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Political system of the United States

Political system of the United States

 federative, democratic republic
 a federation of 50 states
 the principal contained in the U.S. Constitution of 1781 → this version is still used
although it is over 200 years old; quite pathetic = there is a will to create a strong
 the U.S. was not always a federative republic, before it was a confederation
 Confederation (1777 – 1789)
 Disadvantages:
o less strong than federation
o elections: individual citizens vote representatives (state);
once they are elected they choose their delegates →
o no direct link between the federation and the citizens
o Union cannot enforce laws; taxes selected to the state
 Federation
 citizens elect representatives of state but also representatives of
 no financial problems
 2 types of taxes (state and federal)
 federal court can enforce laws concerning federal rights
o a federal crime: a very serious crime committed on the
territory of federation; for example not paying taxis =
federal tax evasion, act of terrorism, kidnapping, a crime
committed in more than 1 state of Union
o dispute court can enforce: Supreme court steps into the

There are 3 branches of power of the state

 executive branch:
 President
o elected for 2 executive terms – 2 x 4 years (in 22nd
Amendment to the Constitution)
o over 35 years of age
o must be natural born as an American citizen (cannot be
o he must live 14 years on the territory of the United
States before election
o Commander-in-chief of the armed forces → may use
them overseas without the war being declared
o cannot declare war
o a creator of foreign policy
o he proposes bills → must be approved by the Congress
o he must sign bills proposed by the Congress
o has the right of VETO (vítou)

Political system of the United States

o nominates the 9 judges (justices – the main is the chief

justice) of the Supreme Court → must be approved by
the Congress; appoints the prime minister and 13 cabinet
o Presidential elections:
 there are 4 rounds of the Presidential elections
 Primary elections = Primaries – 1 most
successful candidate selected for 1 party
 citizens select electors general; their number 438
(435 – House of Representatives, + 3 –
Washington D.C.) = electoral college; they
choose the President – 270 votes needed (first
the votes in big cities are counted)

 once the President is elected he enters the office;

he gives an inaugural speech and he takes an
 Vice President
o the official presiding officer of the Senate, becomes
president if the current one dies or resigns
 Cabinet (13 Department secretaries)
o = supreme government officials; the most important is
the Secretary of State = responsible for foreign affairs

 legislative branch:
 represented by a bicameral parliament called the Congress, its seat is
in the Capitol building in Washington D.C.
 their main job is to create laws – before the approval, a law is
called a bill (návrh zákona)
 the Senate = the Upper Chamber
o 100 members – 2 senators from 1 state
o senators only for 6 years, each two years elections are
held → 1/3 of the Senate is renewed
o approve Presidential appointments, ratify foreign treaties
by a 2/3 majority
 the House of Representatives (= Congressmen and Congresswomen)
o elected only for 2 years
o to become a member one must be at least 27 years old
o the number of voters respects the size in terms of
population → the more popular state the more members
in the House
o federal taxation
o coining money (emitting money)
o ratifies treaties with foreign countries
o impeaches the President, the Vice President, judges …
(all members of the executive branch) = the majority of
the Congressmen accuse him/her of a crime → he/she
must leave the office
o draft bills, propose laws

Political system of the United States

o how the bill becomes a law:

 it goes either direction (the Senate ↔ the House)
 the bill is introduced by either Chamber →
passed to the standing responsible committee
(makes changes); the bill must be approved by
the full House
 once it is approved → it goes to the Senate (the
same process with the whole Senate) → goes to
the President
 The President signs/takes no action/disagrees
 if he takes no action → after a few months it
becomes a law (but the whole Congress must be
in action)
 if he disagrees → the bill is returned to the
House → the same procedure follows → it
becomes a law without the President’s signature

 judiciary branch:
 totally independent on executive and legislative branches
 the main judiciary institution is the Supreme Court –
 there are 9 judges called justices, they are appointed for their lifetime

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