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“Analysis of Feedback from Utturkars Wood Culture at Pune.








YEAR 2021-2023

I Miss.Smita kulkarni student of MBA declare that the project report entitled
Wood Cultures” was carried out by me for the period of 2 months in particular
fulfilment of M.B.A program as per the guidelines of the Savitribai phule Pune

Date : Ms.Smita.W.Kulkarni
Place: pune
Company Certificate
Sr no. Chapter Page No.
I take this opportunity and privilege to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr.
Swati Vijay,
Vijay, Dean of RMDSSOMS , and – Prof. Komal Bankar , SIP Guide, for
valuable suggestion regarding the Summer Internship Project and constant source of
inspiration during this project work. I would like to express my immense gratitude
towards company guide . Mrs. Kalyani Hiwale , (Designation) HR Manager, of
Utturkars Wood Culture.
I wish to express a special thanks to all teaching and non-teaching staff members of
RMD Sinhgad School of Management Studies,Warje, Pune for their continuous

Place : RMD Sinhgad School of Management Studies

Smita Kulkarni.
Executive Summary

Recruitment and selection is the indispensable functions of human resource

management. It is the process of searching and obtaining of potential candidates.
Organizations are progressing the modern recruitment and selection methods for entry
the multinational companies. The success of the organization depends on effective
recruitment and selection system. In this project, the main objective is to construct a
conceptual framework for recruitment and selection procedures regarding the case
study on university grants commission. The study also focuses its attention to
determine how the recruitment and selection practices affect the organizational

By studying overall importance of Human Resource in the organization I have

selected the project topic as Study on HR Recruitment and selection Process.In this
project I have tried to cover everything about the Recruitment and Selection Process.
1.1 Introduction / Current Indian Scenario:
Recruitment and Selection are two of the most important functions of personnel
management. Recruitment precedes selection and helps in selecting a right candidate.
Current Indian Scenario:
Industry is evolving rapidly with various developments to change the standard of the
Indian Bussiness.This industry is potential enough to face the challenges and accept
the changes.
There are many factors which influences industry and they are as follows.
i. Demand –Supply-Gap

ii. Tax structure and issues.

iii. Poor Infrastructure.

iv. Restricted preferential access to local firms or organizations.

v. Cost variation between Countries.

1.2 Global Scenario :
Today the scenario has completely changed where the India, is one of the countries
blessed with abundant labour and which is also comparatively cheaper-has been the
ground increase in the number of industries and more so in the Information
Technology Field.
This project report entails recruitment , selection and background verification process
that is necessary for any organization . Recruitment is the first step of appointment .
Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, selecting and appointing
suitable candidates for jobs either permanent or temporary within an organization.
Selection process invovles a series of steps to be followed for choosing the suitable
person for the vacant job. This process starts after recruitment and divides the
candidates in two parts those who will be offered job and those will not be.
Background check is a vital aspect of the recruitment process in many
organizations. It is the confirmation of information provided by the job candidates
during the selection procedure . The organization checks the validity of data in the job
resume,references,education and results achieved in the previous employment.
1.3 Theoretical aspects:
i. Recruitment
By careful analysis of recruitment measures,the HR Management team can predict the
trends in the job market simply .Find the best talents for the vacancies.
i. Manage the recruitment sources.
ii. Manage the vacancies in the organization.
iii. Run the internal recruitment process.
iv. Building the strong HR Marketing platform.
ii. Selection Process
Edwin Flippo defines HR Recruitment and Selection Process as “ A process of
searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply
for jobs in an organization.”
Human Resource Management is the process of managing workforce in an
organization. HRM is responsible for utilization of a firm human resource to achieve
organizational objective.
After recruitment process is carried , the next important process is the selection
Selection is the process of putting right men on right job.
i. Commit to hiring the best talent possible every time.
ii. Do not rush the employee selection process.
iii. Partner with stakeholders.
iv. Use structured Interviews.
1.4 Key concepts and definitions
Key Concepts :- Recruitment is a set of techniques that aims to attract people with
good skills and high potential to work in your business. The more often you recruit,
the richer and more focused the process becomes. Selection goes hand in hand with
recruitment and represents the final stage of the recruiting life cycle. This is where
you choose a preferred candidate or candidates from the applicant pool.
Definitions :- DeCenzo and Robbins: “Recruitment is the process of discovering
potential candidates for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. Or from
another perspective, it is a linking activity—bringing together those with jobs to fill
and those seeking jobs.”
Plumbley: “Recruitment is a matching process and the capacities and inclinations of
the candidates have to be matched against the demand and rewards inherent in a given
job or career pattern.
Dale Yoder has defined, “Selection is the process by which candidates for
employment are divided into two classes those who will be offered employment and
those who will not”;
M. Ataur Rahman, “Selection is the screening and filtering process of job applicants
who have been invited to apply for the vacant positions through which the process
comes to an end”.
1.5 Review of literature
Edwin Flippo defines Recruitment and selection process as “A process of searching
for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in
an organization.”
In simpler terms, recruitment and selection are concurrent processes and are void
without each other. They significantly differ from each other and are essential
constituents of the organization. It helps in discovering the potential and capabilities
of applicants for expected or actual organizational vacancies. It is a link between the
jobs and those seeking jobs.
Recruitment Many researchers have presented severe and profound knowledge of the
recruitment and selection process of the organization. Recruitment determines the
potential candidates for actual organizational vacancies. Recruitment is the process of
finding and attracting qualified people to apply for job vacancies in the organization.
Mainly it is the process of generating a pool of competent individuals to apply for
employment within an organization. The recruitment process is the entry point of
collecting manpower of an organization and that organization must be selected the
right individuals for achieving overall strategic goals. On the other hand, the
organization follows the different recruitment process practices and policies for
identifying and attracting potential employees. Besides recruitment is explained as the
set of activities and processes that are used to legally obtain a sufficient number of
qualified people at the right place, the right time, the right job so that the people and
the organization can select each other in their own best short and long-term interests.
However, the aim of recruitment is to collect the number of suitable and qualified
candidates through minimization cost to satisfy the needs of the organization. Besides,
the recruitment includes an authentic job specification for a vacant position, major
duties, and responsibilities, necessary kills, experience, educational qualifications, pay
structure, job type, any special conditions etc. are attached to the job in defining
recruitment process
Many researchers have presented severe and profound knowledge of the recruitment
and selection process of the organization. Recruitment determines the potential
candidates for actual organizational vacancies. Recruitment is the process of finding
and attracting qualified people to apply for job vacancies in the organization. Mainly
it is the process of generating a pool of competent individuals to apply for
employment within an organization. The recruitment process is the entry point of
collecting manpower of an organization and that organization must be selected the
right individuals for achieving overall strategic goals. On the other hand, the
organization follows the different recruitment process practices and policies for
identifying and attracting potential employees. Besides recruitment is explained as the
set of activities and processes that are used to legally obtain a sufficient number of
qualified people at the right place, the right time, the right job so that the people and
the organization can select each other in their own best short and long-term interests.
However, the aim of recruitment is to collect the number of suitable and qualified
candidates through minimization cost to satisfy the needs of the organization. Besides,
the recruitment includes an authentic job specification for a vacant position, major
duties, and responsibilities, necessary kills, experience, educational qualifications, pay
structure, job type, any special conditions etc. are attached to the job in defining
recruitment process
Process of recruitment
The significant intangible capital of the company is human capital that constitutes an
aggregate of knowledge, skills, qualifications, and experience of each employee.
Besides, the major three phases engendering applicants, maintaining applicants’
status, and influencing job choice judgment. Whereas there are copious theories on
recruitment and fabricated an organizing framework for the recruitment process.
Furthermore, the most important five key stages of the recruitment process are
recruitment objectives, strategy development, recruitment activities, and process
variables and recruitment result. These stages are discussed in below:
Recruitment Objectives

Strategy Development

Recruitment Activites

Process Vairiables

recruitment Result

Fig no. 1.1 Process of recruitment

Stage-1 (Recruitment Objectives)-This is the first stage of recruitment. In this section

the organization determine the retention rate, number of applicants, quality of
applicants etc.
Stage-2 (Strategy Development)- The second stage of the recruitment framework is
strategy development. It includes the formulation of a recruitment strategy which is
influenced by the response from the first stage. It includes whom to recruit? Where to
recruit? When to recruit? What message to communicate?
Stage-3(Recruitment actiVities): Recruitment activities include the recruitment
advertisement andrecruitment message. In order to be actual, recruitment message
should be realism, completeness, timeliness). On the other hand recruiting many
employers is not overly concerned with post-hire outcomes.
Stage-4 (Intervening/process variables)-The process variables are applicant attention,
comprehension, message credibility, interest, an accuracy of expectations and
applicant self-insight. These variables directly influence the relationship between
recruitment activities and recruitment outcomes.
Stage 5-(Recruitment results)-This stage relates the review and assessment of the
sources of the recruitment process. The organization gets invaluable information of
recruitment strategy from this stage
Sources of recruitment
Many employers use a variety of recruitment sources. Other researchers have argued
that different recruitment sources reach applicant groups that may differ on
characteristics such as motivation or perceived job mobility. Other researchers said
that the sources of employees can be classified into two types, internal and external.
Besides the recruitment sources are closely linked to the organizational activities as
the performance of employee turnover, employee satisfaction, employee wishes and
the commitment of the organization. Basically, there are two types of sources .

Sources of Recruitment
Internal sources
2. Transfer

External sources
2.E- recruitment

Fig no. 1.2 Sources of Recruitment

i. Internal Sources of recruitment

- Internal sources mean hiring people from within the organization to fill a position.
An organization can hire internal candidate through job posting or rehiring former
employees, through succession planning, through internet, advertising, employment
agencies, temp agencies and other alternative staffing methods. Promotions: It is
another internal source of recruitment. It means to change position with higher
prestige, responsibilities, compensation and others facilities. Basically the higher
position may be filled up through giving promotions of the qualified employees.
Transfers: Transfer means to shift of an employee from present jobs to other similar
jobs. Basically here is no change rank, responsibility, prestige, and other types of
facilities. Job posting: In this case the organization communicates with public for
vacant position that it wishes to fill. Also it is an encouraging system of applicants to
apply in vacant position. Job bidding: It is a competition process among the applicants
for a job position that is posted by an employer. It is the main source for internal
recruitment. Here the organization gives the chance to apply for the job opening.
Former Employees: Former employee is another source of internal recruitment where
the retired employee may be willing to come back to work in the organization.
Employee Referrals: The organizations or companies use this method to find out the
talented employee through recommend their existing employee
ii. External sources
-It is the attraction process of applicants from outside a particular organization to fill
vacant positions. According to Bardwell and Brown the external sources of
recruitment are followingAdvertisement: It is the most common method or source of
external recruitment. The organizations or companies publish their advertisement
through electronic print media and others social network E-Recruitment: E-
recruitment also known as online recruitment. Through this system the organizations
can easily hire their respected personnel for work. Employment Agencies:
Employment agencies sometimes referred to as labor brokers. Employers can reduce
the range of possible problems from these sources by giving a precise definition of the
position to be filled. Labor Offices: Labor offices are the sources of certain types of
workers. Unions also can work to an employer’s advantage through accommodating
staffing programs, as they do in the building and printing industries.
Campus Recruitment: Sometimes the organization finds out their qualified employees
from colleges, universities, and other institutes through different tests. It is the major
source of recruitment for many respected corporations. Walk-ins, Write-ins and Talk-
ins: Other sources of recruitment are Walk-ins, Write-ins and Talk-ins. It is the direct
application process to respected organization without prior appointment. Here direct
applications are effective in in filling entry-level and unskilled vacancies. Some
organizations compile pools potential employees from the direct applications for
skilled positions. Radio and Television: It is very effective to reach individuals who
are not actively seeking employment. However, these ads are expensive
Selection :- Selection is the process of making the choice of the most suitable
applicant from the pool of applicants who are recruited to fill the relevant job
vacancy. On the other hand selection is a procedure in which particular instruments
are utilized to select the best people from the pool of individuals that are suitable for
the jobs. Moreover the selection is the systematic process of deciding on a specific
individual to fill an available position. On the other hand selection is the process of
selecting the most suitable applicants from among the alternative candidates. The
objective of the selection process is to match the applicant’s ability, knowledge, skills
and experience with job requirements in a fair and legal manner. Selection is the
process of choosing the best qualified candidates from among alternative group of
qualified candidates for a particular position in an organization. Whereas the
recruitment process is aligned to encourage individuals to seek employment with the
organization, the selection process is to identify and employ the best-qualified and
suitable individuals for specific positions.

Selection process :- Selection process is the hiring procedure of prospective

employees among alternatives employees for doing a particular job. He also said that
in the hiring procedure varying methods are used to discover significant information
about an applicant, which can be compared with the job specification. All managers
of the organization need to understand about necessary skills and abilities which need
to perform a particular job. Interviews, reference checks, tests, applications and
résumés can help to identify differences among candidates. The managers can take
selection decision through strengths and weaknesses of the applicants. Similarly like
recruitment have also divided selection process into six different phases. These phases
are mentioned in the following

P re
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eIn rvt




Offer Employment
Fig no. 1.3 Selection Process
Preliminary Interview: It is also called the screening interview. The purpose of
preliminary interviews is basically to eliminate unqualified applications based on
information supplied in application forms.
Selection Tests: Selection tests are also called employment tests. Different types of
tests may be administered, depending on the job and the organization. Through this
test the organization can determine the applicant’s knowledge, abilities, skills,
behavior etc.
Relevance of Tests: Basically the organization use the testing process for attracting
the higher level of applicants. However the personnel selection procedures is helpful
in selecting good employees. In his analysis, test utility studies showed the value of
selection for increasing productivity. Personality tests: There are five dimensions of
effective personality test like extroversion, emotional stability, agreeableness,
conscientiousness, and openness to experience. Actually the personality test is used
by the organization to assess the personality of worker and his relationship with
Aptitude Test: An aptitude test is a systematic means of testing a job candidate's
abilities to perform specific tasks and react to a range of different situations. An
aptitude test helps determine a person’s potential to learn in a given area. Interest
tests: These tests are used to measure an individual’s activity preferences. Separately
these tests are very essential for the better carrier for the employees.
Graphology test: Employers usually consult graphologists to supplement their usual
personnel recruitment procedures. Graphology tests are designed to ensure accuracy
of information given in the application.
Making the decision: It is necessary to inform all the applicants about the outcome
and possible, whether successful or unsuccessful. Keep in touch if the decision is
delayed. Offer of the employment should be made in writing to aware candidate about
legal regulations.
Induction: After finally selection the applicants the employer arranged the well-
planned induction program. Medical examinations and documentation are other points
to be considered during effective, fair and efficient recruitment and selection process .
Literature survey:-
Work by Alan Price (2007): Price (2007), in his work Human Resource
Management in a Business Context, formally defines recruitment and selection as the
process of retrieving and attracting able applications for the purpose of employment.
He states that the process of recruitment is not a simple selection process, while it
needs management decision making and broad planning in order to appoint the most
appropriate manpower. There existing competition among business enterprises for
recruiting the most potential workers in on the pathway towards creating innovations,
with management decision making and employers attempting to hire only the best
applicants who would be the best fit for the corporate culture and ethics specific to the
company (Price 2007). This would reflect the fact that the management would
particularly shortlist able candidates who are well equipped with the requirements of
the position they are applying for, including team work. Since possessing qualities of
being a team player would be essential in any management position (Price 2007).
Work by Silzer et al (2010):
However, the process of recruitment does not cease with application of candidature
and selection of the appropriate candidates, but involves sustaining and retaining the
employees that are selected, as stated by Silzer et al. (2010).
Work of Silzer et al. (2010) was largely concerned with Talent management, and
through their work they were successful in resolving issues like whether or not talent
is something one can be born with or is it something that can be acquired through
development. According to Silzer et al (2010), that was a core challenge in designing
talent systems, facing the organization and among the senior management. The only
solution to resolve the concern of attaining efficient talent management was by
adopting fully-executable recruitment techniques. Regardless of a well-drawn
practical plan on recruitment and selection as well as involvement of highly qualified
management team, companies following recruitment processes may face significant
obstacles in implementation. As such, theories of HRM can give insights in the most
effective approaches to recruitment even though companies will have to employ their
in house management skills for applying generic theories across particular
organizational contexts. Word conducted by Silzer et al (2010) described that the
primary objective of successful talent strategies is to create both a case as well as a
blueprint for developing the talent strategies within a dynamic and highly intensive
economy wherein acquisition, deployment and preservation of human capital-talent
that matter,, shapes the competitive advantages and success of many companies
(Silzer et al. 2010).
Work by Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006):
According to Korsten (2003) and Jones et al. (2006), Human Resource Management
theories emphasize on techniques of recruitment and selection and outline the benefits
of interviews, assessment and psychometric examinations as employee selection
process. They further stated that recruitment process may be internal or external or
may also be conducted online. Typically, this process is based on the levels of
recruitment policies, job postings and details, advertising, job application and
interviewing process, assessment, decision making, formal selection and training
(Korsten 2003).Jones et al. (2006) suggested that examples of recruitment policies in
the healthcare, business or industrial sector may offer insights into the processes
involved in establishing recruitment policies and defining managerial objectives.
Successful recruitment techniques involve an incisive analysis of the job, the labour
market scenario/ conditions and interviews, and psychometric tests in order to find out
the potentialities of job seekers. Furthermore, small and medium sized enterprises lay
their hands on interviews and assessment with main concern related to job analysis,
emotional intelligence in inexperienced job seekers, and corporate social
responsibility. Other approaches to selection outlined by Jones et al. (2006) include
several types of interviews, role play, group discussions and group tasks, and so on.
Any management process revolves around recruitment and failure in recruitment may
lead to difficulties and unwanted barriers for any company, including untoward
effects on its profitability and inappropriate degrees of staffing or employee skills
(Jones et al. 2006). In additional, insufficient recruitment may result into lack of
labour or hindrances in management decision making, and the overall recruitment
process can itself be advanced and amended by complying with management theories.
According to these theories, the recruitment process can be largely enhanced by
means of Rodgers seven point plan, Munro-Frasers five-fold grading system, personal
interviews, as well as psychological tests (Jones et al. 2006).
1.6 Outline of problem
In current scenario , it is difficult to find qualified employees for the organization.
Searching , recruiting and selecting the candidate to fulfil the vacant position in the
firm is time consuming as well as cost incurring process.
1.6.A. Need for study
HR departments can even improve their employee retention rate if their recruitment
and selection methods are performed efficiently since hiring the right employee for
the right position can reduce the rate of employee turnover and improve morale by
promoting from within when appropriate. There are many steps in the recruitment and
selection process, but they're necessary for ensuring that the ideal candidate is hired
for the position.
In order to fix the gap between the current and lastest techniques, methods and
procedure used for the Recruitment and Selection process and also to identify
relationship between them and to adapt the new changes in the markets , so as to
perform well and increase the sales.
1.6.B. Statement of problem
Considering the need of the research work the researcher has identify the problem
statement as A study of Recruitment and Selection process in Utturkars Wood
1.7 Scope of the study
Modern business world is highly competitive and volatile. To face this competitive
environment every business organization has to follow their own business
strategies. Because of the performance of the employees effect the performance of
the organization directly they are the most crucial and valuable resource in an
organization. They engage, interconnect and control all other resources of the
company. To achieve organizational goals and objectives make use of employee’s
strength in strategic way is very beneficial and important to the organization. But
there are huge psychosocial differences such as abilities, personalities, motivation and
emotions among the individuals. Identifying and managing these differences in a
strategic way to the direction of company’s goal is a competitive advantage in the
1.8 Objectives of the study
1.To analyse recruitment process and selection procedure of utturkars wood culture.
2.To find the appropriate candidate who fits the companys culture.
3.To understand and analyze the working of HR Department at utturkars.
4.To study and analyze the background verification process at uuturkars.

2.1 Name, Address and Location of the Company

Name of the Organization : Utturkar’s Wood Culture

Founder : Ashwin Utturkar Tarek Utturkar
Founded : 1996
Website :
Address : 42Parvati Industrial Estate, Opp
Adinath Society,PuneSatara
Road,Pune 411009, Maharashtra.
Telephone : +91 020 - 24540000
Industry : Furniture & Home Manufacturing
Headquarters : Pune
Popular Product : Modular kitchens Wardrobes &
Number of Employee : 200-500

2.2 Vision and Mission of the Organization

Vision of the Organization:-To be a pioneer in innovative product development, to

achieve customer delight.

Mission of the Organization:- Our mission is to be a dynamically growing,

profitable, environmentally Responsible, international manufacturer of high –quality
home furnishings combining human skills, advanced technologies and innovative
solutions. To satisfy the needs of our valued customers .
Historical Background of the Organization
“Utturkar’s Wood Culture is the journey of one master carpenter from Germany,
Tarek Utturkar, and another excellent architect, Ashwin Utturkar, that helped magnify
the Indian Hardware Industry.” About us Utturkar’s Wood Culture, established in the
year 1996 is involved in trading of international brand furniture fittings. Along with
trading of hardware fittings, Utturkar’s Wood Culture is also dedicated to RENDER
COMPLETE SOLUTION to the needs of furnishing industries. Over the year,
Utturkar’s Wood Culture has created a niche area for itself in the cutthroat
competitive market by associating itself with various furniture fittings manufacturing
companies across Europe. “These two believed that India was ready to become the
next big hardware hub, as India was just waking up to its status of the “largest” world
market. With foresight, hard work and a constant urge to innovate Utturkar’s Wood
Culture (UWC); Tarek & Ashwin started this journey.” “UWC is the undisputed
market leader whose products are closer to you in your everyday life from office to
living area, kitchens, and bedroom. The jigsaw fits perfectly between these 2pioneers
to ensure an unforgettable experience for the end customer.” Utturkar’s Wood Culture
(UWC) is not just a brand, it is a rich legacy of ultra-premium solutions in the
furniture industry. Our unending passion with hard-work and our constant
commitment to innovation for the last 25 years has made us the undisputed leaders of
the hardware industry in India. One of the eminent Furniture traders; we take a
different approach to keeping our valued customers happy – we go the extra mile to
“Get the job Well done”. Utturkar Wood Culture Private Limited is a Non-govt
company, incorporated on 24 Oct, 2000. It's a private unlisted company and is
classified as ‘company limited by shares’. Company’s authorized capital stands at Rs
5.0 lakhs and has 0.6% paid-up capital which is Rs 0.03 lakhs. Utturkar Wood Culture
Private Limited is majorly in Manufacturing (Others) business from last 23 years and
currently, company operations are under process of striking off. Company is
registered in Pune (Maharashtra) Registrar Office. Utturkar Wood Culture Private
Different Departments of the Organization
• Sales Executive
• Area Sales Manager
• Senior Accountant
• Customer Service Executive
• Interior Designer / Architecture
• Marketing Manager
• HR Generalist
• IT Hardware and Telecom
Different product range profile of the organization
Utturkars Wood Culture Is Manufacturer, Supplier & Importer Of Furniture
Hardware & Furniture Components Such As Kd Fittings, Hinges, Drawer Slides,
Drawer Systems, Internal Accessories, Corner Solutions, Lift Up Systems, Waste
Systems, Lock Systems, Roller Shutter, Wardrobe Systems, Wardrobe Accessories,
Lights. Associated Companies: Mepla Alfit Huwil Widmer .Titus Tools and
accessories, wooden, for builders' joinery Legs, wooden, for furniture Furniture
components, wooden, to customer specification. Handles , wooden, for furniture.
Current Status of the Company
Utturkar Wood Culture Private Limited is an unlisted private company incorporated
on 24 October, 2000. It is classified as a private limited company and is located in ,
Maharashtra. It's authorized share capital is INR 5.00 lac and the total paid-up capital
is INR 3,000.00 . The current status of Utturkar Wood Culture Private Limited is -
Under Process of Striking Off.Details of the last annual general meeting of Utturkar
Wood Culture Private Limited are not available. The company is yet to submit its first
full-year financial statements to the registrar. The Corporate Identification Number
(CIN) of Utturkar Wood Culture Private Limited is U36109PN2000PTC015471. The
registered office of Utturkar Wood Culture Private Limited is at 1900 SADASHIV
Any other relevant information of the Organization
Today the Indian hardware industry looks up to UWC as a Game Changer. Utturkar’s
Wood Culture endeavours for constant innovation and hard work coupled with razor
sharp focus on processes to fulfil every concern of the end user. The foundation was
laid when Tarek Utturkar established the company.
1996 Started importing of melamine faced edge-binding from Germany. The pre-
gluing was indigenized that helped establish an innovative approach of the
organization and thereby giving the industry a perfect solution.
1999 Mepla Werke GmbH identified UWC as a mere five-member strong
organization and their preferred partner to spread products across India.UWC was
taking steady strides in tying up with major German and Italian Brands for expanding
its product range in between the years from 1999 to 2005.
2006 Utturkar’s Wood Culture started the production of furniture like hinges in
cooperation with Mepla Werke GmbH. They went ahead and purchased the brand
name MEPLA for Indian subcontinent. Today, specialist furniture fittings are
produced under the Brand of MEPLA
2008 UWC started a Joint Venture with a German Fittings Specialist which gave an access to
high-end storage solutions used in today’s modern world.
2009 UWC built a state-of- the-art warehouse which was required by the portfolio of ever-
increasing products to grow their market needs.
2013 To enter the architectural hardware segment, UWC has started a joint venture with
Italian Company Krona Koblenz spa and a new vertical was formed under the name of
Koblenz Utturkar’s Fittings Pvt Ltd.
2014 The year could be described as the year of international development for UWC. Export
activities were stepped up and fittings produced in India were sold successfully to Germany.
Expansion of the product portfolio continued and so were the number of employees who had
their hands full satisfying the constantly increasing demand for the innovative fittings from a
reputed source.
2015 UWC growth was so high that they needed to relocate and moved to new headquarters
in Pune in 2015.
2017 UWC conducted its first Annual Dealer Meet.
2018 Highest Turnover in the history of UWC.
2019 Received the Loyalty Award from GRASS.

3.1 Introduction
Research methodology is a method to solve the research problem systematically.
It involves gathering data, use of statistical techniques, interpretations and drawing
conclusions about research data. Keeping in view the objectives of the study, data is
collected from different sources. The purpose of this section is to describe the
methodology carried out to complete the work. The methodology plays a
dominant role in any research work. The effectiveness of any research work
depends upon the correctness and effectiveness of the research methodology.
A process of enquiry and investigation , it is systematic , methodical and
ethical;research can help solve practical problems and increase knowledge . Research
comprises “ creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the
stock of knowledge , including knowledge of man,culture and society ,and the use of
this stock of knowledge to devise new applications .
Research may be termed as Systematic , controlled , empirical and critical
investigation of hypothetical proposition. An ideal Research Methodology includes a
series of activities or steps know as Research Process which is necessary to carry out
3.2 Research Design
Research design is a process in which information is collected and analysed,so as to
provide solutions for the problem. It is a method used to find solutions for questions
asked in research . There are 4 types of research design:-
Descriptive Research Methodology
Correlational Research Methodology
Experimental Research Methodology
Causal – Comparative Research Methodology
Defining Research objectives

Research Planning

Primary Data Data Collection Secondary Data

Questionnaire Analysis of Data Internet

Suggestions and Conclusion

3.3 Sampling Design

A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given
population.Sampling is the process of selecting units ( People,organizations) from a
population of interest so that by studying the sample we may fairly generalize our
results back to the population from which they were chosen.
1.Population :- In statistics a population is the pool of individuals from which a
statistical sample drawn for study. Thus any selection of individuals grouped together
by a common feature can be said to be a population.
2.Sampling unit :- The sampling unit is the unit of the population to actually be
chosen during the sampling process.The sampling unit may contain one or more
elements describing the population.
3.Sampling Frame:-A sampling frame means of identifying , assessing and selecting
the elements in the population. The sampling frame usually is a physical listing of the
population elements.
4. Sample size :- Sample size is refers to the number of participants or observations
included in a study.
3.4 Data Collection
Data refers to a collection of organized information, usually the results of
experience, observation or experiment, or a set of premises. This may consist of
numbers, words, or images, particularly as measurements or observations of a set
of variables
.Data Sources : There are two types of data sources available to the research
i. Primary data.
ii. Secondary data.

1. Primary Data : The primary data is collected by using primary methods such
questionnaires, interviews, observations etc. For this study questionnaires are
used to collect primary data from the employees of the industries. We know
relatively little on a systematic basis about how or why organizations choose to use
different combinations of these strategies, though some of the results reported in
the study of recruitment and selection and in large firms offers some pointers
that are worthy of further exploratory research, particularly among small and
medium sized organizations. Nowadays employees suggests that personality tests
are now being routinely used for some occupations in 19 per cent of
workplaces, and performance tests are being used in Recruitment and selection in
46% of workplaces. Personality testing seems to be concentrated in larger
workplaces and used upon professional, managerial, and sales staff; and
performance testing concentrated again in larger workplaces but used for
professional and administrative staff. Among the sample of large employers the
overall relative ranking of importance of different skills. Assesment methods was as
i. Interview
ii. Work experience
iii. Performance test
iv. Qualifiactions
v. Personality / aptitude test
Secondary Data : Secondary data is collected from various Journals ,
books,websites,News papers,and other research reports.Secondary data is data that
has been collected by another researcher or organization for other purpose.
3.6 Limitations of study
The information collected and analysed from the employee might be biased.
As a research was limited to a single part of the organization , it can’t be considered
as the overall view of the employees in the organzation.

4.1 Introduction and importance
Data analysis is very important aspect of project, as it basically involves the analysis
of all the information that we collected. The information collected needs to be
analyzed so that we can interpret the information and provides the justification for the
work we have done during our research. Data analysis is a body of methods that help
to describe facts, detect patterns, develop explanations and test hypothesis.
Data analysis has been done with the help of HR manager. After the respondents had
filled in the questionnaires, the data was entered into the software and the analysis
was made thereby.
The data has been presented in the form of graphs, bar charts, pie charts etc.
After analysis of each of the question in a questionnaire the interpretation of the same
is also being provided which includes the reason about the particular aspect of the
organization and we can also judge the frequency and application of the same in a
particular context so that we are able to find out the exact fact behind the particular
aspect of an organization on which are whole project report is based.

Importance :- The primary aim of a recruitment and selection policy is to ensure a

transparent and fair hiring process that can assist the HR personnel to select the right
candidate on the basis of merit and relevance with the job.Big data and intelligent use
of analytics has been one of the hottest topics in the recruitment industry over the past
few years. For anyone working in human resources or recruiting, ever greater use of
data promises a revolution in the way decisions are made.
Data Analysis and Interpretation
For employer/ Recruiter – As there are 5 departments in utturkars Wood
Culture.Hence. I have asked the head of the departments to fill the questionnaire.
1] Demography of the answering personnel.
a.18-25 b.26-35
c.36-45 d.46-above

Option No of Respondents Percentages

18-25 1 14%
26-35 2 29%
36-45 3 43%
46-above 1 14%

Fig no. 4.1 Demography of Respondents

Interpretation :
43% of HODs lie in the age criteria of 35-45 years .It is believed that experienced yet
vigorous staff have attained the position of HOD at Utturkars Wood Culture.
29% of the HOD lie in the age group of 25 to 35 , while,only 14% are in the 18-25
and 46 and above demography respectively.
2] Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and
candidate specifications in the recruitment process ?
a. YES
b. NO

Options No of Respondents Percentage

Yes 6 86%
No 1 14%



Interpretation :
86% of HODs agree that the organization clearly defines the position objectives,
requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process.
14% believe that the organization fails to clearly define the recruitment process.

3] Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and selection?

a. YES
b. NO

Options No of Respondents Percentage

Yes 5 71%
No 2 29%



1.71% of HODs correlate with the timeliness of recruitment and selection process .
2.14% disagree with the timeliness of recruitment and selection process.

4] Does HR provide adequate pool quality applicants?

a. YES
b. NO

Options No of Respondents Percentage

Yes 6 86%
No 1 14%



86% of HODs agree that the HR department provides adequate pool of applicants.
14% believe that HR department could get more quality applicants if they work


5.1 Suggestions :-
The existing recruitment and selection process is satisfied at Utturkars Wood Culture.
Organization would like to give some suggestions in the existings process.
Suggestions would be :-
Company could develope strategies for future recruitments.
Company can design proper time management for recruitment .
Company could design good induction and orientation programme coupled with
technical,Functional and on the job , off-the-job training and skill development
programmes till the time an employee is ready to be productive.
Company could arrange some employee welfare programmes for the employees.
Company can also plan for the services like provident fund , transport facilities ,some
stress releasing activities etc.
Company can introduce learning practices, knowledge sharing activities , create
knowledge and promote sharing information between teams, departments and in the
entire organization.
5.2 Learning of the students from the project
i. Through these 2 months Summer Internship Project I have learnt overall
recruitment and selection process. This internship helped me to undertstand
the Recruitment and Selection process at Utturkars Wood Culture.
ii. This internship helped me to understand the practical processes of recruitment
and selection process.
iii. Through this project i have learnt the Internal as well as External methods of
the recruitment .
iv. Also learnt overall process of recruitment , from sourcing the candidates till
giving the joining process to the candidates.
v. This internship has given me the confidence to take the interview of the
vi. This Summer Internhip has helped me to understand the existing Recruitment
and Selections process at Utturkars wood culture and also that how we can
improve the existing system to make it more effective.
vii. Through this project i have observed that, Recruitment and Selection Process
plays an important role in the growth of the company.

5.3Contribution to the organization.

Total Candidate recruited -10
Tenure - In 2 Month
i. I have recruited 10 people within these two months. For Recruitment , I have
used both the sources internal as well as external.
ii. External sources include E-recruitment.
iii. In E- recruitment I was using portals like Naukri and Indeed,Intershala portal ,
iv. Apart from Recruitment i used to take care of other responsibilities like
maintaining employees records, giving support to the employees, also i use to
handle the Admin part. I used to deal with the different vendors of the
company for their payments and for their queries.
v. In this tenure i helped them to purchase new required equipments for the
company , by searching best vendor with best quality products.

5.4 Scope for further research

i. Recruitment through internet technologies
ii. Chatbots in recruitment.
iii. Computerization of database processes.

1. .It has been found that the most of the employees in the company were
satisfied but changes are required according to the changing scenario of
recruitment process that has a great impact on working of the company as a
fresh blood, new idea enters in the company.
2. Managing the organization is capable by the Recruitment and Selection
3. There is a good opportunity at Utturkars Wood Culture for the freshers and
trainees to develope their professionals skills.
4. Recruitment and section is the essential function of Human Resource
5. The success of human resources departments is measured on their recruitment
and performance of competent employees.
6. Talented employees are retained and new talents are found for the job to reach
the goal.
Books :- 1. Recruitment and Selection: Theory and practices by professor Dipak
Kumar .

2.Recruitment and Selection :-Employee Selection by Gareth Roberts,2005. CIPD

Billsberry, J. (2000) Finding and keeping the Right People , 2nd edn, London,
Cowling, A.G. and Mailer, C.J.B (1981) Managing Human Resources , London,
Edward Arnold.
Ludlow, R. and Panton, F. (1991) The Essence of Successful Staff Selection ,
London, Prentice-Hall

Questionnaires :
Researcher is doing survey for the academic project title “ STUDY ON HR
company. Organization assure you all the information will kept confidential and will
use only for my academic purpose.

Miss. Smita Kulkarni.

Personal Information Questions

Questionnaire for candidate


a) 18-25
b) 26-35
c) 36-45
d) 46-above



a) Male
b) Female
7.Address ( permanent)

8.Why should we hire you ?


9.Why do you want to work in our organization ?


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