyro (DG) used in a gyro stabilised compass system
1) one degree of freedom, whose horizontal axis is maintained in the horizontal plane by an
automatic erecting system
2) two degrees of freedom, whose axis aligned with the vertical to the location is maintained
in this direction by an erecting system
3) one degree of freedom, whose vertical axis, aligned with the real vertical to the location
is maintained in this direction by an automatic erecting system
4) two degrees of freedom, whose horizontal axis corresponding to the reference
direction is maintained in the horizontal plane by an automatic erecting system

The indication of the directional gyro as an on-board instrument are valid only for a short
period of time. The causes of this inaccuracy are:
1 the earth's rotation
2 the longitudinal acceleration
3 the aircraft's motion over the surface of the earth
4 the mechanical defects of the gyro
5 the gyro's weight
6 the gimbal mount of the gyro rings
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 1, 3, 4, 6
2) 2, 5, 6
3) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
4) 1, 3, 4

The indications on a directional gyroscope or gyrocompass are subject to errors, due to:
1 rotation of Earth
2 aeroplane motion on Earth
3 lateral and transversal aeroplane bank angles
4 north change
5 mechanical defects
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 2, 3, 5
2) 3, 4, 5
3) 1, 2, 3, 5
4) 1, 2, 4, 5

The pendulum type detector system of the directional gyro feeds:

1) a levelling erection torque motor
2) a torque motor on the sensitive axis
3) a nozzle integral with the outer gimbal ring
4) 2 torque motors arranged horizontally

A gyromagnetic compass or heading reference unit is an assembly which always consists of:
1 a directional gyro
2 a vertical axis gyro
3 an earth's magnetic field detector
4 an azimuth control
5 a synchronising control
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 2, 3, 5
2) 1, 4
3) 1, 3, 5
4) 2, 5

Heading information given by a gyro platform, is given by a gyro at:

1) 1 degree-of-freedom in the horizontal axis
2) 1 degree-of-freedom in the vertical axis
3) 2 degrees-of-freedom in the vertical axis
4) 2 degrees-of-freedom in the horizontal axis

The gyromagnetic compass torque motor:

1) feeds the error detector system
2) is fed by the flux valve
3) causes the directional gyro unit to precess
4) causes the heading indicator to precess

Heading information from the gyromagnetic compass flux gate is transmitted to the:
1) amplifier
2) erecting system
3) heading indicator
4) error detector

The heading information originating from the gyromagnetic compass flux valve is sent to
1) heading indicator
2) amplifier
3) erector system
4) error detector

The input signal of the amplifier of the gyromagnetic compass resetting device originates
from the:
1) directional gyro erection device
2) directional gyro unit
3) flux valve
4) error detector

A slaved directional gyro derives it's directional signal from:

1) the air-data-computer
2) the flux valve
3) the flight director
4) a direct reading magnetic compass

A failed RMI rose is locked on 090° and the ADF pointer indicates 225°. The relative bearing
to the station is:
1) 315°
2) 135°
3) 225°
4) Impossible to read, due to failure RMI

A Stand-by-horizon or emergency attitude indicator:

1) is automatically connected to the primary vertical gyro if the alternator fails
2) contains its own separate gyro
3) is fully independent of external energy resources in an emergency situation
4) only works if there is a complete electrical failure

Among the flight control instruments, the artificial horizon playes an essential part. It uses a
gyroscope with:
(Note: in this question, the degrees of freedom of a gyro are determined by the number of
gimbal rings it comprises)
1) two degrees of freedom, whose horizontal axis corresponding to a reference direction is
maintained in a horizontal plane by an automatic erecting system
2) one degree of freedom, whose horizontal axis is maintained in a horizontal plane by an
automatic erecting system
3) one degree of freedom, whose vertical axis oriented in the direction of the real vertical to
the location is maintained in this direction by an automatic erecting system
4) two degrees of freedom, whose axis is oriented and continously maintained to
local vertical by an automatic erecting system
When an aircraft has turned 90 degrees with a constant attitude and bank, the pilot
observes the following on a classic artificial horizon:
1) too much nose-up and bank correct
2) too much nose-up and bank too low
3) too much nose-up and bank too high
4) attitude and bank correct

Following 180° stabilized turn with a constant attitude and bank, the artificial horizon
1) attitude and banking coorect
2) too high pitch-up and too low banking
3) too high pitch up and too high banking
4) too high pitch up and correct banking

When an aircraft has turned 360 degrees with a constant attitude and bank, the pilot
observes the following on a classic artificial horizon:
1) too much nose-up and bank too low
2) attitude and bank correct
3) too much nose-up and bank correct
4) too much nose-up and bank too high
The diagram which shows a 40° left and 15° nose down attitude is number
1) 3
2) 2
3) 4
4) 1

A gravity erector system is used to correct the errors on:

1) a turn indicator
2) a directional gyro
3) an artificial horizon
4) a gyromagnetic compass
During an acceleration phase at constant attitude, the resetting principle of the artificial
horizon results in the horizon bar indicating a:
1) constant attitude
2) nose-up attitude
3) nose-down attitude
4) nose-down followed by a nose-up attitude

When an aircraft has turned 270 degrees with a constant attitude and bank, the pilot
observes the following on a classic artificial horizon:
1) too much nose-up and bank correct
2) attitude and bank correct
3) too much nose-up and bank too high
4) too much nose-up and bank too low

A gravity type erector is used in a vertical gyro device to correct errors on:
1) an artificial horizon
2) a directional gyro unit
3) a turn indicator
4) a gyromagnetic indicator

An aircraft is flying at a 120kt true airspeed (VV), in order to achieve a rate 1 turn, the pilot
will have to bank the aircraft at an angle of:
1) 12°
2) 30°
3) 18°
4) 36°
The diagram representing a left turn with insufficient rudder is:
1) 4
2) 3
3) 1
4) 2

The rate turn indicator uses a gyroscope:

1 with one degree of freedom
2 with two degrees of freedom
3 the frame of which is supported by two return springs
4 the spinning wheel axis of which is parallel to the pitch axis
5 the spinning wheel axis of which is parallel to the yawing axis
6 the spinning wheel axis of which is horizontal
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 2, 5
2) 1, 6
3) 1, 3
4) 1, 3, 4

In a Turn-indicator, the measurement of a rate-of-turn consists for:

1) low bank angles, in measuring the roll rate
2) high bank angles, in measuring the roll rate
3) high bank angles, in measuring the yaw rate
4) low bank angles, in measuring the yaw rate
In a turn at constant rate, the turn indicator reading is:
1) inversely proportional to the aircraft true airspeed
2) proportional to the aircraft true airspeed
3) proportional to the aircraft weight
4) independent to the aircraft true airspeed

An airborne instrument, equipped with a gyro with 1 degree of freedom and a horizontal
spin axis is a:
1) gyromagnetic compass
2) turn indicator
3) fluxgate compass
4) directional gyro

A turn indicator is an instrument which indicates rate of turn.

Rate of turn depends on:
1 bank angle
2 aeroplane speed
3 aeroplane weight
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 1, 2, 3
2) 1, 3
3) 1, 2
4) 2, 3

When, in flight, the needle of a needle-and-ball indicator is on the left and the ball on the
right, the aircraft is:
1) turning right with not enough bank
2) turning right with too much bank
3) turning left with too much bank
4) turning left with not enough bank

When, in flight, the needle of a needle-and-ball indicator is on the right and the ball on the
left, the aircraft is:
1) turning right with too much bank
2) turning left with too much bank
3) turning right with not enough bank
4) turning left with not enough bank

When, in flight, the needle and ball of a needle-and-ball indicator are on the right, the
aircraft is:
1) turning right with too much bank
2) turning left with too much bank
3) turning left with not enough bank
4) turning right with not enough bank

When, in flight, the needle and ball of a needle-and-ball indicator are on the left, the aircraft
1) turning right with too much bank
2) turning left with too much bank
3) turning right with not enough bank
4) turning left with not enough bank
On the ground, during a left turn, the turn indicator indicates:
1) needle to the left, ball to the right
2) needle in the middle, ball to the left
3) needle to the left, ball to the left
4) needle in the middle, ball to the right

On the ground, during a right turn, the turn indicator indicates:

1) needle in the middle, ball to the right
2) needle to the right, ball to the left
3) needle to the right, ball to the right
4) needle in the middle, ball to the left

Under normal operating conditions, when an aircraft is in banked turn, the rate-of-turn
indicator is a valuable gyroscopic flight control instrument; when it is associated with an
attitude indicator it indicates:
1 the angular velocity of the aircraft about the yaw axis
2 the bank of the aircraft
3 the direction of the aircraft turn
4 the angular velocity of the aircraft about the real vertical
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 1, 3
2) 1, 2
3) 3, 4
4) 2, 4

A turn indicator is built around a gyroscope with:

1) 2 degrees of freedom
2) 3 degrees of freedom
3) 1 degree of freedom
4) 0 degree of freedom

The rate-of-turn is the:

1) pitch rate in a turn
2) change-of-heading rate of the aircraft
3) aircraft speed in a turn
4) yaw rate in a turn

While inertial platform system is operating on board an aircraft, it is necessary to use a

device with the following characteristics, in order to keep the vertical line with a pendulous
1) with damping and a period of about 84 minutes
2) with damping and a period of 84 seconds
3) without damping and a period of about 84 seconds
4) without damping and a period of about 84 minutes

The vertical reference unit of a three-axis data generator is equipped with a gyro with:
1) 2 degrees of freedom and horizontal spin axis
2) 2 degrees of freedom and vertical spin axis
3) 1 degree of freedom and vertical spin axis
4) 1 degree of freedom and horizontal spin axis
The heading reference unit of a three-axis data generator is equipped with a gyro with:
1) 2 degrees of freedom and vertical spin axis
2) 2 degrees of freedom and horizontal spin axis
3) 1 degree of freedom and vertical spin axis
4) 1 degree of freedom and horizontal spin axis

In order to align a strapdown inertial unit, it is required to insert the local geographical
coordinates. This is necessary to:
1) position the computing trihedron with reference to earth
2) check operation of laser gyros
3) determine magnetic or true heading
4) re-erect laser gyros

An artificial horizon with an electrical driven gyroscope has greatly reduced take-off errors.
This is because:
1) it is fitted with a roll cut-out switch and a linear cut-out switch
2) the fast erection switch is used to overcome topple by increasing the erection rate to a
high value
3) the gyro has greater rigidity, is less bottom heavy and there is a roll cut-out switch fitted
4) the gyro has greater rigidity, is less bottom heavy and there is a linear
accelerometer cut-out switch fitted

The basic properties of a gyroscope are:

The gyro's weight
The rigidity in space
The inertia
The high RPM
The precession
1) 2, 3, 5
2) 2, 5
3) 1, 3, 5
4) 3, 4

Rigidity in a gyroscope is:

1) the tendency it has to remain in its plane of rotation and resist attempts to alter
its position.
2) the reaction 90° in the direction of rotation when applying force to the spinning wheel.
3) to what extremes the flight attitudes might be before the gyro topples.
4) a way to express the stability of the inner and outer gimbal rings.

While flying, a red flag labelled " HDG" appears in the indicator (HSI) of a Slaved Gyro
Compass System. This indicates that:
1) The flux valve has detected an error between the actual aircraft heading and the pre-
selected heading
2) The flux valve is not supplying reliable information to the compass system
3) None of the above
4) The autopilot has detected an error between the actual aircraft heading and the pre-
selected heading
The latitude nut of the direction indicator is on the .... (i) gimbal and this causes the gyro to
precess around its .... (ii) axis:
1) (i) outer (ii) vertical
2) (i) outer (ii) horizontal
3) (i) inner (ii) vertical
4) (i) inner (ii) horizontal

The torque motor of a slaved gyro compass:

1) precesses the gyro in the horizontal plane.
2) moves the heading pointer.
3) moves the Selsyn stator.
4) precesses the gyro in the vertical plane.

In order to align a strapdown inertial unit, it is requited to insert the local geographical
coordinates. This is necessary to:
1) Re-erect laser gyros
2) Determine magnetic or true heading
3) Position the computing trihedron with reference to earth
4) Check operation of laser gyros

Following 180° stabilized turn with a constant attitude and bank, the artificial horizon
1) attitude and banking correct.
2) too high pitch up and too high banking.
3) too high pitch-up and too low banking.
4) too high pitch-up and correct banking.

While accelerating on take-off, what would be the expected indications on an electrically

driven Attitude Indicator?
1) a climbing turn to the right
2) none of the above - it will indicate correctly
3) a descending turn to the left
4) a climbing turn to the left

Air-driven gyro rotors are prevented from spinning too fast by the:
1) vacuum relief valve
2) electronic speed regulator module
3) pressure reducing valve
4) pressure outflow valve

An aircraft is flying at a TAS of 270 knots. What AOB will give a rate 1 turn:
1) 30°
2) 17°
3) 15°
4) 34°
Why is an INS platform virtually unusable at very high latitudes?
1) The value of earth rate affecting the E/W accelerometer is a component dependent on
the sine Lat. At high latitudes this component is nearly zero and makes alignment to true
north virtually impossible
2) The value of earth rate affecting the E/W accelerometer is a component
dependent on the cosine Lat. At high latitudes this component is nearly zero and
makes alignment to true north virtually impossible
3) The value of earth rate affecting the E/W accelerometer is a component dependent on
the cosine Lat. At high latitudes this component is nearly zero and makes alignment to
magnetic north virtually impossible
4) The value of earth rate affecting the E/W accelerometer is a component dependent on
the sine Lat. At high latitudes this component is nearly zero and makes alignment to
magnetic north virtually impossible

In a turn and slip indicator, the gyro is spinning at a greater speed than normal. What will
the effect be on the indicated rate of turn?
1) It will cause more precision and rigidity.
2) It will underread.
3) It will be more accurate than usual.
4) It will overread.

What are the advantages of a laser gyro compared to a conventional gyro?

1) uses more power.
2) takes longer to set up/ spin up.
3) takes longer to align.
4) has a longer cycle life.

The principle of operation of the turn and slip indicator is best described as:
1) a space gyro which uses the force of precession against a spring to give a reading of the
aircraft rate of turn
2) a single gimbal gyroscope in which a spring, opposing the primary precession,
in turn produces a secondary precession equal to the aircraft rate of turn
3) a single gimbal gyroscope whose primary precession is opposed by a spring which, in
turn, produces a second precession equal and opposite to the aircraft rate of turn
4) an earth gyro in which a calibrated spring ensures the tilt of the gyro is proportional to
the aircraft rate of turn

The inertial platform in a north-referenced inertial navigation system is torqued to perform

like a Schuler pendulum, so that when the platform moves over the earth:
1) answers b and c are correct
2) gyro drift errors are cancelled out
3) the platform will always oscillate with respect to true north
4) the platform remains level and aligned regardless of any aircraft accelerations

The triangular cavity in a RLG is filled with which combination of gases:

1) Helium and neon
2) Hydrogen and argon
3) Helium and argon
4) Hydrogen and neon
The inner gimbal assembly of an artificial horizon is pivoted .... (i) in the .... (ii):
1) (i) laterally (ii) case
2) (i) longitudinally (ii) outer gimbal
3) (i) to give freedom (ii) pitch plane
4) (i) longitudinally (ii) rolling plane

The position accuracy of an RLG INS is:

1) 5 NM/hr
2) 1 NM/hr
3) 10 NM/hr
4) 2 NM/hr

What is the maximum drift of a gyro, due to earth rate:

1) 90 deg per hour.
2) 5 deg per hour.
3) 180 deg per hour.
4) 15 deg per hour.

With regard to the turn indicator, the spring:

1) Produces a secondary precession equal to yaw
2) Produces a secondary precession that opposes yaw
3) Gives a linear relationship between extension and secondary force
4) Directly balances yaw

A space gyro has .... (i) gimbal rings with .... (ii) planes of freedom:
1) (i) 3 (ii) 2
2) (i) 2 (ii) 3
3) (i) 3 (ii) 3
4) (i) 2 (ii) 2

Laser gyros are used in an IRS. Why must accurate Lat & Long be inserted?
1) to determine the computed trihedron
2) to determine magnetic north
3) to compensate for aircraft movement
4) to check the function of the laser gyros

In a left turn while taxiing, the correct indications are:

1) Needle left, ball left.
2) Needle left, ball right.
3) Needle right, ball right.
4) Needle right, ball left.

A 2 axis gyro measuring vertical changes will have:

1) two degrees of freedom vertical axis.
2) one degree of freedom vertical axis.
3) two degrees of freedom horizontal axis.
4) one degree of freedom horizontal axis.
Which of the following are errors of a DGI:
earth rate
transport wander
banking when pitched up
annual movement of poles
mechanical problems
1) all 5
2) 3, 4, & 5
3) 1, 2, 3, & 5
4) 2, 3, & 5

When turning left on the ground the turn and slip indicator:
1) will not indicate on the ground
2) will show a left bank and skid
3) will show a left bank and slip
4) will show a skid

Inside an artificial horizon:

1) the rotor axis is kept level by a calibrated spring attached to the outer ring and the
instrument case.
2) the inner ring is tied to the vertical by a control system.
3) there is only one gimbal ring.
4) the inner ring is pivoted laterally inside the outer ring and the outer ring is
pivoted longitudinally inside the case.

The fundamental difference between an INS and an IRS is that:

1) The INS is a strap down system with 2 accelerometers mounted 90° to each other
2) The IRS is a strap down system with 3 accelerometers mounted 90° to each
3) The IRS is a strap down system with 2 accelerometers mounted 90° to each other
4) The INS is a strap down system with 3 accelerometers mounted 90° to each other

The purpose of the flux-valve is:

1) to sense the direction of the earth's magnetic field relative to the airplane.
2) to align the spokes with the earth's magnetic field in order to get maximum voltage from
the pick-up coils.
3) to provide flux for the automatic slaving system.
4) to measure the strength of the earth's magnetic field.

A DGI has:
1) two degrees of freedom & a vertical spin axis.
2) one degree of freedom & a vertical spin axis.
3) one degree of freedom & a horizontal spin axis.
4) two degrees of freedom & a horizontal spin axis.

The case of an air driven turn and balance indicator is leaking. A rate 1 turn of 360° will
1) Less than two minutes
2) More than two minutes
3) None of the above
4) Two minutes exactly
In a Gyro magnetic Compass the flux gate transmits information to the:
1) error detector.
2) heading indicator.
3) amplifier.
4) erecting system.

Typical directional gyro indicator errors are:

1) parallax errors and gimballing errors.
2) gimballing errors, position error and friction error.
3) instrument error, synchro error and wandering errors.
4) random wander, gimballing errors and apparent wander due to earth's rotation.

The flux valve in a RIMC:

1) is made of hard-iron magnetic steel.
2) has its own self exciter unit.
3) is supplied with AC current.
4) is fed with DC current.

The sustained oscillation in the Ring Laser Gyro (RLG) is initially caused by:
1) the corner mirrors, which reflect the radiation energy, back to the photons.
2) the spontaneous return of photons to a higher energy level, which in turn produces,
excited neon atoms.
3) the pressure fluctuation in the high pressure mixture of helium and neon gases in the
triangular cavity.
4) the gas (or plasma) inside the triangular cavity is ionised by the voltage,
causing helium atoms to collide with and transfer energy to the neon atoms.

What indications should you get from the turn-and-slip indicator during taxi?
1) the ball stays fixed in the centre position during the turn, and the needle deflects in the
opposite direction of the turn
2) the ball stays fixed in the centre position during the turn, and the needle deflects in the
direction of the turn
3) the ball moves freely opposite the turn, and the needle deflects in the direction
of the turn
4) the ball moves freely in the direction of the turn, and the needle deflects in the opposite
direction of the turn

In a Slaved Gyro Compass System the output of the flux-valve is fed to:
1) the slaving torque motor directly.
2) to the indicator.
3) to the power supply of the gyro unit.
4) the stator in the slaved gyro control.

An INS with the accelerometers aligned N/S and E/W is limited to use at latitudes below
about 82° . This is because:
1) it loses horizontal reference as dip becomes large
2) the correction for the Coriolis effect of earth rotation approaches infinity above 82° lat
3) the functions of Secant Latitude and Tangent Latitude used for certain
corrections in the computer start to approach infinity and the computer cannot
handle the rapid changes involved
4) at high speed on East or West tracks the rate of convergence is faster than the azimuth
motor can correct
The corrections fed to the platform gimbal motors of a north referenced inertial navigation
system during the ALIGN mode use inputs from:
1) all the above
2) the latitude setting, the longitude setting, the accelerometers
3) the latitude setting, the accelerometers
4) the longitude setting, the latitude setting, the air data computer

Erection systems are provided for the purpose of:

1) Erecting and maintaining the gyro in its vertical position
2) Aligning a directional gyro in its horizontal position
3) Aligning a directional gyro in its vertical position
4) Erecting and maintaining the gyro in its horizontal position

A directional gyro is:

a gyroscope free around two axis
a gyroscope free around one axis
capable of self- orientation around an earth-tied direction
incapable of self-orientation around an earth-tied direction
1) 1 - 3.
2) 2 - 4.
3) 1 - 4.
4) 2 - 3.

What is the Schuler period?

1) 21 minutes.
2) 1 oscillation in azimuth.
3) 84 minutes.
4) 63 minutes.

Alignment of a RLG INS takes:

1) Less than 10 minutes
2) 84.4 minutes
3) 10 - 15 minutes
4) 15 - 20 minutes

A longitude error in an INS will cause:

1) Poor alignment and degraded accuracy
2) Will cause no problems at all
3) A failure to align
4) Will be corrected for once the E/W accelerometer has aligned to true north

The control and display unit of an inertial navigation system indicates a position of 4810.9°
N 00012.2° W on a ramp position 4807.5° N 00005.1° E. What is the radial error rate of the
system if it has been in NAV mode for 8 hours 20 minutes:
1) 1.37 Km/hr
2) 11.42 NM/hr
3) 1.37 NM/hr
4) 14.3 NM/hr
The directional gyro keeps its rotation axis aligned toward:
1) geographic North.
2) a point on the Earth's surface.
3) a point in space.
4) magnetic North.

What is the main cause of precession?

1) The Earth's rotation.
2) Magnetic variation.
3) Magnetic declination.
4) Bearing friction.

The term 'toppling', when applied to gyros is:

1) wander in the vertical plane.
2) real wander and apparent wander.
3) wander in the horizontal plane.
4) gyroscopic precession.

Deviation compensation in a flux gate compass is done:

1) By the pilot
2) Both mechanically and electronically
3) Electronically
4) Mechanically

The acceleration errors of en electrical artificial horizon are reduced compared to those of an
air driven one by:
1) designing the gyro so that it is not pendulous
2) reducing the erection rate of the gyro assembly
3) the use of compensation stilts
4) spinning the electrical rotor slower

The maximum drift error sensed by an uncompensated DGI will be:

1) 60 deg per hour.
2) 45 deg per hour.
3) 15 deg per hour.
4) 30 deg per hour.

A DGI is assumed to be frictionless. Its latitude nut is set for 56° N. The reading that you
would expect to see after flying West along the parallel of 48° N for 45 minutes at a TAS of
480 kts with a Wind velocity of 090/60 would be:
1) 277.6°
2) 278.5°
3) 261.3°
4) 281.3°

At a low bank angle, the measurement of rate-of-turn actually consists in measuring the :
1) angular velocity of the aircraft
2) pitch rate of the aircraft
3) yaw rate of the aircraft
4) roll rate of the aircraft
The compass heading can be derived from the magnetic heading by reference to a:
1) deviation correction curve
2) compass swinging curve
3) map showing the isoclinic lines
4) map showing the isogonic lines

The quadrantal deviation of the magnetic compass is due to the action of:
1) the soft iron pieces influenced by the geomagnetic field
2) the hard iron pieces influenced by the mild iron pieces
3) the hard iron pieces and the soft iron pieces influenced by the hard iron pieces
4) the hard iron pieces influenced by the geomagnetic field

A pilot wishes to turn right on to a southerly heading with 20° bank at a latitude of 20°
North. Using a direct reading compass, in order to achieve this he must stop the turn on an
approximate heading of:
1) 210°
2) 170°
3) 190°
4) 150°

A pilot wishes to turn left on to a southerly heading with 20° bank at a latitude of 20°
North. Using a direct reading compass, in order to achieve this he must stop the turn on an
approximate heading of:
1) 190°
2) 170°
3) 160°
4) 200°

A pilot wishes to turn right on to a northerly heading with 10° bank at a latitude of 50°
North. Using a direct reading compass, in order to achieve this he must stop the turn on an
approximate heading of:
1) 330°
2) 355°
3) 015°
4) 030°

The quadrantal deviation of a magnetic compass is corrected by using:

1) pairs of permanent magnets
2) magnetized needles
3) hard iron pieces
4) soft iron pieces

The purpose of compass swinging is to determine the deviation of a magnetic compass:

1) at any latitude
2) at a given latitude
3) on any heading
4) on a given heading
In the northern hemisphere, during deceleration following a landing in an Easterly direction,
the magnetic compass will indicate:
1) a constant heading
2) an apparent turn to the South
3) a heading fluctuating about 090°
4) an apparent turn to the North

The magnetic heading can be derived from the true heading by means of a:
1) map showing the isoclinic lines
2) map showing the isogonal lines
3) compass swinging curve
4) deviation correction curve

When turning onto a northerly heading the rose of a magnetic compass tends to
"undershoot"; when turning onto a southerly heading it tends to "overshoot":
1 these compass indications are less reliable in the northern hemisphere than in the
southern hemisphere
2 these compass oscillations following a lateral gust are not identical if the aircraft is
heading north or south
3 this behaviour is due to the mechanical construction of the compass
4 this behaviour is a symptom of a badly swung compass
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 2, 3
2) 1, 2, 4
3) 2, 3, 4
4) 1, 3

Among the errors of a magnetic compass, are errors:

1) due to cross-wind gusts particularly on westerly or easterly headings
2) due to Sch¸ler type oscillations
3) of parallax, due to oscillations of the compass rose
4) in North seeking, due to bank angle and magnetic heading

The purpose of a compass swing is to attempt to coincide the indications of:

1) compass north and magnetic north
2) compass north and lubber line
3) compass north and true north
4) true north and magnetic north

In a steep turn, the northerly turning error on a magnetic compass on the northern
hemisphere is:
1) none on a 270° heading in a left turn
2) equal to 180° on a 090° heading in a right turn
3) none on a 090° heading in a right turn
4) equal to 180° on a 270° heading in a right turn

Magnetic compass swinging is carried out to reduce as much as possible:

1) variation
2) acceleration
3) deviation
4) regulation
A flux valve senses the changes in orientation of the horizontal component of the earth's
magnetic field.
1 the flux valve is made of a pair of soft iron bars
2 the primary coils are fed A.C. voltage (usually 487.5Hz)
3 the information can be used by a "flux gate" compass or a directional gyro
4 the flux gate valve casing is independent on the aircraft three inertial axis
5 the accuracy on the value of the magnetic field indication is less than 0.5%
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 1, 4, 5
2) 3, 5
3) 1, 3, 4, 5
4) 2, 3, 5

A pilot wishes to turn right on to a northerly heading with 20° bank at a latitude of
40°North. Using a direct reading compass, in order to achieve this he must stop the turn on
to an approximate heading of:
1) 350°
2) 030°
3) 330°
4) 010°

In the Northern hemisphere, during deceleration following a landing in a Westerly direction,

the magnetic compass will indicate:
1) a heading fluctuating about 270°
2) an apparent turn to the South
3) an apparent turn to the North
4) no apparent turn

In the Southern hemisphere, during deceleration following a landing in a Westerly direction,

the magnetic compass will indicate:
1) no apparent turn
2) an apparent turn to the North
3) an apparent turn to the South
4) a heading fluctuating about 270°

During deceleration following a landing in Northerly direction, the magnetic compass will
1) an apparent turn to the East
2) an apparent turn to the West
3) a heading fluctuating about 360°
4) no apparent turn

The fields affecting a magnetic compass originate from:

1 magnetic masses
2 ferrous metal masses
3 non ferrous metal masses
4 electrical currents
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 1, 2, 3, 4
2) 1, 2, 4
3) 1, 2, 3
4) 1, 3, 4
In the Southern hemisphere, during deceleration following a landing in a Easterly direction,
the magnetic compass will indicate:
1) an apparent turn to the North
2) no apparent turn
3) a heading fluctuating about 090°
4) an apparent turn to the South

An aircraft takes-off on a runway with an alignment of 045°. The isogonic line on the area
chart indicates 0°. The compass deviation is 0°. On a take-off with zero wind, the northerly
turning error:
1) is such that the compass will indicate a value noticeable above 045°
2) will be nul
3) will be nul if the wings are kept level
4) is such that the compass will indicate a value noticeable below 045°

During deceleration following a landing in a Southerly direction, the magnetic compass will
1) no apparent turn
2) a heading fluctuating about 180°
3) an apparent turn to the West
4) an apparent turn to the East

Variation is defined as the angle between:

1) TN and MN.
2) TN and CN.
3) CN and the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.
4) MN and CN.

A compass swing is used to:

1) align magnetic north with true north.
2) get true north and lubber line aligned.
3) align compass north with magnetic north.
4) align compass north with true north.

In a standby direct reading compass there is:

1) a single pendulously mounted bar magnet.
2) a non-pendulously mounted magnet system.
3) a low magnetic moment system, either of circular or bar configuration.
4) a circular magnet or pair of bar magnets pendulously mounted.

What should be the indication on the magnetic compass when rolling into a standard rate
turn to the right from a south heading in the Northern Hemisphere?
1) The compass will remain on south for a short time, then gradually catch up to the
magnetic heading of the airplane.
2) The compass will indicate a turn to the left.
3) The compass will indicate the approximate correct magnetic heading if the roll into the
turn is smooth.
4) The compass will indicate a turn to the right, but at a faster rate than is actually
Aircraft magnetism:
1) does not vary with aircraft heading or latitude
2) varies with aircraft heading and latitude
3) varies with latitude but does not vary with aircraft heading
4) does not vary with aircraft latitude but does vary with aircraft heading

The directive force of the earth's magnetic field:

1) varies with the heading of the aircraft.
2) increases as magnetic latitude increases.
3) is greatest at the magnetic equator.
4) increases as the magnetic variation increases.

The purpose of the Annunciator unit of the Remote Indicating compass is to:
1) advise if the gyro is subject to excessive wander
2) show whether the compass is operating either in the GYRO or COMPASS mode
3) indicate that the gyro is synchronised with the detector unit
4) display the serviceability of the compass

When turning from 060° to 320° in the Northern Hemisphere the direct reading compass
will .... (i) causing an .... (ii) indication of the turn. Liquid Swirl will .... (iii) the error:
1) (i) over read (ii) under (iii) decrease
2) (i) under read (ii) over (iii) decrease
3) (i) over read (ii) under (iii) increase
4) (i) under read (ii) over (iii) increase

In the Northern Hemisphere, a magnetic compass will normally indicate a turn towards
North if:
1) a right turn is entered from an east heading.
2) a left turn is entered from a west heading.
3) an aircraft is decelerated while on an east or west heading.
4) an aircraft is accelerated while on an east or west heading.

Which of the following statements are correct:

1) Dip is proportional to H
2) Dip decreases with increased in latitude
3) Dip is inversely proportional to H
4) Dip is inversely proportional to Z

An aircraft turns left from 045° to 315° in the Southern Hemisphere. The magnets turn
(i) .... and liquid swirls (ii) ... causing an error.
1) (i) clockwise (ii) anti-clockwise
2) (i) anti-clockwise (ii) anti-clockwise
3) (i) clockwise (ii) clockwise
4) (i) anti-clockwise (ii) clockwise

If the CH = 220° , var. = E12, dev. = W2, what is the corresponding TH?
1) TH = 210° .
2) TH = 206° .
3) TH = 234° .
4) TH = 230° .
The deviating effect of vertical soft iron .... (i) with decrease of magnetic latitude, due to the
.... (ii) of H and the .... (iii) of Z:
1) (i) increases (ii) decrease (iii) increase
2) (i) decreases (ii) increase (iii) decrease
3) (i) decreases (ii) increase (iii) increase
4) (i) increases (ii) decrease (iii) decrease

When accelerating on a westerly heading in the Northern Hemisphere the needle of the DIC
1) Turn clockwise giving an apparent turn towards south
2) Turn anti-clockwise giving an apparent turn towards north
3) Turn anti-clockwise giving an apparent turn towards south
4) Turn clockwise giving an apparent turn towards north

An aircraft is fitted with a direct reading magnetic compass. Upon landing in a northerly
direction the compass will indicate:
1) a turn towards West.
2) a turn towards East.
3) an oscillation to its North alignment.
4) no change.

With reference to the flux valve of a remote indicating compass:

1) the flux valve is pendulously mounted and so it is not subject to or affected by the
earth's magnetic field.
2) the flux valve is not subject to acceleration errors.
3) the flux valve is fixed to the aircraft and so turns with the aircraft to measure
the angle between the aircraft and the earth's magnetic field.
4) the flux valve is pendulously mounted and is free to turn to remain aligned with the earth
magnetic field.

During a sustained turn... the nearer magnetic pole, the effect of liquid swirl will... compass
turning error.
1) towards; not affect.
2) towards; increase.
3) away from; increase.
4) away from; not affect.

The principal advantage of a gyromagnetic compass (slaved gyro compass) is:

1) It does not precess
2) None of the above
3) It does not have to be aligned with the north
4) It combines the north-seeking ability of the magnetic compass with the stability
of the direction indicator

A remote indicating compass has usually less deviation error than a panel mounted compass
1) it is normally mounted in a part of the airplane where magnetic interference is
2) it receives a higher flux-density from the earth's magnetic field.
3) it is carrying a well damped floating magnet.
4) the indication system consists of toroidal-wound coils forming a Magnesyn system with
little interference.
In a standby compass the magnet system is immersed in a transparent liquid. The purpose
of this liquid is to:
1) increase sensitivity, decrease aperiodicity.
2) increase sensitivity, increase aperiodicity.
3) increase sensitivity, reduce liquid swirl.
4) increase sensitivity at high latitudes, lubricate bearings.

The " sensor part" of the flux-valve is:

1) The two pick-up coils
2) The three pick-up coils
3) Separate GPS signal receiver
4) Separate electronic magnetic compass

In the Southern hemisphere, during deceleration following a landing in an Easterly direction,

the magnetic compass will indicate :
1) a heading fluctuating about 090°.
2) an apparent turn to the South.
3) an apparent turn to the North.
4) no apparent turn.

During the approach, a crew reads on the radio altimeter the value of 650ft. This is an
indication of the true:
1) height of the aircraft with regard to the ground at any time
2) height of the aircraft with regard to the runway
3) height of the lowest wheels with regard to the ground at any time
4) altitude of the aircraft

The operating frequency range of a low altitude radio altimeter is:

1) 4200MHz to 4400MHz
2) 5GHz
3) 2700MHz to 2900MHz
4) 5400MHz to 9400MHz

The low-altitude radio altimeters used in precision approaches:

1 operate in the 1540- 1660MHz range
2 are of the pulsed type
3 are of the frequency modulation type
4 have an operating range of 0 to 5000ft
5 have a precision of +/-2 ft between 0 and 5000ft
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 2, 3, 4
2) 3, 4
3) 1, 2, 5
4) 3, 5

The data supplied by a radio altimeter:

1) indicates the distance between the ground and the aircraft
2) is used by the automatic pilot in the altitude hold mode
3) is used only by the radio altimeter indicator
4) concerns only the decision height
Modern low altitude radioaltimeters emit waves in the following frequency band:
1) UHF (Ultra High Frequency)
2) VLF (Very Low Frequency)
3) SHF (Super High Frequency)
4) HF (High Frequency)

For most radio altimeters, when a system error occurs during approach the...
1) Height indivation is removed
2) DH lamp flashes red
3) Audio warning signal sounds
4) DH lamp flashes red and the audio signal sounds

The Decision Height (DH) warning light comes on when an aircraft:

1) descends below a pre-set radio altitude
2) descends below a pre-set barometric altitude
3) passes over the outer marker
4) passes over the ILS inner marker

The operation of the radio altimeter of a modern aircraft is based on:

1) pulse modulation of the carrier wave
2) amplitude modulation of the carrier wave
3) frequency modulation of the carrier wave
4) a combination of frequency modulation and pulse modulation

A radio altimeter can be defined as a:

1) ground radio aid used to measure the true height of the aircraft
2) self-contained on-board aid used to measure the true height of the aircraft
3) ground radio aid used to measure the true altitude of the aircraft
4) self-contained on-board aid used to measure the true altitude of the aircraft

In low altitude radio altimeters, the height measurement (above the ground) is based upon:
1) a triangular amplitude modulation wave, for which modulation phase shift between
transmitted and received waves after ground reflection is measured
2) a pulse transmission, for which time between transmission and reception is measured on
a circular scanning screen
3) a wave transmission, for which the frequency shift by DOPPLER effect after ground
reflection is measured
4) a frequency modulation wave, for which the frequency variation between the
transmitted wave and the received wave after ground reflection is measured

The aircraft radio equipment which emits on a frequency of 4400MHz is the:

1) weather radar
2) primary radar
3) high altitude radio altimeter
4) radio altimeter
An low radio altitude altimeters, the reading is zero when main landing gear wheels are on
the ground. For this, it is necessary to:
1) place the antennas on the bottom of the aeroplane
2) change the display scale in short final, in order to have a precise readout
3) compensate residual altitude due to antennas height above the ground and coaxial cables
4) account for signal processing time in the unit and apply a correction factor to
the reading

A radio altimeter can be defined as a:

1) ground radio aid used to measure the true height of the aircraft.
2) ground radio aid used to measure the true altitude of the aircraft.
3) self contained on board aid used to measure the true height of the aircraft.
4) self contained on board aid used to measure the true altitude of the aircraft.

In low altitude radio altimeters, the reading is zero when main landing gear wheels are on
the ground. For this, it is necessary to:
1) compensate residual altitude due to antennas height above the ground and coaxial cables
2) account for signal processing time in the unit and apply a correction factor to
the reading.
3) place the antennas on the bottom of the aeroplane.
4) change the display scale in short final, in order to have a precise readout.

The aircraft radio equipment which emits on a frequency of 4400 MHz is the :
1) high altitude radio altimeter.
2) weather radar.
3) primary radar.
4) radio altimeter.

The Primary Flight Display (PFD) displays information dedicated to:

1) engines and alarms
2) weather situation
3) piloting
4) systems

Regarding Electronic Instrument System (EFIS):

1 the Navigation Display (ND) displays Flight Director Bars
2 the altimeter setting is displayed on the PFD (Primary Flight Display)
3 the PFD is the main flying instrument
4 the FMA (Flight Mode Anunciator) is part of the ND
The combination of correct statements is:
1) 1, 2
2) 1, 4
3) 2, 3
4) 3, 4

Which colours are typically used on an EHSI?

1) White, green, magenta, cyan, yellow and red.
2) Black, blue, purple, red, green and white.
3) Red and blue.
4) Magenta, brown, black and green.
An EFIS installation on a B737 consists of:
1) four screens and three symbol generators.
2) two screens, one control panel and two symbol generators.
3) four screens and two symbol generators.
4) two screens and one symbol generator.

Cautionary information on an EHSI is displayed in:

1) white.
2) red/magenta.
3) cyan/blue.
4) yellow/amber.

The wind direction symbol displayed all EHSI modes except PLAN mode is oriented:
1) to grid north when flying at high latitudes.
2) with respect to aircraft heading.
3) to magnetic north.
4) to true north.

On a HSI map mode, distance to go is displayed in the:

1) Top left corner
2) Bottom right corner
3) Bottom left corner
4) Top right corner

Which of the following displays are part of the Electronic Flight Instrumentation System
(from Boeing)?
1) Navigation display and Primary Flight Display.
2) Electronic Attitude Director Indicator and Electronic Horizontal Situation
3) EHSI and PFD.
4) ND and Electronic Attitude Director Indicator.

Decision height is displayed on the:

1) EHSI in Map mode, and below 1000 ft is shown as a circular display which is erased anti-
clockwise as the aircraft descends.
2) EADI, and below 2500 ft the display changes to a circular scale with a magenta colour
3) EADI, and below 1000 ft is shown as a circular scale which is erased anti-
clockwise as the aircraft descends.
4) EADI, and below 800 ft changes to a circular scale which is white with a magenta DH

At what height does the DH, on the EADI display, starts flashing yellow?
1) At DH plus 100 ft.
2) At 1000ft AGL.
3) On reaching DH.
4) On touchdown.
In addition to attitude and autoflight modes, what information is also typically displayed on
an EADI?
1) Engine indications and systems information.
2) Altitude, speed and sometimes also heading information.
3) Altitude, groundspeed, heading, and windspeed/direction.
4) Speed, Altitude, ILS localiser and glide slope information, and sometimes also
heading information.

WXR display is controlled from:

1) co-pilots EHSI control only
2) a special control panel
3) both captains and co-pilots EHSI control panels
4) captains EHSJ control only

Aircraft electronic display systems normally incorporate:

1) automatic CRT brightness control.
2) a single CRT for each pilot position.
3) LED alphanumeric displays.
4) one symbol generator for each CRT.

The weather radar display data can be shown on:

1) the Captain's and First Officer's EHSI simultaneously.
2) the Captain's EHSI only.
3) the First Officer's EHSI only.
4) only one EHSI at a time.

With an EFIS flight director using EFIS guidance, reference north can be:
1) magnetic north only
2) magnetic north between 75° N and 75° S and true north above these latitudes
3) magnetic north between 65° N and 73° S and true north above these latitudes
4) magnetic north between 73° N and 65° S and true north above these latitudes

When using EHSI, weather radar may be displayed on following settings:

1) map, VOR/ILS
2) expanded map, VOR/ILS, plan
3) VOR/ILS, map, expanded plan
4) map, expanded VOR/ILS

Decision height is adjusted and set on the:

1) HSI section of the EFIS control panel
2) flight management computer
3) ADI section of the EFIS control panel
4) ADI or HSI

The heading reference used on the EHSI is:

1) Compass.
2) Magnetic.
3) True or Magnetic.
4) True.
Decision height is...
1) pre-set automatically by the autoflight system.
2) displayed on the EADI using FMC inputs.
3) calculated by the flight management computer.
4) displayed on the EADI, and set by the pilot using the EFIS control panel.

The EFIS control panel allows selection of:

1) Autopilot operating mode.
2) EHSI fail-operational fall back mode.
3) EADI operating mode.
4) Decision Height.

Radio altitude is shown on the EADI and changes from a digital display to a circular scale:
1) at 2500 ft.
2) below 1000 ft AGL.
3) at 1000 ft and below AGL.
4) at DH.

The speed tape on an EADI is located:

1) on the left hand side of the EADI.
2) on the left hand side of the HIS.
3) on the right hand side of the EADI.
4) at the top of the ADI.

On an EHSI display, wind velocity can be displayed in which of the following modes?
1) Map, Expanded ILS, Full ILS and Full VOR.
2) Expanded ILS, Expanded VOR, Plan and Full ILS.
3) Map, Plan, Full ILS and Full VOR.
4) Plan, Full ILS, Expanded VOR and Full VOR.

A bounded error in an INS system:

1) will cause the ground speed to oscillate about a constant mean value, which in itself will
be an error.
2) will produce a constant track error.
3) will not increase with time.
4) will result in all of the above being correct.

A rate integrating gyro is used in which of the following:

inertial attitude unit
autopilot system
stabiliser servo mechanism system
inertial navigation unit
rate of turn indicator
1) 2, 3, & 4
2) 1 & 4
3) 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
4) 2, 3, & 5

An IRS is aligned in order to:

1) calculate the computed trihedron with respect to the earth.
2) establish true and magnetic north.
3) establish position relative to true north and magnetic north.
4) establish magnetic north.
The computer of a north referenced Inertial Navigation System (INS) in flight, provides
compensation for:
1) transport wander, apparent wander, Coriolis, magnetic variation.
2) aircraft manoeuvres, real wander, apparent wander, transport wander.
3) Coriolis, real wander, apparent wander, transport wander.
4) earth rotation, transport wander, Coriolis.

What are the advantages of an IRS compared to an INS?

1) Reduced spin-up time and insensitivity to 'g'.
2) Increased accuracy and a dither motor to prevent 'lock-out'.
3) Insensitivity to 'g' and reduced wander of the gyroscopes.
4) Reduced spin-up time and a dither motor to prevent 'lock-out'.

All the last generation aircraft use flight control systems. The Flight Management System
(FMS) is the most advanced system ; it can be defined as a:
1) management system optimized in the horizontal plane
2) global 2-D Flight Management System
3) management system optimized in the vertical plane
4) global 3-D Flight Management System

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