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5/21/24, 10:05 AM Newtons Second Law of Motion | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Newtons Second Law of Motion

Total questions: 20
Worksheet time: 19mins
Instructor name: Destiny Valenzuela


what is the correct formula for force?

a) m b)
F = ​
F =a×v

c) F=ma d) a
F = ​

2. A change in velocity over time is called ___________.

a) direction b) force

c) acceleration d) speed 1/7
5/21/24, 10:05 AM Newtons Second Law of Motion | Quizizz


Why is it harder for the boy in Image B to get down the hill?

a) Motion b) Work

c) Friction d) Displacement

4. Deceleration is...

a) Slow down b) Jump downward

c) Fly forward d) Speed up


Which box will accelerate MORE given the SAME applied force?

a) bottom b) top 2/7
5/21/24, 10:05 AM Newtons Second Law of Motion | Quizizz


Both boxes have the SAME mass, which box will accelerate MORE?

a) bottom b) top


Find the force required to move a box having mass 10 kg with an acceleration of 9m/s2 .

a) 100N b) 90N

c) 10N d) 20N


If these boys are pulling with the same amount of force. What will happen?

a) The boy in red will win. b) Both will fall down.

c) They will not move at all. d) The boy in blue will win. 3/7
5/21/24, 10:05 AM Newtons Second Law of Motion | Quizizz

9. Football A has a greater mass than football B. Which football will have greater acceleration when both
are thrown with the same force in the same direction?

a) Football B b) They will have the same acceleration

c) Mass has no effect on acceleration d) Football A

10. Mass and acceleration have

a) a direct relationship b) an inverse relationship


It takes more force to accelerate the Iron Man on the left because HE has more mass. This best

a) Newton's first law, the law of inertia b) Newton's third law, the law of action reaction

c) The law of universal gravitation d) Newton's second law, the law of acceleration

12. If a force of 26 N is exerted on two balls, one with a mass of 0.52 kg and the other with a mass of 0.78
kg, which ball will have the greater acceleration? (F=ma)

a) They will both accelerate at the same rate. b) The one with a mass of .78 kg will have the
greatest acceleration.

c) The one with a mass of .52 kg will have the

greatest acceleration. 4/7
5/21/24, 10:05 AM Newtons Second Law of Motion | Quizizz


Will it take more force to push an empty shopping cart or a shopping cart that is full?

a) The full shopping cart b) The empty shopping cart

c) They will take the same amount of force

14. A sports car speeds up much faster than a dump truck when a traffic light turns from red to green.
Which of Newton's Law of Motion is this?

a) Law 1 b) Law 2

c) Law 3


As force applied to a textbook increases, what happens to its acceleration?

a) Stays the same b) Increases

c) Decreases

16. The mass of a wagon is 40 kg. The wagon accelerates at 8 m/s2 . What is the force?

a) 38.25 Kg b) 3.825Kg

c) 5N d) 320N 5/7
5/21/24, 10:05 AM Newtons Second Law of Motion | Quizizz

17. What force is required to accelerate a car at a rate of 2 m/s2 if the car has a mass of 3000 kg?

a) 1500 N b) 0.00067 N

c) 6000 N d) 3002 N


A force of 90N is applied to each cart below, which one will accelerate the fastest?

a) Cart 3 b) Cart 2

c) Cart 4 d) Cart 1

19. A cat has a mass of 200 kg and accelerates at 3 m/s2 to catch a mouse. How much force would be
needed to stop the cat?

a) 200 N b) 600 N

c) 500 N d) 300 N 6/7
5/21/24, 10:05 AM Newtons Second Law of Motion | Quizizz


The masses of four objects are given in this table. If all objects are struck with the same amount of
force, which one will have the greatest acceleration?

a) Object 3 b) Object 2

c) Object 4 d) Object 1 7/7

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