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(Section 313 of the Criminal Procedure Code)

The examination of Sk Altob, aged about 38 years, taken before me on the 21st day of
April, 2009, in the Bengali language interpreted by me

My name is Sk. Altab, my father's name is Sk. Islam, I am by religion Muslim and my
occupation business of goats. My home is at Mouza Mohana Bespara, Police Station Pandua, District
Hooghly, I reside at.

1.Now, I shall ask some questions, you are not bound to give answer. If answer you would be given
that will be written and that goes in your favour or against you.

Ans: Yes Sir,

2.The Prosecution witness No. 1 Sahad Ali adduced his evidence that, marriage of his younger
daughter - Jahanaa was solemmiser with Omar on 20th Ashar 1406 B.S., thereafter his son-in-law
brought his daughter at Aligarh. Do you say anything in this regard?

Ans: Yes Sir,

3. The witness No. 1 further stated that his daughter has stated to his wife over telephone of the
neighbour a dispute is going on and informed due to oppose to give money to Rajjak, Altaf, Kakima
and her son-in-law she was assaulted heavily over and to know the fact he and his wife went to
Aligarh and they stayed there for Eight days and make understand to stay peacefully. Have you said

Ans: False

4. The Prosecution witness further stated that during the period of stay there his daughter said to his
wife that her husband terminated her pregnancy twice. Some days thereafter they come back and
came to know his son-in-law returned back at Bejparn with his daughter. Have you said anything in
this regard?

Ans: False

5. The witness No. 1 has further states that next day of such hearing the witness No. 1 and his wife
had seen was gone at Bejpara. There were not allowed to enter the house of their son-in-law and
Rejjak. Omar Ali, Altaf, Samir Sk. Nazira, Ajira, Ajjijar assaulted them. After happening such incident,
they lodged complaint before the Panchayet. Thereafter held a meeting under upon sky and taken
decision that, the daughter of the complainant would be reside to their house. Thereafter he sent his
brother - Mesa Ali and his son Sabir Ali to bring his daughter from your house but they restrained
from entering their house and they were driven away. 1% months thereafter, the complainant sent
Fulmoni Kisku to bring information to his daughter's house and his daughter sent a letter through
her. Fulmoni handed over the said letter to his wife. Have you said anything?

Ans: False.
6. The witness No. 1 has further states that on 17.2.2001 Sambha Kisku handed over a letter to his
son and informed that his son-in-law sent his daughter on 18.3.2001 to his house, on 18.3.2001
while the witness No. 1 was preceding towards the house of his son-in-law at that time two unknown
person were placed to searched out the residence of Jahanara and they informed Jahanara died in
her matrimonial home. On hearing the informed the matter to the Barababu of the P.S. and
Barababu sent him at Bejpur through vehicle, and he saw the dead body of his daughter there.
Thereafter Mejobabu of the P.S. took the dead body at Pandua P.S. and forwarded the same to the
Morgue from there. The witness No. 1 also stated further that at that time his daughter was carrying
pregnancy of 9 months and took photo of the dead body. You want to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False

7. The P.W. 1 has further stated that as per his instruction Sk. High wrote the allegation and he
submitted the said allegation to the P.S, and that is the said FIR (Exbt. 1). Do you say anything in this

Ans: I do not know.

8. The P.W. 1 has further stated that he handed over photo of his daughter’s marriage and hand-
writing letter and the police physique a Seizure list. That photo and the letter seized. Have you
wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: I do not know.

9. The P.W. 1 has further stated that one khata of his daughter handed over the Barababu (Exbt, 6)
and police seized the khata. Have you want to say of that matter?

Ans: I do not know.

10. The P.W. 1 has further stated that all of the persons killed my daughter. Have you want to say
anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

11.The witness No. 2-Jallaluddin stated in his evidence that he knew Omar and his wife, and he was
present on the day of their marriage and of the said marriage they used to live at Aligarh, then Omar
took up the work of construction of house at Bejpur, and he used to send money to Rajjak, Altaf. The
witness No. 2 has further stated that Omar returned back at Bejpur after construction of the said
house and his wife also come along with Omar. He also further stated after few days later, parents of
Omar's wife went to Bejpur to see their daughter and a quarrel took place at that time amongst
yourself and themselves and a few days later a meeting was called for at village Party Office. Have
you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

12. The witness No. 2 further stated that 4/5 months thereafter one day the wife of Oma was found
to go to her parents’ house taking one suitcase, one polypac and one vanity bag and then wife of
Hena Sk., wife of Rajjak, & mother of Altaf caught hold and took her in the house of Hena Sk. One
hearing such hue and cry he went there and heard from the wife of Omar that she must leave the
residence of her husband and wish to go to her parents’ house and she was restrained and asked her
to wait till the arrival of her husband. Have you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.
13. The witness No. 2 has further stated that thereafter 10/12 day when he went to cultivate and
their meet with wife of Omar and on being asked, she answer that now she would to her father
house and informed him latter, and thereafter 4 days she come at his residence and requested him to
hand over her letter to Prodhan but she did not. give any letter. 4/5 days thereafter a quarrel was
occurred to the maternal house. Do you want to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

14. The witness No. 2 has further stated that two days prior to the death of his wife of Omar at about
9 p.m., he noticed that Rajjak, Altaf, son of Hena Sk. were very busy and sometimes thereafter, he
come out of his residence and heard a discussion from the house of Rajjak and asked to Rajjak to the
effect that whatever all acts have been done properly and on that reply Rajjak replied that there is no
water in the Cannel. Do you want to say anything more in this regard?

Ans: False.

15. The witness No. 2 has further stated that on the next day when he went to the field then he
heard that the wife of Omar died hanging and on being heard such information he returned back his
house and one hour thereafter he found the dead body of the wife of Omar is lying condition
covered by a wrapper, and after sometimes Police came. Have you want to say anything of that

Ans: False, I am innocent.

16. The Witness No. 3- Mariam Bibi has given evidence that Jahanara was her daughter and her
marriage was solemnised with Omar about 6 years ago. One week of that marriage her daughter
took at Aligarh with Omar. At Aligarh her daughter was put in torture and even she was assaulted
there and her daughter informed to her over telephone. Thereafter, she herself and her husband
went to Aligarh, and they stayed there about 8-10 days and settled dispute between the two. Have
you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False, I am innocent.

17. The witness No. 3 has further stated that when they returned back and again, they heard that
they’re her daughter, has torture and during period of stay at Aligarh her daughter informed her that
her husband terminated her pregnancy twice. Have you wanted to say anything more?

Ans: False.

18. The witness No. 3 has further stated that at last her son-in-law and her daughter returned back at
Bejpur 8 to 10 days thereafter she and her husband went them and accused Omar, Altaf, Rajjak,
Ajijan, wife of Altaf & others assaulted them there and not to meet them with their daughter.
Thereafter the informed to the Panchyat. Have you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.
19. The witness has further stated that after a few days her son and son's brother-in-law went to
Bejpur to see her daughter and they were assaulted, thereafter the matter informed to the
Panchayat. Panchayet took decision that their daughter would stay her father’s house but her
daughter was not ultimately sent to her residence. Thereafter her daughter sent a letter through
Phulmoni and at that time her daughter was carrying 6 months pregnancy. Thereafter, any
information was not received for period of three month. Have you wanted to say anything in this

Ans: False.

20. The witness No. 3 has further stated that all on a sudden one Samba came to our place and
heading over a letter to us and also intimating that they are agreed to send her to her father's house
and requesting to send her father to take her therefrom. She also further stated that on the next day
while they were ready to go Bejpur, some unknown person come there at 10 p.m. and stated that
their daughter died by hanging. On hearing such information, she had been at Bejpur with their
relatives and found the body of her daughter covered by wrapper including here faced and lying your
house. Have you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

21. The witness No. 3 has further stated that she found mark of assault on her whole body and she
alleged her daughter was assaulted and beaten to death by them. Have you wanted to say anything
in this regard?

Ans: False.

22. The witness No. 4, Sk. Kashem Ali adduced his evidence that Jahanara is his nice and she was
married to Omal Ali at Bejpara. Omar purchased brick through him. At that time Jahanara stated to
him that she is torturing and troubling and requested him to cause her parents in-law to understand
so that no such torture would be caused upon her. Have you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

23. The witness No. 4 has further stated that suddenly the inmates of the residence took Jahanara
inside the room and asked her to go out of the residence and when she was inside the room a cry
from her was heard by him. 5 days thereafter Jahanara expired. Have you wanted to say anything in
this regard?

Ans: False.

24. The witness No. 5 Anawara Bibi has given evidence that her residence is adjacent to your house,
therefore, Omar went his working place along with his mother & his wife. When Omar returned back
his house at that time wife of Omar was carrying pregnancy for 6 months. She also further stated
that one day he found that wife of Omar left her matrimonial house with one attaché case, one poly
bag, and one vanity bag and at that time accused Altaf & others caught her and put her into the
house of Abdul Hekim and Jahanara requesting them to leave her and also saying he would go to her
father's house. Have you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.
25. The witness No. 6 Ranjan Khetra Pal stated in his evidence that one day wife of Omar wanted to
go to her parents’ house coming out from your house and then, from the way she was taken by you
and also stated that and told her to wait till her husband returned home and thereafter she dies.
Have you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

26. The witness No. 7 Ananda Lohar has stated in his evidence that he wrote exhibit - 8 and that was
identified before this Court. Have you want to say anything?

Ans: I do not know.

27. The witness No. 8 Sahadat Ali has stated in his evidence, one day Omar called me and express to
intend to go back at his service place but his wife expressed her willingness to go with him and he
stated the wife of Omar to leave her husband for his service place. Then Jahanara told him that she
did not like to stay there. Permission to be given to go her father's house. Thereafter, Altaf informed
him that Jahanara committed suicide by hanging. Have you wanted to say anything?

Ans: False.

28. The Prosecution witness No. 9 has adduced his evidence that Jahanar was his nice. Her marriage
was solemnized with Omar Ali. He has further given evidence that the persons of his husband used
to torture upon her and beaten her; he has further adduced that Jahanara was pregnant over at that
time. His Bhaypo (nephew) went to her house to see her but obstructed him not to enter into the
house. Omar Ali dasher him by neck. He has further states that the person of residence of Omar Ali
out of this 2-3 women including her mother in- law of Jahanara i.e. Beain assaulted her in his
presence. What do you want to say in this regard?

Ans: False.

29. The witness No. 9 has further stated that one day he got information that Jahanara is no more.
Then he went to their house and noted sign of assault over the body of Jahanara. Have you said
anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

30. The prosecution witness No. 10 Md. Yasin has stated in his evidence that he went to the house of
his nice to see her and at this time she stated him that she was assaulted by you and further stated
that Omar and 3/4 others dasher him by neck and you had assaulted Jahanara. Have you wanted to
say anything?

Ans: False.

31. The witness No. 10 has further stated that police personal inquest report in respect of dead body
of Jahanara and he signed in the report as a witness. Have you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: I do not know.

32. The witness No. 11 Sk. Safialla Islam told in his evidence that 7 days prior to death of Jahanara he
had been to her matrimonial home and on his arrival there Jahanara stated to cry and narrated in his
presence and narrated that she is used to assault by the inmates of her husband's house. Have you
wanted to say anything in this regard?
33. The witness No. 11 has given evidence that after death of Jahanara he had been to her
matrimonial house and found marks of assaults on the dead body. Have you wanted to say anything
in this regard?

Ans: False.

34. The witness No. 13-M1. Hamid has given his evidence that on 5th day of Chaitra he himself and
3/4 others had seen went to the house of Jahanara on the occasion of ceremony of Jore but she was
not sent back by you. Thereafter a Salish was held, thereafter, sent back to her to her house. At that
time his nice told him that she was assaulted by you. One day after coming to her house her husband
took her away in his residence (matrimonial house). Have you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

35. The witness No. 13 has further stated that of the coming been at Bejpur his nice told him that
she is user to torture upon her and notices the sign of assaulted of her body and she has stated to
him that she would kill her. Have you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

37. The witness No. 15-Billanath Ghosh has stated in his evidence that on 18.3.2001 he was in
service at Pandua P.S. and after doing post mortem dead body of Jahanara he collected the wearing
apparels of the dead body handed over the same to ASI, Khudiram and on his tone seizer the same
as per his signature on the said seizure list as a witness. Have you wanted to say anything in this

Ans: It is not known to me.

38. The witness No. 16 Nasiba Bibi has stated in her evidence that One day parents in-law of Omar
have come to her house but not allowed to them to enter and on the next day when she asked to
Jahanara why not entered them there, she answered that as because she all the feets might be
disclosed everything to her parents so that they were allowed to enter into the house. Have you
wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

39. That witness has further adduced that one day at night 10 p.m. she heard some discussion of the
mother of Rajjak to the effect that everything will be done and on the next day morning she heard
that wife of Omar died by hanging and she tried to enter in the house of Rajjak but resisted her. Have
you wanted to say anything?

Ans: False.

40. The witness No. 19 Dr. Subrata Kr. Mondal adduced in his evidence that the exhibit No. K & L
identified by him and stated that the said to exhibit were written by one person and that has been
proved in his report Exhibit No. 8. What do you want to say anything in this regard?

Ans: I do not know.

41. The witness No. 21, Sk. Monsur Ali has stated in his evidence that defamed her and she went her
house 15 days prior of her death and Jahanara told her that she was used to assault by you. What do
you want to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

42. The witness No. 21 has stated further that after demise of Jahanara she went there to see her
and noticed the signs of assaults of her body and also notice the sign of injury between by a rod.
Have you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

43. The witness No. 22 Md. Jawat Nehal adduced his evidence that he made inquest report in
respect of Jahanara and that report identified and marked as Exhibit - 2. Have you wanted to say
anything in this regard?

Ans: It is not known to me.

44. The witness No. 25 Tapan Kumar Chatterjee adduced his evidence that he performed the P.M.
examination over the dead body of Jahanara Bibi on 19.3.2001 at Chinsurah Sadar Hospital who was
aged 20 years and found; (1) tongue protruded, Two eyes bulged out and also existing mark of
injuries (2) many linear ectymotic marks on been, ectymotic been of two legs, finger print seen
infront of neck and 36 weeks size death body in uterus and made opinion regarding death due to the
effect of torture as a result that incidents is happened. Have you wanted to say anything in this

Ans: False.




The witness No. 27, Tarakeswar Mukherjee adduced his evidence that he had taken FIR in respect of
the case and started proceeding in respect of Pandua P.S. Case No. 49, dated 19.3.2001 u/s 198 and
302 I.P.C, and entrusted to Subha Narayan Rakshit to investigate this case. Have you want to say
anything in this regard?

I do not know.

The witness No. 26, Ajoy Kumar Ghosh adduced his evidence that he visited the P.O. in respect of this
case and found blood stain around 2 -3 feet where the incident occurred, and took swap of that
place and after examination he found human blood out of that swap and also further stated that
tried to erase the blood stained. Have you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

47. The witness No. 29, ASI, Samir Banerjee adduced his evidence that he visited the place of
occurrence and prepared a sketch map which is Exhibited - 16 and recorded the deposition of the
witness. Have you wanted to say anything in this regard?

Ans: False.

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