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I. The Concept of a Business Letter:

The term Business letter refers to any formal written communication that
starts with salutation, ends with signature and its content is professional in nature.
And there are many administrative letters types as: an application letter, a
cover/motivation letter, an apology letter, a complaint letter, an inquiry letter, an
order letter, an invitation letter, resignation letter, a follow-up letter, an
acknowledgment letter…..etc.

II. Elements of business letters:

Formal Business letters consist of vital elements that are:

1. Sender’s name, address, e-mail, phone number……

2. Date.
3. The inside/ Recipient name address, e-mail, phone number…….
4. The attention line ( optional)
5. Salutation “ Dear Sir/ Madame”, “ To Whom it may concern”, “ Dear Mr
6. Professional content
7. Complimentary close “ yours faithfully”, ”yours sincerely”, “best regards”…
8. Signature.
9. Enclosure.

III. Styles of Business letters :

There are several business letters styles but the most important or the most used
1. A full-block style: in this style, you align all the elements of the letter in the
left margin.

2. A modified- block style: in the following type, some elements of the letter
are written in the right margin and others on the left one.

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