Chapter 1 The Dragon Flame

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David stood atop the castle, the wind moving through his dark black hair, they sky
above his head was pitch dark and empty. The only light was the soft, dim light of
the moon. He was standing on the edge of castle, looking down at the entire city
and even beyond that.
The moon was casting a soft glow over the city but beyond that there was pitch
darkness and everything else. He could see the guards patrolling the streets in
their shiny and heavy armors. He felt a sense of superiority at the moment but he
had felt that feeling his entire life. He was always above them and looking down
on everyone and everything.
The air was crisp and getting colder after every moment. He wanted to stand
there for more time but he didn’t had much time and time was the most
important thing to him. He turned around and swiftly and slowly moved towards
the center of the roof. He gazed around him but darkness was the only thing he
could find there. It was the perfect place for David to come and train every night.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had missed.
David closed his eyes and took a deep breath focusing on the energy and fire in
his soul. He opened his eyes moved his legs to a wider and firm stance, he
extended his right arm with a punching motion, flames of fire summon through
the end of his fist, he moved forward putting one leg in front of the other and
punched with his other fist. He watched the flame grew larger and intense and
lighting up his face and eyes. The atmosphere felt less cold and more warmed
David began to move his arms in fluid, graceful motions, directing the flame in
different directions. He jumped, twisted and turned in air creating a splash of fire
through the movements of his legs. David loved using his legs as much as he loved
his arms, his legs gave him a sense of unpredictability and great agility. He
practiced creating different shapes and sizes of fire, from small flicker to large
blasts. He also worked on his precision by throwing small darts of fire with the tip
of his fingers.
As the night went on, the training became more intense and hard. He started to
work on his defense creating a ring of fire around him and extending it. He then
stood with his feet closed together, taking a deep breath he extended his arms
from his waist to above his head and raising a large wall of fire front of him. The
light of his fire was now shining brighter than the moon and flames were rising
high in the dark sky. He then relaxed and as he calmed down the fire around him
relaxed as well, till there was no fire around him.
“aahh…” said David. He was breathing heavily, all his muscles were burning as he
was getting exhausted. David wanted to rest but he knew he couldn’t if he really
wanted to be the best ever. He was already better than everyone else but he
wanted to be the best, the best at everything. David reached the final part of his
training, he was practicing this technique from some time and he wanted to
perfect it.
David took a deep breath for one last time, he closed his eyes again trying to
collect all the fire and energy left in his body and soul. He opened his eyes and
took his stance once again, he took another breath and raised his slowly raised his
arms from his waist to his shoulders. He created flames around his arms and
stated to manipulate them, he moved his arms around his body and the flamed
followed as well, the flames were now spinning around his body.
David took another breath and extended both of his arms, this time the flames
took the shape of large dragon, he was still moving his arms around, dragon made
of flames followed his arms as well. He started to move the dragon around his
body, and then started kicking and the dragon followed his kicks as well, it looked
like the dragon was a part of him. David was ready for his one final move, he
extended his right arm and punched with all his force, again the dragon of flames
followed but this time it grew even larger and went with full force towards the
direction and then vanished in air. David was out of breath again, he wanted to do
this movement once again but his body gave up. He went on his knees and
started to breath heavily, there was a sense of satisfaction this time as he was
proud of himself. “Marvelous!” came voice from behind. David was not expecting
anyone, he turned around and saw a tall and wide figure standing in dark. He
couldn’t see his face so David summoned a small fire in his palm, a small smile
appeared on his face as he saw the man. It was the First Knight of Dragon, “Lord
Darnell, I was not expecting you here”, said David smiling. “Neither was I, Prince
Lord Darnell was a towering figure with broad shoulders making a wide and
strong figure. He was man of late thirties, with brown short hairs and brown sharp
eyes. He always had a look of bravery and strength on his face, his jaw was strong
as a mountain. The fire of David was shining against his bright armor, making the
figure of dragon shine bright, his red clock was flying in the wind.
“What made you come all the way here, Commander?” asked David. Lord Darnell
replied with a smile on his face “I was thinking we could have a game of chess,
Dragon Prince.” David looked at him with surprise, he was not expecting that
answer at all. “It’s been a long time Commander since we played, you still
remember what happened the last time.”
“I will never forget that game, it was a total embarrassment. Don’t worry I am
prepared this time.” Said the commander sounding absolute certain in his voice as
always. “Come, we will play in my room.” Said David moving away from him and
towards the stairs that went down to the rooms. “Sure, my Prince.” Said Darnell
and both of them started to walk together….

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