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1. Where and when do you normally switch off your mobile? Why?

What are the most important mobile manners?

2. How often do you use voice mail/speed dialling/ speakerphone? What are they used for?
3. How would life change without mobiles?

II. Your grandma is thinking of buying her first smartphone ands asks for your advice.

Recommend her a model. Include the following points:

 the functions she would need
 the cost and expenses of keeping up a mobile
 some of the dangers

III. These pictures show different drawbacks and benefits of mobile. Compare and contrast them.
Include the following points.

 describe the advantages and disadvantages pictured

 which do you think outweighs the other and why
 do you recognize something similar to the second picture in your personal life
 from which age do you think are mobiles appropriate to use and why

1. What are the drawbacks of having mobiles?

2. What ring tone do you have? Is it important for you to customize your mobile? What do you
use it for apart from talking?

3. What are the most popular apps among teenagers? Why?

II. You want to get a new Iphone 7 for your birthday. Talk to your mum. Try to convince her. Include
the following points:

 the advantages of having the most modern device

 how it would help you with studying
 offer to share the expenses (pocket money, student job)
 promise something in return

III. In these pictures you can see different social situations. Compare and contrast the
pictures. Include the following points:
 the situation(s) in the pictures you find socially (un)acceptable and why (not)
 most important rules of cell phone etiquette
 rules you don’t neccesarily take seriously
 a personal experience connected to bad manners on cell phone
I. 1. What make is your mobile? How long have you had it? Are you thinking of getting
another one soon? Which are your favourite apps? Why? What can you use them for?
2. What are the most important benefits of mobiles?
3. What are the most important rules of mobile etiquette? How will mobile culture
change in the future?

II. Your sister spends too much time on her mobile. You think is becoming addicted. Talk to
Include the following points:
 dangers of chatrooms/net
 symptoms of addiction
 offer other activities

III. In these pictures you can see different phones. Compare and contrast the pictures.
Include the following points:
 advantages of each type
 possible disadvantages of these
 By who and where are each types used
 the future of these devices

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