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IDIOMS A. The sentences below have been taken from the listening activity. Read them and choose the correct meaning of the idioms in bold. 1. My wife isan Agatha Christie fan and when she discovered the ship was hol themed night, she was over the moon. 1g Death on the Nile a. absolutely delighted b. totally disinterested 2. When my friend told me that she had discovered an idyllic island paradise, I was all ears. 4. had heard enough. b. Lwas eager to hear more. Alter afew days of spa treatments, healthy food, lying on the beach and swimming in azure-coloured ; water, was completely chilled out. bored berelaxed B, Match the idioms in bold in the two groups of sentences 1-14 with the corresponding feelings/emotions in the boxes. ‘depressed exasperation fear’ nervous showing no sympathy annoyedidiseppointed shame/embarrassment 1. Lwouldn’t be caught dead wearing a hat like that. 2, ‘Henry woke up late, got a flat tyre on the way to work and spilt coffee on his shirt during lunch. Getting stuck in the lift sehen he was leaving the office wns thelaot straw! 3. Awhole month of cloudy skies and rainy weather has been making me feel down in the dumps. 4. Sheryl had butterflies in her stomach before te ites view, but in the end i all went very well 53, It was a cold, stormy night with endless peals of thunder and bright streaks of lightning; at one point the wind blew the window open and | nearly jumped out of my skin. 6. She's abit cheesed off with John at the moment; she says all he ever thinks of is football, 7% Don't expect Mra Evans to fel sorry for you because you had the flu and coukin' finish your project on time: She's hard as nails. to cause offensefembarrassment great impatience/eagerness to do something annoyance fright/horror happy because something wonderful happened to cause a feeling of great anger” 8, Jeff really put his foot in his mouth when he asked Don ifhe was coming to Mary's party. She hadn't invited him, you know. 9. Kelly has been on cloud nine ever since she and Kevin gor engaged. 10, It makes my blood boil to see people treat animals with such cruelty. 1, Jeremy was straining atthe leash tor an opportunity to play n the team, 12, Whenever I go out, my mother wants to know every single detail about where I'm going, who I'm going with and how Tog P11 be out for auad it really dives ae up ce wall, 13, Carl has been walking on air ever since he got the scholarship to the London School of Economics. 14, ‘The sound of the wolves howling in the distance sent chills down Emlly’s spine. . Replace the words in bold in the sentences with an idiom from the box below. like a fish out of water in one’s element grin and bearit be on top of the world Keepastraight face let one’shair down hit the roof 1. twas really hard for me to look serious when I saw what a ridiculous dress she was wearing. 2. After the presentation, I went out with a few colleagues to a restaurant where we could relax and enjoy ourselves. 3. Peter was not accustomed to attending formal dinners and he felt uncomfortable and out of place. 4. When Ana isin the hitch eooking a micah she is doing something she docs well and enjoys. 5. When my wife told me that her mother would be spending the summer with us, | knew that all I could do was accept it without complaining. 6. When 1 told my father that had crashed his car, he got furious. 7 Corol hae been feeling wonderful ever rince che got promoted to assistant manager. 3 speaking 1, DISCUSS + What places would you like to travel to? Who with? * What means of transport do you preter when you travel? 2. EXPOUNDING ON A TOPIC Talk in pairs. Look at the question and the ideas on the prompt card and say what you think. You can use some of the ‘words and phrases in the boxes. Then, your partner will briefly respond to the questions that follow. Student A: What do young people gn from going 8 ~ ae Rasch cat ‘Student B: Is it preferable to go on a packege holiday or to travel independently? 4 . + planning. a * price ay r mua eae, Is there anything you would like to add? Wh i ist n a evi iat do you think? Is there anything you don’t agree wit How does this differ in your experience? . - « Te ate acer Tnteract with local people restricted metable x learn new skills gain self-confidence time-consuming planning issues of safety 7 3. FURTHER DISCUSSION . + People travel more than they did in the past. Why do you think this ist . agree up to a point, Tean’t say Lagree that. Temay be true that. but. agree one hundred percent that + ‘Getting there is half the fun’. How far do you agree with this? easy access to cheap Mights escape the stress of modern life me Internet booking a exposure to other cultures | A REPORT 1. DISCUSS + What kind of information is it necessary for travel agencies to have about the places they recommend as holiday destinations to their clients? 2. FOCUS ON CONTENT AND ORGANISATION ‘A. Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions 1-3. You work for a travel agency that organises trips and excursions. You have visited 1, What are you asked to write and fe 4 rowntsland/village with a view to including itn the destinations the agency wwhome offers. Your employer has asked you to write a report about the place including 2, Should it be written in a formal or information about the hotels, the food and what one ean do there, and saying informal style? Why? whether you recommend it asa suitable holiday destination. 3. What information must be included? . Read the report and circle the moat appropriate section headings. Why are the options you did not choose to use inappropriate? To: Clive Straw, Advertising Manager From: Susan Donahue Subject: Evaluation of Langkawi, Malaysia Introduction This report evaluates the suitability of Langkawi, a coastal resort in north-western Malaysia, as a holiday destination for the purpose of including it in our destinations. Where to stay / Accommodation / Hotels, guest houses and resorts liv a Lid tw atthact nore Woutists Langhawi’seecominodativn infiasts uctue hay uswlergone & major Cacelift recently, Most of the hotels are newly-built and blend in with nature. They range from cheap and cheerful bed-and-breakfast guest houses to impressive five-star resorts, thus ensuring that visitors will find accommodation to suit their budget. ‘What to eat / Restaurants / Dining and restaurants ‘The food in Langkawi is typical of the cultural diversity of the people, There isa wide variety of restaurants serving traditional Melay delicacies 49 wel as Indian, Japaneses C ‘whole, the service is friendly and the prices reasonable, coc cond Thad vada Whee res ure asacs tdi un the Leisure activities | Things todo / Musenmsin Tangkawi Langkawi boasts a broad range of facilities and leisure activities catering for every taste. There are large-scale shopping centres where tourists can browse around an impressive array of good quality items offered at affordable prices. At the marine, visitors are able to charter yachts for private cruises to destinet of their own shuise, Definitely nth visiting is the Underwater World theme park, one of the biggest of its kind in Asia, which is said to house 6,000 species of fish. There are plenty of other attractions, such as Air Hangat Village, a cultural complex where one can enjoy the rejuvenating benefits | ‘of the hot springs, learn about batik painting and pottery or watch a performance ot traditional dancing, Museums mclude the Ibrahim Hussein Art Museum with afine exhibition of contemporary works, the Rice Museum and Kedah Traditional House, Conclusion In brief, Langkawi justifiably prides itself as one ofthe top tourist destinations It caters fr ll tastes and it offers good value for money. I, therefore, strongly recommend its inclusion in the destinations we offer. . Read the following statements and tick the ones that apply to the report. ‘The writer: 4, states the purpose of the report in the f. refers to the cost of eating Oo mfeaishiet § provides information about sights worth seeing (_) I seen aa eat Basle ‘h, mentions common means of transport ‘gives general information about the cost of accommodation Oo gives advice to travellers in Langkawi a O : 5 ends the report with a recommendation 4. mentions different varieties of cuisine Oo Oc . provides names of good restaurants 4s 3 writing, 3. FOCUS ON STYLE AND LANGUAGE Read the table with set phrases that are useful in the introduction and the conclusion of a report as well as for making a recommendation. Then, complete the table with the corresponding phrases used in the report on page 45. Pe a Set phrases for introduction See gold Mies This report focuses on.. Taking everything into account, Tcan/would certainly recommend... This isa report on. In conclusion, I can safely recommend. ‘The purpose of this report is, Considering the above, Tt would definitely be a good idea to. 4. PRACTICE Read the rubric below and the main body of a report written in response. The introduction, the section headings in the main part and the conclusion have been left out. In the space provided, write an appropriate introduction and conclusion for the report and think of appropriate section headings for the main part. You work for a travel agency and you have been asked to write a report on the public transport system inthe city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA with a view to promoting the city as @ holiday destination in a new advertising campaign. ‘To: John Carr, Marketing Director From: Sally Cook, Marketing Assistant Subject: Public Transport in Philadelphia Introduction Philadelphia has a public transport system called SEPTA, which incorporates buses, trolley ears, electric trolley buses, commuter rail train systems, and rapid transit trains. There is also a waterfront shuttle and the Phlash tourist bus which cater for visitors tothe city Public transport is relatively inexpensive. For example, a $25 family ticket allows unlimited rides all day on the SEPTA network. Le best option for tourists 1s the Fash Bus, allowing two adults and two chaldren to travel around the city all day for $10, ‘The transport system is well maintained and the staff are polite and helpful. The system is easy to navigate for newcomers to the city and there are always staff on hand to offer help and advice. Vehicles are clean and spacious. The system is frequents however, there cam be delays with the bus and trolley services due to heavy traffic during peak hours. Conclusion SELLS SU x sto nt 5. BRAINSTORMING Read the rubric below and answer the questions that follow. You work fora travel magazine and the Chief Editor has asked you to write a report on a holiday destination in your country to be included in next month’ issue. Include the following information: + where iis vated and how it can be reached + where vistors ca stay + what there isto see and do 1. What is the purpose of the report? 2. Who are you writing the report for? Should you write in a formal or informal style? 3. How would you organise the information you are asked to give into sections? 4, What heading would you give each section? 6. OUTLINE Use your Ideas from activity > to write an outtine for the o Introductic es) mt - =z yes : When writing a port Sect ee | > keep in mind what the purpose ofthe report is and se —— who you are writing tor so that you write in an ——— - appropriate style; formel if you ae writing it for & —— superior or sem-formal i you are writing it for peers + | > give yourreport tte or use the following layout Toe ae —— From: = —— Subject: = ——— | __> organise the information you are required to give into sections dealing with related issues. > use headings to indicate the general topic ofthe —— = sections —— = >> make sure your introduction and your conclusion are === concise and fo the point, -s i Ree 7. WRITING TASK Write your report using the outline you completed in activity 6. 4 reading 1, PRE-READING Look at the text on the right and note its heading and the pictures accompanying the text. What do you know for can you guess about Tutankhamun? 2. READING FOR GIST Read the text quickly and compare it with your answers in the previous exercise. 3. READING FOR DETAILS Read the text again and decide if the following statements are True, False or Not mentioned in the text. 1. Tutankhamun was distantly related to King Smenkhkare, 2. Tutankhaten changed his name to Tutankhamun, for religious reasons. Sy TEL Asien Sepoietee My orien Buy eocaors people were worried that he was unable to have children, ( 4. Lord Carnarvon was the man who funded the excavations carried out by Carter in the Valley of the Kings. ic} 5. In November 1922 Carter announced to Carnarvon he had discovered Tutankhamen tomb. Oo 6. The second robbery in Tutankhamun’s tomb took place just afew years afer the irst one. ) ns in which Tutankhamun was de of solid gold ) 8, Many of the objects found in Tutankkh, tomb have been removed from the V Kings. 4. GUESSING THE MEANING OF UNKNOWN wWoRDS. Find words/phrases in the text that mean the same as the following. 1, mysterious (paragraph 1) 2, aperson taking the position ‘ot someone who has lett or died (paragraph 2) 3. trong religious feeling for (paragraph 3) 4, wealthy (paragraph 4) 5. bury (paragraph 5) 6. pieces of bricks and stones (paragraph 6) 2. deserving praise (paragraph 7) 8, started a sain (paragraph 8) 9. stopped (paragraph 9) = 10, ‘ted (paragraph 10) Bien) seria a name shrouded in mystery the discovery in 1922 of a treasure-packed tomb in Egypt's Valley of the Kings provided the perfect tonic for a depressed Europe suffering the after-effects of World War One. A transfixed worid looked on in awe asthe intact tomb of the iconie pharaoh Tutankhamun was picked open. Yet the archaeologists who cleared the tomb felt a sense of disappointment. It yiekled many beautiful artefacts but virtually no writings, and the tomb’s mummified owner, the boy hing, remained « shedonry Figure. Although Tutankhamun is known throughout the world, wwe know surprisingly little about hhis background. His patents go unrecorded, although we know that he was born luring the reign ofthe late 18th dynasty King Akhenaten, the “heretic pharaoh’ who riled! Feypt from the city of Amarna in Middle Egypt. At Amarna, the king and his people worshipped a faceless sun disk known as the Aton, [n 1336BC Akhenaten died an just four years later his co-regent and successor, Smenkhkare, was dead too. Now an eight-year-old boy called Tutankhaten, who may already have been married to Ankhesenpaaten, daughter of Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti, became king. ‘Tutankhaten ruled Feyptfrom Amarna for up to four years before moving his court south to’Thebes, Here, the Aten was demoted to the status of minor god and the state temples re-opened, as Tiutankhaten announced his devotion to the ‘god Amun, changing his name to Tutankhamun, or Living, image of (the god) Amun’. Although barely a teenager, Tutankhamun (or his advisors) was acutely aware of the duties of a conventional king. As Egypt grew prosperous. Tutankhamun sanctioned building projects and sent his army to campaign in Syria. Meamwhile, the young king raced his chariot across the desert, hunted and played the board gome cone an ancient form of backgammon, Just one thing was missing ~ children. Asthe ng was a young man this was not of great concern but as a precautionary measure, Turankhamiin appointed one of his elderly statesmen, Ay, as his heir. ‘When, in 1322BC, the 18-year-old ‘Tutankhamun suffered a fatal accident, it fell to Ay to inter his king in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings, on the western bank of the Nile at Thebes. Ae time pasced, Tutankhamun tomb, known as Tomb KY62, insignificant in comparison to those surrounding it, was forgotten and built over. In 1917 Howard Carter and his patron, the wealthy George Herbert, Lord Camarvon, agreed on a plan to locate the Jost burial site of Tutankhamun, Carter had first taken an, interest in Egyptology asa 7-year-old artist, employed to copy and preserve the vibrant reliefs that decorated Egypt's tombs Having trained alongeide come of Bay’ Foremoct excavators, he was now a skilled archaeologist. He started to clear the Valley of the Kings of tons of rubble and sand, a slow and expensive task Ghat led Carnarvon to doubt the wisdom of their mission. By the summer of 1922 he had had enough, Carter, though, still believed Tutankhamun could be tound, paares pf DOOR HUCLTET HOOD EV AS ae 1. PHRASES AND IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS WITH GIVE A. Look at the extract from the text on pages ‘48-49. What does the phrase in bold mean? (On Apri, he died, giving birth tothe legend that ‘Tutankhamun’ tomb was cursed. B. Read the sentences below and match the phrases/expressions in bold with their meanings. 1, ‘The candidate’ optimism gave place to doubt as the results of ext pols became kaown. 2. 1've never had Japanese fod before, 0 when Andrew invited me ta Japanese restaurant for dinner, I thought Pd give tea tey 3 The incriminating evidence in the ease tavelie to the criminals protests that he was innocent 4. The recent announcement of pension cus has given rise to many protest marches in the city centr. 2 ‘the politician gave voice this concerns about climate change during the conference. 0 6. Alex gave vent to his frustration and shouted at James fr breaking his computer G Although both women had been arguing over the isue for several ‘months, neither seemed prepared to sive ground. Qa 8. After being late to work for six successive days, Jenny was given the sack. Q 9. Our landlord gave us two months notice to leave the house. 10, Sally and Martin gave the flata ‘once-over and decided torent it ‘a. to be replaced or succeeded by bb, tobe the cause or source of © to withaiam, retest express forcefully «to use or experience something in order to testit £. to show that something is false {f10 qui) look at oomebody or something to see what he/she/itis ike ‘to express one's opinion, desires or worries 4. to dismiss 2. VERBS STARTING WITH THE PREFIXES EN- AND DE- AA. Look at the extracts from the text on pages 48-49 and answer the questions that follow. 1. Here the Aten was demoted tothe status ofa minor god... ‘What does demoted mean? a, made important b. moved to a lower rank ©. awarded 2. ‘The boy king remains ensconced in his golden coffin in his vigil sors in the Walley of de Kings What does ensconced mean? a, inaccessible ’. uncovered «. settled comfortably B. Read the following sentences, How do the prefixes en- and de- alter the meaning of the word code? No matter what forms our military use to encode confidential information, it seems that the enemy always finds a way to decode the messages. ‘The prefix en- when used to form a verb indicates to put [2] _intoa situation or to cause something to become e.g. F-4 danger endanger, large enlarge. '* The prefix de- when used to form a verb indicates the ‘opposite or to remove something e.g. compose > decompose, forest -> deforest C. Complete with the correct prefix, en- or de-. 1. The topics in the seminar will __compass a wide range of theories and ideas. 2, Wewant to_¢lose the play area, so the baby doesn't get {nto things he shoulda. 3, Tknow the hard work might ___motivate you at first, but it will be worth itin the end, 4. usually use the microwave to_frost frozen food. 5. Why did you let her__chant you with false hope and ‘empty promises? 66. ‘The runner has to drink alot of water to keep from getting ——hydrated. 7. The government has decided to _port all undocumented immigrants from the country. 8. The excessive debt has. 9. This class will an emergency. stabilised the national economy. able you to practise CPR in the event of 10, ‘The counterfeit currency might ___value the real bills and coins in circulation. w | _.3. VERBS STARTING WITH THE PREFIX D/S- 4, COMPOUND WORDS STARTING A. Look atthe extract from the text on pases 48-49. WITS ER: What does the word in bold mean? Choose a, bor A, Look atthe extract from the text on OO risspics carccraea ne tenes eee eae pages 48-9. What does the word in | acdestroyed b.covered —¢. taken apart Alhough Tutankhamun is known throughout aie mala when ised hele a TGR nicwies the world, we know surprisingly litle abou his | the opposite effect or the reverse of the process background. described by the original verb, e.g, agree > disagree, charge > discharge. i skesd ha saeco the words in bold with their definitions. Small enterprises are considered ta be '8, Look at the verbs in the Dox. What do you think they mean‘ Use them to complete the sentences 1-7. Make any necessary changes, _ the backbone of commerce in my country. wrientaté disobey disarm —_dishearten Hae leas deena 2. Everything will work out, as long as ‘our plan doesn't backfire. 3, The politician received a lot of. backlash from the public about the scandal. | 1. Luckily the police were able to a the robbers and arrest them, Don't worry, the ship won't leave before we "attested ie - scandal shed light on what has been | 3. The car crash left the woman's face horribly going on backstage for the past three years, de ut 4. The kids will get in trouble ifthey 5. The two men charged with robbery ————— have been involved in various backstreet activities in the past 5. The roller coaster might = = 6. The president had to backtrack on his decision after the outery from 6. Don't et the lack of support from your classmates political parties andthe media ___you from doing the right thing, their babysitter you for afew minutes when you get off the ride. The litle town isso backward, they geof 7. Look at his desk! He's the most don’t even have indoor plumbing! person I've ever met! 8. After the mall opened, many small He shops closed in the backwash, a. an unpleasinr situarion coming asa result of something b.a sudden and strong reaction against someone or something «shat gives strength to something dot developed eto have an undesired result f. to change an earlier opinion, statement ‘ordecision g.not in public hh done secretly and often being illegal but d ing nented snomy, entof lisand 1, RELATIVE CLAUSES A. Look at the extracts from the text on pages 48-49 and answer the questions that follow. - 1, Yet the archaeologists who cleared the tomb felt a sense of 4. Carnarvon sailed south to Aswan, where he was bitten disappointment. (on the cheek by a mosquito. 2. Now ur eight-yeur-vl buy culled Tauunbhusers, who ray Docs the elative clause provide wdlitioual or essential already have been married to Ankhesenpaaten, daughter _ information about Aswan? of Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti, became king + Why is whereused? + In which of the two sentences does the relative clause provide additional information about someone? + Inwhich ofthe two sentences doos the relative clause provide information which is necessary to define someone? ts ive days later, 16 tes emerged, leading ta + Inwhich of the two relative clauses could thatbe used Se ee Instead of what ‘Whiahs muds have bec united befone Anuwn aul + Can who be omitted in any ofthe two relative clauses? leading? Why/ Why not? + Can you find more examples of reduced relative clauses, introduced with a present or past participle in the text on pages 48-492 5. At Amarna, the king and his people worshipped a Saceless sun disk known asthe Aten. 2 ror a fs tken a interest inExptology 17-year Od ais, employed ro copy apse the intr arse ee + Which other relative pronoun could be used instead of that? + tthe rl ln defining or non-finin 8. Join the sentences using an appropriate relative pronoun or adverb. Make all the necessary changes and use reduced relative clauses whenever itis possible. 1, We must arrange a time. Then we can discuss the project in detail, 2. His latest book didn’t live up to my expectations, This came as a surprise to me. 3. Charles Dickens is a famous English author, His novels are still loved by people all over the world. 4, The statues in this museum are very impressive. Most of them were made in the Sth century BC. '5. The new history professor seems to be very strict. I have already been introduced to him. 6. We visited an ancient theatre the other day. Classical plays are still staged there. 2. My hushand is planning something. 1 have no idea abeust i 8. Our hotel ie situated at the top of a hill. Ithas a breathtaking view of the bay. 2. PARTICIPLES AND PARTICIPLE CLAUSES A. Look at the extracts from the text on pages 48-49 and answer the questions that follow. 1. Feeling increasingly wnvell, Carnarvon travelled ——_-2.._Having trained alongside some of Feypt’s foremost excavators, 10 Cairo. he was now a skilled archaeologist. + Who was feeling increasingly unwell? + Why was he a skilled archaeologist? + What does the sentence above mean? *+ What does the form having trained suggest? 4. Carnarvon was feeling increasingly unvell a. that he had training at an earlier time and travelled to Cairo b. that he hadn't completed his training b. Although Carnarvon was feeling «that he was having training while doing something els at the inncrcasingly wuiwell, he avetled ty Cais sane tie tthe B, Read the following examples and answer the questions that follow. Covered by rubble aed sarid, Tutankharnun’s tomb was 2. Rubbed with special oils and wrapped in cloth, a dead saved from tomb raiders and remained intact. body can be preserved fora tong tine + What could be used instead of covered in the example + What could be used instead of rubbed in the example above? above! a. as it covered a. ifitis rubbed 1 as it was covered 'b. when they rubbed if had been covered «. before it was rubbed C. Rewrite the sentences below using a participle clause. 1, We didn't know the way to the Archaeological Museum so we asked for directions. 2. First they took off their shoes and then they entered the temple through the main entrance, 3. Aswe were worried about the weather, we decided to cancel our day trip. 4, The Rock of Gibraltar looms south of the Spanish border and symbolises strength and stability 5. IF you mix this substance with water it changes to a brownish colour. 6. The Tower of London, which was builtin the 11th century, was once used as a menagerie. Read the text below aud decide which answer a, b, cord best fits each gap. Colmse ofathe) empires Historians have long been puzzled by the demise of the Akad culture of central Iraq around 4000 years ago. Not to (1) ___ the simultaneous disappearance ofthe Egyptian kingdom (2) the building of the great pyramids, together with hindreds of) settlements in the Holy Land. In 2001. satellite images of southern Iraq revealed ® appears to be a relatively recent 3km-wide impact crater, (5) that the Middle East was struck by a meteor © blasted the area 7) the violence of hundreds of H-bombs. Around 3600 years ago, settlements (8) _the volcanic Mediterranean island of Thera were annihilated by a titanic ruption. The aftermath, (9) (00) on Crete, inchuded a large tsunami, is believed to have triggered the collapse ofthe famed Minoan Many researchers believe the civilisation of Atlantis (11) its end around 12,000 years ago. If, this could link Atlantis (12) ppethaps the most famous catastrophe of them all: Noah's flood, Accounts ofa catastrophic flood (3)_ devastated the whole world turn (14) in the mythology of many ancient cultures, rom Mexico (15)__ China. They may all be references to the devastation (16) by the 100-metre rise in sea-level (17) followed the melting of the ice sheets around 10,000 years ago. Geological studies (18) the Mediterranean burst ‘through into the Black Sea, Inundating the whole area (19) ‘world had been flooded. the time, Ir would truly have seemed as ifthe (2)

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