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People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Ministry of Higher Education and Scienti…c Research

Kasdi Merbah University of Ouargla

Department of Sciences and Technologies


Courses of Probability and Statistics

Presented by :

Teacher : Saidane Hadda

University year : 2023/2024

Table des matières

Table of contents i

1 Combinatorial analysis 1
1.1 Types of combinatorial analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Arrangement (Apn ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 Permutation (Pn ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.3 Combination (Cnp ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Chapitre 1

Combinatorial analysis

Combinatorial analysis (CA) is a branch of mathematics that studies how to count (ar-
range) objects. It provides methods for counting the arrangements that can be formed using
the elements of a …nite set.

1.1 Types of combinatorial analysis

We distinguish 3 types :

1.1.1 Arrangement (Apn )

Dé…nition 1.1.1 Let E be a …nite set of cardinal n (the number of elements that E contains)
and p a natural number. An arrangement of p elements is the possibility of arranging these
p elements chosen among the n elements of E, where we take the order into account.

Arrangement without repetition

We say an arrangement without repetition of p elements chosen from n elements of E,

when each element of p can be observed only once in an arrangement.

Proposition 1.1.1 The number of arrangements without repetition of p elements among n

Combinatorial analysis Teacher : Saidane Hadda

of E is
Apn = = n (n 1) ::: (n p + 1) :
(n p)!
Where n! = n (n 1) (n 2) ::: 1:

Remark 1.1.1 We can use n! = n (n 1)! and we have by convention 0! = 1

Example 1.1.1
1/ Number of words (with meaning or not) of 5 letters di¤erent from our alphabet is :

A526 =
(26 5)!
= 26 25 24 23 22

= 7893600 words

2/ The numbers with 2 di¤erent digits that can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3 are :

A23 =
(3 2)!
= = 3!
=3 2 1 = 6 numbers

Arrangement with repetition

We say arrangement with repetition of p elements chosen among n elements of E, when

an element of p can be observed several times in an arrangement.

Proposition 1.1.2 The number of arrangements with repetition of p elements chosen from
n of E is :
Apn = np

Example 1.1.2

Combinatorial analysis Teacher : Saidane Hadda

The numbers with (2 digits) which can be formed from the digits 1,2,3 are :

A23 = 32

= 9 numbers

1.1.2 Permutation (Pn )

Permutation without repetition

Dé…nition 1.1.2 Let E be a …nite set of cardinal n. We call permutation of n di¤erent

elements of E any arrangement (sequence) of these n elements where the order is taken into

Proposition 1.1.3 The number of permutations of n di¤erent elements is :

Pn = n! = n (n 1) ::: 1:

Remark 1.1.2 A permutation is a particular arrangement where all the elements of E (n

elements) are chosen, we write :

Pn = Ann
= = n!
(n n)!

Example 1.1.3 How many ways can you place 5 people on a bench ?

P5 = 5! = 120 ways.

Permutation with repetition

Dé…nition 1.1.3 Let E be a …nite set of cardinal n. We assume that the n elements are
distributed into k categories where there are n1 elements of type 1, n2 elements of type 2; :::; nk
elements of type k. A permutation with repetition of these n elements is an ordered sequence
of these elements.

Combinatorial analysis Teacher : Saidane Hadda

Proposition 1.1.4 The number of permutations with repetition of these n elements is :

Pn(n1 ;n2 ;:::;nk ) = :
n1 ! n2 ! ::: nk !

Example 1.1.4 How many words can be formed from the letters of the word "STATISTICS"

(3;3;2) 10!
P10 =
3! 3! 2!
6 6 2
= 50400 words

1.1.3 Combination (Cnp )

Combination without repetition

Dé…nition 1.1.4 Let E be a set of cardinal n. We call combination without repetition of p

chosen from n elements of E (1 p n), any part of E of p di¤erent elements where we do
not take into account the order.

Proposition 1.1.5 The number of combinations without repetition of p elements among n

of E is
Cnp = :
p! (n p)!

Example 1.1.5 How many ways can you choose 2 people from 4 people ?

C42 =
2! (4 2)!
4! 24
= =
2!2! 4
= 6 ways

Combination with repetition

Dé…nition 1.1.5 Let E be a set of cardinal n. We call combination with repetition of p

chosen from n elements of E, any part of E of p elements where an element can be observed
several times in a part and the order does not take into account

Combinatorial analysis Teacher : Saidane Hadda

Proposition 1.1.6 The number of combinations with repetition of p elements among n of

E is :
p (n + p 1)!
Cn+p 1 = :
p! (n 1)!

Properties of Combinations
1/ if 0 p n; Cnn p
= , C p = Cnn p .
p!(n p)! n
In particular Cn0 = Cnn = 1 (where Cn0 = Cnn = = 1) and Cn1 = Cnn 1
= n.
2/ For 1 p n 1; Cnp = Cnp 11 + Cnp 1 :
3/ For 1 p n 1; pCnp = nCnp 11 :
n(n 1)
4/ If n 2; Cn2 = Cnn 2 = .
Newton’s binomial formula
We have

(x + y)n = Cnk xk y n k


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