Course Outline EMEg 3262-PE&ElecDrives

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Department of Electrical Engineering
Course Syllabus
1. Instructor Information
Name Dr.Adhavan Balashanmugham
Office Location Block 64 Room No. 302
Phone No. Mob: 0962101548
Office Hours
2. Course Information
Programme B.Sc in Electromechanical Engineering
Year and Semester III rd Year / VI semester
Course Name Power Electronics and Electrical Drives
Couse code EMEg 3262
Credit Hours 3
Pre-requisite Electrical Machines and Applied Electronics II
3. Objective of the Course
Aim: This course will enable the students to understand the basic principles of operation of power
electronic devices, triggering circuits, various power electronic conversion circuits, Electric Drives-
Components, Dynamics, Speed Control and Application of Electric Drives. And also to Understand
the different special purpose motors and its applications.
4. Course Description
Principles of operation of power electronic devices, triggering circuits, Converters, AC-AC
Converters, Inverters, Choppers, Cycloconverters. Components, Dynamics and Speed Control Of
Electric Drives, Electric Motor Selection and Rating, Application Of Electric Drives. And also to
Understand the different special purpose motors like Fractional horsepower motors, Single phase
induction motor, Shaded-pole motor, universal motor, reluctance motor and hysteresis motor.
5. Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the course the student will have the following attributes.
5.1 Knowledge
5.1.1 Be able to describe, explain and understand the different types power electronic devices-
their design features, Characteristics and also the working of power electronic devices.
5.1.2 Be able to describe and analyze the operation and characteristics of triggering circuits for
5.1.3 Be able to describe and analyze the operation and characteristics of power electronic
circuits- Converters, AC-AC Converters, Inverters, Choppers and Cycloconverters.
5.1.4 Be able to describe, analyze and select the Components of Electric Drives.
5.1.5 Be able to describe, explain and analyze the Dynamics and Speed Control of Electric
5.1.6 Be able to explain, describe and differentiate, chose the different types of Heating and
Rating of Motors for any given requirement and Application of Electric Drives
5.1.7 Be able to describe, explain and understand the different type’s special purpose motors-
Fractional horsepower motors, Single phase induction motor, Shaded-pole motor, Universal
motor, reluctance motor and hysteresis motor and its applications.

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5.2 Intellectual and Practical skills
5.2.1 The students will be able to assess and analyze information in support of problem solving,
design and development, critical evaluation of alternatives and performance data.
5.2.2 The students will be to analyze the performance of the power electronic devices, circuits
and electric drives.
5.3 Attitude and behavior
5.3.1 Develop team spirit
5.3.2 Students should be punctual, regular and disciplined.
6. Method of Instruction
Class lectures 5 Contact hour per week
• Active learning (involves the full participation of students)
• Teach inductively and to be followed by deductive assertions
Study of lecture notes • This is fully the responsibility of the learner
Group Assignment • Work in groups in not more than 4 students per group
• Recognize & evaluate individual contribution
Individual • Each student is given to separate question by instructor.
Assignment • Student will prepare report or submit present it and evaluated by the

7. Course Outline
Chapter Week Topics to be covered Learning Assignments/activity
No. (Lecture hours) Outcomes (tutorial hours)
Chapter-I 1st Characteristics And Operation Principles Of 5.1.1 Discussion in the class
Power Electronics Components Power Diode,
2nd Power BJT, Power MOSFET and IGBT 5.1.1 Discussion in the class
Chapter- 3rd Thyristors Triggering Circuits And Methods 5.1.2 Discussion in the class
Chapter- 4th Power Converters, 5.1.3 Discussion in the class
III 5th Converters 5.1.3 Discussion in the class
6th Inverters 5.1.3 Discussion in the class
7th Choppers 5.1.3 Discussion in the class
8th Cycloconverters 5.1.3 Discussion in the class
Chapter- 9th Components of Electric Drives 5.1.4 Discussion in the class
Chapter- 10th Electric Drive Dynamics 5.1.5 Discussion in the class
11th Speed Control Of Electric Drives 5.1.5 Discussion in the class
Chapter 12th Electric Motor Rating Selection and 5.1.6 Discussion in the class
VI Application of Electric Drives
Chapter 13th Fractional horsepower motors, Single phase 5.1.7 Discussion in the class
VII induction motor, Shaded-pole motor,
14th Universal motor, reluctance motor and 5.1.7 Discussion in the class
hysteresis motor.

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8 . Required Texts and References
Reference 1. “Power Electronics” by PS Bhimbra, Khanna Publishers
Books 2.Power Electronics: Circuits, devices and applications - by MH Rashid, Prentice Hall
3. Gobal K.Dubey, “Fundamentals of Electrical Drives”, Narosal Publishing House, New
Delhi, Second Edition ,2009.
9 . Assessment
Type Weightage Due date Behavior and criteria
Attendance 5% Full semester Calculated till the 14th week of the semester.
Assignment 5% 4thweek of Examination will be set to address learning outcomes
the semester the criteria is to get all questions answered correctly
Mid 15% 8thweek of Examination will be set to address learning outcomes
examination I the semester the criteria is to get all questions answered correctly
Mid 10% 9thweek of Examination will be set to address learning outcomes
examination the semester the criteria is to get all questions answered correctly
Quiz 5% 10thweek of Examination will be set to address learning outcomes
the semester the criteria is to get all questions answered correctly
Lab Report 10% 12th week of A lab report is submitted by the group of students. And
the semester it is evaluated,
Final 50% 15th week of Examination will be set to address learning outcomes.
semester the semester The criterion is to get all questions answered correctly.
10.Academic Honesty:
Copying from any outside sources (e.g. Fellow students, and Internet, etc.) on any material to
be graded is not permitted, and will be considered cheating. Cheating will result in failure of
the assignment, failure of the class and/or face possible disciplinary action. Each student is
responsible for securing his or her work from copying. Each student is expected to abide by
college policies on academic conduct.
11.Due date:
All assignments must be turned in the class on the due date for full credit. No assignment will
be accepted after class on the due date.
12.Class room Behavior:
Anything that disturbs your instructor or your colleagues during the class period is considered
a troublesome behavior. Examples include: Using mobiles, PDA, making offensive remarks,
sleeping, working on assignments related to other courses, etc. troublesome behaviors are
completely prohibited.
Name Signature Date
Instructor : Dr.Adhavan Balashanmugham
Department Head :
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs:

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