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Medical Emergency

1) Diagnosis of cardiorespiratory arrest invalves 9) Which are the ECG criterias in PSVT:
the following criterias: a) Freguence >150/min
a) Uncounscousness b) Regular rhythm without P wave
b) Absence of spontaneous beathing c) Narrow QRS complexes
c) Absence of radical pulse
10) write 3 risk factors for Acute Pulmonary
2) Adrenaline is used in cardiorespiratory arrest Embolism:
produced by: a) deep vein thrombosis
a) Asystole b) surgery, bone fracture
b) Ventricular fibrillation c) strock, high blood pressure
c) AEP
11) The golden standard for acute pulmonary
3) In VT with absence of carotidian pulse the embolis diagnosis is:
treatment include: a) Aterial blood gases
a) Digoxin b) Pulmonary arterography
b) Asyncronised external shock 150-200J c) ECG
c) Synconised external shock 50J
12) which drug are used for treat PSVT:
4) In acute dyspnea with ortopnea, RR-32/min, a) Adenosin( short acting. 1st line to treat psvt)
Bp 200/110 mmHg with bilateral subcrepitants b) Lidocaine
rales in ½ inferior side of both lung, with cold c) Amiodarone
sweaty, cyanosis, DO NOT ADMINISTER:
a) Furosemide iv 13) At a patient with epigastric pain, vomiting,
b) Morfine iv ---xx CCB ST elevation in DII, DIII, aVF on ECG, we
c) Metaprolol iv administrate:
a) Aspirine, NTG
5) In Ventricular fibrillation, the ECG monitor b) Metoclopramide
shows: c) Lansoprasol
a) Rapid rhythm, completely irregular in frequency,
amplitude and morphology wide complex 14) The election treatment in Atrial fibrillation
b) Isoelectric line for a patient with Bp=59/30 mmHg and
c) Rapid rhythm, regular wide QRS complex with decreased level of caunscioussness, bilateral
the same morphology crackles, SpO2 70% is:
a) Syncron DC shock 50-100J
6) Which sentences are true about thrombolytis b) Amiodarone
therapy in AMI: c) Metoprololol
a) Can produce as sign at reperfusion
hypotension bradycardia syndrome 15) At a patient with retrosternal pain, ST
b) Represent administration of streptokinase or elevation in V1-V3 the diagnosis is:
reteplase or tenecteplase a) Acute inferior MI
c) Represent administration of heparine in the first b) Acute anterior MI
6h after onset of pain c) Acute intero-lateral MI

7) We can assure airways protection for a 16) Aspirine is used in AMI as:
patient in with one of the following: a) Thrombolytic therapy
a) Gueddel canula b) Antiagregant therapy
b) Orotracheal intubation c) Antialgic therapy
c) Trendelemburg position
17) In tachycardia with regular rhythm, wide
8) In AMI we do NOT administrate: QRS complexes and hemodinamic stable patient,
a) Nitroglicerine sl treatment:
b) Digoxin a) Amiodarone
c) Aspirin b) Beta blockers
c) Adenosine
18) A patient with symptomatic AVII degree 20) Write the virchoff triade in acute massive
block, hemodinamic stable, first treatment is: pulmonary embolism:
a) Dubutamine a)stasis of blood flow/ venous stasis
b) Adrenaline b)endothelial injury/ vascualr wall abnormality
c) Atropine c)hypercoagulability/raised blood coagulability

19) Diagnosis of cardiorespiratory arrest 21) Treatment in APE includes the following
involves the following criterias: medication Except:
a) Unconsciousness a) Furosemide iv
b) Abscence of spontaneaous breathing b) Nitroglicerine iv infusion
c) Absence of radial pulse c) Adrenaline

22) Patient 54 years old, pale, with cold sweating, complains about compressive retrosternal pain with
irradiation to the left arm, duration 3h, which didno’t disappeard after 3tb of NTG sl,
Bp=210/120mmHg, ECG: synus rhythm 88/min, ST segment elevation with positive T wave in V1-V5,
ventricular bigeminated extra systoles, pulmonary auscultation-normal.
Which is the diagnosis and emergency treatment?

Diagnosis: Antero-lateral.AMI with HBP

• Admision in hospital.
• Bed imobilisation
• oxygen 4-5l/min
• eastablish iv line
• Bp,Pulse, saturation
• cardiac monitor
• ECG 12 lead
• Anxiolitic drugs:Diazepam 5-10mg iv
• Aspirin 300mg chewed like antiagregant
• clopidogrel 600mg
• Anticoagulants: Heparin 5000 iu/ bolus iv. Followed by 1000 ui/ h
• Opioid: morphine 2-8 mg iv, repated 5-15 minutes until pain disappears or until appear side effects
• Angioplasty PTAC percutan transluminal coronarian angioplasty
• Antilipemiant: Atorvastatine 80 mg
• B-blocker: Metoprolol 50 mg/day
• ACEi : Captopril 12.5 mg, 3xday

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