4, Science Mock Paper 2024-25 First Mid Term

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Q1 Manav dislikes milk and milk products and refuses to take them.In his diet , major portion
is of rice,pulses and fish.This dietary routine will eventually result in weak-
a) Bones c) muscles
b) Teeth d) both a) and b) are correct

Q2 _______________ is energy giving food and they give us sugar and starch.
a) fruits c) cheese
b) Potato d) fish

Q3 Study the flowchart and select the correct option

which can fill empty spaces d,e and f
a) d-chicken e-nuts f-fish
b) d-rice e-milk f-vegetables
c) d-fish e-bread f-cheese
d) d-bread e-butter f-vegetables
Q4 Which of these is taken least in a balanced diet?
a) Fruits and vegetables
b) Sugar,butter,oil
c) Cereal,gram,pulses
d) egg,milk,yoghurt

Q5What should he have in his diet to develop strong

muscles required for being a sportsperson?
a) Yoghurt,eggs,pulses
b) Fruits and vegetables
c) Rice,jaggery,milk
d) fish,sweets,butter

Q6 A baby of 3-4 months drinks only milk.Besides milk baby can eat mashed banana,boiled
potato,fruit juice,soup,porridge etc.Why baby is given such diet?
a) Because baby until 6 months old,does not have teeth to chew food
b) Because milk is a complete food
c) Because hard food is difficult to digest
d) All a,b,c are correct
Q7 While playing volleyball ,Priyanka fell down badly and fractured her elbow.Which of the
following will the doctor recommend to her during the treatment period?
a) Vitamin A c) Vitamin C
b) Vitamin B d) Vitamin D
Q8 Identify the level at which food items like rice and cereals can be placed.
a) Level 4 c) Level 2
b) Level 3 d) Level 1
Q9 Teacher shifted Aarna to the front row in class as she was finding it difficult to read the
blackboard clearly.Which of the following is likely to be a reason for his problem?
a) Lack of Vitamin A
b) Lack of Vitamin B
c) Lack of Vitamin C
d) Lack of Vitamin D
Q10 Which of the following is a source of roughage in food?
a) Milk c) cabbage
b) Eggs d) chocolate

Q11 List any 2 important uses of “roughage”?

Q12 What is known as a complete food?Why is it called so?

Q13 Why should we include water in our diet?Give 2 reasons.

Q14 List any 4 body fluids in which water is present.

Q15 Classify the following based on the type of nutrient

present in them-

Q16 Teacher told Shriyansh,Krishna and Darsh to prepare a lunch menu for their class
party.Her one condition was that it should be a balanced diet?
Comment for each menu whether it will be selected by the teacher and give reasons.

Shriyansh Krishna Darsh

Egg pakoras Veg salad Veg samosa

Cheese pizza bread noodles

Chocolate cake chole(channa) Potato chips

Coca cola Mango kheer Sooji halwa

SECTION C(8 marks)

Q17a) There were plenty of grapes this year from Rohini’s farm.Rohini’s father sold most of
it.Of the remaining,Rohini’s mother gave away some of it to their family friends.But still there
were around 10 kg of grapes which were left.Rohini’s grandmother suggested they preserve
(i) What is food preservation?
(ii) List any 2 methods by which Rohini’s family can preserve the grapes.
Q17 b) The given picture is a food pyramid.Shaman would like to name each level of the
pyramid and match the following food items to the level.Help him do it.
(i) List the food group in each level.
Level 1-__________
Level 2-__________
Level 3-__________
Level 4-__________
(ii) Match the food food items to the levels of the food pyramid
Rajma bean belong to Level-_______
Potato belongs to Level-_______
Cashew nut belongs to Level-_________
Tomato belongs to Level-___________

Q18 a) Fill in the blanks

Minerals Functions Food Sources

It helps in regulating blood



It converts
carbohydrates,amino acids
into usable form.


Q18 b) Pihu and Kuhu went with their mother to the housewarming party of their
neighbour.At the party,there were many food items for them to choose to eat.Help Pihu and
Kuhu to identify each food item they chose to eat as -vitamin and

Pihu Food group Pihu Food group

Chicken soup Clear vegetable soup

Sweet corn salad Paneer tikka

Plain rice poori

Fish curry Potato masala

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