Chapter-5 Z-Transform

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Kombolcha Institute of Technology

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Chapter Five
Z-transforms and its Implementation

Jemal H. (Msc)

June, 2023

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Chapter Outlines

6.1 Definition of Z-Transform

6.2 Properties of Z-Transform
6.3 Inverse Z-Transform
6.4 Region of convergence for Z-Transform
6.5 The Difference Equation and Transfer function

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• Z-transform plays an important role in analysis and representation of

discrete time signals and systems.
• The z-transform is a generalization of the discrete-time Fourier
• It is an important digital signal processing tool for describing and
analyzing digital systems and used for digital filter design and
frequency analysis.
• Z-transform takes a signal from the time domain to a frequency
domain called the z domain.
• The z-transform of a discrete-time signal x[n] is given by:

• For causal systems z-transform is

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Properties of z-transform

• These properties are widely used in deriving the z-transform

functions of difference equations and solving the system output
responses of linear digital systems with constant system
• The z-transform is a linear transformation, which implies

• If and then

• Where and denote the sampled sequences, while

a and b are the arbitrary constants.

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Time Shifting/Shift Theorem

• The time shift theorem plays a very important role in developing

the transfer function from a difference equation.
• A one-sample delay in the time domain appears in the z domain as
a z-1 factor.
• Given a sequence x(n), and its z-transform X(z) then the z-
transform of the time-shifted sequence x(n- m), is given by

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• Convolution in time domain is equal to the multiplication in

frequency domain.
• Given two sequences and , their convolution can be
determined as follows:

• In z-transform domain, the convolution is given as

If and then

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Time Reversal
• The Z-transform of a time reversal sequence is given as follows

If then



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• Basic properties of Z-transform are summarized as follows

Properties Time domain sequence Z-transform


Shift theorem


Time Reversal

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Table of common z-transform pairs

Line Signal z-Transform Region of

𝒙 𝒏 , 𝒏≥𝟎 𝑿(𝒛) Convergence

1 𝒙(𝒏) 𝒙 𝒏 𝒛 𝒏

𝒏 𝟎
2 𝜹(𝒏) 1 Entire z-plane
3 𝒂 𝒖(𝒏) 𝒛 >1
4 𝒏 𝒖(𝒏) 𝒛 >1
𝒛−𝟏 𝟐
𝒛(𝒛 + 𝟏)
5 𝒏𝟐 𝒖(𝒏) 𝒛 >1
𝒛−𝟏 𝟑
6 𝒂𝒏 𝒖(𝒏) 𝒛 > 𝒂
𝒏𝒂 𝒛 𝒂
7 𝒆 𝒖(𝒏) 𝒛 >𝒆
𝒛−𝒆 𝒂
8 𝒏 𝒂𝒏 𝒖(𝒏) 𝒛 > 𝒂
𝒛−𝒂 𝟐
𝒛 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒂
𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒂𝒏 𝒖(𝒏) 𝒛 > 𝟏
𝒛𝟐 − 𝟐𝒛 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝒂 + 𝟏

10 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝒂𝒏 𝒖(𝒏) 𝒛 𝒛 − 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝒂 𝒛 > 𝟏

𝒛𝟐 − 𝟐𝒛 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝒂 + 𝟏

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1. Find the Z-transform of the following sequence .

a) (n) =

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Inverse Z-Transform

• To convert a function in the z domain into a function in the time

domain, it requires an inverse z transform.
• The z-transform of the sequence x(n) is given by the equation
and that of the inverse z-transform of the
function is defined by the equation
• The inverse z-transform may be obtained by at least three
1. Partial fraction expansion
2. Power series expansion (Long division)
3. Inspection method using Z Transform Tables .

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Region of Convergence (ROC)

• The Region of Convergence of the z-transform is the set of all values

of z such that X (z) converges or attains a finite value .
• The z-transform exists if

|X | 𝒏

• ROC is centered on the origin and consists of a set of rings.
• The point z = is a vector of length r from origin and an angle ω
with respect to real axis.
• The roots of the numerator polynomial are referred to as the zeros of X(z), and
• The roots of the denominator polynomial are referred to as the poles of X(z).
• Note that no poles of X(z) can occur within the region of convergence since the z-
transform does not converge at a pole.
• Furthermore, the region of convergence is bounded by poles.

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Properties of Region of Convergence (ROC)

• The ROC is a ring or disk in the z-plane, centered at origin.

• The ROC does not contain any pole.
• If x[n] is a right-sided sequence, then ROC extends outward
from the circle.
• If x[n] is a left-sided sequence, then ROC extends inward from
the innermost circle.
• If x (n) is a causal sequence, then the ROC is the entire z plane
except at z = 0.
• If x (n) is a non-causal sequence, then the ROC is the entire z
plane except at z = ∞.
• If x[n] is of finite duration, then the ROC is the entire
z-plane except possibly z = 0 and z = 

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Properties Cont…

• Region of convergence looks like as follows

Right-sided Left-sided Two-sided

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Example 2

1. Find the inverse Z-transform of the following function

a). X(z)

b). X(z)

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The Difference Equation and Transfer Function

• Consider a DSP system in the form of an LTI system as shown below

Digital Input Digital Output
An LTI System

• The relationship between the input and output of a

DSP system can be expressed in the form of a difference equation as
𝟎 𝟏 𝑴 𝟏
𝟐 𝑵

This equation can also be written as


𝒊 𝒋
𝒊 𝟎 𝒋 𝟏

where and represent the coefficients of the system and is the time index

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• From the previous equation we have

• Assuming that all initial conditions for this system are zero, we
take the z-transform of both sides to get

• Using of the shift-theorem in the above equation and rearranging,

we obtain
𝟏 𝑴
𝟎 𝟏 𝑴
𝟏 𝑵
𝟏 𝑵
• is defined as the z-transfer function with its numerator and
denominator polynomials and A respectively.
• The z-transfer function is the ratio of the z-transform of the output
with the z-transform of the input and can be used to determine the
stability and frequency response of the digital filter.

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Exercise 2
• A DSP system is described by the following difference equation

• Find the z-transfer function , the denominator and the numerator

polynomial .Taking the z-transform of both sides of the given
difference equation, and using the shift-theorem, we get
𝟐 𝟏 𝟐

• It can also be written as

𝟏 𝟐

• The transfer function, is therefore, given by


𝟏 𝟐

• The denominator and numerator polynomials are

𝟏 𝟐 𝟐

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The End

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