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‘Sub Code: KMBNITE-04 Rott No. ranted Pgen 02, Papeete) 280658 —] MBA (SEM 1V) THEORY EXAM! PERFORMANCE AND REWARI Time: 3 Hours Note: Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably. INATION 2022-23 1D MANAGEMENT Total Marka: 100 SECTION A 1. Attempt aif questions in brief. 2x10=20 (x) What do you mesn by Reward Management? (b) Differentiate KSA and KPT. (c) Define the objectives of Compensation, (2) What are the Profit Sharing Options? (e)_ Give any two advantages of Balance Score Card (f) Define the elements of Gross Pay. (g) Define the concept of Career Development. (a) What is Wage Differentials? (i) What do you mean by profit sharing option: G) What is Performance System? oO NZ sessions 2 Attempt any three of the foll; e (a) Differentiate between more Management and Performance Aj (b) What do you mean ¥formance analysis for individual ands development? (c) What is balance score card? How does it work in orgggaaion to maintain performance? (4) What are the purposes of job evuluution? Discuss wher steps involved in job evaluation (©) Explain regulatory compliance in Indian wages sydpa \ secre 10x1=10 3. Attempt any one part of the fllowgag: (a) How to establish performance offastion of developing an effective appraisal system of any organization? ¢ Behind the establishment of a sound Compensation and (b) What is the basic purpog Reward administration yee in the organizations? Attempt any one part of the following: 10x1=10 (2) Why and how managing organizational and individual performance is Important? (b) Explain 360 degree Performance Appraisal with suitable examples 4. https:/ 5, Attempt any one part of the following: (a) Describe the conce Mapping? 10xi=t0 Pt of Competency. What is the process of Competency (b) What are the contemporary issues in performance and reward system? Explain, 6 Attempt any one part of the following: 10x1=10 (a) What are the components of compensation? Pxplain with suitable examples. () Give the definition, function, and significance of Reward System 7. Attempt any one part of the following: 10x1=10 (a) Discuss the terms wages and salary. What factors determine the wage structure in an industrial enterprise? (0) Give the overview of minimum wages Act- 1948 *// Whatsapp @ 9300930012 \ Send your old paper & get 10/- wae quest tet sa st 10 wea ae, Paytm or Google Pay #

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