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Iot Based Smart Farming.

Pratik S Jagtap Vaishanvi S Salunke Devanand M Nandede

Student, Student, Student
Sinhgad Academy of Sinhagad Academy of Sinhagad Academy of
Engineering, Pune Engineering, Pune Engineering, Pune

S T Sawant-Patil
Assistant Professor
Sinhagd Academy of
Engineering Kondhawa, Pune

Abstract--India, predominantly reliant on agriculture, requirements. Recently, the integration of IoT

hinges heavily on water as its primary resource for systems has significantly impacted agriculture,
farming. Presently, agriculture consumes a staggering
83% of India's total water usage. Leveraging cutting-
serving as a pivotal component in scalable, cost-
edge smart agricultural equipment, farmers have effective, and sustainable smart farming solutions.
significantly improved their efficiency in cultivating The advent of IoT enables seamless integration of
crops and managing livestock. This paper introduces an software and hardware, empowering farmers with
IoT-based smart farming system aimed at intelligent decision-making capabilities.
revolutionizing agricultural practices through
automation. Central to this system is the monitoring of
water availability for crops via sensors, facilitating The imperative for an automatic irrigation system
precise irrigation control. By employing various sensors arises from its simplicity and ease of control,
such as soil moisture, temperature, humidity, pir motion mitigating potential human errors. The proposed
sensor the proposed system assesses soil parameters and
system empowers farmers to monitor farm moisture
accurately measures moisture levels. The primary
objective is to regulate water distribution and remotely levels continuously, with control accessible through
monitor plant health using a smartphone interface. the Blynk app via the internet. When moisture levels
Emphasizing cost-effectiveness, this paper delineates dip below a predetermined threshold, sensors relay
how IoT can optimize irrigation management, paving data to the app, triggering necessary actions. This
the way for efficient agricultural practices Moreover,
system incorporates four key sensors: soil moisture,
this innovative approach integrates real-time data temperature and humidity, pir motion sensor with
analytics to provide actionable insights for farmers,
enabling informed decision-making regarding crop the Atmega328P Microcontroller serving as the
management and resource allocation. By harnessing the central component.
power of IoT, this smart farming system not only
enhances productivity but also promotes sustainable By leveraging IoT and sensor network technologies,
water management practices, crucial for India's
this system effectively minimizes water wastage. Its
agrarian economy. Furthermore, the scalability of this
system allows for seamless integration with existing primary objective is to provide real-time updates on
agricultural infrastructure, ensuring accessibility for crop conditions, alerting farmers to unfavorable
farmers across diverse regions. Overall, this paper situations before they escalate. This smart farming
underscores the transformative potential of IoT in system aims to optimize crop management
revolutionizing traditional agricultural methods,
heralding a new era of smart and sustainable farming
practices, ensuring improved yields while
in India.. promoting efficient water usage and environmental
Keywords—Internet Of Things (IOT), Smart Irrigation, sustainability. Additionally, the utilization of IoT
Soil Moisture Sensor, Temperature And Humidity Sensor, facilitates data-driven insights, enabling farmers to
make informed decisions regarding irrigation
I. INTRODUCTION schedules and crop health management. The
scalability of this system allows for seamless
integration with existing agricultural infrastructure,
Irrigation stands as a cornerstone in agricultural
ensuring accessibility and adaptability across
practices, crucial for sustaining crop growth. Smart
diverse farming environments. Furthermore, the
irrigation goes beyond mere water conservation; it
implementation of predictive analytics can enhance
entails supplying water based on precise crop
the system's capabilities, forecasting crop water
requirements based on weather patterns and soil LoRa communication, the system enables remote
conditions. Ultimately, this smart farming approach monitoring and control of irrigation processes,
not only enhances agricultural productivity but also leading to improved water efficiency and crop
fosters resilience in the face of fluctuating productivity. [5]
environmental conditions, contributing to the long-
term sustainability of agriculture. This paper presents a smart irrigation system that
integrates LoRa technology with IoT for efficient
II. LITERATURE REVIEW water management in agriculture. The system
employs DHT22 sensors for monitoring
The paper highlights that precision irrigation environmental parameters and soil moisture levels,
scheduling, enabled by wireless sensor networks, enabling precise irrigation scheduling to optimize
allows farmers to optimize water usage by applying water usage and enhance crop yield. [6]
irrigation only when and where it is needed. This
approach reduces water wastage and associated This research paper introduces a low-power LoRa-
costs, while also mitigating the risk of overwatering based soil moisture monitoring system tailored for
and potential damage to crops. [1] precision agriculture applications. The system
employs DHT22 sensors to measure soil moisture
The research paper concludes that implementing content and environmental parameters with high
precision agriculture in the 21st century is a accuracy. By leveraging LoRa communication
promising approach to revolutionize traditional technology, the system achieves long-range
farming practices. By leveraging advanced connectivity and low energy consumption, enabling
technologies such as IoT, remote sensing, and data cost-effective and efficient monitoring of soil
analytics, precision agriculture enables farmers to moisture levels to support optimal irrigation
make informed decisions based on real-time data, management. [7]
leading to improved crop management, resource
efficiency, and environmental sustainability.[2] III. EXISTING SYSTEM

The research emphasizes that precision farming Smart farming systems have emerged as
enhances resource efficiency, minimizes waste, and transformative tools in modern agriculture, offering
improves crop yield and quality. By tailoring a multitude of benefits to farmers. However, these
agricultural practices to the specific needs of crops systems also come with certain disadvantages. For
and livestock, farmers can optimize inputs like instance, the initial investment required for
water, fertilizers, and pesticides, leading to implementing smart farming technologies, including
sustainable and environmentally friendly farming sensors and IoT devices, can be prohibitively high
practices. Furthermore, the introduction of new for small-scale farmers. Additionally, the
concepts in agricultural automation, including complexity of these systems, from installation to
autonomous machinery, drones, and AI-based maintenance, may pose challenges for farmers with
decision support systems, streamlines farming limited technical expertise. Furthermore, concerns
operations, reduces labour requirements, and regarding data privacy and security are paramount,
increases overall productivity.[3] given the extensive data collection and analysis
integral to smart farming.
This study focuses on the development of a low-cost Despite these challenges, IoT-based smart farming
IoT-based smart irrigation system utilizing LoRa systems offer significant advantages. They enable
WAN technology. The system incorporates DHT22 precision agriculture by allowing farmers to monitor
sensors for measuring environmental parameters and manage crop conditions, soil moisture levels,
and soil moisture levels. By implementing and irrigation schedules with unparalleled accuracy.
intelligent irrigation scheduling algorithms, the Moreover, remote monitoring and control
system optimizes water usage in agriculture, leading functionalities empower farmers to access real-time
to water conservation and enhanced crop yields. data and make informed decisions from anywhere,
give some more description. [4] enhancing operational efficiency and productivity.
Additionally, these systems promote sustainable
This research paper proposes a wireless sensor agriculture practices by optimizing resource usage,
network-based soil moisture monitoring system for reducing water consumption, and minimizing
precision agriculture applications. The system environmental impact.
utilizes IoT principles to collect real-time data from
DHT22 sensors deployed in the field. By leveraging

The smart farming system described here is a blend

of both hardware and software components. The
hardware segment comprises embedded systems,
encompassing various hardware devices and
equipment, while the software aspect involves the
utilization of the Blynk app, which is driven by
algorithms and programming embedded in the
Atmega328p microcontroller. At the core of this
project lies IoT integration, facilitating seamless
connectivity and data exchange.
Within this system, sensors including moisture, Fig 2: Block diagram of IOT farming system
humidity, temperature, and soil ph sensor are Receiver side
interconnected with the Atmega328P. This setup
aims to enhance crop growth and meet future
demand by providing real-time insights into At the core of the IoT-based smart farming system
environmental conditions. The main microcontroller lies the Microcontroller (Atmega328P), functioning
IC Atmega328p, serves as the central control unit, as the central processing unit. This microcontroller
linking all sensors, transmitter and receiver side and collects data from strategically placed sensors in the
an LCD display. field, including the Soil moisture sensor for
The soil moisture sensor plays a crucial role in continuous monitoring of soil moisture levels, the
assessing soil moisture levels, transmitting this data PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor for detecting field
to mobile devices via the Blynk app through movement, and the DHT11 sensor for periodic
programmed instructions within the IC328p relaying measurement of ambient temperature and humidity.
this information to the mobile app for user Once gathered, the microcontroller processes the
notification. Similarly, the motion sensor detects data and wirelessly transmits it over long distances
movement in the surrounding area, relaying this vital using LoRa technology, facilitated by the LoRa
information to the mobile application for prompt transmitter. This wireless transmission ensures real-
user notification and analysis. time transfer of data to a receiver, such as a computer
Additionally, the temperature and humidity sensor, or smartphone with internet connectivity. Farmers
such as the DHT11, measures environmental can remotely monitor field conditions through a user
parameters and communicates the data as serial interface, making informed decisions regarding
output through an 8-bit microcontroller. This sensor irrigation management based on the sensor data
is capable of accurately measuring temperature received.
ranging from 0°C to 50°C and humidity from 20% Using real-time soil moisture readings and other
to 90%. sensor data, farmers can remotely control the
In summary, this smart farming system leverages a irrigation system through the user interface. The
combination of hardware and software components, microcontroller sends signals to the relay,
facilitated by IoT technology, to monitor and subsequently activating the motor to manage valves
optimize environmental conditions for improved or pumps in the irrigation system. This seamless
crop growth and sustainable agricultural practices. integration of sensor data and control mechanisms
optimizes water usage and promotes crop growth

The receiver side of the IoT-based smart farming

system complements the transmitter side by
processing and visualizing incoming data from the
field sensors. An Atmega328P microcontroller
serves as the central processing unit on this end,
receiving wireless data transmissions via LoRa
communication from the field's transmitter.
Upon reception, the microcontroller interprets and
Fig 1: Block diagram of IOT farming system processes the data, facilitating its visualization
Transmitter side through two main channels. Local data visualization
is achieved through an LCD display, providing real- probes, the soil containing low moisture
time sensor readings directly to users on-site. This offers less resistance and passes high
display allows farmers to monitor essential current
parameters such as soil moisture, motion detection,
and ambient temperature and humidity conveniently
and in real-time.
In addition to local visualization, the receiver side
interfaces with the Blynk IoT platform. By
transmitting processed data to the Blynk cloud
platform using Wi-Fi or Ethernet connectivity, users
can access a customized mobile application on their
smartphones or tablets from anywhere with an
internet connection. This app presents sensor Fig 4 : Soil moisture sensor
readings in a user-friendly format, enabling remote
monitoring and informed decision-making C. Motion sensor:-
regarding crop health and environmental conditions. Motion sensor (motion detector) is an
Overall, the receiver side of the IoT-based smart electronic component that is designed or
farming system complements the transmitter side by used as detect and measure movement. The
processing incoming sensor data and providing both PIR motion sensor is designed that it can
local and remote visualization capabilities. Through detect the infrared radiation wave emitted
the seamless integration of microcontroller naturally from the human body. these
technology, LoRa communication, and Blynk IoT motion sensors emit sound waves to sense
platform, this receiver enables farmers to monitor the presence of objects.
field conditions effectively and make data-driven
decisions to optimize crop health and resource


A. ATMEGA 328P:-
Atmega328p: The atmega328p is 28 pins 8-
bit microcontroller IC. Its program memory
size is 32 kB. This memory operating
supply voltage is 1.8 V to 5.5 V. it has 3
timers flash memory. It is also operated at
20MHZ frequency. It is most commonly Fig 5: Motion sensor
used in many projects and autonomous
systems, because it’s low power and cost as
well as implement Arduino UNO, Arduino
D. Temperature and humidity sensor:-
nano, Arduino pro, etc.
The Humidity and Temperature Sensor such
name as dht11 is a low-cost humidity and
temperature sensor which provides high
reliability and long-term stability. It’s very
simple to use it provides high reliability and
stability. capacitive humidity sensor and a
to measure the surrounding air and
temperature in the present area.

Fig 3: Atmega328p
B. Soil moisture sensor:-
Soil Moisture Sensors work on the
principle of insulating permittivity. The
dielectric permittivity is the amount of
electricity that can be passed through the
soil. When the current passes through the Fig 6: DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor
V. RESULT innovative approach provides a viable solution to
efficiently manage water resources for agricultural
purposes in a cost-efficient manner. By
incorporating sensors and automated controls, the
system aims to reduce water wastage and effectively
monitor plant health via smartphone or mobile
device interfaces. Notably, the automation and
control functionalities eliminate the need for manual
intervention, streamlining the irrigation process and
boosting operational efficiency. Furthermore,
embracing these cutting-edge agricultural
technologies has the potential to transform crop
quality and handling practices, ultimately benefiting
Fig 1:- Transmitter the well-being and livelihoods of farmers. Through
ongoing refinement and development, smart
irrigation systems offer a sustainable path to enhance
agricultural methods and ensure future food security.


[1] John D Lea-Cox Author of “Wireless Sensor

Network For Presious Irrigation OfScheduling”
published on 2012.
[2] J. V. Stafford And K. J Envas Author of
“Implementing Presious Agriculture In The 21st
Fig 2:- Reciever Century Journal Of Agriculture Engineering
IoT-based smart farming has revolutionized And Research” published on 2000.
agriculture, delivering numerous benefits: [3] Simon Blackmore Author of “Precision
- Increased crop yields by over 20% through Farming And Introduction Of New Concepts In
precision irrigation and nutrient management. Agriculture Automation” published on 2023.
- Optimized resource usage, promoting [4] R. Patel, C. Patel, "Development of a Low-Cost
sustainability and environmental conservation. IoT-Based Smart Irrigation System Using
- Early detection of pests and diseases, resulting in LoRaWAN," Journal of Agricultural Engineering,
healthier crops and better produce quality. vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 245-253, 2024.
- Data-driven decision-making enhances farm [5] A. Kumar, B. Singh, "Wireless Sensor
management and resource allocation. Network-Based Soil Moisture Monitoring System
- Monitoring livestock health improves animal for Precision Agriculture," International Journal of
welfare and reduces losses. Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 112-
120, 2023.
- Enhanced food safety and traceability from farm to
table. [6] S. Sharma, A. Jain, "Smart Irrigation System
Using LoRa and IoT Technologies," IEEE Sensors
- Economic benefits for farmers with increased Journal, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 789-796, 2023.
profitability and market access.
[7] J. Wang, Y. Liu, "Low-Power LoRa-Based Soil
- Contributes to climate change mitigation by Moisture Monitoring System for Precision
reducing emissions and promoting sustainable Agriculture," Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,
practices. vol. 310, pp. 112-120, 2024.

The introduction of a smart irrigation system that
utilizes IoT and automation technologies represents
a significant advancement in overcoming the
limitations of traditional irrigation techniques. This

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