An Opinion by Michael Long

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First Hand Knowledge and Experience

“First Hand Knowledge and Experience: Unbeatable Characteristics of a Motivational


By: Michael Long

February 22, 2023

An Opinion By : Michael Long © 2023

First Hand Knowledge and Experience

Speechwriting is a powerful tool that can be used to convey messages, inspire

change, and move audiences to action. While having all the qualifications, the gift

of gab, and the ability to relate to others are important skills for a speechwriter,

nothing can compare to the authenticity and emotional impact that comes from

firsthand knowledge and experience with the situation or topic being addressed.

Personal experience fuels emotion that bleeds onto the paper, touching the

hearts of those who hear or read the speech.

Historically, some of the most powerful speeches have been delivered by

individuals who had personal experiences that deeply touched them. One of the

most iconic speeches in history, Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream"

speech, was rooted in his personal experiences as a leader in the civil rights

movement. King's firsthand knowledge of racial discrimination and injustice

fueled the passion and emotion in his words, resonating with millions of people

around the world.

Similarly, Malala Yousafzai, the youngest Nobel Prize laureate, used her personal

experience of surviving an assassination attempt by the Taliban to advocate for

girls' education. Her speeches are filled with raw emotion and authenticity that

come from her own experiences, making her message incredibly powerful and


An Opinion By : Michael Long © 2023

First Hand Knowledge and Experience

In the field of speechwriting, individuals like Peggy Noonan, who has written

speeches for President Ronald Reagan, are known for their ability to infuse

personal experiences into their work. Noonan's speeches are not just words on a

page; they are a reflection of her own beliefs, values, and experiences, making

them resonate with audiences on a deeper level.

Having firsthand knowledge and experience with a situation or topic allows a

speechwriter to connect with their audience on a more personal and emotional

level. When emotions are authentically conveyed in a speech, they have the

power to captivate and inspire listeners in a way that mere words cannot.

On the other hand, relying solely on qualifications, the gift of gab, and the ability

to relate to others can result in a speech that lacks depth and authenticity. While

these skills are important, they cannot replace the power of personal experience

in connecting with an audience.

Looking to the future, the art of speechwriting will continue to evolve, but the

importance of personal experience in crafting a compelling speech will remain

constant. As technology advances and communication platforms change,

speechwriters must adapt and find new ways to connect with their audiences


An Opinion By : Michael Long © 2023

First Hand Knowledge and Experience

In conclusion, while qualifications, the gift of gab, and the ability to relate to

others are important skills for a speechwriter, nothing can replace the emotional

impact of firsthand knowledge and experience with a situation or topic. Personal

experiences fuel the authenticity and passion in a speech, touching the hearts of

all who hear or read it. As history has shown us, the best speeches are those that

come from the heart and speak to the soul.

An Opinion By : Michael Long © 2023

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