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doing homework is an important part of school life?

Nowadays, education plays an important role in our lives. as a student in the education system teachers usally
assign homework for students to consolidate their knowledge. In my opinion, I stringly agree that doing
honework is an imporeantpart of schol life.

first of all, teacher's has the reason why they wanted to assign homeworks. doing the homework assign by
teachers can improve your basic knowledge on the topic. While doing homework can also recap the topic so you
can remember it easily.

In addition, some schools count homework marks as achievement marks into their final E Final marks. Besides
this, it entails the discipline of practice, of your own and learning how to work independently from research
based homeworks,

Further more, doing homework can also makes the students be confident in themselves so can improve
academic performance. At the same time it can also build up good memories.

In Conclusion, doing homework is super important and will bring a lot of benefits to us.

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