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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,

Vol. 14, No. 10, 2023

Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) from

Natural Language Text using BERT and ChatGPT
Prasenjit Mukherjee 1 , Gokul R. S.2 , Sourav Sadhukhan3 , Manish Godse 4 , Baisakhi Chakraborty5
Dept. of Technology, Vodafone Intelligent Solutions, Pune, India1, 2
Dept. of Computer Science, Manipur International University, Manipur, India 1
Dept. of Finance, Pune Institute of Business Management, Pune, India 3
Dept. of IT, BizAmica Software, Pune, India 4
Dept. of Computer Science and Engg, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India 5

Abstract—AS D may be caused by a combination of genetic factors and is characterized by challenges with social skills,
and environmental factors, including gene mutations and communicat ion, and repetitive behaviors. Early diagnosis is
exposure to toxins. People with AS D may also have trouble important, as early intervention and treatment can imp rove
forming social relationships, have difficulty with communication outcomes and help those with ASD reach their full potential.
and language, and struggle with sensory sensitivity. These Depending on the type of ASD, individuals may have
difficulties can range from mild to severe and can affect a difficulty with co mmunication and social interaction, have
person's ability to interact with the world around them. Autism repetitive behaviors, have difficulty with change, or have
spectrum disorder (AS D) is a developmental disorder that affects
sensory sensitivities. Treatment plans are tailored to the
people in different ways. But early detection of AS D in a child is
a good option for parents to start corrective therapies and individual and may include therapy, med ication, and other
treatment. They can take action to reduce the AS D symptoms in
services as in [3]. This is because autism is a co mplex
their child. The proposed work is the detection of AS D in a child disorder, and its sympto ms can vary greatly fro m person to
using a parent’s dialog. The most popular Bert model and recent person. In addition, the symptoms of autism may not be
ChatGPT have been utilized to analyze the sentiment of each obvious at first and can take some time to manifest. The
statement from parents for the detection of symptoms of AS D. ‘spectrum’ in ASD refers to the wide range of sy mptoms and
The Bert model has been developed by the transformers which their severity sometimes called Asperger's syndrome as in [4].
are the most popular in the natural language processing field Thus, a comprehensive screening process is needed to
whereas the ChatGPT model is a large language model (LLM). It properly detect autism. Th is means that the earlier the
is based on Reinforcement learning from human feedback detection, the sooner the person can receive the necessary
(RLHF) that can able to generate the sentiment of the sentence, treatment and support, which can help to improve the quality
computer language codes, text paragraphs, etc. The sentiment of life for those with autis m. In addit ion, early detection can
analysis has been done on parents’ dialog using the Bert model also help to reduce the costs associated with the disorder, as
and ChatGPT model. The data has been prepared from various treatments can be more effective when started early. This is
Autism groups on social sites and other resources on the internet. because the signs and symptoms of autism can be very subtle
The data has been cleaned and prepared to train the Bert model in this age group and can be d ifficult to identify. Furthermo re,
and ChatGPT model. The Bert model is able to detect the the behavior of young children is constantly changing, which
sentiment of each sentence from parents. Any positive sentiment makes it even harder to accurately diagnose autism in this age
detection means parents should be aware of their children. The
proposed model has given 83 percent accuracy according to the group as in [5]. According to the autism report, the worldwide
rate of increment of autis m over the past decade is six children
prepared data.
among 1000 children as in [6].
Keywords—BERT model; ChatGPT model; autism; machine People with autis m have difficulty in social interaction and
learning; generative AI; autism detection communicat ion and may have restricted and repetit ive patterns
of behavior, interests, or activ ities. Addit ionally, they may
experience sensory sensitivities, have difficulty with
Autism Spectru m Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental transitions between activities, and have difficulty
condition characterized by challenges in verbal understanding abstract concepts as in [7]. Early detection of
communicat ion, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors autism is important as it can help children to receive the
as in [1]. The wide variability observed in individuals with necessary interventions and support to aid in their
ASD makes it difficult to establish universally applicable development. Ho wever, the lack of access to resources and the
markers. As a result, there is a gro wing need for simp ler and costs associated with screening tests make it difficult for
more accessible measurement techniques that can be routinely families to get the help they need. While there is no cure for
implemented for early detection purposes as in [2]. ASD may autism, there are effective treat ments that focus on helping
be caused by a combination of genetic and en vironmental individuals with autis m learn and develop skills and cope with

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Vol. 14, No. 10, 2023

the challenges they face. These treatments may include fro m the dataset has been sent to this model to understand the
behavior therapy, speech and language therapy, and data structure and then new data send for predicting the
occupational therapy. These symptoms can include difficulty sentiment for the detection of ASD sy mptoms. Both models
with co mmun ication, sensory processing, and motor skills, as are used to detect ASD symptoms. The detail of both models
well as problems with memory, self-regulat ion, and social with the dataset has been discussed in Section III. The result
interactions. Additionally, these symptoms should interfere of both models has been discussed in Section IV. The
with the child's ability to function in home, school, and other limitat ion and conclusion have been given in Sections V and
social settings. Early diagnosis of ASD is a key to helping VI respectively. Finally, this research paper ends with a future
children reach their fu ll potential and receiving the necessary work.
treatment and interventions. Early diagnosis also allows for
timely referral to other specialists and access to educational II. RELAT ED W ORKS
and behavioral therapies, wh ich can help imp rove outcomes Autism Spectru m Disorder (ASD) is a significant
for children with ASD as in [8]. A I can analyze patterns and healthcare concern among children today, and it is considered
trends in large amounts of data more quickly and accurately one of the primary do mains of interest in healthcare research.
than a human can. AI algorith ms can be used to study genetic Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly popular
data, environmental factors, and symptom progression over approach for studying and treating ASD, and numerous
time in order to identify or predict ASD. Higher dimensional studies have exp lored the use of AI in this field. In this
data requires more sophisticated algorith ms for analysis. A lso, section, we rev iew some o f the most important AI-based
data fro m mult iple sources can have different formats and research on mental health issues, including ASD that have
structures, making it even more d ifficult to analyze. Therefo re, been conducted to date. These acoustic features are indicative
artificial intelligence methods are needed to better analy ze of the underlying neurological mechanis ms of the disorder. By
these types of data, which can be used for the prognosis and analyzing these features, researchers can identify patterns that
diagnosis of ASD as in [7]. Machine learning algorith ms have are unique to ASD speech and can identify indiv iduals with
the capability to analy ze large amounts of data and identify autism at an early stage, wh ich can then allo w for early
patterns in the data that can be used to distinguish between intervention and increased success in managing the disorder.
individuals with ASD and those without as in [9]. Any These features are used to quantify the differences in speech
mach ine learning model can be used but improv ement of production between children with ASD and those of a normal
accuracy, precision, and recall will reduce the time co mplexity population. By analyzing these features, filter features
of the ASD diagnosis model as in [10]. Classificat ion models formants (F1 to F5) researchers can identify potential
are good to use for the detection of ASD o f a person after differences in speech production between the two groups and
improving the accuracy of the classification model as in [11]. better understand the impact of ASD on speech production.
By using these algorith ms, physicians can better diagnose Significant changes in a few acoustic features are observed for
individuals with ASD and ensure they are receiving the proper ASD-affected speech as compared to normal speech. These
treatment. By speeding up the autism d iagnosis process, changes indicate a difference in the production of speech
doctors and caregivers can quickly identify symptoms and sounds in individuals with ASD. This can help researchers
provide the appropriate treatments that can help improve the understand the impact of ASD on speech production and
quality of life for those with ASD as in [12]. suggest areas for further investigation. This is because the
The proposed research work detects the sentence that formants and dominant frequencies of the vowel /i/ are the
contains positive words that are pointing to ASD symptoms. most distinct between ASD and normal ch ild ren. Additionally,
The proposed system contains two machine learn ing models the vowel ‘I’ is the most common vowel in speech and thus
that are BERT model, and the ChatGPT model. A dataset has has the most data points to compare between groups. It
been prepared to train the BERT model. The dataset has been provides a detailed analysis of how co mputer algorith ms can
prepared fro m parents’ dialogues who are actually parents of be used to detect signs of autism in children. The authors
autistic children. Their experiences have been utilized to provide evidence of how accurate these systems can be and
detect ASD symptoms. Parents of autistic children are spent how they can be used to aid in early diagnosis and
most of their time with their ch ildren and their experience is intervention as in [13]. Early d iagnosis of ASD is important in
the key to detecting ASD symptoms perfectly. The data has order to provide the necessary interventions and therapies to
been collected fro m organizations that are working with improve the quality of life for those affected. Th e
autistic children. So me data has been collected fro m the social development of easily imp lemented and effective screening
networks group. The dataset has been prepared according to methods can help to identify children with autism at an earlier
the binary classificat ion. A sentence containing positive words age and provide them with the support they need. By using the
regarding autism sentence denotes true (1) and without Logistic Regression model, the researchers are able to capture
positive words in a sentence denotes false (0). BERT model the complex patterns of the dataset and accurately predict the
follows the most popular transformer arch itecture to do outcome of ASD d isease. Additionally, the algorith m will
sentiment analysis where this model is trained with the allo w for rapid classification of the behaviors in the dataset,
prepared dataset that has been described in Section III. The allo wing fo r faster and more accurate predict ions. These
Chat GPT model of OpenAI is another popular large language challenges include the need to ensure data privacy, to be able
model in recent years. The architecture of this model uses to trust the results of the AI system, to have the right
reinforcement learning fro m human feedback (RLHF) infrastructure in place, and to ensure that the system is able to
architecture to solve many critical tasks. The example data properly interpret the data. Additionally, healthcare

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Vol. 14, No. 10, 2023

organizations must be able to adjust the system as new data markers of autis m in a ch ild at a much earlier stage than
becomes available and as the needs of the organization change before. Early detection of autism can allo w parents to seek out
as in [14]. What is often overlooked, however, is the treatments and therapies that may help reduce the severity of
importance of the quality of the interaction between the child autism in their ch ild ren. We will use data from clinical studies,
and the caregiver. A supportive and responsive environment med ical records, and other sources to develop a model that can
with frequent turns and back-and-forth exchanges between the accurately predict the outcome of autis m d iagnosis in children.
adult and the child is essential for language development. We We will analy ze the data to identify patterns and develop an
use observational methods to analyze the language used by algorith m that can be used to predict outcomes. We will also
caregivers in interactions with their ch ild ren to see how well it evaluate existing mach ine learning models to determine which
predicts language development. The authors in [15] looked at ones may be suitable for our proposed work. This method
the child's cognitive, social, and linguistic abilities to see if allo ws us to compare the results of the two groups of patients
they are contributing factors to language development. and look for any correlat ions between the data and how it may
Authors in [15] have used a longitudinal corpus of impact the d iagnosis and treatment of future patients.
conversation data to measure how much caregivers repeat Additionally, this approach can help us to identify any
their children's words, syntax, and semantics, and whether this potential trends in the data which could further inform our
repetition is predictive of language development beyond other understanding of the condition. By using LR, NB, DT, and
established predictors. Results: This is because by repeating KNN algorith ms, we can apply d ifferent techniques to the data
and mirroring the child 's language, the caregiver is providing set, such as feature engineering and feature selection. This will
the child with immediate feedback and reinforcement. Th is help to ensure that the most important factors influencing the
helps the child to better understand their language and helps diagnosis of autism is being taken into account and that the
them to develop their language skills in a mo re effective predictive models are accurate and reliable as in [17]. The
manner. Language acquisition is a process that relies on more ASD QA dataset provides a unique challenge for M RC
than just memorization of informat ion. It requires an models, as it requires them to understand the context of the
interactive conversational model where the learner is engaged reading passage in order to correctly identify the answer. It is
in mean ingful dialogue with a teacher. Our open -source particularly difficult because the answers are not always
scripts provide a platform fo r researchers to explore this straightforward and may require some inference or deduction.
model in d ifferent languages and contexts as in [15]. NLP The dataset was created by selecting a set of questions from
techniques are used to analyze the text and identify language the ARC dataset and extract ing the corresponding answer
patterns and emotions. This allo ws the system to identify users segments from passages in Wikipedia. The questions are
who may be experiencing depression, anxiety, or other mental generated from the passages using a variety of techniques. By
health issues, and direct them to appropriate resources or adding these questions, we can evaluate the system's ability to
suggest personalized interventions to help them cope with identify and classify unanswerable questions. This is
their issues. It also provides a co mprehensive review of the important to ensure that the system is not simp ly guessing, but
literature on the various techniques and approaches used for rather, it is using the contextual informat ion in the reading
data collection, processing, and analysis, as well as their passage to accurately identify answerable and unanswerable
advantages and limitations. Furthermo re, this paper outlines questions. Each answer contains also positional tags (start and
the opportunities and challenges associated with the use of end) denoting the numerical positions of the first and last
online data writ ing in mental health support and intervention. symbols of the answer span in a reading passage. 5% of the
By using data from social media and other sources, questions in ASD QA are unanswerable, wh ich means that
researchers can detect certain patterns in language and corresponding reading passages do not contain any answers to
behavior that can be used to identify individuals who may be them. This split was chosen so that the model could be trained
in need of psychological assistance. Additionally, on the majority of the data, tested and validated on a smaller
computational techniques can be used to label and diagnose portion of the data to ensure accuracy, and then tested on an
mental health issues. Finally, through the use of machine unseen portion of the data to ensure that it is generalizing
learning and natural language processing, interventions can be correctly. Byte pair encoding is a method of compressing
generated and personalized for individuals in order to help words into smaller units of meaning, which reduces the overall
them manage their mental health. Th is review seeks to provide vocabulary size and makes it easier for the models to learn.
a comprehensive overview of the existing literature in these This is beneficial for both types of models, as it reduces the
fields and to identify gaps in the research and opportunities for amount of noise in the data, allowing for mo re accurate
future research and development. Additionally, it seeks to predictions as in [18]. One possible risk factor that has been
provide a co mmon language to facilitate further collaborations identified is the presence of co-occurring mental health
between the different disciplines as in [16]. People with conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and obsessive-
autism struggle with co mmunication, interaction, and compulsive disorder. These conditions can be exacerbated in
understanding social cues. They may be overly sensitive to young people with ASD due to the d ifficu lties they face in
sound, light, and other sensory inputs. They often have forming social relat ionships, commun icating effect ively, and
difficulty in understanding other people's feelings, and may coping with sensory overload. EHRs can provide a large
also have difficulty forming relat ionships. They may also have amount of data, but they are often not standardized, making it
unusual behavior patterns, such as repetitive movements or difficult to accurately extract the data needed to create a valid
focusing on one topic for long periods of time. By using cohort. Developing systems to accurately extract and organize
mach ine learning algorithms, doctors can identify potential the data would allo w researchers to better understand the

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relationship between ASD and suicide risk. The systematic models can then be used to automate the diagnosis of ASD
approach utilizes NLP to identify the suicidal language in the and provide mo re accurate and timely results. We compare the
EHR corpus and determine if the language is positive or accuracy and training times of M L and DL models to show
negative. The performance of the classificat ion tool is then that DL models can learn faster and achieve higher accuracy.
evaluated on a subset of 500 patients. The precision score We also discuss the importance of feature selection and data
indicates the proportion of relevant results to the total relevant pre-processing in imp roving the accuracy of the models.
results retrieved, and the recall score measures the proportion Finally, we suggest the potential of co mb ining AI techniques
of relevant results retrieved to the total amount of relevant with M RI neuroimaging to detect ASDs as in [20]. Diagnosis
results. The F1 score co mbines these two scores, providing a of ADHD is typically based on a combination of self-reported
single value that is indicative of the system's overall symptoms, observations by parents and teachers, and
performance. In this case, all of these scores were very high, psychological tests. Therefore, it can be difficult to accurately
indicating that the NLP classification tool was highly accurate diagnose ADHD since there is no concrete, medical ev idence
in recognizing positive suicidality. The applicat ion has been to support a diagnosis. The proposed method was tested on a
validated against existing research and has been found to be publicly availab le A DHD-200 dataset, which showed that 4-D
effective in identifying potential risk factors for suicidality CNN had better performance than traditional methods in terms
among individuals with ASD. It has also been found to be of accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity. Furthermore, it was
useful in p redicting suicide risk and providing auto mated also demonstrated that 4-D CNN could effectively detect
surveillance within clin ical settings as in [19]. MRI imaging subtle differences in RS-fM RI data between ADHD and
modalities have the capability to detect subtle brain healthy individuals. These models take advantage of the
abnormalities that are associated with ASD, such as changes spatiotemporal in formation of the RS-fMRI images to extract
in the brain’s structure, connectivity, and even in its useful informat ion about the brain. For example, the feature
chemistry. This ma kes it an invaluable tool for d iagnosing and pooling model can be used to detect patterns in the data that
monitoring ASD. fMRI uses magnetic fields and radio waves are consistent across multip le t ime frames, while the LSTM
to measure blood flow in the brain and identify any model can be used to analyze the temporal dynamics of the
abnormalities or discrepancies in brain activ ity. sMRI uses data. The spatiotemporal convolution model can be used to
high-resolution images to map the structure of the brain and identify spatial structures in the data. The approach is
detect any abnormalit ies in the brain anatomy. These two designed to reduce the computational cost of training deep
modalities work together to help clinicians diagnose ASD with learning models on fMRI data. By breaking the fM RI frames
greater precision. These systems use AI to analy ze brain into shorter pieces with a fixed stride, the data can be
images, such as MRI and fM RI scans, to assess an individual's processed more quickly and efficiently. The results of the
brain structure and connectivity. The AI algorithms can detect evaluations demonstrate that our 4-D CNN method is more
subtle differences in brain structures which can be used to effective at accurately diagnosing ADHD than traditional
diagnose ASD mo re accurately and quickly by specialists. ML methods. This method can be used to create a powerful and
algorith ms are used to analyze the image data, identify the efficient tool that can be used to accurately diagnose ADHD
relevant features, and detect any abnormalit ies that could be and provide clinicians with the informat ion they need to make
indicative of ASD. DL applicat ions are used to further analyze informed decisions as in [21]. A co mparative analysis has
the data and identify patterns that may be indicative of ASD. been done with proposed models and some similar machine
This allows for more accurate and reliable diagnoses. Deep learning models that are able to detect mental disorders. The
Learn ing (DL) techniques employ large datasets of MRI proposed analysis has been described in Table I. This table
images and AI algorith ms to create models that can detect contains ‘Models’, ‘Description’, ‘Dataset’, ‘Accuracy’, and
patterns in the images that are associated with ASD. These ‘Remarks’ as attributes.

Sl.No. Mode ls Description Dataset Accuracy Remarks

Similar Type Machine Learning Models in Mental Disorders
T he Logistic Regression
Screening data of a T he proposed dataset has been prepared with
Logistic Regression model has been used in the
1 group of toddlers related 100% 1054 instances and 18 attributes to train and test
[14] diagnosis and detection of
to autism the model to detect ASD.
T hese models are used to T he dataset contains data 99.37%, T he dataset contains a large number of
Naïve Bayes(NB),
predict ASD using ASD related to normal 96.59%, irrelevant and missing data. Many pre-
2 Decision T ree(DT),
patients and normal patients’ patients and ASD 100%, and processing techniques have been applied to
data. patients. 97.73% clean datasets.
T his deep learning model T he proposed deep learning model 4d-CNN is
training is based on the fMRI T his dataset consists of able to detect ADHD using resting-state
3 4-D CNN [21] 71.3%
frames dataset to detect the fMRI frames data. functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-
ADHD automatically. fMRI).

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NDAR and ABIDE Software tools are needed to pre-process these

Random Forest, ,T hese models use sMRI and datasets have been used kinds of MRI data. T he brain extraction tools
72%, 71%,
4 Ridge, SVM [20] fMRI neuroimaging data to that are containing sMRI (BET ), FMRIB software libraries (FSL),
and 75.3
detect ASD. and fMRI neuroimaging statistical parametric mapping (SPM), and Free
data. Surfer are used to preprocess MRI data.
NDAR and ABIDE Software tools are needed to pre-process this
KNN, RF, T hese models use sMRI and datasets have been used kind of MRI data. T he brain extraction tools
81% , 81%,
5 SVM [20] fMRI neuroimaging data to that are containing sMRI (BET ), FMRIB software libraries (FSL),
and 78.63%
detect ASD. and fMRI neuroimaging statistical parametric mapping (SPM), and Free
data. Surfer are used to preprocess MRI data.
Software tools are needed to pre-process this
UCI dataset has been
T hese models use sMRI and kind of MRI data. T he brain extraction tools
Logistic Regression, used which is containing 97.54% and
6 fMRI neuroimaging data to (BET ), FMRIB software libraries (FSL),
Random Forest [20] sMRI and fMRI 100%
detect ASD. statistical parametric mapping (SPM), and Free
neuroimaging data.
Surfer are used to preprocess MRI data.
Siamese NDAR and ABIDE Software tools are needed to pre-process this
Verification Model T hese models use sMRI and datasets have been used kind of MRI data. T he brain extraction tools
7 and fMRI neuroimaging data to that are containing sMRI 87% and (BET ), FMRIB software libraries (FSL),
GERSVMC [20] detect ASD. and fMRI neuroimaging 96.8% statistical parametric mapping (SPM), and Free
data. Surfer are used to preprocess MRI data.
Proposed Models in Mental Disorder (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
T he data has been collected in text form. The
Parents’ Dialogues of parents’ dialogues about their autistic children
T he BERT model has been
Autistic Children in text are very useful because they shared their
Proposed BERT proposed to predict positive
8 format from SAHAS- 83% experiences and thoughts about their autistic
Model ASD symptoms from
Durgapur, India, and children. A parent of an autistic child is the best
parents’ dialogue.
Social Sites. source to understand the ASD symptoms
T he data has been collected in text form. The
Fine-T uned
Parents’ Dialogues of parents’ dialogues about their autistic children
ChatGPT model has been and Pre-
Autistic Children in text are very useful because they shared their
Proposed OpenAI used to predict positive ASD trained model
9 format from SAHAS- experiences and thoughts about their autistic
ChatGPT Model symptoms from parents’ of OpenAI
Durgapur, India, and children. A parent of an autistic child is the best
dialogue. with High
Social Sites. source to understand the ASD symptoms
the identificat ion of ASD sympto ms is not constrained by a
III. A RCHIT ECT URE fixed set of criteria, allowing for a comprehensive exploration
Two advanced mach ine learning models have been used to of various indicators. To enhance the dataset and bolster the
identify ASD sympto ms fro m parents’ dialogues. BERT has accuracy of machine learning models, a promising avenue
been used as the first model to detect the symptoms fro m the could involve the augmentation of dialogues from parents who
parents’ dialogue whereas the Chat GPT model has been used have firsthand experience with autistic child ren. This approach
as a second model to detect ASD symptoms fro m the given not only facilitates the discovery of additional sympto ms but
dataset. KNN and Random forest are the last two classifiers also offers a valuable opportunity to refine mach ine learning
that are also used to identify ASD symptoms from a g iven algorith ms. Tab le III provides a glimpse of the dataset,
dataset. offering illustrative examples of the data's composition.

A. Dataset Table III provides a comprehensive overview of the

dataset structure proposed in this research endeavor. The
The dataset is prepared by analyzing parents' dialogues in
dataset comprises three distinct colu mns: Serial Nu mber,
which they described their thoughts and experiences related to
Co mments, and Sentiment. To co mpile this dataset, textual
their o wn child with Autism Spectru m Disorder (ASD). These
excerpts were extracted fro m parents' dialogues, wherein each
dialogues were obtained from various social networks and
sentence underwent a rigorous evaluation to determine its
organizations where children with special needs receive
association with Autis m Spectrum Disorder (ASD) symptoms.
therapies for commun ication, speech, and behavior. Table II
Sentences that were indicative of ASD symptoms were
provides a few examp les of these dialogues. Parents' dialogues
categorized with a label of 1 (representing true), while those
are a valuable source of data for identifying all possible
not exhibit ing such symptoms were assigned a label of 0
symptoms of ASD. We used these dialogues to create a
(indicating false). Referring to Table III, it beco mes evident
dataset for training and testing our proposed machine-learning
that the Comments colu mn, under serial nu mbers 1, 3, and 4,
highlights sentences bearing true ASD symptoms, while serial
The dataset was meticulously curated from the content numbers 2 and 5 correspond to sentences devoid of ASD
presented in Tab le II, with a thorough examination o f each symptoms. This meticu lously curated ASD symptom-based
sentence to ascertain its relevance as a potential symptom of dataset is now poised for the training of advanced machine
Autism Spectru m Disorder (ASD). It is important to note that learning models such as BERT and Chat GPT, holding pro mise

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for enhancing our understanding and analysis of ASD-related IV represents a specific ASD problem, with Label 1 indicating
linguistic cues. "Speech Problem," Label 2 denoting "Sensory" issues, and
Label 3 representing "Behavior" problems. Additionally,
TABLE II. EXAMP LE OF P ARENTS’ DIALOGUES Table IV includes labels for other ASD problems. Once the
sentiment of a sentence related to ASD sympto ms is predicted,
Sl. No. Parents’ Dialogues
the proposed system utilizes Table IV to determine the
My son is 20, has autism, high functioning. Drives, works but corresponding label associated with the identified problem. In
still struggles with socializing like most. eye contact can be
minimal, talking is minimal ( no small talk) He is being bullied the system flow, when a sentence is classified as positive (1),
1. it beco mes the input for the Spacy cosine similarity model.
now in the work place to the point his ptsd from childhood
bullying is affecting him. I try to empower him but he is scared This model co mpares the positive sentence with the dataset
of getting Hit by his coworker presented in Table V, wh ich contains numerous positive
He cries every night and every day about going to nursery. sentences accompanied by their respective labels. Each label
Unfortunately the past few weeks have been awful, he is very
upset about going to nursery again and is now asking if he is
in Table V corresponds to an ASD problem as defined in
2. Table IV. As described in the Proposed System Flow section,
going the next day at bath time and then when he wakes up in
the morning he screams and cries and has to be physically the cosine similarity model performs a similarity check
dressed and put in the car. between the predicted positive sentences and the sentences
I am new here I just want to ask about any private speech and within the dataset. This process aims to identify the sentence
language therapist in ENGLAND at Oldham, my 2 years baby is in the dataset that is most similar to the input sentence. The
not talking yet, sometime not responding. I am very worried for
my son. Please help me for guiding. label associated with this highly similar sentence is then
My daughter-in-law spoils him let's him have and do whatever selected by the system. By utilizing the information fro m
he wants. I'm sure it's because they don't want to hear his Table IV and Tab le V, the proposed system matches positive
screams Now she's temporary out of the picture. Her oldest son sentences, which indicate ASD sympto ms , with their
age 12 opens the fridge and lets him grab whatever because respective labels. This matching process allo ws for the
mom let him. I put a stop to it because food is going to waste
identification of specific ASD problems based on the BERT
within a day it makes it hard when the one year old wants milk
and there's none because it gets spoiled. Am I wrong in not cosine similarity scores calculated by the system.
letting the 5 year old not have his way?
My 9 year old little man was recently diagnosed with Autism TABLE V. DATASET FOR COSINE SIMILARITY CHECK
and waiting for further appointments for ADHD. Does anyone
5. Sl. No. Positive Sentences Labe l
else’s child suffer with bad meltdowns and constantly angry and
stressed? I am unable to demonstrate potty training
1. to him during the daytime when his father 7
He primarily mumbles and doesn't use
Sl. No. Comments Sentiment 2. 1
coherent words.
He is playing with toys and spin wheels
1. 1 When I beckon him, he doesn't respond by
every time 3. 10
coming to me.
Please help me understand autism because
2. 0 He requires visual cues to comprehend my
my son is 4 years old now 4. 6
My little girl is 3 years old but she is able
3. 1 Her frustration deeply affects me and I'm
to speak. 5. 9
hoping to hear some success stories.
She mumbles but can speak any proper
4. 1
word. In the subsequent sections, we have detailed each model,
I was really surprised when she came home including the algorithm employed in its imp lementation. Th is
5. 0
and asked her mom about me. dataset served as the foundational train ing data fo r these
models, and the outcomes of each model have been
TABLE IV. LIST OF LABELS WITH ASD P ROBLEMS extensively examined and deliberated upon in the Results and
Discussion section.
Sl. No. Label ASD Problems
1. 1 Speech Problem B. BERT Deep Learning Model
2. 2 Sensory Problem BERT is a deep learning model for natural language
3. 3 Behaviour Problem processing that helps to understand the meaning of a text or
4. 4 Special Education
sentence according to the context. The BERT model is trained
with the Wikipedia dataset and it can be fine-tuned for better
5. 5 Social Interaction
accuracy. BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder
6. 6 Eye Contact Representations fro m Transformers wh ich means the entire
7. 7 Cognitive Behaviour model is based on transformers which is itself a deep learning
8. 8 Hyper Active Problem model. Each output is well connected with each input in th is
9. 9 Child Psychological Problem deep learning model and weights are calculated dynamically
10. 10 Attention Problem
according to the input-output connection. BERT has the
capability of a Masked Language Model (M LM) where a
Table IV serves as a reference for the association between word fro m the sentence is hidden at the train ing time and later
ASD p roblems and their respective labels. Each label in Table

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this model predicts the hidden word based on the context.

BERT is dependent on the self-attention mechanism wh ich is
possible for the bidirectional transformers. The encoder and
decoder are connected in the form o f sequence to sequence
model inside the transformer. The mathematical representation
Attention (A, B, C) = softmax (AB T / √d b ) C
A, B, and C are the embedding vector that is transformed
by a weight matrix inside the transformer and training of
transformers means finding weight matrices. The transformer
model becomes a language model when weight mat rices are
learned. The BERT model contains a set of rules to represent
the input text. Input text converts into the embedding parts
which is a co mbination of three embeddings. According to
Fig. 1, the token embeddings will be created fro m the
tokenizat ion of the input text. The segment embedding is
needed to understand unique embedding from the given two
sentences like “my baby is Autistic, she likes to play”. The
model can understand better the sentence to distinguish
between them. The BERT model uses positional embedding
which helps to understand the position of each word in a Fig. 2. T he architecture of the transformer [22].
sentence. Summations of These three embeddings are
representing the input inside the BERT model. Proposed BERT Algorithm:
Pseudo Code:
Step 1: Read data from CSV file.
Step 2: X=data from csv
x1 =[a1,a2, a3 ,a4 ,a5 ,………an ] is a user text co lu mn
inside the dataset.
y1 =[r1,r2, r3 ,r4 ,r5 ,………rn] is a label data column
inside the dataset
Step 3: BERT model name selection.
Fig. 1. Input text embedding in BERT model. // Set BERT model name
MODEL_NAME = 'bert-base-cased'
Fig, 2 o f the Transformer arch itecture in [22] shows that it // Build a BERT based tokenizer
has two parts. The first part is Encoder and the second part is tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
Decoder. After the conversion of input text to input Step 4: Train and test data creation.
embeddings, Encoder starts to handle input embeddings. The df_train, df_test = train_test_split(X, test_size=0.2,
Encoder block contains two layers. The first layer is the Multi- random_state=RANDOM_SEED)
Head Attention layer which is connected to the second layer df_val, df_test = train_test_split(df_test, test_size=0.5,
named Feed Forward Neural Net work. The encoder block random_state=RANDOM_SEED)
encoded the data and sends it to the Decoder block where the def create_data_loader(df, tokenizer, max_len, batch_size):
Multi-Head Attention layer and Feed Forward Neural ds = GPReviewDataset(
Network are connected but one extra layer is also connected reviews=df.Comments.to_numpy(),
which is Masked Multi-Head Attention. Different masked are
handled by this layer. The p roposed autism-related dataset has
been applied in the BERT model to understand the sentence
sentiment for identifying positive and negative symptoms of max_len=max_len
an autistic child. )
return DataLoader(
The proposed system using the BERT model reads data ds,
fro m the proposed prepared dataset. Some NLP-related tasks batch_size=batch_size,
have been done that are tokenization and embedding. The num_workers=0
embedding and labeled data will be split for creation train and )
test data for the BERT model. The training data will be used
for model train ing purposes as well as testing data will be used
// Create train, test and val data loaders
for the model performance purpose. The algorithm of the
proposed system using BERT model has been given below:

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train_data_loader = create_data_loader(df_train, tokeni zer,

val_data_loader = create_data_loader(df_val, tokenizer,
test_data_loader = create_data_loader(df_test, tokenizer,

Step 5: Create BERT model for sentiment analysis.

bert_model = BertModel.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)

# Build the Sentiment Classifier class

class SentimentClassifier(nn.Module):

// Constructor class
def __init__(self, n_classes):
super(SentimentClassifier, self).__init__()
self.bert = BertModel.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
self.drop = nn.Dropout(p=0.3)
self.out = nn.Linear(self.bert.config.hidden_size,

// Forward propagaion class

def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask): Fig. 3. Reinforcement learning basic diagram.
_, pooled_output = self.bert(
input_ids=input_ids, Chat GPT (GPT stands for Generat ive Pre-t rained
Transformer) is a large language model (LLM) developed by
OpenAI. Chat GPT is trained on a massive amount of text and
code data from the internet. The dataset includes text fro m
books, articles, websites, and code fro m Git Hub repositories.
) A brief description has been given according to Fig. 4.
// dropout layer addition
output = self.drop(pooled_output) 1) The train ing process for Chat GPT involves several
return self.out(output) stages. First, the model is initialized with a data
transformation stage where tokenizat ion and vectorization
// Instantiate the model and move to classifier methods are used to prepare text data for training. These are
model = SentimentClassifier(len(class_names)) important steps because they help the ChatGPT model to
The result of this proposed algorithm has been discussed in understand the meaning of the text and generate text that is
the Result and Discussion section. both coherent and grammatically correct.
2) The tokenization stage involves breaking down text
C. ChatGPT (Large Language Model) into smaller units, called tokens. Tokens can be indiv idual
Today, Chat GPT has taken a very s trong position to handle words, phrases, or even characters. The type of tokenization
natural language processing tasks. ChatGPT model is an used for Chat GPT is called WordPiece tokenization. In th is
advancement of Large Language Model (LLM ). Chat GPT tokenizat ion method text breaks down into tokens that are still
model has been developed using reinforcement learning fro m
mean ingful, even if they are not individual words. For
human feedback (RLHF). RLHF is a reinforcement learning
which is a machine learning algorithm where an agent learns example, the word "running" would be bro ken down into the
everything fro m the environ ment using policy. According to tokens "run" and "ing".
Fig. 3, the agent may take action (A t ) according to the policy 3) After co mpletion of token ization, it is converted into
which affects the environment where the agent is present. vectors. Vectors are mathemat ical objects that represent the
According to Fig. 4, the agent may take act ion (A t ) according mean ing of a token. The vectors for each token are learned
to the policy which affects the environ ment where the agent is during the train ing process. The vectors are then used by the
present. According to this action taken, a new state (S t ) is CHATGPT model to generate text, translate languages, and
generated and it returns a reward (Rt ). Rewards are nothing perform other tasks.
but the feedback signals which indicated the reinforcement 4) Once the text data is vectorized then, it is trained using
learning agent to tune action policy. In the next step, The RL
a transformer Model (unsupervised learning) which is a neural
agent modifies the policy to take sequences of actions when it
goes through training episodes and as a result, it maximizes network arch itecture that has been shown to be very effective
the rewards. for natural language processing tasks. It consists of encoder
and decoder layers. The encoder layers take in a sequence of

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text tokens and transform them into a sequence of hidden language translation, text su mmarization, and question
representations. The decoder layers then use these hidden answering. Fine-tuning involves training the model on a
representations to generate a new sequence of text to kens. to smaller amount of task-specific data, which allo ws it to learn
process the new sequence of text tokens distributed learning is to perform the task more accurately and efficiently.
a technique used. It involves splitting the model across The Reinforcement learning fro m hu man feedback helps to
mu ltip le machines, each of which is responsible for training a enhance the training process of RL agents where hu mans are
subset of the model's parameters. Th is allo ws the model to be also included. An architectural diagram o f LLM has been
trained more quickly and efficiently than if it were trained on given in Fig. 5. According to Fig. 5, RLHF in language
a single machine. models consists in three phases where the first phase is related
5) In distributed learning technique, two methods are to the huge data training because LLM requires a huge amount
involved, data parallelism and model parallelism. In data of data to be trained. The LLM is pre-t rained using
parallelism, the train ing data is split across the machines, and unsupervised learning and it creates coherent outputs. Some o f
each mach ine trains its own copy of the model. In model the output may be aligned or not aligned according to the goal
of users. In the second phase, a reward model has been created
parallelism, the model's parameters are split across the
where another LLM model uses the generated text fro m the
mach ines, and each machine t rains its own subset of the main model to produce quality scores. The second LLM has
parameters. Chat GPT used this distributed learning technic to been modified for scalar value instead of a sequence of text
train massive datasets of text and code, wh ich allowed it to tokens. A dataset of LLM-generated text labeled will be
achieve the best performance on a variety of natural language generated for quality. A pro mpt will be given to the main
processing tasks. It uses an Azure-based supercomputing LLM to generate several outputs. The human evaluator will
platform to process the data and models. intervene here to evaluate generated output on the basis of
6) After co mpletion of model training, it can be fine-tuned good and bad. In the third phase, the main LLM is an RL
for specific natural language processing tasks, such as agent where it takes several pro mpts fro m a generated text and
language translation, text su mmarization, and question training set. The output of this LLM model is passed to the
reward model that provides the score and aligns with t he
answering. Fine-tuning involves training the model on a
human evaluator. Finally reward model creates output
smaller amount of task-specific data, which allo ws it to learn according to the higher score. ChatGPT uses this RLHF
to perform the task more accurately and efficiently. framework to handle a large number of natural language
7) After co mpletion of model training, it can be fine-tuned queries. The engineers of OpenAI have modified the model
for specific natural language processing tasks, such as for fine-tuning on pre-trained GPT-3.5.

Fig. 4. ChatGPT model architecture.

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generation but there is a limitation of sending examp le data to

the Chat GPT. Chat GPT reads data as a token and within th is
token limitation examp le data has to be sent. Now, Chat GPT
is ready to generate responses to new requests. The algorith m
of the proposed sentiment analysis using the ChatGPT mo del
has been described below.
Proposed ChatGPT algorithm:
Pseudo code:
Step 1: Initialize API key in a variable
import openai as ai
ai.api_key ='API_Key'
Step 2: Initialize the data as text in a variable
How does speech therapy help with a nonverbal to speak
because all they do there is play with toys with him every time
I'm confused guys help my son is 3years old now
he does is mumbles only no proper words
but he goes to speech therapy every month
Does it help
Step 3: Define the ChatGPT model inside method:
Fig. 5. Large language model diagram. def generate_gpt3_response(user_text, print_output=False):
completions = ai.Completion.create(model='text-davinci-
003', #davinci:ft-personal-2023-02-02-06-04-19',
stop=[" Human:", " AI:"],

// Displaying the output can be helpful if things go wrong

if print_output:
// Return the first choice's text
return completions.choices[0].text

Step 4: Call the method to identify the sentiment of the

text2="My baby is not responding and his eye contact is very
text3=text1+" "+text4+" "+text2
Fig. 6. ChatGPT request-response basic diagram.
D. Proposed System Architecture
According to Fig. 6, the pre -trained Chat GPT model According to Fig. 7, a general architecture has been given
accepts example data to understand the structure of the data. where each model is associated with the BERT cosine
The dataset is containing structured data. Chat GPT needs similarity model. The wo rking flow of BERT and Chat GPT
example structured data to understand the pattern for response has been given below.

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Fig. 7. General flow of proposed system architecture.

Below is the algorithm summarizing the steps: cosine_value=[]

// Function for bracket remove from Cosine value in Python
1) Select positive sentences from the input text.
def listToStringWithoutBrackets(list1):
2) Apply the BERT Cosine Similarity Model.
return str(list1).replace('[','').replace(']','')
3) Calculate the cosine similarity between the input // BERT Cosine calculation function
sentence and each positive sentence from the ASD sympto ms def BERT_Cosine(strs):
dataset. for ind in df.index:
4) Select the sentence with the highest cosine similarity #print(df['Comments'][ind], df['Sentiment'][ind])
5) Retrieve the label associated with the selected sentence sentences = [df['Comments'][ind], strs]
from Table IV, indicating the corresponding ASD problem.
By utilizing the BERT Cosine Similarity Model and model = SentenceTransformer('sentence-transformers/all-
leveraging the labels fro m Tab le IV, the proposed system can MiniLM-L6-v2')
effectively identify ASD problems based on the similarity
between input sentences and the ASD symptoms dataset. #Compute embedding for both lists
embedding_1= model.encode(sentences[0],
The Algorithm in Python pseudo-code: convert_to_tensor=True)
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util embedding_2 = model.encode(sentences[1],
import pandas as pd convert_to_tensor=True)
import pandasql as ps
// Intialize dataset in Dataframe sentiment.append(df['Sentiment'][ind])
score=util.pytorch_cos_sim(embedding_1, embedding_2)
df = pd.read_csv(r"ASD_Symptoms.csv",encoding='Latin -1')
// List Array declare to store ‘Comments’, ‘Sentiment value’ cosine_value.append(listToStringWithoutBrackets(score.tolist
and ‘Cosine Score value ()))

comments=[] dfc=pd.DataFrame(
sentiment=[] {'Comments': comments,

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'Sentiment': sentiment, positives is 29 and the model has predicted it as true.

'Cosine_Scores': cosine_value According to Fig. 7, true negative sentences are 41, and the
}) proposed model has predicted these sentences as negatives
whereas six true negative sentences have been predicted by
// Dataframe to csv conversion with Cosine Score of each this proposed model as positives. The number of correct
sentence for extraction of Max Cosine value with predictions according to the true sentiment is greater than
corresponding label value. wrong predictions. The F1 score, Precision, Recall, and
dfc.to_csv('ASD_Cosine_Data.csv”) Support have been given in Fig. 8.
i = dfc['Cosine_Scores'].idxmax() The F1 score is an important metric for the evaluation of
return dfc['Sentiment'][i] mach ine-learning models. The F1 score will be calculated by
the combination of Precision and the Recall value. The
strs=pd.read_csv("ASD_New_Data.csv") equation of the F1 score calculation has been given here.
for st in strs['Comments']: F1= (2 * (Precision * Recall)) / (Precision + Recall)
print(st,"=",result) The Precision can be calculated using this formula where
the number of True Positives (TP) is divided by the Total
IV. RESULT S AND DISCUSSION Number of True Positives (TP) and False Positives.
A. Result and Discussion of BERT Model Precision= (TP/ (TP+FP))
1) Result: The BERT model has been evaluated using The Recall can be fo rmulated by the number of True
some popular metrics like F1, Precision, Recall, Support, etc. Positives (TP) divided by the total number of True Positives
The proposed research uses the BERT model as the binary (TP) and False Negatives (FN).
classifier that will detect the sentences as positive or negative Recall= (TP/ (TP+FN))
regarding ASD sympto ms detection. The report of this binary
classification has been given in Table III. But, before The macro average co mputes the arith metic mean
understanding the classification report, the confusion matrix of according to the class. It is a straightforward average
calculation method where the weighted average method refers
this proposed BERT model has been elaborated for a better
to the proportion of each class support that is related to the
clear view of this model. sum of all support values. The count of correct occurrences of
the class in the proposed dataset is called support. The
imbalance support indicates the low scores of the report then
the classification model can be remodified again.

Fig. 9. Classification report of proposed BERT model.

Fig. 8. Confusion matrix of proposed BERT model. Fig. 9 shows the classification report of the proposed
BERT model where precision and recall values of negative
2) Discussion: According to Fig. 8. The proposed and positive classes are 0.84, 0.87, 081, and 0.76 with support
confusion matrix has two axes. The Y- axis is a true sentiment values 47 and 34. The F1 score of the negative and positive
and X-axis is a predicted sentiment. True sentiment has both classes are 0.85 and 0.79. The accuracy of the proposed model
values positive and negative whereas predicted sentiment has is 0.83 (83%) according to the F1 score with 81 support
the same positive and negative values. The n umber of values. The precision and recall values of macro and weighted
averages are 0.82, 0.82, 0.83, and 0.83 where f1 scores are
sentences is 11 which are true positive sentiments but
0.82 and 0.83 with support values 81 and 81. An examp le
predicted as negative. In the next step, the number of true

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sentence has been sent to the proposed BERT model for b) “from last few days my son is obsessed with the
sentiment prediction. placement of various things"
Review text : “My 3 years baby is nonverbal and less eye The first sentence is 1 means positive according to ASD
contact” symptoms whereas the second sentence is negative and
ChatGPT returns 0.
This sentence directly indicates the positive sentence of
ASD sympto ms because ASD children are nonverbal and have
less eye contact. The predicted result can be seen in Fig. 9 as
“Sentiment: positive”.
B. Result and Discussion of ChatGPT Model Fig. 10. Output of the proposed ChatGPT model.
1) Result: A pre-trained Chat GPT model has been used
where the base model is ‘text-davinci-003’ which is a very C. Result and Discussion of BERT Cosine Model
powerful base language model in Chat GPT. Author Junjie Ye 1) Result: The proposed cosine similarity model is
and described ‘text-davinci-300’ language model responsible for identify ing ASD symptoms fro m positive ASD
performance on various datasets. The classificat ion report on sentences that have been predicted by the mach ine learning
‘‘text-davinci-300’ language model has been elaborated in algorith ms. The model's output is depicted in Fig. 11, where
detail. The GPT series models like GPT-3, CodeX, the sentence " She does not have any eye contact when I call"
InstructGPT, and Chat GPT have been considered to evaluate is labeled with 6.
the performance on nine natural language understanding
(NLU) tasks using 21 datasets as in [23]. The base models
have been used to train their datasts. OpenAI has given the
opportunity to train their base modeel on a particular dataset
where each dataset has to be designed according to their
dataset standard. However, the concern is that the base model
is not fine-tuned as a Chat GPT pre -trained model. An API key
is needed to use base ChatGPT base models and fine-tuned
pre-trained base models. The fine-tuned pre-trained model has
been considered in this research to utilize the advantages of Fig. 11. Example output result of BERT cosine similarity.
fine-tuning and pre -trained. The main advantage is the
accuracy of the prediction of the sentences regarding ASD 2) Discussion: Similarly, the sentences " She does not like
symptoms. to interact with her classmates" and " her classmates don't like
The follo wing code will show the init ialization part of the her because they don't want to hear her shouts" are labeled
fine-tuned pre-trained “text-davinci-003” base model of with 3 and 8, respectively. Referring to Table IV, we can
ChatGPT. determine that label 6 corresponds to Eye Contact problems,
def generate_gpt3_response(user_text, print_output=False): label 3 indicates Behaviour problems, and label 8 represents
completions = ai.Completion.create(model='text-davinci- hyperactive problems. These labels provide insight into the
003', #davinci:ft-personal-2023-02-02-06-04-19', specific ASD p roblems associated with the detected
temperature=0.5, symptoms. Upon identifying the ASD problems, appropriate
prompt=user_text, therapies can be initiated based on the specific problem
max_tokens=100, identified. Tailoring the interventions according to the
n=1, detected problems is crucial in provid ing targeted support to
stop=[" Human:", " AI:"], individuals with ASD. These targeted therapies have the
) potential to significantly reduce the symptoms associated with
2) Discussion: The output fro m the proposed ChatGPT ASD and imp rove overall well-being. The ability of the
model according to the new parent’s dialogues is good. An proposed system to accurately identify ASD problems through
example sentence with sentiment value has to be sent to the the analysis of positive sentences enables a more focused and
Chat GPT model then it can understand the pattern and tailored approach to therapeutic interventions. This
according to the pattern, it will start prediction according to personalized approach holds great pro mise in positively
the defined RLHF algorithm. impacting indiv iduals with ASD and enhancing their quality
The output can be seen from the given Fig. 10 on of life. By leveraging the system's ability to identify ASD
sentences of parents’ dialogues. The sentences are- problems accurately, indiv iduals with ASD can receive more
effective and personalized support, leading to imp roved
a) “My baby is not responding and his eye contact is
outcomes and overall well-being.
very low."

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The proposed system leverages both transformer-based The authors extend their appreciat ion to the Manipur
and LLM-based machine learning models to enhance its International University, Imphal, India fo r supporting this
performance. Quantum machine learning models can be Post-Doctoral (D.Sc.) research work on Autism.
emp loyed to imp rove accuracy by applying them to a large
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learning models using the proposed dataset for ASD detection Engineering and Technology (IRJET), vol. 8(8), pp. 1252-1254, 2021.
represents a promising future development for the system. [18] Firsanova Victoria Igorevna, "The Description of the Autism Spectrum
Disorder Question Answering Dataset", 27th International Conference on

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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 14, No. 10, 2023

Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Technologies Dialogue, pp. 1-

8, 2021.
[19] Johnny Downs, Sumithra Velupillai et al., "Detection of Suicidality in Prasenjit Mukherjee has 14 years of experience in
Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Developing a Natural academics and industry. He completed his Ph.D. in
Language Processing Approach for Use in Electronic Health Records", Computer Science and Engineering in the area of Natural
AMIA-2017, pp. 641-649, 2017. Language Processing from the National Institute of
Technology (NIT), Durgapur, India under the
[20] Parisa Moridian, Navid Ghassemi et al., "Automatic Autism Spectrum Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme from 2015 to 2020. Presently,
Disorder Detection Using Artificial Intelligence Methods with MRI He is working as a Data Scientist at Vodafone Intelligent
Neuroimaging: A Review",Front Mol Neurosci, pp. 1-51, 2022. Solutions, Pune, Maharashtra, India, and doing his Post
[21] Zhenyu Mao,Yi Su et al., "Spatio-temporal deep learning method for Doctoral (D.Sc.) in Computer Science from Manipur International University,
ADHD fMRI classification", Information Sciences, pp.1-11, 2019. Imphal, Manipur, India.
[22] Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Gokul R S, a senior data scientist with over six years
Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, Illia Polosukhin, "Attention Is of experience in leading and executing data-driven projects
All You Need", for various domains. He is currently working as a deputy
31stConferenceonNeuralInformationProcessingSystems(NIPS2017), pp. manager in Vodafone Intelligent Solutions, Pune in the
1-15, 2017. area of Artificial Intelligence and Analytics. He received a
[23] Junjie Ye, Xuanting Chen, Nuo Xu et al., "A Comprehensive Capability B.T ech degree from Visvesvaraya Technological
Analysis of GPT-3 and GPT-3.5 Series Models", ArXiv, pp. 1-47, 2023 University, Karnataka. His research areas of interest
include AI automation, machine learning, natural language processing,
computer vision, and big data, prompt engineering, Quantum technologies,
Sourav Sadhukhan has above 5 years of experience
in Law and Management. He completed his Graduation
in LLB from Calcutta University, Kolkata, India, and
Post Graduate Diploma in Management from Pune
Institute of Business Management, Pune, India. Presently
he is a student of Executive Post Graduation in Data
Science and Analytics from the Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar,
Dr. Manish Godse has 27 years of experience in
academics and industry. He holds Ph.D. from Indian
Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT B). He is currently
working as an IT Consultant in the Bizamica Software,
Pune in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Analytics.
His research areas of interest include automation,
machine learning, natural language processing and
business analytics. He has multiple research papers
indexed at IEEE, ELSEVIER, etc.
Dr. Baisakhi Chakraborty received the PhD.
degree in 2011 from National Institute of T echnology,
Durgapur, India in Computer Science and Engineering.
Her research interest includes knowledge systems,
knowledge engineering and management, database
systems, data mining, natural language processing, and
software engineering. She has several research scholars
under her guidance. She has more than 60 international
publications. She has a decade of industrial and 22
years of academic experience.

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