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Graphic Design
Level 3
Week Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Date: 23/04/2024

Name: Jasper Jaycock Project Title: Gym shorts brand

Setting targets is important because...

Keeps you organised thoughout the FMP, and holds you on track, which allows you to hit the deadline on, and

won't become over full, or behind on any work.

Task Deadline Complete

Explore mock-ups 26"

Design some mock-ups with different colourways 26"

Potentially colab with a peer? 26"

End of Week Reflection

I explored the internet, and used the websites my teachers reccomended to me, such as, and I searched up gym shorts as the prompt and downloaded the one which looked the best. I
took it to Photoshop and edited the slides to change the colour to what I like. I then went to Illustrator and changed
the colour of the EA logo, and made the colour similar to the colour of the shorts, but a bit lighter/darker. Once they
were complate I exported it to Weebly and asked my peers what they thought about it. The colours worked well
together and turned out very professional looking, and even said they would wear them. I tried out many different
colour ways, but I liked the green ones and pink ones best. I then asked my peer, Bongani, if he wanted to collab,
and he agreed. I went back to Illustrator and changed the colours to his maon colours. His brand is a football club
based in the state Pheonix. His emblem is a pheonix and his main colours consist of orange and brown. I added
these to the shorts, as well as the emblem. I showed the final product to him, and he loved the look of them. In total,
this week has been a good start on creating the final product.

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