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Tzu ChiSecondary School

Term 3- Classwork 1

AY 2023 - 2024


1 IMaximum mark: 10]

coconut water. in cone-shaped containers with ä base radius of 5.2cm

Afactory packages
iand aheight of13:cm.
arecurrently investigating whether acone-shaped container can be
Thefactory designers
cylinder-shapedcontainer with the same radius and the same
replaced with a


fa) Findti.e voBume oí the
Find the slantheight of the.cone-shaped
container. 12).
(c) Show that the total surface. area-of the cone-shaped container is:314
correct to three significant figures.

(d) Find:the height, h, ofthis cylinder-sháped container. [41

2 [Maximum mark: 5]

Aninclined railway travels along a straight track on a steep hill, as shown in the diagram.

dlagramnot to scale

B(20, 5, 250)


The locations of the stations on the railway can be described by coordinates in

reference to x, y, and Z-axes, where the x and y axes are in the horizontal plane and the z
axis is vertical.
The around level stationA has coordinates (140, 15, 0) and station B, located near the top of
thehill. has coordinates (20, 5, 250). AllcOordinates are given in
Station Mis to be built halfway between stations Aand B.

Eind the distance between statlonsAand B.

Find the coordinate6 of statlon M
() 2]
Write down the helght of statlon M, In
(c) meters, above:the ground. 1]
[Maximum mark: 15]
A tarmer owns a
field in the shape of a triangle ABC such that AB =
BC =1225 m. 650 m, and

diagram not to scale


1225 B

The local town is planning to build a highway that willintersect the borders of the field
at points Dand E, where DC = 210 m and CÊD = 100°, as shown in the diagram below.

diagram not to scale




The town wishes to build a carpark here. They ask the farmer to exchange the part of
the field represented by triangle DCE. In return the farmer will get a triangle of equal
area ADF, where Flies on the same line as D and E, as shown in the diagram above.
(a) Find the size of AB.
(b) Find DE.

(c) Find the area of triangle DCE. [5)

(d) Estimate DFDF. You may assume the highway has a width of zero. [4]

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