Group 1 Lesson 2 Section 504

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Section 504 of the

rehab Act, the ADA,

What is Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973?

Section 504 was the first disability civil rights law

to be enacted in the United States.
Enacted in 1973, prohibits discrimination based on
disability in federally funded programs.
Applies to schools receiving federal financial
Mandates equal opportunities and access for
individuals with disabilities.
Americans with Disabilities Act

Passed in 1990, extends anti-discrimination protections

to the private sector and state/local government.

Focuses on ensuring accessibility in public spaces and

employment for individuals with disabilities.
Americans with Disabilities Act

The ADA is divided into five titles, or sections, that relate to

different areas of society-employment:

1. Access to state and local government

2. Public accommodations and services operated by private
3. Telecommunications
4. Miscellaneous
5. And provisions
Education for All Handicapped Children Act

The EHA was enacted in 1975 and was the first federal law to
address the educational needs of children with disabilities.

Its primary purpose was to ensure that children with

disabilities have the opportunity for a free, appropriate
public education (FAPE).
Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act, 1975
Passed in 1990 and reauthorized in 2004, ensures special education services for eligible students.

IDEA ensures that every child with a disability has access to a free and appropriate public

This federal law governs all aspects of special education services to eligible children from birth to
high school graduation or age 21 (whichever comes first).

IDEA requires public schools to create an individualized education plan for each qualifying

Individualized education plans are designed to meet each child's unique needs, support progress
in school, and prepare students for further education, employment and independent living.

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