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Excel Based Heat Treatment Task


A Solution Tailored for Your Company

Copyright © ESI Group, 2006. All rights reserved.

„Your products are Heat Treated?"
„You need a Concept for Heat Treatment Simulation!"
Excel based Heat Treatment Task

Excel Material Manager Excel Task Manager Excel Media Manager

Data Check
Visual Mesh


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2D Meshing Process


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3D Meshing

Courtesy: VCST

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Excel Based Material Data Manager

Copyright © ESI Group, 2006. All rights reserved. 6

Excel Based Quenching Media Manager

Copyright © ESI Group, 2006. All rights reserved. 7

Excel Based Carburization Task

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Excel Based Quenching Task Manager

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Key Points

First Simplicity
A training takes 1 hour
It can be used on demand
The workflow is clear from looking at the screen
There is an Online Help for each parameter
There are default settings
It is available in the localized language
There is a workflow indicator
Back and forth paging
At each step there are images directly explaining the task
It does not have 50 icons
There is no window popping up in the middle of the screen
There is an ‘Undo’
An individual access to cells is possible for the purpose of administration

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Controlled Introduction into the
Company Network – Step 1

 Excel Tools
 Excel Tools
 Solver


North America  Excel Tools  Excel Tools

 Excel Tools

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Controlled Introduction into the
Company Network – Step 2

 Excel Tools
 Excel Tools  Solver / Post
 Solver / Post


North America  Excel Tools  Excel Tools

 Solver / Post  Solver / Post
 Excel Tools
 Solver / Post

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Controlled Introduction into the
Company Network

 Workflow of Introduction
The Excel tools can be placed in the Company Intranet
The task definition is then accessible for everybody
The solution process is centralized and controlled
Once operational, the solution process can be introduced locally

 Key Advantages
Everybody has access to simulation – instantly
There are no sources for problems
The task management does not destroy data
The task management does not include sensitive data
Excel is a known platform of communication and used everywhere

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Key Points

 Quality
High quality
In case of problems / limitations – a new version is
out in a short time range (days)

 Engineering
Heat Treatment problems can be communicated and discussed inside
a company without having Visual Environment or SYSWELD installed
Templates for particular applications are simple to implement

 Access
The Task Manager can be installed in the Intranet and used by any
engineer in the company, Worldwide
Simulations are executed and controlled offline
Transportation of tasks through the Intranet is easy – 4MB

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Heat Treatment Roadmap


S Postprocessing in Visual Environment

L Solution Management in Visual Environment

A Meshing for Heat Treatment in Visual Environment

O Material and Quenching Media Managers in Excel

G Slim Task Managers in Excel

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Status Roadmap

Slim Heat Treatment Task Managers in Excel

Material Data Management in Excel

Quenching Media Management in Excel

Meshing for Heat Treatment 2D / 3D

Solution Management in Visual Environment

Postprocessing in Visual Environment

Copyright © ESI Group, 2006. All rights reserved. 16

Key Benefits for Your Company

Simulation Based Product Development and Process Security 

A Solution for Experts 

A Solution for Practitioners 

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Working together

Your Company
 Heat Treatment Expertise

 Delivery of Software and Services

 Simulation Based Heat Treatment Engineering

Mature for Practitioners – Advanced for Experts

Simulation Based Product Development and Process Security

Copyright © ESI Group, 2006. All rights reserved. 18

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