Electric Field Assignment Fall2023

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Review Assignment Unit 4 (Fields)

1. A person with a mass of 60 kg is inside a rocket that is moving straight up, away from the earth’s
surface. The radius of the earth is 6.38 × 106 m and the mass of the earth is 5.98 × 1024 kg.

a. Find the force of gravity acting on the person at an altitude of 300 000 m. Ans: [540 N down]
b. Find the altitude that will cause the person’s weight to drop to one-quarter of its value on the
earth’s surface. Ans: [6.38 x 106 m] [2K,2A, 2C]

2. Mass 1 is four times as large as mass 2. Both masses are at rest and are separated by 200 m. Where
could you place a third mass, mass 3, if the net force on 3 must be zero? Ans: [66.7 m, 133 m] [2K,4T]

3. For each of the following charge distributions, find the net electric force on charge 1, due to the other
charges. Ans: [50 N Left] [2K,2A, 2C, 2T]

4. A ball with a mass of 3.0 × 10–4 kg hangs from a 15cm long thread between two parallel plates. The
thread is deflected to the side, as shown in the following diagram. [2K,2A, 2C, 2T]

The charge on the ball is +5.0 × 10–5 C.

Note: In this case, you need to consider the force of gravity.

a. Find the tension in the thread. Ans: [3.6 x 10 -3 N]

b. Find the magnitude and direction of the electric field between
the plates. Ans: [41 N/c Right]
5. What is the magnitude and direction of the electric field at point P in the figure below? [2K,2T,2A]

Ans: 5.2 x 103 N/C [Left]

6. Four charges are placed, as shown in Figure 1 [2K,2A, 2C, 2T]

a. Determine the electric potential at the mid- point of +2 𝜇𝐶 and -2 𝜇𝐶. Ans; zero

b. Find the total electric potential energy of the system. Ans: -1.18 J

c. Find the net electric force on +2 𝜇𝐶. Ans; 4.29 N [89 N of W]

7. How do the Coulomb law of electric force and Newton's law of gravitation differ and resemble each
other? [ 4C]

8. At what distance from a straight conductor, with a current of 2.4 A, is the magnitude of the magnetic
field 8.0 x 10-5 T?[ Ans: 6.0 × 10-3 m] [2K]
9. Two electrical line poles are situated 50.0 m apart, one directly north of the other. A horizontal wire
running between them carries a DC current of 2.0 ×102 A. If Earth’s magnetic field in the vicinity has a
magnitude of 5.0 × 10-5 T and the magnetic inclination is 45°, calculate the magnitude of the magnetic
force on the wire. [Ans: 0.35 N] [2K, 2A]

10. An electric charge is moving in a magnetic field.

a) What is the angle between v and B? v

b) What is the direction of the force on the charge? +


c) If the charge was a single proton (q = +1.6 × 10-19 C), v = 4 × 103 m/s and B = 1.5 × 10-3 T, determine Fm.

d) How would the direction of force on the charge be different if it were an electron. [2K,2T,2C,2K]

Marks Breakdown:

Knowledge Thinking Communication Application Total

18 16 14 14 62

Success Criteria Yes No

I can use the terminology associated with fields of force (forces, potential energies,
potential, etc.)

I can solve problems involving electric force, field strength, potential energy and
potential using both uniform and non-uniform electric fields

I can solve problems involving the force on charges moving through a uniform
magnetic field (charged particles and current-carrying conductors)

I can Newton’s law of gravitating and coulomb law of electric forces.

I have checked over all my solutions with the answers below

I have used correct terminology and form in my solutions

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