1A - 1.1 & 1.2 Characteristics and Classfification of Living Organism - 23

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Year 10 BIOLOGY WORKSHEET 1A : Chapter 1 Classification & Characteristics of organism

1.1 Characteristics of Organism

(A) Please write the definition of the following terms

Term Definition

chemical reactions in cells that break down nutrient molecules and

release energy for metabolism

permanent increase in size and dry mass by an increase in cell number

or cell size or both

taking in of materials for energy, growth and development


1.2 Classification of living organism

Definition of Species


Year 10 BIOLOGY WORKSHEET 1A : Chapter 1 Classification & Characteristics of organism

(B) Based on Morphology or Anatomy


Anatomy –

Example 1 Example 2

(C) Based on Amino acid and base sequences (Modern method- more accurate)
Amino acid sequence
 The same protein in different species may show minor differences in its amino
acid sequence
 The more similarities in the amino acid sequences between two species, the
closer related they are (i.e. they share a more recent common ancestor)

Please state which animals are closer together.

Year 10 BIOLOGY WORKSHEET 1A : Chapter 1 Classification & Characteristics of organism

Base/DNA sequence
 Studies of DNA sequences of different species show that the more similar the
base sequences in the DNA of two species, the more closely related those two
species are (and the more recent in time their common ancestor is).
 Example 1

 Who are more closely related? Please give your reason.

 Cladogram
1. Who is closer to Sun bear?
2. Who is closer to Sun raccoon?
3. Can you identify which species is the most distant
away from the other species? Give your reason.

(D) Dichotomous Keys

Example 1

Year 10 BIOLOGY WORKSHEET 1A : Chapter 1 Classification & Characteristics of organism

Example 2

Example 3 : Can you identify the species from A-H?

Year 10 BIOLOGY WORKSHEET 1A : Chapter 1 Classification & Characteristics of organism

Example 4 : Can you build a dichotomous key for the following animal?

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