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In today’s fast paced life, the trend of…….TOPIC …..has grown at an exponential rate.

Some like-minded
people foster this thinking that …………..Topic Line……….. My views are in harmony with this ideology.
The following paragraphs tend to highlight some important aspects of the issue.

There are numerous arguments surrounding my viewpoint, but the most important factor that needs to
be consider is that…..Topic………cannot only contribute to…..Point 1…. , but also lead to numerous other
benefits in various fields. In other words, it is asserted that …….TOPIC … improving/ enhancing /
increasing …..Point 2…. . For example, according to the report published by the Times Magazine, 2016
edition, the proportion / usage of …..Topic……… has increased by 30%. Therefore , …..Topic………plays the
vital role in society.

Another Key justification for supporting this notion is that …..Topic………is only likely to help one thrive
and excel in varied areas by …..Point 3…. . Needless to say, along with the wide range of advantage it
offers, …..Topic……… also aids in …..Point 4…. . Some scientific research undertaken by a prestigious
university has asserted that the growth of …..Topic………is correlated positively with …..Point 5…. . Thus,
…..Topic……… plays a key role in society.

In the light of above discussion, it is fair and justifiable to say that …………..Topic Line……. Hence, it
should be promoted by all means.
There are numerous arguments surrounding my viewpoint, but the most essential factor that needs to
be considered is that the government's investment in art and culture cannot only contribute to the road
but also lead to numerous other benefits in various fields. In other words, it is asserted that the
government's investment in art and culture in enhancing local people. For example, according to the
Times Magazine, 2016 edition report, the proportion of the government's investment in art and culture
has increased by 30%. Therefore, the government's investment in art and culture plays a vital role in

Another Key justification for supporting this notion is that the government's investment in art and
culture is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas through economic support. Needless to
say, along with the wide range of advantages it offers, the government's investment in art and culture
also aids in the community. Some scientific research undertaken by a prestigious university has asserted
that the growth of the government's investment in art and culture is correlated positively with …..Point
5…. . Thus, the government's investment in art and culture plays a key role in society.

In the light of above discussion, it is fair and justifiable to say that the government or charity/private
investment be responsible for the funding of art and culture. Hence, it should be promoted by all means.

In today’s fast-paced life, the trend of the government's investment in art and culture has grown at an
exponential rate. Some like-minded people foster this thinking that the government or charity/private
investments are responsible for the funding of art and culture. My views are in harmony with this
ideology. The following paragraphs tend to highlight some important aspects of the issue.

There are numerous arguments surrounding my viewpoint, but the most essential factor that needs to
be considered is that the government's investment in art and culture cannot only contribute to the road
but also lead to numerous other benefits in various fields. In other words, it is asserted that the
government's investment in art and culture in enhancing local people. For example, according to the
Times Magazine, 2016 edition report, the proportion of the government's investment in art and culture
has increased by 30%. Therefore, the government's investment in art and culture plays a vital role in

Another key justification for supporting this notion is that the government's investment in art and
culture is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas through economic support. Needless to
say, along with the wide range of advantages it offers, the government's investment in art and culture
also aids in the community. Some scientific research undertaken by a prestigious university has asserted
that the growth of the government's investment in art and culture is correlated positively with society.
Thus, the government's investment in art and culture plays a key role in society.
In the light of the above discussion, it is fair and justifiable to say that the government or charity/private
investments are responsible for the funding of art and culture. Hence, it should be promoted by all

In today’s fast-paced life, the trend of the government's investment in art and
culture has grown at an exponential rate. Some like-minded people foster this
thinking that the government or charity/private investments are responsible for
the funding of art and culture. My views are in harmony with this ideology. The
following paragraphs tend to highlight some important aspects of the issue.
There are numerous arguments surrounding my viewpoint, but the most essential
factor that needs to be considered is that the government's investment in art and
culture cannot only contribute to the road but also lead to numerous other
benefits in various fields. In other words, it is asserted that the government's
investment in art and culture in enhancing local people. For example, according
to the Times Magazine, 2016 edition report, the proportion of the government's
investment in art and culture has increased by 30%. Therefore, the government's
investment in art and culture plays a vital role in society.
Another key justification for supporting this notion is that the government's
investment in art and culture is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied
areas through economic support. Needless to say, along with the wide range of
advantages it offers, the government's investment in art and culture also aids in
the community. Some scientific research undertaken by a prestigious university
has asserted that the growth of the government's investment in art and culture is
correlated positively with society. Thus, the government's investment in art and
culture plays a key role in society.
In light of the above discussion, it is fair and justifiable to say that the
government or charity/private investments are responsible for the funding of art
and culture. Hence, it should be promoted by all means.

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