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Report No.: C235179

Sample description: Green petroleum coke Requested by: BP ENERGÍA ESPAÑA, S.A.U.
Reception date: 2023/12/11 Polígono Industrial El Serrallo, s/n
Issue date: 2023/12/18 12100 Grao de Castellón (Castellón)

Information supplied by the requester (the laboratory cannot be held liable for this information):
Sample Identification: GREEN PET COKE M/V “CORESHINING OL” (08/12/2023) MINE Nº REPORTE:
94002/00290/23 SEAL: 236984

Test (Method) Test dates (yyyy/mm/dd) Results
Moisture (%) (as received) (AQ-68) 2023/12/11 — 2023/12/12 6,6
Volatile Matter (%) (dry basis) (ASTM D
2023/12/14 — 2023/12/15 10,00
Ash (%) (dry basis) (ASTM D 3174-12(2018)) 2023/12/14 — 2023/12/15 0,13
Shot (AQ-71) 2023/12/14 — 2023/12/15 0
HGI (ASTM D 409/409M) 2023/12/13 — 2023/12/13 86
Si (mg·kg-1) 2023/12/13 — 2023/12/15 96
Fe (mg·kg-1) 2023/12/13 — 2023/12/15 72
V (mg·kg-1) 2023/12/13 — 2023/12/15 188
Elements by WD-XRF (dry basis) Ni (mg·kg-1) 2023/12/13 — 2023/12/15 187
(ASTM D 6376-10(2017)e1) Ca (mg·kg-1) 2023/12/13 — 2023/12/15 131
Na (mg·kg-1) 2023/12/13 — 2023/12/15 77
P (mg·kg-1) 2023/12/13 — 2023/12/15 5
S (%) 2023/12/13 — 2023/12/15 1,77

Test Uncertainty
Castellón, 18 December 2023
Moisture (%) 0,6
Volatile Matter (%) 0,31
Ash (%) 0,02
Si (mg·kg-1) 13
Fe (mg·kg ) 9 To verify the validity and integrity of this report, click here.
If the validity is displayed as UNKNOWN, please follow the steps set out in the document 'Instructions
V (mg·kg-1) 18 electronic signature'.
Ni (mg·kg ) 11 Any reproduction on paper shall be deemed a copy.
Ca (mg·kg-1) 8
Na (mg·kg-1) 13
P (mg·kg-1) 1
Dr. Mª Fernanda Gazulla Barreda
S (%) 0,13 Head of the Area for Analyses and Tests

The expanded uncertainty (U) is calculated as the combined uncertainty (u) multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution provides a 95% confidence
• The results, conclusions and/or recommendations contained in this report only refer to the material subjected to testing and/or to the information supplied by the requester.
• No liability is accepted for sampling accuracy and representativeness, unless sampling has been performed under our own supervision. Unless expressly stated, the samples and their references have
been freely chosen by the requester.
• All rights reserved. The content of this report enjoys the protection afforded by law and may not be communicated, transformed, reproduced, or publicly distributed, either wholly or in part, without the
express authorisation of Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica - AICE. The distribution of this report is only authorised if it is sent individually and not massively to clients and/or suppliers of the requester,
with the sole aim of informing them and always citing the authorship of Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica - AICE.
• Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica - AICE cannot be held liable for any use that the requester or any other person or body may make of the data or indications contained in this report, whether in benefit
of or in detriment to any trade names which the requester may have cited in identifying the studied samples.
• This report has an exclusively commercial character and may not be used in any legal or administrative proceedings, either as an expert opinion or as documentary evidence, without the express
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• The reports issued by Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica - AICE may include any analyses, remarks or whatever other assessment might be deemed necessary, even though this may not have been
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• Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica - AICE undertakes to strictly respect the confidential nature of the data and results obtained in this report.
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Asociación de Investigación de las Industrias Cerámicas - Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (AICE-ITC). Campus Universitario Riu Sec- Avda. Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n 12006 Castellón (Spain)
T. +34 964342424 F. +34 964342425

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