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Priscilla Marie S.



1.) If you were the lawyer if Rizal, how would defend him? Cite possible evidence that can be
presented. (20 points)

In the defense of Jose Rizal, I think it would be highly important to highlight his innocence in the
face of unjust accusations by the Spanish authorities. I would present Rizal's literary works, such as
"Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," in which they were not a revolt or violence but rather
aimed at societal reform and enlightenment. With this, I’d also include his medical practice in
Dapitan to prove his innocence which focused on providing healthcare to the local community,
demonstrating his commitment to humanitarianism. Additionally, I would mention Rizal's
establishment of schools and educational initiatives reflected his dedication to uplifting the youth
and promoting progress, all of which stand as my evidence to support his innocence and altruistic

2.) Explain why the exile of Dapitan was considered as the best part of his life. (20 points)

The exile of Jose Rizal in Dapitan is often regarded as the best part of his life due to several
compelling reasons. Away from societal pressures, Rizal had the opportunity for introspection and
intellectual pursuits, leading to significant personal growth. His humanitarian work, including
medical practice and educational initiatives, left a lasting impact on the community and showcased
his compassion and dedication to public service. What’s more is that Rizal's intellectual endeavors
during his exile contributed to his legacy of accomplishments and furthered his contributions to
Philippine society.

3.) Are the Filipinos worth dying for? Was the sacrifice of Rizal worth is? Argue. (20 points)

I think that the question of whether Filipinos are worth dying for, as posed by Rizal himself, is a
complex and subjective matter. I could argue that Filipinos possess inherent worth and dignity
deserving of sacrifice, there are thoughts that question the necessity or efficacy of such extreme
measures. Ultimately, I personally think that Rizal's sacrifice for the Filipino people was indeed
‘worth it’, as it remains as a testament to his unwavering commitment to their cause, leaving a
profound impact on Philippine history and inspiring generations to come. However, whether his
sacrifice was truly worth it depends on individual perspectives and interpretations of his legacy.
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