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Priscilla Marie S.


GYMNASTICS: Reflection Paper

Taking part in a gymnastics class was an exciting and educational experience. We were taught on
the proper ways in doing many stunts such as handstands, executing precise cartwheels and back
handsprings, each part of the class presented me an opportunity for growth and self-discovery in my
own body and in the sports of gymnastics.

To start off, the gymnastics class was able to give me a comprehensive understanding of proper
technique and form. Under the guidance of skilled instructors, we delved into the details of each
movement, focusing on alignment, balance, and muscle engagement. Learning the correct way to
perform handstands, cartwheels, rolls, and other stunts not only enhanced my skills but also
minimized the risk of injury. The importance of technique instilled a sense of discipline and
precision, teaching us to approach each action with attentiveness and care.

I also think that the class fostered an atmosphere of enthusiasm. My classmates and I shared a
common eagerness to learn and improve, creating a supportive environment where everyone felt
encouraged to push their boundaries. Whether it was attempting a new skill or refining existing
ones, we cheered each other on and aknowleged our achievements in learning. This collective spirit
allowed the learning process for me to become more enjoyable and rewarding.

Beyond the physical aspects, the gymnastics class cultivated a deeper awareness of my body and its
capabilities. Through mindful practice and repetition, I gained a heightened sense of proprioception/
kinesthesia — I have learned this term through googling, understanding how to activate specific
muscles and maintain control over my movements. Learning to execute precise techniques required
a keen awareness of body positioning, balance, and coordination. As a result, I developed a greater
appreciation for the functions and complexities of the human body and the importance of proper
alignment in achieving optimal performance.

Furthermore, the class taught me the value of perseverance and resilience. Mastering gymnastics
skills often involved overcoming fear, pushing past limitations, and embracing the learning process
with patience and determination. Each stumble or setback served as an opportunity for growth
during the next try, reinforcing the notion that progress is not linear but rather a series of challenges
and breakthroughs. Through resilience and perseverance, I discovered newfound confidence in my

Overall, the gymnastics class was not only a journey of physical skill development but also an
opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. From learning proper technique to fostering a
supportive community of learners, this class definitely left a lasting impression on me and I’d be
willing to take it again if given the chance. As I continue to improbe my physical skills, I carry with
me the lessons learned – the importance of discipline, mindfulness, and resilience. Above all, I
leave with a renewed sense of knowledge and awareness of my body and its capabilities which
helps me in future activities and challenges.

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