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(100 MARKS)


The paper comprised of eight questions and Candidates were expected to answer any four
questions. Generally, above 75% of candidates attained an E grade or better on the paper.

Question 1: To what extent do economic sanctions result in conflict in Zimbabwe? (25)

Candidates were expected to demonstrate the nexus between economic sanctions and occurrence
of conflicts in Zimbabwe. Above 50% of candidates did well on the question; however
candidates failed to fully explain the degree to which economic sanctions resulted in conflicts in
Zimbabwe. Candidates who did well demonstrated the different types of conflicts that emanate
from the imposition of sanctions on Zimbabwe by the Western countries. Examples of responses
included but not limited to political tensions between different parties, inflation, minimal Foreign
Direct Investment in Zimbabwe inter alia. The question also expected candidates to balance their
arguments demonstrating that conflicts in Zimbabwe are not merely a result of sanctions but
other factors as well, for example, disasters, religious differences et cetera. Candidates who did
not meet the demands of the question only managed to focus on sanctions without linking them
to the conflicts in Zimbabwe. Candidates are encouraged to give a balanced write up of the
degree to which economic sanctions result in conflict in Zimbabwe. Factors such as corruption,
nepotism and dictatorship also result in conflicts in Zimbabwe.

Question 2: Discrimination is dysfunctional in society. Discuss. (25)

Candidates were expected to demonstrate the negative effects of unfair treatment of people on
the basis of race, class or age in societies. Less than 25% of the Candidates attempted this
question however, of those that attempted it did very well on the question. Candidates who did
well linked the question to the Functionalist, Marxist and Feminist perspectives, explaining the
different forms of discrimination which include gender, race, class, age e.t.c. Balance in
arguments was done by other candidates who justified discrimination through Functionalist lens.
Candidates are encouraged to give a balance in argument for example the notion that
discrimination also brings in group solidarity/ unity brings innovation to the discriminated group
and it also brings social change.

Question 3: Explain how political stability promotes industrialisation. (25)

Candidates were expected to demonstrate the functionality of political stability in promoting

industrial development. Above 75 % of the Candidates attempted the question and did very well.
They explained the role of a peaceful environment in ensuring industrial development. Answers
that were explained by Candidates included, the role of a peaceful environment in attracting
Foreign Direct Investment, political stability ensuring trust and safety of investment, policy
consistency being ensured by political stability. Other Candidates argued that not only political
stability but other factors promote industrialisation, but this was not part of the question.
Candidates are encouraged to carefully analyse questions before attempting them.

Question 4: Assess the effects of incompetence on local companies. (25)

Candidates were expected to identify and explain the effects of incompetence on local companies.
The effects include, loss of talent, shuns investors, company closure and loss of potential
entrepreneurs. The Candidates were supposed to bring out the positive side, for example,
incompetence brings resilience, brings innovativeness, and attracts foreign assistance. Candidates
must attempt questions which they would have understood better and are also encouraged to
carefully analyse the questions before attempting them.

Question 5: “Social change is inevitable’’. Discuss. (25)

The Candidates were expected to give a fair discussion which was balanced. Theories of social
change were supposed to be factored. These include functionalism, conflict theory, feminism,
gender equality, social action and social Darwinism thus the Evolutionary Theory.

Above 75% of the Candidates attempted the question and half of them did very well however the
other half misinterpreted the word inevitable and thus scored lower marks. The question
expected candidates to demonstrate that social change in society is unavoidable, which means, it
is bound to happen. This could be done by referring to theories of social change, functionalism,
Marxism, Interactions, Feminism. Candidates who applied theories of social change scored
higher marks. 25% of the Candidates merely generalised the debate on change without referring
to theories. Candidates are encouraged to beef up their vocabulary stamina and strike a balance
on the question.

Question 6: To what extent are formal social control measures effective in reducing crime
in Zimbabwe? (25)

The Candidates were expected to identify formal social control measures and then explain how
effective these measures are in reducing crime in Zimbabwe. Expected answers included law
enforcement mechanism, punishment by the state and increase in police patrols. The question
specifically required methods used throughout society to limit deviance and make sure that
people conform to society's rules and regulations.

Above 75% of the Candidates attempted the question. Candidates managed to identify the formal
social control measures which include the use of the Police, application of Law, arresting and
imprisonment of criminal et cetera. Analysis of the effectiveness of the measures was done very
well citing punishing offenders, change of behaviors by Ex - convicts et cetera. Candidates also
managed to explain the issue of selective application of the Law, using Marxist lens, and
Labeling theory, the issue of corruption and bribery were explained as well. Less than 25 % of
the Candidates had challenges in differentiating formal and informal social control measures of
reducing crime in society. Candidates are encouraged to carefully analyse questions before
attempting them.

Question 7: Discuss how technological advancement leads to population change in societies.


The Candidates were expected to unpack the link between two variables, technological
advancement and population change, as well as other factors that influence population change.
They were supposed to use the demographic Transition model to demonstrate how technology
leads to population change, explaining the Stagist theory in the model. The question was
attempted by less than 25% of the Candidates and they had challenges in explaining the model.
The idea of population change confused some Candidates who had torrid time explaining either
population increase or decrease. Exemplifications in the responses of some Candidates were
lacking rendering their responses a bit vague. Candidates are encouraged to first understand the
demands of the question before attempting it.

Question 8: Examine how media has become a threat to child protection in Zimbabwe. (25)

The Candidates were expected to analyse and give a fair assessment of how media is a threat to
child protection in Zimbabwe. This was a very popular question. Above 75% of candidates
attempted it. They managed to define media, media channels and the gadgets used by people
generally that may pose a threat to children. Some candidates even used theories such as
gratification models, interpretive models of explaining media effects on children. Expected
responses were exposure to phonographic materials, cybercrimes promoting violence, and use of
drugs to beautify self. The however side needed the following responses, entertainment offers
online learning, awareness programmes e.g. children's rights and socialisation agents. 25 % of
the Candidates had challenges with child protection and children's rights failing to demonstrate
how children's rights are trampled upon by media content and exposure of children to the content
thereof. Candidates are encouraged to be well versed with children's rights and also citation of

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