Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:


A cool breeze was flowing through the slightly opened window, the sun was also
on the rise and the morning light was filtering through the windows as it covered
half of the room in light and the other half in shadows. The weather was not hot
as usual indicating that winter was coming.
Draven was still lying on his bed, his face was facing the bad and not the ceiling.
His body was surrounded by pillows and sheets, all the blankets were tangled as if
he had fought someone in his bed at night.
As the sun started to rise even higher, the room was filled with light and it was
getting warm now indicating that winter had not came yet. Draven slowly started
to wake up, it usually takes him more than an hour to completely wake up but
today it took him two hours to get hold of himself. He slowly crawled out of his
bed and went to the window to take some light directly from the sun as if he was
not getting enough. Draven stared directly at the sun for a few moments before
looking away, he does this every morning, likes to challenge the sun.
Draven looked at the city and the people from his high window, the people below
were looking so small from above that they didn’t looked like people at all, they
rather looked like ants moving in line, “Peasants, worms.” Draven wondered how
god views them from far above, but Draven didn’t thought about that for a long
time because he was thinking of himself as a god, a god who was high from the
rest of people and was looking down on them, watching them as nothing but
small creatures whose lives don’t count at all.
Drave then turned from the window to take a look at his room which didn’t
looked like a room at all. The room was a mixture of things, piles of clothes were
everywhere, clothes and dresses made of the finest leather, velvet and silk were
hanging and lying like pieces of trash. If you want to say anything about Draven,
you can say that he doesn’t care. There were small knives scattered around the
room, there were real skulls of at least three people sitting at top of the small
table in the corner.
Draven walked through his room, ignoring the mess that surrounded him like it
was normal. It was normal for Draven. He was focused on one thing only, to get a
hot tub bath. The first real thing that Draven does after waking up is to get a hot
tub bath. He opened the room of his door and walked into the door that was in
front of his. Draven had been following this routine for such a long time that he
doesn’t even thinks about it, at this point he could get up from bed, stare at the
sun and walk towards the hot tub while being asleep.
The room was as very wide, covered with marble white as snow. In the center of
the room there was a large tub filled with hot water, steam was emitting from it
and spreading all around the room. A young girl of blonde hair and light brown
eyes was standing beside the tub with a towel in her hand. Draven had certainly
seen her before but could not remember her name.
Draven went and stood in front of her, he slowly removed his golden robe which
had white stripes at the end and putted it over her shoulder. Draven then went
straight in the hot tub but it was not hot as he liked. Draven became really angry
at this, he doesn’t tolerate any mistakes related to his hot bath.
“You Bitch,” Draven shouted, “why is this not hot enough.” The girl was already
shivering out of fear, her hands and legs were shaking and sweat was running
down her cute and perfect face.
“I…..I….am new here, my Prince.”
Draven gave a small smirk after hearing that, let’s play a game. He opened his
eyes and looked directly at her, she started to shake even more than before and
he could clearly hear her heartbeat.
“Take off your clothes and get in,” said Draven. She was completely in shock after
hearing that, she stood there for a few moment like someone who had just seen a
ghost or the Devil.
She placed the towel and Draven robe on the hanger and started to untie her red
and black robe slowly. As she was removing her dress Draven was observing her
body carefully. She was not thin as the other girls of the castle and was not fat as
the local whores.
Draven observed her as she got into the tub, she covered the breasts with her
hands and was still shaking from fear. Draven announced looking directly at her,
“we will play a game, ok. I will heat the water with my fire and we will see who
will remain in the water for longer.” She nodded but Draven couldn’t understand
whether it was a yes or no but the answer didn’t mattered anyway, the game was
already decided.
Draven started to focus all of his energy into his hand and slowly heat was
emitting from his hand. The temperature of the water started to rise even higher,
Draven was shocked he could still use some fire energy and it surely had been a
long time since he last used it.
The steam got even thick than before and the water hotter, the girl was taking it
better than David had thought, but she reached her limit shortly and jumped out
of the tub. Her skin was all red burning from the hot water. Draven still calmly sat
in the tub, the water never felt hot to him, nothing ever felt hot to him because
he was the descendent of Drago, the Dragon God.
“Get back in the tub bitch.”
“My….Prince, it’s too hot.”
Draven stood in the tub after hearing that, he slowly walked out of the tub and
reached the girl. Draven suddenly grabbed her by the hairs and threw her straight
into the tub, “I said, get back in the tub,” he was shouting now. This was not the
first time Draven was playing this game and this was not the first time he did that,
he once broke the tub by throwing a women and killing her.
Draven crawled back in the tub and started to heat it again, the girls was
screaming, her whole body started to turn red. Draven continued to heat the tub,
he started to sweat himself but it was not because of the heat rather the energy
he used in heating. Draven looked directly at her with a smile on his face, “Are
you enjoying bitch?”
“Please stop my Prince.” The girl screamed.
Draven was still smiling, he was enjoying it. He went close to her and looked
deeply in her eyes, “Don’t worry my girl, I will stop it.” Draven immediately
slapped her right in the face, a loud sound came as her face turned with the slap
and blood tripped down from her mouth and mixed with water. She was crying.
Draven didn’t cared at all, he never did. He grabbed her by the hairs again and
twisted her with full face, her face was now towards the wall and her butt
towards Draven.
The water started to cool down as he stopped heating it. Draven slapped her butt
as hard as he could and then slapped again and again, making loud sounds of clap
that might be reaching the entire castle, Draven knew that no one would dare to
stop him except his brother, as Draven thought that, the door of the room
suddenly opened. Draven turned and it was his twin younger brother David.
“Stop,” David shouted as soon as he entered the room. He grabbed the girl by the
arm and gently pulled her out of the tub and sent her to the healers.
His brother David was the same height as him, his shoulders and physique was a
little better built. Unlike his golden long, his brother had dark black hair that
reached his neck and were curly at the ends. His brother had the same sharp
jawline as his and equally chiseled cheekbones. The one thing that separated his
brother David from the rest were his purple shinny eyes. His brother David had
the most unique eyes in the kingdom. It is stated in the books that Drago himself
had purple eyes.
“David, I was just having fun.”
“This is not having “fun”.”
Draven argued with David for some time but finally gave up and went to his room
to continue the rest of his remaining day……

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