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Stratigraphy A Modern Synthesis 2nd

Edition Andrew D Miall

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Andrew D. Miall

A Modern
Second Edition
Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences,
Geography and Environment
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Andrew D. Miall

Stratigraphy: A Modern
Second Edition

Andrew D. Miall
Earth Sciences
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON, Canada

ISSN 2510-1307 ISSN 2510-1315 (electronic)

Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment
ISBN 978-3-030-87535-0 ISBN 978-3-030-87536-7 (eBook)
1st edition: © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
2nd edition: © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature
Switzerland AG 2022
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For Meredith, Henry, Owen and Nora

The stratigraphic record is the major repository of information about the geological history of
Earth, a record stretching back for nearly 4 billion years. Stratigraphic studies fill out our
planet’s plate-tectonic history with the details of paleogeography, past climates and the record
of evolution, and stratigraphy is at the heart of the effort to find and exploit fossil fuel
The exploration of this history has been underway since James Hutton first established the
basic idea of uniformitarianism toward the end of the eighteenth century, and William Smith
developed the stratigraphic basis for geological mapping a few decades later. Modern strati-
graphic methods are now able to provide insights into past geological events and processes on
time scales with unprecedented accuracy and precision, and have added much to our under-
standing of global tectonic and climatic processes. But it has taken 200 years and a modern
revolution to bring all the necessary developments together to create the modern, dynamic
science that this book sets out to describe. It has been a slow revolution, but stratigraphy now
consists of a suite of integrated concepts and methods, several of which have considerable
predictive and interpretive power.
It is argued in Chap. 1 of this book that the new, integrated, dynamic science that
Stratigraphy has become is now inseparable from what were its component parts, including
sedimentology, chronostratigraphy and the broader aspects of basin analysis. In this chapter,
the evolution of this modern science is traced from its nineteenth-century beginnings,
including the contributions that such special fields as facies analysis, fluid hydraulics, plate
tectonics, and the reflection-seismic surveying method have made to its evolution.
The following are just some of the major features of the Stratigraphy of the early
twenty-first century: Sequence stratigraphy has become the standard methodology for docu-
mentation, mapping and interpretation, replacing the old descriptive practices of lithostratig-
raphy; reflection-seismic methods, including the use of 3-D seismic and the application of
seismic geomorphology, have become steadily more advanced tools for subsurface exploration
and development; the Geological Time Scale is being standardized with the universal adoption
of the system of Global Stratigraphic Sections and Points (GSSPs) and has become much more
precise, with the incorporation of several new methods for evaluating deep time. The strati-
graphic record is now able to help generate answers to many complex questions about Earth’s
past tectonic and climatic history.
The basic field and subsurface observations on which Stratigraphy is based are described in
Chap. 2. Facies analysis methods are detailed in Chap. 3, and the recognition of depositional
environments by facies methods is described in Chap. 4. Chapter 5 provides a succinct
summary of sequence models for siliciclastic and carbonate sediments, and Chap. 6 describes
modern mapping methods for use in surface and subsurface studies, including seismic
methods. The synthesis of all this material is detailed in Chap. 7, which includes a discussion
of the current attempts to standardize sequence-stratigraphic terminology and the Geological
Time Scale.
Chapter 8, the concluding chapter of the book, focuses on the new understanding we are
acquiring about the processes by which the stratigraphic record preserves elapsed geologic
time. Refinements in chronostratigraphic methods are revealing the importance of breaks in
viii Preface

the sedimentary record and the ubiquity of missing time, and are revealing an important
disconnect between sedimentation rates and preservational processes operating at the present
day versus those we interpret from the rock record. This calls for a significant modification in
the way that we apply the traditional principles of uniformitarianism to our reconstructions of
geologic history. Some examples of modern stratigraphic work based on very detailed data
bases, and making use of modern concepts of sedimentation and presentation, are included in
this concluding chapter.
The new synthesis that is the subject of this book is offered for advanced undergraduate and
graduate training and for use by professionals, particularly those engaged in mapping and
subsurface exploration and development.

Toronto, Canada Andrew D. Miall

July 2021

Colleagues who assisted with the earlier editions of Principles by critically reading parts or all
of the manuscript include Tony Tankard, Andy Baillie, Guy Plint and Ray Ingersoll. I am
eternally grateful for their wise advice, and if they choose to look they will find significant
portions of the book that describe basic methods, such as the descriptions of field observations
methods and the foundations of facies analysis methods, largely unchanged in this book, in
which they constitute Chaps. 2–4. Having the photographs in color has been a nice
improvement for which thanks are due to the God of Technology (and Springer).
Reviewers for the journal articles from which material in Chaps. 7 and 8 was drawn
included Felix Gradstein, Ashton Embry, Bruce Wilkinson, Tony Hallam, Alan Smith, Brian
Pratt, Gerald Bryant, John Holbrook, Chris Paola, Pete Sadler, Robin Bailey, Dave Smith,
John Howell, and Torbörn Törnqvist. The historical section in Chap. 1 was reviewed by Bill
Fisher, Ron Steel, Bob Dalrymple, and Martin Gibling. Chapters 5–7 were critically read by
David Morrow. Conversations over the years with Geoff Norris, Nick Eyles, Dale Leckie,
Steve Hubbard, Brian Zaitlin, Gerry Reinson, Jim Dixon, Phil Fralick, Jun Cowan, Tobi
Payenberg, Bill Galloway, my former colleagues at the Geological Survey of Canada, and
many others in Calgary, that amazing center of geological activity, have all helped to shape my
understanding of stratigraphy and basin analysis. I extend my thanks to all these individuals.
Any remaining errors or omissions remain my responsibility.
For the second edition, I am once again indebted to Guy Plint for his review and comments
of the first edition, which have drawn my attention to some new ideas, some errors, and to
places where rewriting would improve clarity. David Morrow revealed the mysteries of
dolomite to my clastic tin ears. For discussions on the ever-evolving subject of sequence
stratigraphy, I benefited from guidance by Octavian Catuneanu. Simon Pattison shared
insights from his remarkable era of fieldwork on the Mesaverde Group of the Book Cliffs in
Utah. Finally, I have enjoyed many e-mail discussions with Janok Bhattacharya and John
Holbrook, which I hope helped us to remain sane during the pandemic, while we discussed the
finer points of what came to be called the stratigraphy machine.
Once again, I must acknowledge the enthusiastic support and encouragement of my wife,
Charlene Miall. Her insights into the scientific method and the sociology of science have been
particularly invaluable. She has enjoyed the fieldwork, too. Our children, Chris and Sarah,
have consistently been supportive, and our grandchildren, Meredith, Henry, Owen, and Nora,
provide that joy of renewal that makes it all feel worthwhile.

Revision History

My first book, Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis, went through three editions, pub-
lished successively in 1984, 1990, and 1999. In 2014, I realized that it might be time for a new
edition. In reviewing the changes that had taken place in the whole broad field of sedimentary
geology since that last edition, it became clear that stratigraphy is the area that has undergone
the most significant changes in the last decades, and that is what I decided would most usefully
be treated at length in this book.
Stratigraphy has undergone a revolution that has brought together multiple developments
dealing with different themes and concepts in sedimentary geology and basin analysis. The
following notes refer to the first edition of the present book.
Chapter 1 includes a new section in which I trace the evolution of these many themes and
attempt to show how they have come together during the last few decades (since about 1990).
This is based on a review prepared for Geoscience Canada (Miall, 2015a).
The text of Chaps. 2 and 4 from Principles was updated and became Chaps. 2–4 in the
present book. Chapter 3 of Principles, which dealt with dating and correlation, and the formal
methods for the definition and naming of units, was substantially rewritten and incorporates
much of the material I wrote for “Sophisticated Stratigraphy,” a review prepared at the
invitation of the Geological Society of America (Miall 2013). It has been moved further along
in the present book, appearing as Chap. 7, the point being that stratigraphy should now be seen
as a science that synthesizes sedimentary geology, and which therefore requires that the
subject is best addressed once the work of sedimentological description and interpretation is
Chapters 5 and 6 of the present book are those that underwent the most complete rewriting,
to reflect the major changes in the science since the last edition of Principles. Sequence
stratigraphy (Chap. 5) has been the standard method for formal description and
paleo-geographic interpretation since the 1980s. Mapping methods (Chap. 6) are now domi-
nated, at least in the petroleum industry, by the techniques of the reflection-seismic method,
including 3-D seismic and the interpretive methods of seismic geomorphology. The study of
detrital zircons has added many new dimensions to stratigraphic studies, and this, also, is
touched on in Chap. 6.
The book culminates with Chap. 8, which is intended primarily as a review of current
research into the nature of deep time as preserved in the sedimentary record. It is partly based
on three research publications (Miall 2014, 2015b, 2016) that focus on modern data dealing
with sedimentation and accommodation rates, and the implications of these data for strati-
graphic interpretation. The chapter concludes with a review of the current advanced research
into cyclostratigraphy and astrochronology.
The second edition of this book has been improved with references to many new infor-
mative examples of stratigraphic work. Chapters 5 and 7 reflect continuing developments in
sequence stratigraphy. New ideas concerning the issue of sedimentation rates, time scales, and

xii Revision History

the preservability of the stratigraphic record are highlighted in Chap. 8. Research and review
in this area (Bhattacharya et al., 2019; Holbrook and Miall, 2020; Miall et al., 2021) have
provided many of the new ideas discussed in Chap. 8, which is significantly modified from the
first edition.

Bhattacharya, J.P., Miall, A.D., Ferron, C., Gabriel, J., Randazzo, N., Kynaston, D., Jicha, B.R., Singer, S.,
2019, Balancing sediment budgets in deep time and the nature of the stratigraphic record. Earth-Science
Reviews, v. 199, #102985, 25 p.
Holbrook, J.M., and Miall, A.D., 2020, Time in the Rock: A field guide to interpreting past events and
processes from siliciclastic stratigraphy. Earth-Science Reviews, v. 203, #103121, 23 p.
Miall, A.D., 2013, Sophisticated stratigraphy, In: Bickford, M.E., ed., The web of geological sciences:
Advances, impacts and interactions. Geol Soc Am Spec Pap 500, p. 169–190.
Miall, A.D., 2014, The emptiness of the stratigraphic record: A preliminary evaluation of missing time in the
Mesaverde Group, Book Cliffs, Utah. J Sediment Res., v. 84, p. 457–469.
Miall, A.D 2015a, Making stratigraphy respectable: from stamp collecting to astronomical calibration. Geosci
Canada, v. 42, p. 271–302.
Miall, A.D., 2015b, Updating uniformitarianism: stratigraphy as just a set of “frozen accidents”, In: Smith, D.
G., Bailey, R.J., Burgess, P., and Fraser. A., eds., Strata and time: Geological Society, London, Special
Publication 404, p. 11–36.
Miall, A.D., 2016, The valuation of unconformities. Earth-Science Reviews, v. 163, p. 22–71.
Miall, A.D., Holbrook, J.M., and Bhattacharya, J.P., 2021, The Stratigraphy Machine. J Sediment Res., v. 91,
p. 595–610.

1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 The Importance of Stratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated Stratigraphy” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.1 Beginnings (Nineteenth Century) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.2 Cyclic Sedimentation (1932–1968) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.3 Basin Analysis and the Big Picture (1948–1977) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.4 The Meaning of “Facies” (1949–1973) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.5 Fluid Hydraulics and Sedimentary Structures (1953–1976) . . . . . . . 9
1.2.6 Early Studies of Modern Environments (1954–1972) . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2.7 Facies-Model Concept (1959–2010) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2.8 The Impact of the Plate-Tectonics Revolution on Basin
Studies (1959–1988) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14
1.2.9 Unconformities and the Issue of Time in Stratigraphy
(1909–1970) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 16
1.2.10 Sequences and Seismic Stratigraphy (1963–1977) . . . . . . . . . . ... 18
1.2.11 Architectural Elements: Sedimentology in Two and Three
Dimensions (1983–1990) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 19
1.2.12 Sequence Stratigraphy (1986–1990) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 21
1.2.13 Reconciling Facies Models with Sequence Stratigraphy (1990) . ... 22
1.2.14 The Full Flowering of Modern Sequence-Stratigraphic
Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.2.15 Stratigraphy: The Modern Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.3 Time in Stratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.4 Types of Project and Data Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.4.1 Regional Surface Stratigraphic Mapping Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.4.2 Local Stratigraphic-Sedimentologic Mapping Project . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.4.3 Regional Subsurface Mapping Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.4.4 Local Subsurface Mapping Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
1.5 Summary of Research and Reporting Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2 The Stratigraphic-Sedimentologic Data Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.2 Describing Surface Stratigraphic Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.2.1 Methods of Measuring and Recording the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.2.2 Types of Field Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.2.3 Sampling Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.2.4 Plotting the Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.3 Describing Subsurface Stratigraphic Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.3.1 Methods of Measuring and Recording the Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.3.2 Types of Cutting and Core Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

xiv Contents

2.3.3 Sampling Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

2.3.4 Plotting the Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.4 Petrophysical Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
2.4.1 Gamma-Ray Log (GR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.4.2 Spontaneous Potential Log (SP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.4.3 Resistivity Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
2.4.4 Sonic Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
2.4.5 Formation Density Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
2.4.6 Neutron Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
2.4.7 Crossplots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
2.4.8 Integrating Cores and Wireline Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3 Facies Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.2 The Meaning of Facies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.3 Recognition and Definition of Facies Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.3.1 Philosophy and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.3.2 Field Examples of Facies Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.3.3 Establishing a Facies Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
3.3.4 Facies Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.4 Facies Associations and Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3.4.1 The Association and Ordering of Facies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3.4.2 The Theory of Facies Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3.4.3 The Present as the Key to the Past, and Vice Versa . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.4.4 To Classify and Codify, or Not? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
3.4.5 Facies Analysis and Sequence Stratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
3.5 Review of Environmental Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
3.5.1 Grain Size and Texture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
3.5.2 Petrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
3.5.3 Bedding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
3.5.4 Hydrodynamic Sedimentary Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
3.5.5 Sediment Gravity Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
3.5.6 Sedimentary Structures Produced by Hydrodynamic Erosion
of the Bed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
3.5.7 Liquefaction, Load and Fluid Loss Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
3.5.8 Paleoecology of Body Fossils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
3.5.9 Ichnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
3.5.10 Vertical Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
3.5.11 Architectural Elements and Bounding Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
3.6 Conclusions and Scale Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
4 Facies Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
4.2 Clastic Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
4.2.1 Fluvial Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
4.2.2 Eolian Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
4.2.3 Lacustrine Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
4.2.4 Glacial Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
4.2.5 Coastal Wave- and Tide-Dominated Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
4.2.6 Deltas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
4.2.7 Estuaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Contents xv

4.2.8 Continental Shelf Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

4.2.9 Continental Slope and Deep Basin Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
4.3 Carbonate Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
4.3.1 Conditions of Carbonate Sedimentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
4.3.2 Platforms and Reefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
4.3.3 Tidal Sedimentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
4.3.4 Carbonate Slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
4.4 Evaporites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
5 Sequence Stratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
5.2 Elements of the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
5.2.1 Accommodation and Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
5.2.2 Stratigraphic Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
5.2.3 Depositional Systems and Systems Tracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
5.3 Sequence Models in Clastic and Carbonate Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
5.3.1 Marine Clastic Depositional Systems and Systems Tracts . . . . . . . . 243
5.3.2 Nonmarine Depositional Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
5.3.3 Carbonate Depositional Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
5.4 Sequence Hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
5.5 Driving Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
5.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
6 Basin Mapping Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
6.2 Stratigraphic Mapping with Petrophysical Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
6.2.1 Log Shape and Electrofacies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
6.2.2 Examples of Stratigraphic Reconstructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
6.2.3 Problems and Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
6.3 Seismic Stratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
6.3.1 The Nature of the Seismic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
6.3.2 Constructing Regional Stratigraphies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
6.3.3 Seismic Facies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
6.3.4 Seismic Geomorphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
6.4 Directional Drilling and Geosteering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
6.5 Older Methods: Isopleth Contouring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
6.6 Mapping on the Basis of Detrital Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
6.6.1 Clastic Petrofacies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
6.6.2 Provenance Studies Using Detrital Zircons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
6.6.3 Chemostratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
6.7 Paleocurrent Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
6.7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
6.7.2 Types of Paleocurrent Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
6.7.3 Data Collection and Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
6.7.4 The Bedform Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
6.7.5 Environment and Paleoslope Interpretations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
7 Stratigraphy: The Modern Synthesis . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
7.2 Types of Stratigraphic Unit . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
7.3 The Six Steps Involved in Dating and Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
xvi Contents

7.4 Lithostratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347

7.4.1 Types of Lithostratigraphic Units and Their Definition . . . . . . . . . . 347
7.4.2 The Names of Lithostratigraphic Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
7.5 Biostratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
7.5.1 The Nature of the Biostratigraphic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
7.5.2 Biochronology: Zones and Datums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
7.5.3 Diachroneity of the Biostratigraphic Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
7.5.4 Quantitative Methods in Biochronology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
7.6 Unconformities and Unconformity-Bounded Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
7.7 The Development of Formal Definitions for Sequence Stratigraphy . . . . . . . 368
7.8 Chronostratigraphy and Geochronometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
7.8.1 The Emergence of Modern Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
7.8.2 Determining the Numerical (“Absolute”) Age of a Stratigraphic
Horizon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
7.8.3 Stages and Boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
7.8.4 Event Stratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
7.8.5 Absolute Ages: Their Accuracy and Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
7.8.6 The Current State of the Global Stratigraphic Sections and Points
(GSSP) Concept and Standardization of the Chronostratigraphic
Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
7.8.7 Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
7.9 Stratigraphy Reflects Changing Earth Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
8 The Future of Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
8.2 Where We Are Now and How We Got Here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
8.3 A Natural Hierarchy of Sedimentary Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
8.4 Sedimentation Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
8.5 The Fractal-Like Character of Sedimentary Accumulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
8.6 Apparent Anomalies of High Sedimentation Rate Versus Slow Rate
of Accommodation Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
8.7 Accommodation and Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
8.7.1 Preservation at a Scale of Seconds to Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
8.7.2 Preservation at a Scale of Years to Thousands of Years . . . . . . . . . 440
8.7.3 Preservation at the Scale of Tens of Thousands to Hundreds
of Thousands of years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
8.7.4 Preservation at the Scale of Millions of years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
8.8 The Stratigraphy Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
8.9 Implications of Missing Time for Modern Stratigraphic Methods . . . . . . . . 444
8.9.1 Sequence Stratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
8.9.2 Implications for Stratigraphic Continuity, the Concept of
Correlation and the Principal of the GSSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
8.9.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
8.10 The Future of Conventional Chronostratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
8.10.1 Current Examples of Outstanding Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
8.10.2 The Use of Wheeler Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
8.10.3 Improving Accuracy and Precision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
8.11 Accounting for Missing Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
8.11.1 Constructing Wheeler Diagrams for Selected Examples . . . . . . . . . 458
8.11.2 A Well-Documented Quaternary Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
8.11.3 The Example of the Mesaverde Group, Utah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
8.11.4 High-Resolution Stratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
Contents xvii

8.11.5 Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478

8.11.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486

Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495

Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511

The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

1.1 The Importance of Stratigraphy........................................................................................................ 1

1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated Stratigraphy” ............................................................................... 3

1.2.1 Beginnings (Nineteenth Century) ............................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Cyclic Sedimentation (1932–1968) ............................................................................................ 5
1.2.3 Basin Analysis and the Big Picture (1948–1977)...................................................................... 6
1.2.4 The Meaning of “Facies” (1949–1973) ..................................................................................... 7
1.2.5 Fluid Hydraulics and Sedimentary Structures (1953–1976)...................................................... 9
1.2.6 Early Studies of Modern Environments (1954–1972) ............................................................... 11
1.2.7 Facies-Model Concept (1959–2010) .......................................................................................... 11
1.2.8 The Impact of the Plate-Tectonics Revolution on Basin Studies (1959–1988) 14
1.2.9 Unconformities and the Issue of Time in Stratigraphy (1909–1970) ....................................... 16

1.3 Time in Stratigraphy........................................................................................................................... 24

1.4 Types of Project and Data Problems ................................................................................................ 26

1.4.1 Regional Surface Stratigraphic Mapping Project ....................................................................... 26
1.4.2 Local Stratigraphic-Sedimentologic Mapping Project ............................................................... 27
1.4.3 Regional Subsurface Mapping Project ....................................................................................... 29
1.4.4 Local Subsurface Mapping Project ............................................................................................ 32

1.5 Summary of Research and Reporting Procedures .......................................................................... 32

References ..................................................................................................................................................... 35

Abstract be engaged in, and a synopsis of recommended workflow

and reporting practices.
This chapter explains the important place Stratigraphy
holds within geology. It provides a summary of the
development of the main ideas in stratigraphic mapping,
geophysical methods and sedimentological interpretation 1.1 The Importance of Stratigraphy
that emerged through the twentieth century, up to the
emergence of modern-day “sophisticated stratigraphy,” It could be argued that in some respects Stratigraphy is the
which completes the integration of all relevant disciplines most important component of the science of Geology. Here’s
into a modern science. A summary is provided of the why:
seventeen orders of magnitude of time scales that need to McLaren (1978) provided nine reasons why the study of
be considered in the evaluation of Earth history. The Stratigraphy with, at its center, an accurate geological time
chapter concludes with a description of the types of scale, is important:
research and exploration projects that stratigraphers may

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 1

A. D. Miall, Stratigraphy: A Modern Synthesis, Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment,
2 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

[Stratigraphy supplies unique and essential information regard- geological mapping possible—was the recognition of the
ing:] (1) rates of tectonic processes; (2) rates of sedimentation reliability of the fossil record: the same assemblages of
and accurate basin history; (3) correlation of geophysical and
geological events; (4) correlation of tectonic and eustatic events; fossils always occur in the same order, and thus were born
(5) are epeirogenic movements worldwide [?]… (6) have there both the method of relative age dating and the first reliable
been simultaneous extinctions of unrelated animal and plant method for correlation on the basis of time.
groups [?]; (7) what happened at era boundaries [?]; (8) have Faunal succession data provided a necessary support for
there been catastrophes in earth history which have left a
simultaneous record over a wide region or worldwide [?]; and the theory of evolution (Darwin 1859) and is the basis for
(9) are there different kinds of boundaries in the geologic suc- our modern concepts of the gradual appearance of all of
cession [?] (That is, “natural” boundaries marked by a world- Earth life forms, culminating (in our egocentric view) in the
wide simultaneous event versus “quiet” boundaries, man-made emergence of the human race.
by definition).[question marks added]
As I demonstrated in my review paper for the Geological
Doyle and Bennett (1998, p. 1) stated that “Stratigraphy Society of America (“Sophisticated Stratigraphy”: Miall
is the key to understand the Earth, its materials, structure and 2013), modern stratigraphic methods are now providing
past life. It encompasses everything that has happened in the extraordinary insights into the history of our Earth. Modern
history of the planet.” In this statement is the recognition that methods of age dating and modern analytical methods have
the stratigraphic history of layered sedimentary rocks pre- revolutionized the business of historical geology. However,
served on the continents, and on the ocean floors constitutes in the drive to develop and apply ever more precise labo-
the documented record of Earth history. No other branch of ratory methods to geological samples, whether this be with
geology can provide this information. the aim of age dating or the reconstruction of past climates, it
Berggren et al. (1995, p. v) explained that the “essence of is all too easy to lose sight of exactly where samples come
Stratigraphy and its handmaiden Geochronology” is to from and what was their field context. How typical and how
“understand the dynamic relationship which certainly exists representative are samples, relative to the variability of their
between the evolution of ocean-continental geometries and field setting? How were they situated with respect to breaks
concomitant changes in the climate and ocean circulation in sedimentation, the record of rare events, or disturbance
system and the evolution of life itself” by situating “the induced by bioturbation or syndepositional tectonism? Spe-
progression of events in this intricately related system in a cialists in quantitative methods, particularly geophysicists,
precise temporal framework.” geochemists and those using numerical and statistical
Torrens (2002, p. 251) pointed out a unique and essential methods, including models and simulations, may be partic-
component of stratigraphy: “The science of geology is all ularly susceptible to a neglect of these important questions.
about time. … So stratigraphy must first and foremost As Spychala (2020) has pointed out, sedimentary geologists
concern questions of time. It is the only area of geology that have so many tools at their disposal, including
is truly unique, other branches of geology are too often high-resolution remote sensing and modeling, that there is a
borrowed bits of physics, chemistry or biology.” tendency by some to downplay the importance of field work.
The foundational basis of stratigraphy is the principle of Wright (2019, p. 311) refers to “helicopter science,”
the superposition of strata—the concept that the layers at the
“where researchers ‘drop’ into a section they barely know,
bottom of a pile were laid down first, and the subsequent ignore any local expertise, grab some samples which are taken
layers could not have been created until the underlying ones without any consideration of context, depositional or diagenetic,
were in place. The formulation of this principle is attributed perform some analyses, and propose, for example, a theory of
to Nicolas Steno in the 1660s (Cutler 2004). changed global ocean chemistry, when if they had looked at the
context of the sample they would have realized that their theory
The world’s first stratigrapher was William Smith, a canal was deeply flawed.”
surveyor, who produced the first regional geological map in
1815, covering England, Wales and part of Scotland. The However, one of the key elements of the stratigraphic
construction and refinement of geological maps, and the data base is field context. What is the stratigraphic and
documentation of the subsurface for the purposes of petro- sedimentologic setting of the rocks that we are using to make
leum and mineral exploration, have constituted two of the these sophisticated interpretations? This is one of the unique
primary activities of practicing stratigraphers worldwide for characteristics of the science of stratigraphy, of particular
the past 200 years. Dating and correlating the rocks have relevance to the reconstruction of events in past time.
formed an integral part of this work, and questions about the Until the 1960s, stratigraphy was largely a descriptive
nature of the time signal preserved in stratigraphic succes- science, concerned primarily with the documentation of the
sions, and the developments of methods to investigate it lithologic and biostratigraphic successions of sedimentary
have constituted a large part of this activity. William Smith’s basins as a basis for locating and exploiting fossil fuel and
principal theoretical contribution—which is what made mineral deposits. Figure 7.3 illustrates an example of a
1.1 The Importance of Stratigraphy 3

regional cross-section dating from 1882 that illustrates this Exxon, Shell and British Petroleum (with Peter Vail at
phase of development. Textbooks on petroleum geology, Exxon at the lead, followed by Bert Bally at Shell) were very
contain some of the most advanced and detailed treatments active in the development of reflection-seismic methods and
of stratigraphy as actually practiced in the field (that by the advent of modern sequence stratigraphy in the 1970s.
Levorsen 1954 is a classic; a modern example is the text by European developments tended to follow the American
Chapman 2000), In many respects, William Smith’s focus- lead until the birth of the North Sea petroleum province in
ing on basic mapping survived as a central focus through the 1960s. The Petroleum Exploration Society of Great
several of the revolutions that were took place in the earth Britain was established in 1964. The journal Sedimentology,
sciences, beginning in the 1960s. However, over the last fifty based in Europe, was established in 1962 (although its
years a profound change in approach has taken place, ini- parent society, the International Association of Sedimentol-
tially under the rubric of Sedimentology, which took sedi- ogists was founded in 1952).
mentary geologists away from description and classification Some of the developments in the study of sedimentary
into a focus on processes (Seibold and Seibold 2002, pro- rocks were initiated many years ago, but it has only been since
vided a detailed history from a European perspective; see sequence stratigraphy matured as a standard descriptive and
also Middleton 2005). Only in recent years have Stratig- mapping method during the 1990s that it has become apparent
raphy, Sedimentology, Chronostratigraphy and Basin that it has drawn on, exploited, and pulled together these
Analysis come together to provide a dynamic, unified earlier developments that commonly tended to be considered
approach to the study of sedimentary basins. It would now and written about in isolation. The historical evolution of these
be accurate to state that “Stratigraphy IS Sedimentology and concepts is summarized in the next section.
Sedimentology IS Stratigraphy.”
The evolution of modern methods can be understood as a
series of separate developments that partially overlapped in 1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated
time and which have gradually coalesced to create what I Stratigraphy”
called “Sophisticated Stratigraphy,” in my review written for
the Geological Society of America (Miall 2013). Middleton The roots of modern, dynamic stratigraphy go back to the
(2005, p. 628) suggested that: recognition of the concept of facies in the early nineteenth
century, but it is argued here that the modern era began with
Only after 1950 was it common to find specialists who studied
sedimentary rocks, but declined to be called stratigraphers, and the increased understanding of fluid hydraulics and cyclic
since 1977 an increasing number of specialists refuse to make a sedimentation and the evolution of the facies-model con-
hard distinction between sedimentology and at least some cept in the 1960s. The evolution is broken down below into
aspects of paleontology and stratigraphy, which they include fourteen steps. A critical fifteenth strand of development
together as “sedimentary geology.”
concerns the developments of concepts about geologic time
A major incentive for the development of ideas about and the increasing accuracy and precision with which
sedimentary rocks has been the drive to explore for and geologist can now reconstruction the ages of events in the
exploit fossil fuels. This became an American national distant geological past (this topic is addressed in Sect. 7.8).
imperative with the mechanization of society and the intro- These strands of development did not take place in isolation;
duction of mass manufacturing methods early in the twen- however, they represent separate concepts or areas of spe-
tieth century, followed by the entry of the United States into cialization, which took some time to come together into the
the First World War. All of this nicely coincided with the unified, integrated science that is now practiced. The fifteen
discovery of the continent’s first giant oil fields in Texas, components of modern stratigraphy are shown in their his-
Oklahoma and California. This was the motivation for the torical relationship to each other, together with a few other
establishment of the first technical association devoted to the key developments, including the establishment of key
science of petroleum, the American Association of Petro- technical societies and journals, in Fig. 1.1. The age ranges
leum Geologists, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1917 (where the shown in brackets in each heading span the period during
society still maintains its headquarters). Petroleum compa- which the key ideas and publications emerged for the ideas
nies were all very active in the development of the science, described in that section.
until the advent of new business methods in the 1980s led The discovery of the Spindletop field in Texas in 1901 is
most companies to shed their research operations. But until included in Fig. 1.1 because it has long been regarded as the
then, company research arms were important contributors to first oil field to be discovered by the application of scientific
the theory and methods of stratigraphy. Notably this includes methods to the testing of a scientific idea, in this case the
the Shell Development company, which was at the forefront “anticlinal theory.” As discussed in Sect. 6.3, this is when
of research in sedimentology through the 1950s and 1960s. “oil became an industry.”
4 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

Fig. 1.1 The components of modern sophisticated stratigraphy, shown embryonic beginnings. For example, plate tectonics was preceded by
in their sequential relationships. The brackets beside each component geosyncline theory that began with the work of James Hall and James
span the age range of the major publications that represent the Dana in the nineteenth century; the geologic time scale is partly based
beginnings of modern developments (as discussed in the text), although on geochronology, which was founded by Arthur Holmes early in the
in many cases these were preceded by earlier work that contained twentieth century

This summary is intended only to touch on the main showed how he anticipated many modern concepts. Wal-
highlights. A full historical and analytical account remains to ther’s law is discussed further in Sect. 3.4.1.
be written. Many of the publications cited here have become Developments in biostratigraphy were enormously
classics, with many hundreds of citations. important, in establishing some of the basic ideas about
stratal succession, relative ages, and correlation. The evo-
lution of the concepts of zone and stage are discussed in
1.2.1 Beginnings (Nineteenth Century) detail elsewhere (Hancock 1977; Miall 2004), topics that are
not repeated here. Stratigraphic paleontology was a central
Middleton (2005) divided the history of sedimentology into theme of stratigraphy until relatively recent times. In fact, the
six periods or stages. The first stage ended about 1830 with first professional society in the field of sedimentary geology,
the publication of Lyell’s (1830) masterwork that led to the the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists,
general acceptance of uniformitarianism, or actualism, as founded in Tulsa in 1931, emphasized this fact in the title of
the basis for geology. What follows in this section falls into the society. Paleontology and mineralogy were important
his second period. The subsequent discussion does not elements of petroleum geology and basin analysis until the
adhere to his subdivision into “periods” because I focus on seismic revolution of the 1970s, mainly because of their use
specific themes which overlapped in time. in the identification and correlation of rock units in
Two key early developments were the recognition of the petroleum-bearing basins. Modern biostratigraphic methods
concept of facies (Gressly 1838), and the establishment of are discussed in Sect. 7.5.
Walther’s Law (Walther 1893–1894). Teichert (1958), Although stratigraphy remained an essentially descriptive
Middleton (1973) and Woodford (1973) reviewed the his- science until the 1960s, there was a recurring theme in strati-
tory and use of the concepts in light of contemporary ideas. graphic studies through the nineteenth and early twentieth
Note the dates of these papers (1958,1973), in light of the centuries concerning the mechanisms controlling the location
stages of development summarized below, because they help and pattern of stratigraphic accumulation. These included the
to explain the chronological evolution of modern strati- geosynclinal concepts of Hall and Dana (Aubouin 1965), and
graphic thought and theory. Cross and Homewood (1997) what Miall (2004, p. 14) termed “the continual search for a
provided a translation and analysis of Gressly’s work and ‘pulse of the earth’”. As described in that paper, workers such
1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated Stratigraphy” 5

as Ulrich, Chamberlin and Grabau sought to explain repetition sedimentary environments in Texas are presented. There is
and rhythmicity in the stratigraphic record by hypotheses no discussion of repetitiveness or cyclicity in this paper, but
about tectonism and sea-level change that, to some extent, the work was clearly foundational for the very important
anticipated the ideas emerging from early modern work on papers by Nanz’s Shell colleagues that followed less than a
sequence stratigraphy in the 1970s (see Miall 2004 for a more decade later (see Sect. 1.2.6), as attested to by unpublished
extensive discussion of this history). work by Nanz that this author saw in Shell files while
employed with that company in the 1970s.
1.2.2 Cyclic Sedimentation (1932–1968) Duff and Walton (1962) demonstrated that the cyclothem
concept had become very popular by the early 1960s. For
example, J. R. L. Allen, who is credited as one of the two
Implicit in the early work on facies and on Walther’s Law is the
originators of the meandering-river point-bar model for flu-
concept of recurrence of certain environments and their
vial deposits, used the term cyclothem for cycles in the Old
deposits. Grabau (1906) was one of stratigraphy’s early theo-
Red Sandstone in his first papers on these deposits (Allen
rists, who recognized the repetition in North American cratonic
1962, 1964). Duff and Walton (1962) addressed the wide-
successions of an onlap–offlap relationship caused by cycles of
spread use (and misuse) of the term cyclothem, and discussed
sea-level change (Fig. 1.2). Gilbert (1895) speculated about
such related concepts as modal cycle, ideal cycle, idealized
astronomical control of cyclic sedimentation in Cretaceous
cycle and theoretical cycle, the differences between cyclicity,
rocks in Colorado. The first modern study of cyclic sedimen-
rhythmicity and repetition, and the possible value of statis-
tation was that by Bradley (1929), who analyzed the varves of
tical methods for refining cyclic concepts. They speculated
the Eocene Green River Formation in Utah and Wyoming.
about the possibility of repeated delta-lobe migration as a
However, the study of Carboniferous deposits of the US
cause of cyclicity, in contrast to the prevailing interpretation
Mid-continent in the early 1930s was far more influential. The
of the cycles as the product of sea-level change.
deposits consist of repetitions of a coal-bearing clastic-
With Carboniferous coal-bearing deposits as the focus,
carbonate succession. These came to be called cyclothems, a
two edited compilations dealing with cyclic sedimentation
term which immediately made its way into the permanent
made essential contributions to the birth of modern sedi-
lexicon of geological terminology. Wanless and Weller (1932,
mentology at about this time. Merriam (1964), based in
p. 1003) are credited with the original definition of this term:
Kansas, provided a focus on the US Mid-continent deposits,
The word “cyclothem” is therefore proposed to designate a while Duff et al. (1967) dealt at length with European
series of beds deposited during a single sedimentary cycle of the examples. The Kansas publication included a study of cyclic
type that prevailed during the Pennsylvanian period.
mechanisms by Beerbower (1964) that introduced the con-
cepts of autocyclic and allocyclic processes. Autocyclic
Shepard and Wanless (1935) and Wanless and Shepard processes refer to the processes that lead to the natural
(1936) subsequently attributed the cyclicity to cycles of redistribution of energy and sediment within a depositional
sea-level change, an explanation that has never been seri- system (e.g., meander migration, shoreline progradation)—
ously challenged. the preference is now to use the term autogenic because they
The beginnings of an understanding of the significance of are not always truly cyclic—whereas allocyclic (allogenic)
the lithofacies signatures of common environmental settings processes are those generated outside the sedimentary sys-
are implicit in the paper by Nanz (1954), where coarsening- tem by changes in discharge, load and slope. Beerbower
and fining-upward trends extracted from some modern (1964) was dealing specifically with alluvial deposits in this

Fig. 1.2 The concept of sedimentary onlap and offlap, as envisaged by Grabau (1906)
6 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

paper, but his two terms have subsequently found universal Provenance studies based on detrital petrography were
application for other environments and their deposits. The central to this work, hence the title of the first specialized
term allogenic is now used to refer to processes external to a journal in this field, the Journal of Sedimentary Petrology,
sedimentary basin, including eustasy, tectonism and climate founded in 1931. Isopachs revealed broad subsidence pat-
change. terns, and (for outcrop work) regional paleocurrent studies
Another important contribution at this time was that by confirmed regional transport patterns, even in the absence of
Visher (1965). The purpose of his paper was to build on the the understanding of the hydraulics of sedimentary structures
ideas contained in Walther’s Law to highlight the impor- that came later with the development of the flow-regime
tance of the vertical profile in environmental interpretation. concept (Sect. 1.2.5). Krumbein (1948) pioneered the gen-
He provided detailed descriptions of the profiles for six eration of lithofacies maps based on such indices as a
clastic environments, regressive marine, fluvial (channel or clastic-carbonate ratios. Examples of his work are shown in
valley fill), lacustrine, deltaic, transgressive marine and Fig. 6.47. Dapples et al. (1948) demonstrated how these
bathyal–abyssal, drawing on both modern settings and maps could be used to deduce tectonic controls in a basin.
ancient examples. This was, therefore, one of the first The subject of stratigraphy meant classical lithostratigraphy.
comprehensive attempts to apply the principles of actualism The books and reviews by Pettijohn (1949, 1962; Potter and
(uniformitarianism) to sedimentological interpretations. Pettijohn 1963; Pettijohn et al. 1973) and Krumbein and
Interestingly (and this highlights one of the arguments of this Sloss (1951, 1963) and Levorsen’s (1954) textbook on
chapter that some ideas develop as separate lines of research, petroleum geology exemplify this approach.
which take time to come together), Visher’s paper makes no However, some interesting new ideas that we would now
reference to what are now the classic papers on Bouma’s classify under the headings of basin architecture, accom-
turbidite model (Bouma 1962), or Allen’s (1964, 1965) work modation and sequence stacking patterns began to emerge,
on alluvial deposits, which include his block diagram of a although little of this work was widely used at the time, it
fluvial point bar. However, Beerbower’s (1964) description being only from the perspective of modern sequence meth-
of autocyclicity and Duff and Walton’s (1962) speculation ods that we can look back and see how a few individuals
about deltaic processes (neither of which are referenced by were ahead of their time. Rich (1951) described what we
Visher) indicate the beginnings of what shortly became a would now term the continental shelf, the continental slope
flood of new work providing the basis for the facies-model and the deep basin as the undaform, clinoform and fond-
revolution. Early applications of these ideas to the inter- oform, respectively, and provided descriptions of the pro-
pretation of the subsurface are exemplified by Berg’s (1968) cesses and resulting sedimentary facies to be expected in
study of an interpreted point-bar complex constituting a each setting (Fig. 1.3). The only one of his terms to survive
reservoir unit in Wyoming. is clinoform, although now it is used as a general term for
deposits exhibiting a significant depositional dip, rather than
as a term for a depositional environment.
1.2.3 Basin Analysis and the Big Picture Van Siclen (1958) examined the late Paleozoic cyclothems
(1948–1977) where they tip over the southern continental margin which, at
that time, lay within what is now central Texas. His work
Driven in large measure by the needs of the petroleum includes a diagram of the stratigraphic response of a conti-
industry to understand subsurface stratigraphic successions, nental margin to sea-level change and variations in sediment
geologists devised a number of ways to explore the broader supply that is very similar to present-day sequence models
origins of a basin fill and understand its paleogeographic (Fig. 1.4). Oliver and Cowper (1963, 1965) may have been
evolution. Until the plate tectonics revolution of the 1970s, the first to specifically identify “clino” beds in the subsurface
basins were interpreted in terms of the geosyncline theory using Rich’s concepts in a stratigraphic reconstruction based
(see Aubouin 1965 for a historical treatment of this concept), on petrophysical log correlation. This work is discussed in
which reached its full expression in this period with the Sect. 6.2.3 (see Fig. 6.14). Curray (1964) was among the first
definition of a range of classes based on structural and to recognize the importance of the relationships between
stratigraphic attributes (Kay 1951), many of which, as the sea-level and sediment supply. He noted that fluvial and
plate-tectonics paradigm subsequently revealed, had little to strand plain aggradation and shoreface retreat predominate
do with the actual dynamics of continental crust. under conditions of rising sea level and low sediment supply,
Whereas the facies-model revolution of the 1970s whereas river entrenchment and deltaic progradation pre-
(Sect. 1.2.7) dealt with sedimentology on the relatively dominate under conditions of falling sea level and high sed-
small scale of individual depositional systems (rivers, deltas, iment supply. Curtis (1970) carried these ideas further,
submarine fans, reefs, etc.), paleogeographic reconstruction illustrating the effects of variations in the balance between
for industry meant attempting to understand entire basins. subsidence and sediment supply as controls on the stacking
1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated Stratigraphy” 7

Fig. 1.3 The major

environments and deposits of the
continental shelf, slope and deep
basin, as envisaged by Rich

patterns of deltas, concepts that are now encapsulated by the 1.2.4 The Meaning of “Facies” (1949–1973)
terms progradation, aggradation and retrogradation
(Fig. 5.3). Frazier (1974) subdivided the Mississippi deltaic The concept of facies and the importance of Walther’s Law
successions into transgressive, progradational, and were well understood and used in continental Europe during
aggradational phases, and discussed autogenic (delta the nineteenth century, according to Teichert (1958), but did
switching) and glacioeustatic sedimentary controls. not become widely used in the English-speaking world until
Perhaps it is because Texas specializes in bigness; this the 1930s.
may be the explanation why some critical concepts con- On November 11, 1948 a conference was organized by
cerning large-scale sedimentological environments were first the Geological Society of America in New York to discuss
developed there. The location of petroleum research labo- “Sedimentary facies in geologic history.” This was a land-
ratories, such as that of Shell Oil in Texas (referred to below) mark event, the outcome of which was a Geological Society
may also have been very influential. I refer to the concept of of America memoir (Longwell 1949) that marked the
the depositional system, the concept that takes sedimento- beginnings of several important developments. The memoir
logical analysis beyond the shoreface or the river meander or begins with a lengthy paper by Moore (1949) which set the
the reef talus slope to an analysis that encompasses entire scene by describing and illustrating, with the use of a block
systems. Fisk’s (1944) work on the lower Mississippi Valley diagram, the various facies present within a modern car-
and Delta is an early example of this approach, but it was the bonate reef complex in Java, from which he derived this
later work of William L. Fisher that better exemplifies this definition:
next step and was more influential. The work he and his
Sedimentary facies are areally segregated parts of different
colleagues carried out on the deltas and other depositional nature belonging to any genetically related body of sedimentary
systems of the Texas coast (Fisher et al. 1969, 1972) deposits.
established a whole different scale of operation. Application
of current subsurface stratigraphic methods to part of the The paper includes numerous examples of complex
Eocene section of the Gulf Coast (Fisher and McGowen stratigraphic relationships from the Phanerozoic record of
1967) demonstrated that existing rivers and deltas along a the United States, illustrating the inter-tonguing of facies of a
huge swath of the Gulf Coast had occupied essentially the wide range of environments. Moore’s paper also includes an
same map locations for about 40 million years. The depo- interpretation of the cyclicity exhibited by the cyclothems of
sitional systems approach provided the foundation for the the Mid-Continent, accompanied by a diagram showing how
systems tracts that became a critical part of sequence different facies develop as a result of repeated transgression
stratigraphy twenty years later. Lastly, in a paper that and regression. Other papers by E. D. McKee, E.
appears in the famous memoir that introduced seismic M. Spieker, and others, provide many other examples of
stratigraphy to the geological community (Payton et al. complex stratigraphy, indicating that by this time there was a
1977), Brown and Fisher (1977) summarized the ideas of sophisticated understanding of the diachronous nature of
this important group of stratigraphers at the Bureau of facies in the stratigraphic record, and its control by sea-level
Economic Geology (at the University of Texas) and helped change. The concluding contribution in this memoir is a
to bridge the intellectual next step from large-scale sedi- lengthy paper by Sloss et al. (1949) in which the concept of
mentology to sequence stratigraphy. the sequence is first described (see Sect. 1.2.9).
8 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

Fig. 1.4 Subsurface exploration

of the Upper Paleozoic section
along the shelf margin in central
Texas after WW2 generated
shelf-to-basin cross-sections that
displayed a strong cyclothemic
cyclicity. This is the set of models
developed by Van Siclen (1958)
to explain the stratigraphic
architecture in terms of different
patterns of sea-level change
1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated Stratigraphy” 9

A decade later, Teichert (1958, p. 2719), working from modern treatment of the subject of facies (Longwell 1949)
Gressly’s original discussion, explained the derivation of the there was no explicit mention of Walther or his law. He had
term Facies: a much greater influence in Russia, where facies studies
were termed “comparative lithology”
Facies is a Latin word meaning face, figure, appearance, aspect,
look, condition. It signifies not so much a concrete thing, as an
abstract idea. The word was introduced into geological literature
by Nicolaus Steno (1669, pp. 68-75) for the entire aspect of a part 1.2.5 Fluid Hydraulics and Sedimentary
of the earth’s surface during a certain interval of geologic time. Structures (1953–1976)
In his abstract Teichert (1958, p. 2718) provided this
A key step in the development of modern sedimentology
succinct definition:
was the emergence of the idea that sedimentary structures
[Facies means] the sum of lithologic and paleontologic charac- represent measurable and repeatable physical processes, and
teristics of a sedimentary rock from which its origin and the that they therefore provide information on depositional
environment of its formation may be inferred. environments and processes. Early work on the subject
Teichert (1958) asserted that the concept of facies asso- included the observations by Sorby (1859, 1908) and Gilbert
ciations and the importance of vertical facies successions (1884, 1899) on sedimentary structures, and Gilbert’s
were well understood by nineteenth-century European experimental work (Gilbert 1914). Sorby (1852) was the first
geologists. Cross and Homewood (1997) provided an to recognize the utility of crossbedding for determining
extended historical discussion of the contributions of Tei- current directions (Sect. 6.6.1). However, as Allen (1993)
chert and others to the development of the facies concept. pointed out, it was not until the appearance of the synthesis
Interest in the work of the founders of modern sedi- by Potter and Pettijohn (1963) that the richness and signif-
mentology was renewed in the 1960s, with the new devel- icance of the preserved record caught the general attention of
opments in the study of modern sediments, structures and sedimentary geologists.
environments. Woodford (1973, p. 3737) translated Gressly A necessary first step toward a modern study of sedi-
(1838) “second law” as follows: mentary structures is accurate description and classification.
McKee and Weir (1953) made an important contribution in
Facies of the same petrographic and geologic nature assume, in this direction, with their description of the scales of struc-
different formations, very similar paleontologic characteristics
and even succeed each other generally across a more or less tures, their internal architecture and bounding surfaces
numerous series of formations lying one upon the other. (Fig. 2.10). It is in this paper that the familiar terms planar-
and trough-cross-stratification first appear. A decade later,
Middleton (1973, p. 981) provided a translation of Wal-
a comprehensive classification by Allen (1963a) introduced
ther’s methodology from the original German. Walther
a set of Greek letters for different types of crossbedding, a
referred to it as “ontology” (actualism or uniformitarian-
system that was widely used for some time. Figure 2.11
ism, in modern useage) as follows:
illustrates the descriptive criteria Allen (1963a) used in his
It consists in trying to investigate the events of the past through classification. Several illustrated atlases of sedimentary
modern phenomena. From being (existence), we explain structures also appeared during this period (Pettijohn and
becoming (genesis). Potter 1964; Conybeare and Crook 1968), indicating that
Middleton (1973, p. 982) translation of Walther’s original sedimentary geologists were coming to grips with the full
statement of his Law is as follows: range of preserved and observable structures.
By the 1950s, sedimentary geologists had become more
The various deposits of the same facies-area and similarly the widely aware of the directional information contained in
sum of the rocks of different facies-areas are formed beside each
other in space, though in a cross-section we see them lying on sedimentary structures, and some pioneering studies of what
top of each other. … it is a basic statement of far-reaching sig- came to be known as paleocurrent analysis were being
nificance that only those facies and facies-areas can be super- performed. For example, Reiche (1938) analyzed eolian
imposed primarily which can be observed beside each other at crossbedding, Stokes (1945) studied primary current lin-
the present time.
eation in fluvial sandstones, and several authors were dealing
Middleton (1973, p. 980) suggested that “Walther must with grain and clast orientation (e.g., Krumbein 1939).
be named with Sorby, Gilbert, Grabau, and a few others, as Pettijohn (1962) provided an overview of the subject, with
one of the founders of the modern sciences of sedimentology many examples of the different techniques for analysis and
and paleoecology,” although he pointed out that whereas data display that were then in use. Curray (1956) published
Walther’s work was cited and acknowledged in much of the what became the standard work on the statistical treatment of
pioneer work in the early twentieth century, in the first paleocurrent data.
10 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

Meanwhile, several pioneers were attempting to make Allen (1963b) reviewed the observational work of Sorby and
sedimentary structures in the laboratory, in part as a means made one of the first attempts to interpret sedimentary
to understand the sedimentary record. There was also an structures in terms of flow regimes. However, the most
interest in understanding fluid hydraulics from an engi- important next step was a symposium organized by Mid-
neering perspective, to aid in the construction of marine dleton (1965), which brought together current field and
facilities, such as bridges and breakwaters. Kuenen and experimental studies in a set of papers that firmly established
Migliorini (1950), in a classic paper, brought together flume flow-regime concepts as a basic tool for understanding the
experiments and observations of the ancient record to formation of hydraulic sedimentary structures formed by
demonstrate that graded bedding could be generated by traction currents as preserved in the rock record.
turbidity currents (Fig. 1.5). As with many such contribu- Middleton (1966, 1967) extended the work of Kuenen
tions, it had been preceded by observations and suggestions with further experiments on turbidity currents and the origins
by many other authors, but this was the paper that brought of graded bedding, work that was ultimately to lead to a
these observations together into the comprehensive synthesis significant new classification of sediment gravity flows, of
that made it the benchmark contribution that it became. The which it was now apparent that turbidity currents were only
term turbidite was subsequently coined by Kuenen (1957). one type (Middleton and Hampton 1976). Reference is made
McKee (1957), following his many years observing in the first of these papers to field observations of turbidites
cross-stratification in outcrop, particularly in fluvial and by Roger G. Walker (1965), a reference which marks the
eolian deposits in the Colorado Plateau area, experimented beginning of a significant professional collaboration between
with the formation of cross-stratification by traction currents Walker and Middleton, to which I return later.
in a flume. Walker’s (1967, 1973) field experience with turbidites led
The critical theoretical development at this time was the to a proposal for the calculation of an index of the
series of flume experiments carried out by the US Geological proximal-to-distal changes that occur down flow within a
Survey to study sediment transport and the generation of turbidite. This marked an attempt at an increasingly quan-
bedforms. The breakthrough work by Simons and Richard- titative approach to the study of sedimentary structures,
son (1961) on the “forms of bed roughness” (Fig. 1.5) led to although this index was not to survive an increasing
the definition of the flow-regime concept, and the recogni- knowledge of the complexities of the submarine fan envi-
tion of lower and upper flow regimes based on flow ronment within which most turbidites are deposited.
characteristics (particularly the structure of turbulence), The important new developments in this field were well
sediment load and resulting bedforms (Harms and Fahne- summarized in a short course, organized by the Society for
stock 1965; Simons et al 1965. A modern version of the Sedimentary Geologists, the manual for which provides an
flow-regime concept is provided in Fig. 3.18). At this time, excellent review of the state of knowledge at this time

Fig. 1.5 Early work exploring fluid hydraulics and the origins of definition of the flow-regime concept for hydrodynamic structures in
sedimentary structures. LEFT: An experiment to generate a turbidity sand, from Simons and Richardson (1961)
current, from Kuenen and Migliorini (1950). RIGHT: The first
1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated Stratigraphy” 11

(Harms et al. 1975). This review contains the first descrip- detailed work of Fisk (1944). From the point of view of the
tion and definition of hummocky cross-stratification (HCS), growth of sedimentology the studies of Frazier (1967) were
and the recognition of this structure as a key indicator of more significant, providing architectural block diagrams that
combined-flow (unimodal and oscillatory) storm sedimen- illustrated the growth of distributaries in a river-dominated
tation. Additional details regarding the history of develop- delta. Later studies by Fisher et al. (1969, 1972) broadened
ment of ideas about flow-regime bedforms, hydrodynamic the scope of delta studies to other regions of the Texas coast
sedimentary structures and sediment gravity flows are pro- and to other deltas worldwide, providing an essential basis
vided in Sects. 3.5.4 and 3.5.5. for the subsequent development of formal delta facies
models. Shepard et al. (1960) edited a collection of broader
studies of the Gulf Coast.
1.2.6 Early Studies of Modern Environments Exploration methods for the continental shelf and deep
(1954–1972) oceans were primitive, until the introduction of side-scan
sonar methods and improvements in navigation.
As noted above, references to modern depositional settings The GLORIA sonar system was developed in 1970 but did
appear in much of the early stratigraphic literature, but in the not receive widespread use for geological purposes until it
1950s studies of “the modern” became more focused. Much was adopted by the US Geological Survey in 1984 at the
of this was due to the recognition by some oil companies of commencement of a program to map the newly established
the value of understanding the primary origins of US Exclusive Economic Zone. The Deep Sea Drilling Project
petroleum-bearing rocks. A leader in this field was the (DSDP) began in 1968. Extensive use of seismic stratigraphic
research team at Shell Development Company. techniques had to await the developments taking place in
Some of the earliest of these studies of modern environ- Shell, Exxon and BP, as noted below (in particular, the work
ment were carried out in carbonate environments, including of Vail et al. 1977). Sedimentological studies of the conti-
the work of Illing (1954), and Newell and Rigby (1957) on nental shelves and slopes and the deep basin were being
the Great Bahamas Bank, and Ginsburg and Lowenstam carried out at this time, but the main breakthroughs in sedi-
(1958) on the Florida platform. This, and other work on mentological analysis came from studies of the ancient sed-
ancient carbonates (referred to below) led to two approaches imentary record, and are referred to below.
to the classification of carbonate rocks (Folk 1962; Dunham
1962) that are still used today. In fact, these two papers
(which appeared in the same SEPM Special Publication) are 1.2.7 Facies-Model Concept (1959–2010)
among the most important of the “classic” papers mentioned
in this chapter, because of their long survival. Later studies By the late 1950s a key idea was emerging that environ-
of the Bahamas and Florida by Purdy (1963) and Ball (1967) ments could be categorized into a limited number of depo-
contributed much to the subsequent growth of facies models sitional configurations, which are amenable to basic
for carbonate platforms and reefs. Purdy’s use of cluster descriptive summaries. The first explicit use of the term
analysis to identify the major lithofacies comprising shelf “facies model” was in a conference report by Potter (1959,
carbonate sediments has also become a classic (see Fig. 3.7). p. 1292). He opened the report with the following words:
The other outstanding set of classic works consists of the
A discussion concerning sedimentary rocks was held at the
research on the Texas coastal plain by Bernard, Leblanc and Illinois State Geological Survey on 4-5 Nov. 1958, for the
their colleagues at Shell, building on the preliminary work of purpose of pooling the knowledge and experience of the group
Nanz (1954). The first facies model for barrier islands concerning three topics: the existence and number of sedimen-
emerged from the work of these individuals on Galveston tary associations; the possibility of establishing a model for each
association that would emphasize the areal distribution of
Island (Bernard et al. 1959; 1962) and the point-bar model lithologic units within it; and the exploration of the spatial and
for meandering rivers is also attributed to this group, based sequential relations between the associations.
on their studies of the Brazos River (Bernard and Major
1963; Bernard et al. 1962). Later, on the same page, this definition is provided:
The Mississippi River and Delta is one of the largest of A facies model was defined as the distribution pattern or
modern fluvial-delta systems, and its location in the center of arrangement of lithologic units within any given association. In
one of the most important, well-populated, industrial and the early stages of geological exploration, the function of the
model is to improve prediction of the distribution of lithologic
tourist regions of the United States, in a petroleum province types.
that generates a quarter of the US domestic supply, has led to
intensive environmental and geological studies. The strati- Note that the essential basis for a facies model is the
graphic significance and complexity of the deposits of this recognition of a distinctive facies association. Much work to
system were first brought to geologists’ attention by the identify these associations now ensued.
12 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

A mention should be made here of the term composition and provenance, and diagenesis. The scope of
process-response model. This term has sometimes been the journal gradually widened, and the name was changed to
used with essentially the same meaning as facies model. the Journal of Sedimentary Research in 1994. According to
Whitten’s (1964, p. 455) discussion of this term quoted from Gerard V. Middleton (2005) the term Sedimentology was
Krumbein and Sloss (1963, p. 501), who: coined by A. C. Trowbridge in 1925 and first used in print
by Waddell (1933), but did not come into common usage
suggested that in the search for “... generalizing principles it is a
useful philosophical device to recognize models actual or con- until the 1950s.
ceptual frameworks to which observations are referred as an aid Now began a focused program to identify specific litho-
in identification and as a basis for prediction.” facies and lithofacies associations by direct comparison
between modern sediments and the preserved record. The
The journal Sedimentology was founded by the Interna-
comparison went both ways, determined in large measure by
tional Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) in 1962. The
the initial interests of the researcher. One of the first of these
editor was Aart Brouwer from the University of Leyden in
studies was that by Beales (1958, p. 1846) who proposed the
the Netherlands, representing what had become a strong
term Bahamite for “the granular limestone that closely
Dutch school of sedimentological studies. All the early work
resembles the present deposits of the interior of the Bahamas
on tidal flat sedimentation emerged from this school (e.g.,
Banks described by Illing (1954).” Although this new term
Van Straaten 1954). The then President of the IAS, the
did not become part of the sedimentological lexicon, the
American marine geologist Francis Shepard said this, in the
methods pioneered by Beales and his colleagues were about
Preface on p. 1 of v. 1 of the new journal:
to become part of the mainstream.
As this is written, there appear to be several primary purposes in Two classic studies appeared in the early 1960s, Bouma’s
sedimentological studies. One is to relate more completely the (1962) turbidite model and Allen’s (1964) point-bar model
present day sediments to ancient sedimentary rocks. Although
much has been done in this field recently, there are numerous for meandering-river deposits. Both are concerned primarily
types of sedimentary rocks for which no equivalent has yet been with interpretation of the rock record, but make extensive
found in the sediments of today and some correlations need reference to deposits and structures forming at the present
careful reexamination to see if they are correctly interpreted. day.
Another need is for more careful study of sedimentary structures
that are often obscured both in old and recent sediments. These There appeared a flood of new work during the 1960s and
structures can be very useful in interpreting paleoclimates and 1970s making use of the new facies-model concepts. Potter
conditions of deposition of ancient sediments. A third important (1967) reviewed sandstone environments. He stated (Potter
field to investigate is the geochemistry of sediments. Some of 1967, p. 360):
the early indications from the chemical nature of sediments have
proven misleading and are in need of further study to explain The facies-model concept with its emphasis on the existence of
apparent anomalies. Fourth, the rates of sedimentation can be relatively few recurring models represents cause-and-effect
given much more study with all of the new radioactive counting “deterministic geology”-an approach that attempts to relate
methods. distribution and orientation of sand bodies in a basin to mea-
surable, causal factors.
In an introductory assessment of sedimentary studies
immediately following the Preface, editor Brouwer (1962, However, much of Potter’s discussion dealt with grain
p. 2–3) reviewed the early history and origins of the separate size and other petrographic issues, and discussions about the
discipline now called Sedimentology: shape and orientation of sand bodies (of importance for
stratigraphic-trap prospecting) rather than facies modeling,
Essential parts are derived from sedimentary petrography, others
from stratigraphy and still others have a purely palaeontological as this term has come to be understood.
source. Perhaps stratigraphy takes a more or less central posi- An edited compilation that appeared in the middle of this
tion, and many definitions recently given of stratigraphy (Hed- period (Rigby and Hamblin 1972) provides another good
berg 1948; Weller 1960; and others) seem to include nearly all snapshot of the state of sedimentology at this time. It opens
of sedimentology, at least of ancient rocks. This is quite
understandable, as sedimentary rocks are the stratigrapher's with a brief review of the topic of “environmental indica-
natural environment. Three modem textbooks, whose scope is tors” by H. R. Gould and this is followed by a classification
mainly sedimentological, have “stratigraphy” in their title of sedimentary environments by E. J. Crosby, and by eleven
(Krumbein and Sloss 1951; Dunbar and Rodgers 1957; Weller chapters providing details of seven depositional environ-
ments (three chapters on alluvial sediments and one dis-
The reference to sedimentary petrography should be cussing the use of trace fossils). There were also several
noted here. The first journal to deal specifically with sedi- important new textbooks published during this period (e.g.,
mentological topics, the Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Blatt et al. 1972; Reineck and Singh 1973; Wilson 1975;
was founded in 1931, and initially dealt exclusively with Freidman and Sanders 1978; Reading 1978). That by Blatt
petrographic studies, including studies of detrital et al. (1972) contains the first summary of depositional
1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated Stratigraphy” 13

environments specifically focused on the concept of the environmental summary” has been much reproduced (Fig. 3.9
facies model (and using that term in the chapter heading. It is the current version, from James and Dalrymple 2010).
was written by co-author Gerard Middleton). Walker’s (1976) paper appeared first in a new journal,
The critical contribution at this time was the development Geoscience Canada (founded and edited by his colleague at
by Walker (1976) of a formal, theoretical description of the McMaster University, Gerard Middleton), and was intended
concept of the facies model and its value as a summary and a as the introductory paper in a series of invited articles written
predictor. Central to this work was a new concept that mainly by Canadian sedimentologists dealing with specific
environments could be characterized by a discrete and lim- environments and facies models. The series was later pub-
ited number of specific facies states. Drawing on Middle- lished as a stand-alone volume (Walker 1979) which became
ton’s (1973) restatement of Walther’s Law, Walker a best-seller and eventually, under changing editorships,
emphasized the importance of the vertical succession of went into four editions (Walker and James 1984, 1992;
facies, and introduced the facies relationship diagramto a James and Dalrymple 2010). Its success was due in large
broader audience. This is a semi-quantitative expression of measure to the concise nature of the descriptions, the elegant
the range of vertical transitions revealed by careful vertical diagrams, and the emphasis on the nature of the vertical
measurement of a stratigraphic succession. Reference was profile, making this a very practical approach for under-
made to a detailed study of de Raaf et al (1965), which was graduate teaching and for work with well-logs and cores.
the first to employ the concept of facies states and the use of A close competitor was the edited volume compiled by
a facies relationship diagram (Fig. 1.6). Another study of Reading (1978), a book written at a more advanced, graduate
vertical facies relationships at this time was that by Miall to the professional level by him and some of his graduate
(1973) using the basic concepts of Markov Chain Analysis. students at the University of Oxford. This book went into
Walker’s (1976, Fig. 4) diagram summarizing the con- two later editions (1986,1996).
struction of a facies model as a process of “distilling away the Among the other widely used facies models that appeared
local variability” to arrive at the “pure essence of in the Geoscience Canada series (and subsequently in

Fig. 1.6 Facies relationship

diagram to show the type of
boundary between facies and the
number of times the facies are in
vertical contact with each other.
This was the first attempt of its
kind to demonstrate quantitatively
the vertical relationships between
identifiable lithofacies (de Raaf
et al. 1965)
14 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

Walker 1979) was a treatment of continental shelf sedi- the origins of sedimentary basins (and much of the rest of
mentation highlighting the rock record of hummocky geology) with reference to the geology of the Appalachian
cross-stratification, and a simple and elegant model for orogen, in particular, that portion of it exposed throughout
submarine fans based almost entirely on ancient fan deposits the island of Newfoundland. Dickinson (1971) made refer-
in California and Italy. In this book, carbonate facies models ence to all of this work in his own first pass at relating
were compiled and co-authored by Noel P. James, who sedimentary basins to plate tectonics.
became a co-editor of later editions. Ichnology, the study of These breakthroughs of the 1970s initiated a worldwide
trace fossils, evolved into an enormously valuable subsur- explosion of studies of basins and tectonic belts exploring
face facies analysis tool, allowing detailed analysis of sedi- the new plate-tectonic concepts. Through the 1970s, a series
mentary environments in drill core, as well as throwing of books and papers was published containing the results
much useful light on the significance of stratal surfaces, with (Dickinson 1974a; Dott and Shaver 1974; Burk and Drake
the preservation of evidence of non-deposition and early 1974; Strangway 1980; Miall 1980, 1984). One of the more
lithification (Frey and Pemberton 1984; McEachern et al. important of these contributions was a paper by Dickinson
2010). (1974b) which constituted the first comprehensive attempt to
By the mid-1970s the stage was set for Sedimentology to classify sedimentary basins of all types in terms of their
flourish. The Walker (1979) Facies Models volume, and plate-tectonic setting. This paper was particularly notable for
Reading’s (1978) textbook were enormously influential. the extensive treatment of arc-related basins and was fol-
However, through the 1980s it remained largely isolated lowed up by a more detailed paper on this subject (Dickin-
from the “big picture” concepts that were emerging from the son and Seely 1979) that remained the standard work on the
plate-tectonics revolution, and developments in seismic subject for many years. This latter work was based in part on
stratigraphy. These I discuss below. Textbooks that appeared the recognition of a series of arc-related sedimentary basins
during this period (e.g., Miall 1984; Matthews 1984; Boggs within the Cordillera (Dickinson 1976), especially the Great
1987) deal with all these topics essentially in isolation, as Valley basin of California, which has long served as a type
separate chapters with little cross-referencing. As I argue example of a forearc basin (e.g., Ingersoll 1978a, b, 1979).
below, it took the maturing of sequence stratigraphy to bring Miall (1984, p. 367) argued that by the application of
the ideas together into what we may now term sophisticated judicious simplification and by skillful synthesis we can
stratigraphy. systematize the descriptions of depositional systems (their
facies assemblages and architecture), structural geology,
petrology, and plate-tectonic setting into a series of basin
1.2.8 The Impact of the Plate-Tectonics models, for the purpose of interpreting modern and ancient
Revolution on Basin Studies (1959–1988) sedimentary basins. Dickinson (1980, 1981) used the term
petrotectonic assemblages with the same meaning. These
The plate-tectonics revolution explained where and why basin models are then a powerful tool for interpreting
basins form, provided a quantitative basis for their subsi- regional plate-tectonic history.
dence and uplift behavior, and elucidated the relationships Another important era in the field of basin analysis was
between sedimentation and tectonics. As far as sedimentary initiated by the development of quantitative, geophysically
geology is concerned, the revolution was not complete until based models of crustal subsidence, commencing in the late
the mid-1970s, when the re-classification of basins in terms 1970s. The importance of these models to the development
of their plate-tectonic setting reached maturity. However, of stratigraphy was that they provided the basis for the
some important preliminary studies pointed the way. development of quantitative models of basin subsidence and
Bally (1989, p. 397–398) noted the work of Drake et al. accommodation generation that greatly improved our
(1959) “who first tried to reconcile modern understanding of large-scale basin architectures. The main
geophysical-oceanographic observations with the geosyn- breakthrough in the development of a modern
clinal concept” and that of Dietz (1963) and Dietz and extensional-margin basin model was made by McKenzie
Holden (1974) who were the first to equate Kay’s (1978), based in part on his studies of the subsidence of the
“miogeosyncline” with the plate-tectonic concept of an Aegean Sea. This classic paper introduced the concept of
Atlantic-type passive continental margin. Mitchell and crustal stretching and thinning during the initial sea-floor
Reading (1969) made one of the first attempts to reinterpret spreading event, and showed quantitatively how this could
the old tectono-stratigraphic concepts of flysch and molasse account for the subsidence history of Atlantic-type margins
in terms of the new plate tectonics. (Fig. 1.7). Many of the important early tests of this model
But it was John Bird and John Dewey, in two papers were carried out on the Atlantic margin of the United States.
published in 1970 (Bird and Dewey 1970; Dewey and Bird Stratigraphic data were obtained from ten Continental Off-
1970), who completely revolutionized our understanding of shore Stratigraphic Test (COST) wells drilled on the
1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated Stratigraphy” 15

Fig. 1.7 Key diagrams from the first two modern quantitative models steepening of geothermal gradient, c gradual cooling of the thickened
for sedimentary basins. At LEFT, the extensional-basin model shows lithosphere leads to subsidence. RIGHT: Loading of a level baseline
three schematic stages of the evolution of a cube of crust, with the leads to subsidence and filling with sediment. These models are more
geothermal gradient at right: a initial state, b stretching, thinning, and fully explained by Miall (1999) and Allen and Allen (2013)

continental shelf off New England between 1976 and 1982, The North Sea basin is the best studied rift basin and has
and led to the development of formal backstripping proce- provided many insights regarding subsidence styles and
dures (Watts and Ryan 1976; Steckler and Watts 1978; structural geology (White and McKenzie 1988).
Watts 1989) and to simple computer graphic models of Turning to the other major class of sedimentary basins,
subsiding margins (Watts 1981) that were very useful in those formed by flexural loading of the crust, it was Barrell
illustrating the development of the basic architecture of (1917) who was the first to realize that “the thick nonmarine
Atlantic-type margins. Dewey (1982) emphasized their strata of the Gangetic plains accumulated in space made
simple two-stage development: the early phase of rifting, available by subsidence of the Indian crust beneath the mass
typically capped by a regional unconformity, followed by a of thrust plates of the Himalayan Range” (Jordan 1995,
thermal relaxation phase which generates a distinctive pat- p. 334). Price (1973) revived the concept of regional isostatic
tern of long-term onlap of the basement. subsidence beneath the supracrustal load of a fold-thrust belt
An important modification of the McKenzie model was to that generates the marginal moat we now term a foreland
recognize the importance of simple shear during continental basin (a term introduced by Dickinson 1974b), based on his
extension, as expressed by through-going extensional crustal work in the Southern Canadian Cordillera. Beaumont (1981)
detachment faults (Wernicke 1985). This style of crustal and Jordan (1981) were the first to propose quantitative
extension was first recognized in the Basin and Range Pro- flexural models for foreland basins, constraining the models
vince of Nevada, and was suggested by preliminary seismic with detailed knowledge of the structure and stratigraphy of
data from the facing continental margins of Iberia and the the studied basins (Fig. 1.7). It is clear that the crust must
Grand Banks of Newfoundland (Tankard and Welsink have mechanical strength for a wide foredeep, such as the
1987). Alberta Basin or the Himalayan foreland basin, to be created.
16 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

The classic architecture of a foreland basin is defined by the 1.2.9 Unconformities and the Issue of Time
isopachs of the sediment fill, which is that of an asymmetric in Stratigraphy (1909–1970)
lozenge, with a depocenter adjacent to the location of the
crustal load, tapering along strike and also thinning gradu- Although some of the ideas discussed in this section have
ally away from the orogen toward the craton. Two major been around for many years, the issue of time in stratigraphy
developments contributed to our current understanding of did not begin to have a major influence on the science until
these basins. Firstly, exploration drilling and Ager’s work in the 1970s, and it was not until the full
reflection-seismic data led to an understanding of the struc- flowering of sequence stratigraphy in the 1990s that such
ture and dynamics of the fold-thrust belts that border fore- contributions as Barrell’s (1917) accommodation diagram
land basins and, during uplift, provide much of their (Fig. 5.2) and Wheeler’s (1958, 1959) chronostratigraphic
sediment. Secondly, a growing knowledge of crustal prop- charts (Fig. 8.1) (both discussed below) were fully inte-
erties permitted the development of quantitative models grated into the science of stratigraphy. This is why this
relating crustal loading, subsidence and sedimentation (Jor- section is placed here, rather than several pages earlier.
dan and Flemings 1990,1991). The science of geology began with James Hutton’s
A significant development during the 1960s and 1970s observations in and around Scotland in the late eighteenth
was the elucidation of the structure of the fold-thrust belts century. His discovery of the angular Silurian–Devonian
that flank many orogenic uplifts and clearly served as the unconformity at Siccar Point on the coast of southeast
source for the clastic wedges referred to above. McConnell Scotland gave rise to Playfair’s (1802) famous remark about
(1887) was one of the first to emphasize the importance of the “abyss of time.”
thrust faulting and crustal shortening in the formation of A predominant strand in geological work during the
fold-thrust belts, based on his work in the Rocky Mountains nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was the gradual
of Alberta. As noted by Berg (1962), the mapping of faults in documentation of the lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of
the Rocky Mountains of the United States and their inter- sedimentary basins worldwide. As documented elsewhere
pretation in terms of overthrusting became routine in the (Hancock 1977; Conkin and Conkin 1984; Berry 1968,
1930s. However, as his paper demonstrates, seismic and 1987; Miall 2004), some remarkably refined zonation
drilling data available in the early 1960s provided only very schemes resulted from this work, and stratigraphic termi-
limited information about the deep structure of thrust belts. nology and methods gradually evolved to facilitate
The release of seismic exploration data from the Southern description and classification, but until the development of
Rocky Mountains of Canada by Shell Canada led to a radioisotopic dating by Ernest Rutherford and Arthur
landmark study by Bally et al. (1966) and set the stage for Holmes (Holmes first book on the geological time scale was
modern structural analyses of fold-thrust belts. A series of published in 1913) the development of a quantitative
papers by Chevron geologist Clinton Dahlstrom, concluding understanding of earth processes was limited.
with a major work in 1970 (Dahlstrom 1970), laid out the Geological mapping and research in North America
major theoretical principles for the understanding of the during the “frontier” period is usefully summarized by
thrust faulting mechanism. Blackwelder (1909), who discussed the various types of
The final piece of the puzzle was to explain accommo- sedimentary break (angular versus structurally conformable)
dation generation and the occurrence of regional tilts and and the duration of the missing time that they represented.
gentle angular unconformities on cratons hundreds of kilo- His paper contained what is probably the first chronostrati-
meters from plate margins—the phenomenon termed graphic chart for the interior (cratonic) stratigraphy of North
epeirogeny. Modeling of mantle processes indicated the America, showing what was then known about the extent of
presence of convection currents that caused heating and the major Phanerozoic stratigraphic units on this continent
uplift or cooling and subsidence of the crust. Gurnis (1988, and the unconformities that separate them.
1990, 1992) termed this dynamic topography. Cloetingh In a paper that was remarkably ahead of its time, written
(1988) described the process of intraplate stress (also ter- shortly after the discovery of the concept of radioisotopic
med in-plane stress) whereby horizontal stresses exerted on dating, Barrell (1917, p. 747–748) set out what we now refer
plates, such as the outward-directed compressive stress from to as the concept of accommodation:
sea-floor spreading centers (“ridge push”), and the down-
In all stratigraphic measures of time, so far as the writer is
ward pull of subsiding oceanic plates, may be expressed as aware, the rate of deposition of a sedimentary series has been
intraplate earthquakes that cumulatively develop faults and previously regarded as dependent on the type of sediment,
long-wavelength folds. The best modern treatment of basin whether sandstone, shale, or limestone, combined with the
dynamics and models is contained in the book by Allen and present rate of supply of such sediment to regions of deposition.
Here is developed an opposite view: that the deposition of nearly
Allen (2013). all sediments occurs just below the local baselevel, represented
1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated Stratigraphy” 17

by wave base or river flood level, and is dependent on upward

oscillations of baselevel or downward oscillations of the bottom,
either of which makes room for sediments below baselevel.
According to this control, the rate of vertical thickening is
something less that the rate of supply, and the balance is carried
farther by the agents of transportation.

Barrell (1917) was probably the first to understand the

relationships among sedimentation, preservation, and
accommodation. He constructed a diagram (Fig. 5.2)
showing the “Sedimentary Record made by Harmonic
Oscillation in Baselevel” (Barrell 1917, p. 796) that is
remarkably similar to diagrams that have appeared in some
of the Exxon sequence model publications since the 1980s
(e.g., Van Wagoner et al. 1990, Fig. 39; Fig. 5.5 of this
book). It shows that when long-term and short-term curves
of sea-level change are combined, the oscillations of base
level provide only limited time periods when base level is
rising and sediments can accumulate. In his diagram “Only Fig. 1.8 The classic six sequences established by Sloss (1963) for
one-sixth of time is recorded” by sediments (Barrell 1917, North American cratonic stratigraphy
p. 797). This remarkable diagram (1) anticipated Jervey
(1988) ideas about sedimentary accommodation that became cite the description of unconformity-bounded “rock sys-
fundamental to models of sequence stratigraphy, (2) it also tems” by Blackwelder (1909). Knowledge of these seems to
anticipated Ager’s (1981, 1993) point that the sedimentary have been simply taken for granted.
record is “more gap than record;” and (3) it constitutes the The symposium on “Sedimentary facies in geologic his-
first systematic exploration of the problem of preservation tory” referred to above in Sect. 1.2.4 contained a lengthy
potential. treatment of facies variability in the Paleozoic rocks of the
During the early part of the twentieth century there was cratonic interior of the United States by Sloss et al. (1949).
much theorizing about the forces at work within the Earth to In this paper much use is made of isopachs and lithofacies
form mountain ranges and sedimentary basins. This is maps using Krumbein’s (1948) concepts of clastic ratios and
summarized elsewhere (e.g., Miall 2004) and not dealt with sand-shale ratios. The work revealed to the authors the
here, because ultimately it did not contribute much to the contradictions inherent in current classifications of rock units
development of modern stratigraphy. However, the practical in North America according to standard geologic time units.
work of petroleum exploration did make a difference. The The use of the standard time scale (Cambrian, Ordovician,
distinguished petroleum geologist A. I. Levorsen was one of etc.) as a basis for mapping, obscured the fact that the
the first to describe in detail some examples of the “natural major sedimentary breaks within the succession commonly
groupings of strata on the North American craton”: did not occur at the divisions provided by the time scale, and
so they set out to establish “operational units” for mapping
A second principle of geology which has a wide application to
petroleum geology is the concept of successive layers of geol- purposes. Thus were born the first sequences for the North
ogy in the earth, each separated by an unconformity. They are American interior: the Sauk, Tippecanoe, Kaskaskia and
present in most of the sedimentary regions of the United States Absaroka.
and will probably be found to prevail the world over (Levorsen
The Sloss et al. (1949) paper in the symposium volume
1943, p. 907).
(Longwell 1949) is followed by nearly 50 pages of published
This principle appears to have been arrived at on the basis discussion by many of the leading American geologists of
of practical experience in the field rather than on the basis of the day, in which the issues raised by detailed mapping and
theoretical model building. These unconformity-bounded the concepts and classifications available at the time for their
successions, which are now commonly called “Sloss systematization were fully discussed. This broader discus-
sequences,” for reasons which we mention below, are tens sion is dealt with at length elsewhere (Miall 2004; 2010,
to hundreds of meters thick and, we now know, represent Chap. 1). For the purpose of this book, the importance of the
tens to hundreds of millions of years of geologic time Sloss et al. (1949) paper and the wider discussion of sedi-
(Fig. 1.8). They are therefore of a larger order of magnitude mentary facies contained in the other papers (see Sect. 1.2.4)
than the cyclothems. Levorsen did not directly credit Gra- is that it clearly confirmed, at the time of publication, the
bau, Ulrich, or any of the other contemporary theorists who need for a systematic differentiation of descriptive termi-
were at work during this period (see Miall 2004), nor did he nologies for “time” and for the “rocks.” This had been
18 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

provided by Schenk and Muller (1941), who proposed the and 8, stratigraphers are still not dealing fully with the issue
following codification of stratigraphic terminology: of time and its representation in the rock record.
Modern biostratigraphic methods are discussed in
Time division (for abstract Time-stratigraphic division
Sect. 7.5. The evolution of chronostratigraphic methods and
concept of time) (for rock classification)
the increasing accuracy and precision with which sedimen-
Era –
tary rocks can be dated is discussed in detail elsewhere
Period System
(Miall 2004, 2010, Chap. 14) and is the focus of Sect. 7.8
Epoch Series
and Chap. 8 of this book. A landmark in the development of
Age Stage
modern stratigraphy was the adoption in the 1970s of the
Phase Zone
GSSP principal for the fixing of major chronostratigraphic
Harry E. Wheeler (Wheeler 1958, p. 1050) argued that a boundaries. GSSP stands for Global Stratigraphic Sections
time-rock (chronostratigraphic) unit could not be both a and Points and is a system for identifying outcrop sections
“material rock unit” and one whose boundaries could be that are accepted by the international community as marking
extended from the type section as isochronous surfaces, the boundaries of stages and series (McLaren 1970).
because such isochronous surfaces would in many localities
be represented by an unconformity. Wheeler developed the
concept of the chronostratigraphic cross-section, in which the 1.2.10 Sequences and Seismic Stratigraphy
vertical dimension in a stratigraphic cross-section is drawn (1963–1977)
with a time scale instead of a thickness scale (Fig. 8.1). In this
way, time gaps (unconformities) become readily apparent, Building on his earlier work (Sloss et al. 1949), further
and the nature of time correlation may be accurately indi- analysis by Sloss (1963) added two more sequences of
cated. Such diagrams have come to be termed “Wheeler Mesozoic–Cenozoic age to the North American suite (Zuni,
plots.” Wheeler cited with approval the early work of Sloss Tejas) and firmly established the concept of the large-scale
and his colleagues, referred to in more detail below: control of cratonic stratigraphy by cycles of sea-level change
lasting tens of millions of years (Fig. 1.8). In later work
As a tangible framework on which to hang pertinent faunal and
lithic data, the sequence of Sloss, Krumbein and Dapples (1949, Sloss (1972) demonstrated a crude correlation of these
pp. 110-11) generally fulfills these requirements. Paraphrasing sequences with a similar stratigraphy on the Russian Plat-
these authors’ discussion, a sequence comprises an assemblage form, thereby confirming that global sea-level cycles con-
of strata exhibiting similar responses to similar tectonic envi- stituted a major sedimentary control. However, Sloss, unlike
ronments over wide areas, separated by objective horizons
without specific time significance (Wheeler 1958, p. 1050; italics his student Peter Vail, was never convinced that global
as in original). eustasy told the entire story (Sloss 1988, 1991). In his 1963
paper Sloss included a pair of diagrammatic cross-sections
Sequences came later to be called simply of the Sauk and Tippecanoe sequence across the cratonic
“unconformity-bounded units.” However, a brief mention interior of North America that clearly indicated an angular
should be made of the concept of the format, a term suggested unconformity between the two sequences, a relationship that
by Forgotson (1957) for laterally equivalent formations could only have been developed as a result of broad warping
enclosed by widely mappable marker beds above and below. of the craton before deposition of the Tippecanoe sediments.
Wheeler’s (1958) methods are now universally accepted, Ross (1991) pointed out that all the essential ideas that
although in practice they are still rarely applied (see form the basis for modern sequence stratigraphy were in
Sects. 8.10 and 8.11). Ager (1973) is famous for his remark place by the 1960s. The concept of repetitive episodes of
that “the sedimentary record is more gap than record.” In a deposition separated by regional unconformities was devel-
later book he expanded on the theme of gaps. Following a oped by Wheeler and Sloss in the 1940s and 1950s
description of the major unconformities in the record at the (Sect. 1.2.9). The concept of the “ideal” or “model”
Grand Canyon, he said, (Ager 1993, p. 14): sequence had been developed for the mid-continent cyclo-
We talk about such obvious breaks, but there are also gaps on a thems in the 1930s (Sect. 1.2.2). The hypothesis of gla-
much smaller scale, which may add up to vastly more unrec- cioeustasy was also widely discussed at that time. Van
orded time. Every bedding plane is, in effect, an unconformity. It Siclen (1958) provided a diagram of the stratigraphic
may seem paradoxical, but to me the gaps probably cover most
of earth history, not the dirt that happened to accumulate in the response of a continental margin to sea-level change and
moments between. It was during the breaks that most events variations in sediment supply that is very similar to
probably occurred. present-day sequence models (Sect. 1.2.3; Fig. 1.4). An
important symposium on cyclic sedimentation convened by
Dott (1983, 1996) similarly warned about the episodic
the Kansas Geological Survey marks a major milestone in
nature of sedimentation. However, as discussed in Chaps. 7
1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated Stratigraphy” 19

the progress of research in this area (Merriam 1964); yet the helping sedimentary geologists understand the large-scale
subject did not “catch on.” There are probably two main setting and tectonic influences on sedimentary basins at the
reasons for this. Firstly, during the 1960s and 1970s sedi- very time that geophysical basin models were providing the
mentologists were preoccupied mainly by autogenic pro- quantitative basis for the plate-tectonic interpretations of
cesses and the process-response model, and by the these basins (Sect. 1.2.8).
implications of plate tectonics for large-scale basin archi- Peter Vail has come to be called the “Father” of sequence
tecture (Sect. 1.2.7). Secondly, geologists lacked the right stratigraphy, while his graduate supervisor, Larry Sloss
kind of data. It was not until the advent of high-quality (1913–1996), has posthumously earned the title of the
seismic-reflection data in the 1970s, and the development of “Grandfather” of sequence stratigraphy.
the interpretive skills required to exploit these data, that the
value and importance of sequence concepts became widely
appreciated. Shell, British Petroleum and Exxon were all 1.2.11 Architectural Elements: Sedimentology
actively developing these skills in their research and devel- in Two and Three Dimensions
opment laboratories in the 1970s. The first published use of (1983–1990)
the term “seismic stratigraphy” was in a paper by Fisher
et al. (1973) describing a subsurface succession in Brazil Lithofacies maps and isopachs and the reconstruction of
(the term appeared in the Portuguese language as estrati- regional paleocurrent patterns had become standard tools of
grafia sismica). Peter Vail, working with Exxon, was the first the sedimentary geologist (or basin analyst) by the 1970s
to present his ideas in the English-speaking world, at the (the second edition of the Potter and Pettijohn book “Pale-
1974 annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, ocurrents and basin analysis” was published in 1977), but
but it was his presentation the following year at the Amer- they often failed to capture the fine detail of sedimentary
ican Association of Petroleum Geologists (Vail 1975) that processes that were by now emerging from facies studies. As
caught the attention of the petroleum geology community. Miall (1984, Sect. 5.3) pointed out, these mapping methods
This was the beginning of the modern revolution in the tended to produce generalizations that did not always reflect
science of stratigraphy. the rapidly shifting patterns of depositional systems that
The key idea that Vail and his colleagues proposed was could now be reconstructed from detailed sedimentological
that large-scale stratigraphic architecture could be recon- study of outcrops, well records and cores.
structed from reflection-seismic records. Their publication of There was also a scale mismatch. Lithofacies maps deal
Memoir 26 of the American Association of Petroleum with large map areas (tens to hundreds of kilometers across)
Geologists (Vail et al. 1977) was one of the major landmark and are essentially two dimensional. Facies studies at this
events in the development of modern stratigraphy. Vail had time (the 1970s to early 1980s) were one dimensional,
learned about sequences from his graduate supervisor, Larry focusing on the vertical profile in drill records or outcrops
Sloss, and added to these his own ideas about global sea-level (typically a few meters to tens of meters high). What were
change (eustasy) as the major allogenic control of sequence clearly needed were the tools to put the observations toge-
development. The debate about global eustasy was long and ther. Three-dimensional sedimentological studies provided
controversial and has been amply aired elsewhere (see Miall part of the answer, particularly for outcrop analysis, and
2010). However, what emerged from the debate was the sequence studies focused on the larger picture (Sect. 1.2.12).
critical importance of the “big-picture” in stratigraphic Work on fluvial systems by Allen (1983) and by Ramos
reconstruction, and the predictive value of sequence models. and his colleagues (Ramos and Sopeña, 1983; Ramos et al.
Having once seen a seismic record interpreted in terms of 1986) led the way. These papers focused on large
seismic stratigraphy, with its emphasis on seismic termina- two-dimensional outcrops of complex fluvial deposits and
tions and regional unconformities, and the common occur- offered classifications of the lithofacies units that described
rence of clinoform architectures, old concepts of “layer-cake” them in two or three dimensions (Fig. 1.9). Picking up on
stratigraphy were dead forever. The section reproduced here this early work, Miall (1988a; b; 1985) offered a system-
as Fig. 1.15 appeared in Memoir 26, and was one of the first atized approach that re-stated the lithofacies classification
to bring this point home to the geological community. idea in terms of a limited suite of architectural elements
It also seems likely that, working in the Gulf Coast, Vail that, it was proposed, constitute the basic building blocks of
learned from the “big-picture” stratigraphers at the Bureau of fluvial assemblages. One of the strengths of the approach is
Economic Geology. The regional view exemplified by work the ability to relate paleocurrent observations to the fine
such as the Texas atlas (Fisher et al. 1972) and the seismic detail of the channel and bar complexes, revealing whole
interpretation that these individuals were already working new insights into the bar construction and preservation
on, and which eventually appeared in the same AAPG processes. Comparable approaches have subsequently been
memoir (Brown and Fisher 1977) were very influential in adopted for other depositional environments (in 2017 the
20 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

Fig. 1.9 A Schematic summary of the features of the sheet sandstones (trough cross-bedded) sandstone; b assemblages of down-climbing
present in the Brownstones (Devonian, Welsh borders) showing the (forward-accreting) bar units; c minor channel forms and fills; d major
hierarchy of bedding contacts, sedimentary facies and position of channel form and fill; e groups of laterally accreted bar units;
sedimentation units in depositional sequence; B Summary of the main f symmetrical complexes (sand shoals) of laterally accreted bar units
kinds of depositional feature: a Tabular layers of dune cross-bedded with gravel cores. From Allen (1983)
1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated Stratigraphy” 21

Fig. 1.10 The first sequence model for part of the Cretaceous succession of Alberta—the Cardium Sandstone (Turonian-Coniacian) (Plint et al.

APPG determined that the 1985 paper had been one of the difficult to understand. It consists of locally as much as 9 m
most influential papers in siliciclastic sedimentology during of wave- and tide-deposited conglomerate accumulated
the previous decade). The use of photomosaics as base maps some 200 km from the assumed contemporary shoreline.
for analyzing large outcrops has become standard, and there How did it get there? There was much discussion of “off-
have been technological developments, such as the use of shore bars” and other concepts in the Canadian literature
LIDAR methods for outcrop documentation, facilitating the through the 1970s and 1980s; however, none of the ideas
digitization of observations, corrections for scale problems were fully satisfactory. But then arrived a new interpretation
and perspective effects in ground observations and so on. by Plint et al. (1986), who reconstructed from well-logs a set
This topic is dealt with at greater length in Sect. 3.5.11. of seven basin-wide surfaces of erosion and transgression,
On a broader scale, the increasing use of that tied together all the complex local stratigraphies and set
seismic-reflection data in basin analysis has now revealed out a depositional model implying cycles of base-level
the three-dimensional complexity of many stratigraphic change lasting about 125 ka (Fig. 1.10). In this model, the
successions. Sequence analysis has highlighted the impor- gravel was delivered to the middle of the basin by fluvial
tance of onlap and offlap relationships, and the ubiquity of systems during sea-level lowstands, and then reworked into
clinoform architectures in continental margin strata has been shoreface deposits during subsequent transgressions. The
demonstrated repeatedly (Sect. 6.3). interpretation was controversial and was subject to intense
discussion at the time (Rine et al. 1987), but the interpre-
tation has stood the test of time and has led to a complete
1.2.12 Sequence Stratigraphy (1986–1990) remapping of Alberta Basin stratigraphy using the new
sequence concepts (Mossop and Shetsen 1994).
In the decade following the publication of AAPG Memoir 26 Meanwhile, researchers working with seismic data, par-
(Payton 1977) a wholesale re-evaluation of regional ticularly in the research laboratories of Shell, BP and Exxon,
stratigraphy was underway. The significance of this revolu- were applying sequence concepts to basins around the
tion can be exemplified by the first publication that applied world, yielding many insights into stratigraphic architecture
the new sequence concepts to an important swath of regional and regional basin controls, particularly the importance of
geology, the Cardium Sandstone of Alberta. This loosely tectonism, even though the global-eustasy paradigm
defined unit is host to the largest oil field hosted in a clastic remained dominant throughout the 1980s and early 1990s.
reservoir in Canada, the Pembina field, and stratigraphic and Several atlases were published at this time, taking advantage
sedimentologic studies of the unit had been underway since of the large atlas format to display reflection-seismic
it was discovered in 1953. The Pembina reservoir was cross-sections at large scales (Bally 1987). Even more
22 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

importantly, in 1988 a second major product by the team at approvingly to the depositional systems approach exempli-
Exxon was published (Wilgus, et al. 1988), showing in detail fied by Fisher and McGowen (1967).
how sequence concepts could incorporate facies analysis and
Future facies modeling must emphasize these contemporaneous,
could be applied to outcrop studies. The systems tract linked depositional environments, and their response to tectonics
concept reached a full expression in several key papers in and changes of relative sea level. This will combine the
this book (Posamentier and Vail 1988; Posamentier et al. strengths of classical facies modeling with the recognition that
1988), building on experimental models of Jervey (1988) widely spaced and “distinct” geographic environments (sum-
marized as models) can be rapidly superimposed as part of one
that essentially reinvented Barrell’s (1917) ideas about transgressive or regressive system (Walker 1990, p. 780).
accommodation and its control on sedimentation and
developed them further in the light of modern facies con- Walker (1990, p. 781) also expressed concern regarding
cepts (Sect. 5.2.1). the new concepts of sequence stratigraphy, which were
Another important publication from the Exxon team was becoming popular at this time. He pointed out the ambiguity
that by Van Wagoner et al. (1990) which presented the in some of the definitions (e.g., that of the parasequence;
results of several detailed field mapping projects and see Sect. 5.2.2), the uncertainty with regard to scale, and the
extended the reach of sequence concepts further, to regional lack of clarity in such expressions as “relatively con-
outcrop and subsurface studies. Largely on the basis of these formable.” The issue of scale arises with reference to such
two publications by the Exxon team, the term seismic expressions as “genetically related” strata. In facies-model
stratigraphy began to be replaced in common use by the studies, genetically related implies gradational contacts
more general term sequence stratigraphy. between lithofacies that are related to each other in the sense
implied by Walther’s Law. In sequence stratigraphy,
genetically related means the deposits formed during a full
1.2.13 Reconciling Facies Models with Sequence cycle of base-level change, although, as Walker (1990,
Stratigraphy (1990) p. 784) pointed out, using Galloway’s (1989) genetic
stratigraphic sequence model implies that strata above and
By the year 1990 a moment of tension had arrived in the below a subaerial erosion surface (the E/T surfaces of Plint
evolution of sophisticated stratigraphy. The enormously et al. 1986) are genetically related, which they are certainly
successful facies-model approach, focusing on very detailed not.
local studies, including meticulous analysis of drill cores, While reluctant to fully embrace the new methods and
had resulted in a proliferation of sedimentological studies terminology of sequence stratigraphy, Walker (1990) con-
and numerous refinements of ideas about how to classify and ceded that the regional patterns and the emphasis on
subdivide sedimentary environments in an ever expanding large-scale sedimentary controls that were being revealed by
range of tectonic and climatic settings. Most interpretations sequence studies were valuable. As a compromise he sug-
dwelt at length on autogenic sedimentary processes. Mean- gested the adoption of the new system of allostratigraphy
while, sequence stratigraphy had introduced an entirely that had been proposed in 1983 by the North American
different scale of research, encompassing whole basins, and Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature. Allostratigra-
focusing on allogenic controls, particularly sea-level change. phy is based on the recognition, mapping and subdivision of
In addition, the architectural-element approach to facies unconformity-bounded units. For example, a typical
studies departed from the clean simplicity of the vertical sequence, in the sense implied by Vail et al. (1977) consti-
profile by suggesting two- and three-dimensional assem- tutes an alloformation.
blages of sedimentary building blocks in patterns difficult to
pin down and classify.
The problems may be exemplified by an examination of a 1.2.14 The Full Flowering of Modern
paper by Walker (1990), who was attempting to reconcile his Sequence-Stratigraphic Methods
facies-model approach to the new concepts and methods. He
(Walker 1990, p. 779) complained that the When sequence stratigraphy was introduced to the geologi-
architectural-element approach, which treated elements as cal community through the landmark publications of the
building blocks that could be assembled in multiple ways Exxon Group (Payton 1977; Wilgus et al. 1988; Van
(Miall 1985), constituted “sedimentological anarchy.” Wagoner et al. 1990) it came with an overriding hypothesis
Walker (1990) conceded that the proliferation of information that eustatic sea-level change was the main driver of changes
about environments and facies associations that had resulted in accommodation, and hence of sequence architecture.
from the explosion of facies studies rendered the simple Doubts about the universal applicability of this hypothesis
facies-model approach for complex depositional systems began to emerge in the 1980s, and by the mid-1990s most
(such as submarine fans) inadequate. He referred earth scientists had accepted that other factors, including
1.2 The Evolution of “Sophisticated Stratigraphy” 23

climate change and regional tectonism may play a key role recently, Steel and Milliken (2013) have provided a very
(Miall 1995). The controversy is described in detail else- useful documentation of the many incremental additions to
where (Miall and Miall 2001, 2002; Miall 2010, Chap. 12). our knowledge of siliciclastic facies associations and models
The realization that many allogenic processes are at work and their incorporation into sequence-stratigraphic
during the accumulation of a basin fill gave renewed impetus interpretations.
to stratigraphic studies, because it became clear that Modern theoretical and experimental work is making
sequence methods, combining the large scale of substantial contributions to our understanding of processes
reflection-seismic surveying with the facies scale of the of sedimentation and sequence generation. The specially
outcrop or drill core, could be very powerful tools for the designed experimental facility (eXperimental EarthScape
reconstruction of geologic history, as well as provide much Facility, or XES) described by Paola (2000) and Paola et al.
more useful predictive stratigraphic models for petroleum (2001, 2009) is particularly well-equipped to explore what
exploration and development. Some examples of this are Sheets et al. (2002) termed the stratigraphic “mesoscale,” the
discussed and illustrated in Chap. 6. time scale of years to thousands of years. Within this time
The evolution of seismic records from analog (paper frame, “the depositional pattern shifts from reflecting the
records of wiggle traces) to digital, facilitated an enormous short-term flow pattern to reflecting long-term basinal
development in computer-processing and display techniques. accommodation. Individual events are averaged to produce
One of the most important outcomes was the emerging ability large-scale stratal patterns” (Sheets et al. 2002, p. 288). At
to develop horizontal “seiscrop sections” from this scale, autogenic processes grade into, or are affected by
three-dimensional data volumes (Brown 1985; Fig. 6.34 and modified by allogenic forcing. Muto and Steel (2004)
illustrates an early example). Automatic tracking procedures demonstrated that, given steady conditions of discharge and
enabled the geologist to follow stratigraphic surfaces through sediment supply, prograding deltas will eventually start to
structural disturbances, and processing could flatten the result “autoincise” over the mesoscale time scale. Strong and Paola
to restore an original horizontal depositional surface. Soon (2008) explored the evolving nature of valley incision, ter-
this led to the development of an entirely new discipline, race formation and valley fill, and demonstrated that the
seismic geomorphology, which deals with the analysis of valley-floor surface that ultimately is preserved in the geo-
ancient depositional systems based on their preserved land- logical record during a cycle of base-level change is an
scape architecture and three-dimensional construction erosion surface that never actually existed in its entirety as a
(Davies et al. 2007; Hart 2013). Furthermore, the debate topographic surface in its preserved form, because it
about global eustasy placed renewed emphasis on the need undergoes continuous modification by erosion or sedimen-
for accurate global chronostratigraphic correlations in order tation until final burial. Kim and Paola (2007) demonstrated
to test regional and global correlations, and this also that the autogenic process of delta and channel switching
encouraged new work in this field. may, under the influence of fault movement, develop
The flourishing of sequence stratigraphy as a research cyclothem-like cycles over time periods of 105 years.
topic inevitably led to differences of interpretation and even Meanwhile, the research theme centered on facies anal-
to differences in the methods for defining sequences. For ysis is by no means complete. As discussed in Chap. 4,
example, Hunt and Tucker (1992) showed how the Exxon advances in the understanding of processes and environ-
sequence model was quite inadequate in dealing with the ments continue, aided by the experimental work touched on
falling stage of a base-level cycle. Galloway (1989) pro- above and by improved observational methods. Three topics
posed defining sequence boundaries at the maximum merit note: (1) the increasing recognition of the importance
flooding surface rather than the subaerial erosion surface and of cool-water environments for carbonate sedimentation,
its basinward correlative conformity. This and other con- (2) an improved understanding of the development of
troversies (discussed in Sect. 7.7) hindered the development deep-water turbidite deposits relative to the cycle of
of a uniform methodology and common language for dealing sea-level change and sediment delivery patterns, together
with sequences on a formal basis. with a much expanded understanding of the variability and
Catuneanu (2006), in what has become the standard complexity of turbidite systems, due in large measure to
textbook on sequence stratigraphy, addressed the contro- developments in marine geology, three-dimensional seismic
versies, and showed how different approaches could be surveying, and large-scale outcrop work and (3) the
reconciled if care is taken with descriptions and definitions. increasing realization that in natural systems mud forms silt-
In a series of papers culminating in a review for Newsletters and sand-sized floccules, and most mud is transported and
in Stratigraphy he and selected colleagues have been leading deposited by currents of all kinds. Pelagic settling may be of
the way in the work to gain acceptance for sequence minor importance as a source of mud deposits.
stratigraphy as the appropriate formal basis for modern International work on sedimentary and stratigraphic
stratigraphic work (Catuneanu et al. 2009,2010,2011). More geology has become of increasing importance in recent
24 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

Fig. 1.11 The main intellectual

themes that have now merged into
the multidisciplinary subject of
modern “sophisticated”
stratigraphy. Shown are
references to the key foundational
papers that led to major shifts in
earth science theory and methods

years. Chen et al. (2019) provided a useful overview and 6. Basin geodynamics: the origins of basins in terms of
introduction to Chinese research in the areas of chronos- plate tectonics and crustal behavior (Miall 1999; Busby
tratigraphy and sedimentology. and Azor 2012)
As discussed in Chap. 8, the use of “big data” in 7. Modern formal stratigraphic methods (Salvador 1994).
stratigraphy (hundreds to thousands of well sections, or Updated methods at https://www.stratigraphy.org
many kilometers of measured section), exploiting the new 8. Advanced field methods, documentation, analysis, inter-
sequence methods, is providing literally revolutionary new pretation: Holbrook and Miall (2020).
insights into the processes of basin evolution.
A specialized branch of stratigraphy deals with the
Quaternary record. Specialists include archeologists and
1.2.15 Stratigraphy: The Modern Synthesis anthropologists. Age dating reaches levels of accuracy and
precision in the 103–104-year range, based on dating meth-
The full flowering of modern stratigraphy represents the ods designed specifically for the Recent, including 14C and
amalgamation of the concepts and methods encompassed in U-Th radiometric methods, optically stimulated lumines-
all of the separate developments described in the preceding cence, cosmogenic radionuclides, and amino-acid
sections. The power of the modern science could not pos- geochronometry (http://www.inqua-saccom.org/
sibly have evolved without the contributions from all of stratigraphic-guide/geochronometry/).
these strands of development. However, for the purpose of
education and training, the basic components of modern
stratigraphy can be broken down into the following list of 1.3 Time in Stratigraphy
the major topics (Fig. 1.11). Key references are provided
here to some of the main recent reviews and textbooks: Sedimentologists and stratigraphers study sedimentary
events over time periods extending through 17 orders of
1. Facies analysis methods and facies models (James and magnitude, from the long-term global changes in plate dis-
Dalrymple 2010) tribution, atmospheric composition, and oceanic geochem-
2. Sequence stratigraphy, concepts, definitions and methods istry that take place over billions of years (109 yr), to the
(Catuneanu 2006) entrainment and displacement of individual sand grains in
3. Interpretations of the origins of sequences in terms of traction carpets, events that take but a few seconds
basin processes (tectonism, eustasy, climate change, etc.) (3 s = 10–7 yr) (Miall 1991, 2014, 2015; Holbrook and
(Miall 2010; Allen 2013) Miall 2020). Different parts of this time spectrum (shown
4. Modern seismic methods, including seismic geomor- schematically in Fig. 1.12) have become the special interest
phology (Veeken 2007; Davies et al. 2007; Hart 2013) of different scientific groups (and are considered in different
5. Chronostratigraphy and the Geologic Time Scale parts of this book). Consider this wide variety of
(Gradstein et al. 2004, 2012, 2020; see also https://www. observations:
1.3 Time in Stratigraphy 25

Fig. 1.12 The hierarchy of scales in fluvial systems (from Leeder 1993)
26 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

1. Those interested in fluid hydraulics and the development behavior of the earth's crust in response to stretching,
of bedforms are concerned with periods of a few seconds heating and loading events, and on the regional (epeiro-
to a few hours (10–7–10–3 yr; Chap. 2). genic) changes in continental elevation caused by mantle
2. Those who study sedimentary facies and depositional thermal processes (dynamic topography). Subsidence
models have to take into account diurnal changes in air driven by these mechanisms is slow, and the evolution of
and water circulation and tidal effects at one extreme (10– the large-scale architecture of a basin is a process that
yr), the effects of dynamic events such as floods and takes 106–107 yr to complete (Allen 2013).
storms (durations of 10–3–10–2 yr, spaced over intervals 8. The assembly and dispersion of supercontinents on the
of 10–1–101 yr), and, at the other extreme, the growth, earth's surface is a product of the thermal behavior of the
migration, and progradation of various subenvironments, core and mantle. Evidence is accumulating for a
such as river channels, tidal flats, delta lobes and crevasse long-term cyclicity throughout Proterozoic and
splays (101–104 yr; Chap. 3). Phanerozoic time, with a periodicity in the order of
3. Conventional stratigraphy—the mapping and formal 108 yr.
definition of formations, members and groups, and
sequence stratigraphy, deal with sedimentary packages The disparities in the time scales that form the back-
and depositional systems that may take 102–107 yr to ground to the work of these various groups have given rise
accumulate (Chaps. 5, 6, and 7). to some tensions in the development of basin analysis. For
4. For those concerned with the establishment of chronos- example, the study of fluid hydraulics in the laboratory has
tratigraphic relationships and the rates of geological yielded elegant phase diagrams that permit interpretations to
events and processes, chronostratigraphic precision in the be made of instantaneous flow conditions in the develop-
dating of stratigraphic events is rarely better than about ment of sequences of hydrodynamic structures (crossbed-
±0.1 m.y. (105 yr), this being the highest level of reso- ding, parting lineation, etc.). However, such analyses relate
lution that the Geologic Time Scale can currently attain only to the few minutes or hours when the individual bed-
for most of the Phanerozoic (Gradstein et al. 2004; see form was being deposited and can tell us nothing about the
Chap. 7). For the Neogene the availability of a usually much longer periods of time (up to several or many
chemostratigraphic scale based on oxygen isotope vari- years) represented by non-deposition or erosion, and they
ations has provided an even finer degree of resolution, also tell us nothing about the preservation potential of the
and work is underway to extend a cyclostratigraphic time various bedforms.
scale, with a resolution in the 105-year range, back As data have accumulated relating to time intervals and
through the Cenozoic (Sect. 7.8.2). rates of sedimentary processes it has become clear that there
5. There is increasing recognition of the importance of as- are major disparities between the rates derived from the
tronomic (orbital) forcing as a control on climate. study of modern sedimentary processes and those obtained
Commonly, in the geologic past, this has been respon- from analysis of the geological record. Sadler (1981) was the
sible for the growth and decay of continental ice caps, first to document this in detail. Miall (1991, 2014, 2015)
with consequent major effects on climate and global sea suggested that a hierarchical approach be used to manage
level, and hence, on stratigraphic cyclicity, notably the discussion of rates and time scales in the geological record
development of the cyclic deposits termed cyclothems. (Miall et al. 2021). This issue, and the question of preser-
These are the so-called Milankovitch processes, which vation potential, are addressed in detail in Chap. 8. Ideas
deal mainly with time periods of 104–105 yr. The study emerging from the new stratigraphic synthesis are requiring
of these cycles constitutes cyclostratigraphy and the a new approach to the recording and interpretation of the
time scale that may be derived from them is termed as- stratigraphic record, involving a much more meticulous
trochronology (Chap. 8). approach to data collection and analysis (Holbrook and
6. A major task for modern stratigraphers is the establish- Miall 2020).
ment and correlation of the major sequence framework
for the world’s sedimentary basins. These have durations
ranging from 104 to 107 yr. The driving force for these 1.4 Types of Project and Data Problems
sequences includes eustasy, driven by changes in the
global average rate of sea-floor spreading, regional tec- Data collection and analysis procedures are, of course,
tonics, and climate change (Miall 2010). determined by the nature of the project. The following are
7. Geophysical modeling of sedimentary basins has, in some typical basin-analysis problems, with a brief discus-
recent years, focused on the flexural and rheological sion of the data collection potential.
1.4 Types of Project and Data Problems 27

1.4.1 Regional Surface Stratigraphic Mapping be well exposed and, ideally, free of chemical or organic
Project weathering, which disturbs or obscures textures and struc-
tures. Methods for documenting surface sections are dis-
Work of this nature is one of the primary functions of gov- cussed in detail in Sect. 2.2.
ernment surveys, intent on providing complete map-sheet The best sections for regional correlation are those that
coverage of their area of responsibility, both as a service to include several stratigraphic intervals, but it is rare to find
industry and as a basis for expert advice to government more than a few of these except in exceptionally
economic planners. Similar regional surveys are commonly well-exposed areas. Short, partial sections of a stratigraphic
undertaken by industry as a preliminary to detailed surface or unit can provide much valuable sedimentological data, such
subsurface exploration, although their studies are rarely as as facies and paleocurrent information, although it may not
thorough. Many academic theses are also of this type. be possible to locate them precisely within a stratigraphic
Many government surveys are carried out by individuals framework unless they can be correlated by a marker bed or
who are not specifically trained in the analysis of sedimentary structural interpretation (Chap. 6). Exposures of this type
basins, the idea being that members of the survey should be tend to be ignored by the regional mapper, but they should
generalists, capable of mapping anything. This was an old not be ignored by those intent on producing an integrated
British tradition, and it is an unfortunate one because it means basin analysis, because they add to the data base and may
that the individual survey officer cannot possibly be aware of provide many useful sedimentological clues.
all the skills that are now available for mapping work in The great advantage of surface over subsurface studies is
sedimentary rocks, nor are they encouraged to take the time the potential, given adequate clean outcrop, to see medium-
for the specialized observations which would make their to large-scale sedimentary features, such as crossbedding,
work so much more effective. The argument that this is “left and larger scale architectural elements, including channels,
for the academics to do later” is not always satisfactory, for it large bar deposits, bioherms, etc., that may be difficult or
is commonly the case that the stratigraphy of a succession can impossible to identify in a drill hole. Large outcrops can be
only be clarified by those who thoroughly understand its used to construct lateral profiles. These, of course, add
sedimentology. Many fruitless arguments about stratigraphic immeasurably to any basin interpretation, particularly pale-
terminology can be avoided if this is realized at the beginning ogeographic aspects, such as the size, geometry, and orien-
of a mapping endeavor. A team approach to a project is often tation of depositional elements (e.g., reefs, channels). The
an ideal solution. For instance, the research synthesis edited geologist should also always be searching for lateral varia-
by Besly and Kelling (1988) is an excellent example of an tions in lithologies, fossil content, or sedimentary structures,
integrated basin-analysis approach to a broad and complex as these changes may provide crucial control for paleogeo-
research problem, in this case the origin of a major series of graphic interpretations.
sedimentary basins in northwest Europe. The disadvantage of studies carried out exclusively at the
Another argument that is sometimes heard about geo- surface is that most of the rocks in any given basin are buried
logical mapping is that once it is done it does not need to be and may be inaccessible to observation over very large areas.
done again. Political pressures to defund or disband state Many basins are depositional basins, in the sense that they
geological surveys have been based on this argument, which, preserve at the present day essentially the same outline as
of course, ignores the fact that maps constantly need to be during sedimentation. The rocks exposed at the surface,
updated to incorporate new data, or redrawn to encompass especially around the margins of the basin, may have a quite
new concepts or to take advantage of new technologies, such different thickness and facies to those preserved at the center
as Geographical Information Systems (GIS: digital map- and may show erosion surfaces and unconformities not
ping). It is likely that eventually most standard surface present in the center because of the tendency of basin mar-
geological maps will be redrawn using sequence concepts gins to be affected by a greater degree of tectonic instability.
instead of lithostratigraphic terminology. This is illustrated in Fig. 1.13. A basin analysis carried out
The basis of all surface basin-analysis projects is the under such circumstances might therefore produce very
careful compilation of vertical stratigraphic sections. These incomplete or misleading results.
are described by the geologist in the field, who also collects
samples for subsequent laboratory analysis, taking care to
label each sample according to its position in the section. 1.4.2 Local Stratigraphic-Sedimentologic
Where should such sections be located? The choice depends Mapping Project
on a variety of factors. First, they should be typical of the
area in which they are found and should be as free as pos- A common incentive for a detailed local study is the
sible of structural deformation. Obviously, they should also occurrence of some highly localized economic deposit, such
28 1 The Scope of Modern Stratigraphy

Fig. 1.13 Contrasts between

stratigraphic thicknesses and
facies at basin center and basin
margin. The geology of the deep,
hydrocarbon-producing regions
of a basin might be quite different
from that at the margins, so that
surface geology gives little useful
information on what lies below.
The North Sea Basin is an
excellent example. This example
is of the Messinian evaporite
basin, Sicily (Schreiber et al.

as an ore body or coal seam. A geologist will examine every the exclusion of any real consideration of regional implica-
available outcrop within a few square kilometers of the tions. The geologist will erect a detailed local stratigraphy
deposit, and may also supplement the analysis with logs of and fail to show clearly how it relates to any regional
diamond drill holes. Another type of local study is an aca- framework that may have been established, or there may be
demic thesis project, particularly at the master’s level. an overemphasis on certain selected parameters chosen,
A small-scale project may be chosen because of the time and perhaps, as a training exercise, to the exclusion of others.
cost limits imposed by academic requirements. As discussed To set against these problems is the advantage a detailed
in Chap. 8, the modern synthesis of stratigraphic and sedi- local project may offer for carrying out very complete,
mentologic methods requires extremely detailed field docu- sophisticated paleogeographic reconstruction. Rather than
mentation and advanced methods of analysis and relying on selected stratigraphic sections, the geologist may
interpretation in order for us to fully understand the strati- be able to trace out units on foot or study their variation in a
graphic record (Holbrook and Miall 2020). close network of diamond drill holes (Fig. 1.14). In this way,
Many of the comments given in the preceding section the detailed variations within, for example, an individual reef
apply to local studies, but there are some additional com- or channel network or a coal swamp, can be reconstructed.
plications that often arise because of the nature of such Typically, there will be more time to spend developing
projects. A common fault is the emphasis on local features to architectural data from large outcrops. Such reconstructions

Fig. 1.14 A typical diamond

drill hole (DDH) network across a
mining property, a gold prospect
in Precambrian metasediments,
northern Ontario
1.4 Types of Project and Data Problems 29

Fig. 1.15 Example of an interpreted seismic line across the continental unconformities, buried paleotopography, the internal architectural
margin of North Africa (Mitchum et al. 1977a). This is a famous details of individual stratigraphic units, and the system of standard
section, having been reproduced in many textbooks as one of the first coded stratigraphic units employed by the authors. AAPG © 1977,
examples to be published showing the wealth of stratigraphic detail that reprinted by permission of the AAPG whose permission is required for
could be extracted from the data. Note the presence of several angular further use

are particularly valuable because they provide a mass of mapping parties into the field, but ultimately the most
three-dimensional data against which to test theoretical facies thorough field studies in a given field area are likely to be
models and sequence concepts. Some of the most fascinating done by government survey organizations. Much industry
information now being obtained from the sedimentary record activity is now located in offshore regions for which surface
is based on hundreds, even thousands of data points, with geological information is, in any case, sparse, unobtainable
numerous outcrop horizons literally “walked out” to ensure or irrelevant. As noted previously, the beds exposed at the
accurate correlation. Examples are described in Chap. 8. edge of a basin may bear little relation to those buried near
Diamond drill holes are produced by a process of con- its center (Fig. 1.13).
tinuous coring. They therefore provide a complete lithologic Regional subsurface work is based initially on geophysi-
and stratigraphic sample through the units of interest. The cal data and subsequently on test drilling. Gravity and aero-
small diameter of the core (2–5 cm) does not permit magnetic information may provide much useful information
recognition of any but the smallest sedimentary structures, on broad structural features, particularly deep crustal struc-
but the close drill hole spacing of a few hundred meters or tures. Refraction seismic lines may be shot for the same
less means that very detailed stratigraphic correlation is purpose. More detailed structural and stratigraphic data are
usually possible. obtained from reflection-seismic surveys (Fig. 1.15; Chap. 6),
Unfortunately, a tradition of retention and curation of and these provide the basis for all exploration drilling in the
diamond drill-hole core has rarely emerged in government or early phases of basin development. Deep reflection surveys
industrial organizations except, perhaps, for a few key holes have profoundly changed our ideas about deformed belts
in areas of particular interest. The core is normally discarded during the last decade. Seismic shooting and processing is
once the immediate interest in the area has subsided, and now a highly sophisticated process, and its practitioners like
much valuable material is lost to future workers. The mining to talk about seismic stratigraphy as if it can provide virtually
industry commonly seems to prefer it this way, but what is all the answers, not only about structure, but about the
good for corporate competitiveness is not necessarily the best stratigraphic subdivision of a basin, regional correlation, and
method for developing a national stratigraphic data base. even lithofacies. This is particularly the case where, as is now
common, selected areas of a basin are explored using
three-dimensional seismic methods. However, the seismic
1.4.3 Regional Subsurface Mapping Project method is only one exploration tool, and its results must be
tested against those derived in other ways. For example,
Exploration activity in the petroleum industry is now mainly test drilling may show that stratigraphic correlations pre-
of this type. Companies may initially send surface geological dicted from seismic interpretation are incorrect (Chap. 6).
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during the siege owing to exaggerated racial feelings. The other
criticism was that our marines lead in their intelligent work as
soldiers. The accuracy of their shooting is extraordinary, and their
ability to step forward, one after the other, on the death or retirement
of an officer or non-commissioned officer and take his place is
remarkable. They show the greatest aptitude to command, and are
in no way disconcerted by the sudden increase of responsibility. In
many instances which could be cited this was proved.
The British have never been known unnecessarily to sing the
praises of other nationalities, and I was very happy to have this
judge of things military tell me exactly what I felt and had seen from
the beginning of the siege.

August 18.
Yesterday General Chaffee told me he proposed to send the first
American convoy down the river to Tien-tsin on Monday, the 20th. A
boat-load of convalescents and several boat-loads of missionaries
will make up the convoy. Fargo Squiers, my maid, and I, will have
our own little boat, and will be sent with this contingent for protection
to Tien-tsin, where the Consul will be instructed to look out for us
until we take passage for Japan to join my family.
Things in Peking are in a terrible state of chaos. Generals and
Ministers know as little as anyone in the respect that they never
decide on anything. Of course, they are awaiting instructions from
Yesterday I was en route from the British Legation to the
American, when a big Sikh addressed me most respectfully,
whacking his chest, which was bulging in tremendous curves: “Mem-
sahib give me two dollars, I give mem-sahib nice things.” There had
just been an order issued to all British troops that the loot they
procured each day must be turned in to some appointed official, so I
fancied that this man must have wanted to get rid of something
which he might find difficult to explain if found on his person. I, of
course, had no money with me—it was the one thing we had had no
use for two months—but I returned to our Legation and procured two
dollars, for my curiosity was aroused, and returning hastily to where I
had left my man standing; and then, in the most evident perturbation,
he unloaded what he thought was only a proper equivalent for the
two dollars which he had asked of me—an exquisite gold-mounted
cloisonné clock and two huge, struggling hens!
He was so anxious to be gone that before I knew it I had the clock
in one hand and those wriggling old chickens in the other. They
pecked at my hand, and I almost dropped them; but when one has
been on short rations for two months one can stand without
complaint a few difficulties in procuring food. The clock was a joy to
look at, and the chickens were so big and so old; they made
wonderful soup for the dear little kiddies, who, thank Heaven! are all
still alive, but very much run down from the siege.
This morning Baron von Rahden came for breakfast, our
conversation being, as usual, carried on in French. He told me he
had procured for me a good sable coat—and when a Russian
speaks of good sables they are good, for that nationality are expert
judges of furs. I wanted to accept the coat in the spirit it was offered,
as a testimonial of a charming friendship, formed under extraordinary
circumstances, but owing to the intrinsic value of the garment I had
to decline it. I don’t think he understood very well my refusing it, and
I had within an hour the pleasure of seeing him present it to another
woman, who accepted it without a qualm, and without giving him, I
thought, very many thanks. My soul was torn with conflicting
emotions all day, and in the afternoon a Belgian, of whom I had seen
a good deal during the siege, brought me a tortoise-shell bracelet,
set with handsome pearls, which he had taken from the arm of a
Chinese officer whom he had killed. I surprised myself by promptly
accepting it. My nerves could not have stood it, and I took it rather
than have a repetition of the sequel to the sable-coat episode.
When the rich Chinese inhabitants left Peking in such a hurry they
in many cases took their treasure, their favourite wives and
themselves out of the capital with the greatest expedition possible,
while the young girls and women of their households thus left in
countless instances promptly committed suicide, usually by hanging
themselves, or drowning themselves in the wells of their courtyards.
The men who are throughout Peking now looting, constantly run into
these silent testimonials, showing how these people all preferred
self-inflicted death to what they knew they could expect when the
civilized and Christian soldiers of the West should be turned loose.
Yesterday a very animated generals’ conference was held, the
great question being whether there should be a unanimous effort to
stop all looting and sacking, or whether it should be continued. The
Japanese, French, and Russians were absolutely pro; English and
Americans, con, the latter having the strictest orders from President
McKinley against any looting. The English, although giving their vote
for no looting, added they should continue to place “in safe-keeping
all valuable things” found in the district given them to police. This, of
course, gives them practically the right to loot, although whatever is
brought in has to be placed in one place, where they have an auction
later, and the officially prescribed amount pro rata is given to the
officers and men, so that they are really doing just what the other
nations are doing, only in a somewhat more legalized way. They say
that these Indian troops, the Sikhs and the Rajputs, are something
horrible when they get started, and occasionally the British officer
who is supposed to always be on these parties sent out to procure
“the valuable things for safe-keeping” has to shoot a man to keep
them in discipline.
The rumours come in that now the whole of Peking is being looted,
and worse, and each Legation, closed up in its little compound, feels
like a little question-mark of respectability, surrounded by a whole
page of wicked, leering horrors.
Copyright, M. S. Woodward


Our gates are all closed tight, and occasionally we hear thundering
down Legation Street as whole troops of half-starved horses, ponies,
and donkeys (animals which have been left by their owners in their
stables, and which have managed by some means to free
themselves, either by looters untying them, or perhaps fire freeing
them), dash past at top speed all together in a fury of liberty
regained. And dangerous it is for anyone to be on the road when one
of these wild troops race down the street, for he will certainly be
trampled to death. After a time these mad collections of animals
become tame and quiet from hunger and exhaustion, and are willing
enough to be led into almost any courtyard. Everything is unusual in
this wonderful Peking. This morning I walked with Colonel Churchill
and Captain Mallory on the Tartar Wall and down it to the Ha Ta Men
Gate, where we went down the Ramp and walked all over the
tremendously exposed German and French lines with their
barricades and defences. In the German compound the havoc
wrought is unimaginable. Whole sides of the houses have been
battered down, in some instances one or two walls only left standing;
and as for the French compound, every house, every building, and
every wall has been levelled to old Mother Earth again, and nothing
but the little house of the concierge at the gate, which flies the
French flag, is left standing.
On seeing this one can understand why the French at the
conference not only wanted Peking to be looted and sacked, but to
be burnt as well. As the whole place can be inspected now, Mr.
Gamewell tells me that four big mines, almost completed, have been
found, and, had not the allies arrived when they did, that the
following night would have seen some terrific explosions in the
British Legation, the Hanlin Library, and on the Tartar Wall even. The
mortality of the siege would thus have been doubled by twenty-four
hours’ further delay by our troops.
Baron von Ketteler’s body was accidentally discovered on the 16th
by the Russian troops who were passing near the Tsung-li Yamen,
very near the spot where he had been murdered. The body had
been thrown into an old wooden box and left. The polite
communication which had been sent to the Baroness von Ketteler
during the semi-armistice days of the siege that her husband’s body
was lying in state at the Tsung-li Yamen was thus proved to be an
utter fabrication on their part. To-day his formal obsequies took place
in the German Legation, the doyen of the Corps, the Spanish
Minister, reading a short address, which was as well put as it was as
hard for Baroness von Ketteler to hear. I did not go to the ceremony,
however, for I felt as if I had attended more than enough to last me
the rest of a long life.
Although the allies arrived on the afternoon of the 14th, it was not
until the afternoon of the 16th that the Japanese troops went to the
relief of the Pei-t’ang, where Archbishop Favier had held his own so
long. They had had tremendous losses by attack and mines which
exploded in their midst—300 Chinese converts killed, 75 orphan
children, and 60 foreigners, including 2 French officers who had
been sent with the 20 French marines to help them at the beginning
of the siege.
This huge fortified cathedral was the only other mission in or about
Peking which was strong enough to hold out. At four o’clock they
were relieved, and at seven o’clock the French Minister arrived to
make inquiries about his compatriots. All the commanders who have
inspected the Pei-t’ang say its defence was a wonderful one.
At every meal now Mrs. Squiers’s guests are most numerous,
charming, and interesting. The servants seem to be all back, and
although the days are filled with incredible stories of what the
different nationalities are “doing” in Peking, our evenings are always
delightful, as they are made up of the companionship of the most
delightful men in Peking, who, when they arrive to dine, throw off the
disagreeable features of these war times, and devote themselves
with happiness to this opportunity, probably their first for many
weeks, of enjoying the ordinary cheerful amenities of life; and while
these nice parties smack of the camp—for everyone is in uniform—it
only makes things more interesting, for they help to cheer up the
tired siege people. It is the same everywhere in the different
Legations: each nationality is surrounded by its military, with a
sprinkling of more or less unattached secretaries and Ministers
Plenipotentiary, who are temporarily without Legations to go to or
troops to attend to.
Sir Robert Hart is very busy with his mountain-high accumulated
Customs work to be attended to, but he manages often to drop in to
tiffin or dinner.
Colonel Mills, General Chaffee’s Chief of Staff, an old friend of our
host’s, comes frequently to this hospitable house, as does Colonel
Waller, a delightful person, with his young officers, Lieutenant David
Porter and Lieutenant Harding. Colonel Mallory and Colonel
Churchill, the British Military Attaché to Tokyo, who is an old friend of
mine, and many other charming people, would make this list a long
one should I attempt to make it complete.

Colonel Churchill is returning, as I am, as soon as he can to

Tokyo. He intends to go down the river with Miss Armstrong and Sir
Claude’s little girls with the first convoy sent down by the British,
which will be a day after General Chaffee sends down his.
Fargo Squiers, my maid, and I, will then meet him and Miss
Armstrong and the children in Tien-tsin, and we will make our
journey to Japan by the first way that presents itself. He thinks that
Admiral Bruce, who is in command of the British fleet at Taku, will put
a despatch-boat at our disposal, and that we will be sent immediately
over to Yokohama.
In coming up to Peking Colonel Churchill brought me a very kind
invitation from Admiral and Mrs. Bruce—I had known them for some
time—to come to Mrs. Bruce at Wei Hai Wei, the British concession
near Chefoo, in case I was ill or needed a rest before starting for
Tokyo. So, with the letters to Colonel Moale, in command of our
troops in Tien-tsin, to do everything possible for us, Mr. Squiers, Mrs.
Squiers, and I, feel that Fargo and I will have an interesting and
reasonably comfortable trip over to Japan, where I know my sister is
counting the days until I return to her.
General Chaffee has delayed sending the first convoy down until
the 21st, which gives me a little more time before starting. It has
made me feel that really, after having been shot upon all summer
from the Imperial walls, I should like a peep inside before I leave
The city has been portioned off to the different generals, and the
English and Americans have a district where there is very little to
loot. To-day a French officer of high rank, wishing to get treasure out
of a palace that was in our lines, came to Mr. Conger and asked him
if he would allow him to change the boundary a trifle. The Minister
naïvely agreed to the Frenchman’s purely disinterested request, and
the consequence is there are a lot of indignant American military
men wandering about trying to understand why this change in the
map should have been made without consulting them.

August 19.
I talked over with Mrs. Squiers my great wish to see something of
the wonderful Purple City before leaving, and while she was too busy
nursing little Bard to go with me, she saw no reason why, with ample
protection, and escorted by an officer, I should not ride through this
mysterious and beautiful park.
I had expected General Chaffee would give me an order to enter
by the Ch’ien Men Gate and its continuing three gates, and pass
practically through our own lines, upon his hearing that I wished to
do so. He was usually so amiable when I asked him for anything,
that this time, much to my surprise, he became very angry, and,
pounding his fist on the table, he assured me that he would not allow
me to even ride through the Imperial City, giving as his refusal the
only reason that “there were sights of war there which no American
girl should see,” and pounding his fist a second time to emphasize
the fact. All of which was ridiculous, as the sights of war referred to
were simply the heaps of corpses which surrounded the different
gates of the Imperial City by which the allies had entered, and, as a
consequence of the defeat of the Chinese, the dead were still there.
He was right, inasmuch as these are not pretty things to see; but as I
had been in the midst of war for two months, and had seen all these
things many times, I did not feel that it was just in him to deny me the
privilege now of being able to get a bird’s-eye view of this wonderful
park, which he might have done by allowing a special permit to go
round it on horseback before leaving. But one can’t fuss with people
who deny you things for what they think is for your own good,
especially when the person in question happens to be General
After this sad refusal, the first person I met was Baron von
Rahden, who, on hearing my tale of woe, was delighted to hear that
it was one which was so easy to remedy. As General Chaffee had
the power to write a permit to go into the Forbidden City, so had the
Russian Commander-in-Chief. He flew off, and in a few minutes
returned, bearing an order from the headquarters of the Russian
troops giving him power to escort me through the Imperial City, with
a company of Cossacks as a military guard, so that we could come
to no possible harm from snipers or marauding parties.
I was all excitement to be off. I felt like a naughty child, and was
afraid to stop a moment, fearing something might still stop me. But
we could not start, as there was no horse or pony in the Legation,
and the Cossacks had only their necessary number. Von Rahden
was a resourceful person, and told me that while I was putting on a
riding-habit he would have a horse got ready for me. He sent his
men off with the word that some sort of an animal for me to ride must
be here in fifteen minutes, and when I was ready to go I found the
Cossacks all lined up and Von Rahden holding two of the sorriest,
thinnest-looking horses I had ever seen. His men had stopped a
stampeded troop of animals out in Legation Street, and these two
were the best. The horse he selected was half mad with fear, but I
finally managed to mount him, and off we started, lickety split, Von
Rahden and myself leading, and the half-company of Cossacks
thundering after us. This dashing down deserted streets and rushing
up slight grades made me realize that one was no longer a prisoner,
at any rate.
We rode for a long time through absolutely deserted streets, at all
moments on the qui vive for shots from closed doors, or for a
possible ambush at each turning in the road. Our horses shied at
corpses in our path, and we were listening for unheard noises from
apparently empty houses, many of which had tiny little foreign flags
flying from some window or a painted foreign flag roughly executed
over the door, the owners hoping these Western insignia might
protect their property from looters.
Before entering the Forbidden City we passed through three series
of walls, at the entrance to which were piled innumerable dead
Chinese, silent proof that many lives were given in the vain attempt
to protect the Imperial City; but after we were once inside, these
horrors were forgotten in the grandiose landscape gardening, which
almost overwhelmed us by its magnificent simplicity. We crossed the
wonderful white marble bridges which spanned the artificial
waterways, and the glorious lotus-flowers were all in bloom on the
banks and partially in the water. They are such gorgeous, big
flowers; they are like the Chinese architecture—wonderful in big,
sweeping lines. We rode on through this semi-cultured landscape,
where every detail was so carefully attended to that the ensemble
was a complete joy to the senses, and after the eight weeks we had
been barricaded in our Legation district this park seemed like


We climbed the Coal Hill, and got the only view I ever had of the
Purple City. We were at such a height that we could look right down
and get a good glimpse of the plan of these palaces, besides
obtaining a gorgeous general View of the whole Imperial City. On
descending the hill, I must say I was disappointed that the palaces in
this Holy of Holies were not more imposing. They were low, long
buildings constructed of the gorgeous Imperial yellow tiles. The
extraordinarily rich colouring of these buildings made one forget
momentarily the plainly low architectural lines. Unfortunately, we had
no permission to enter these closely-guarded, mysterious precincts.
We hated to leave this spot of beautiful trees, long avenues and
vistas, and, above all, the pure air, to return to our half-burnt, wholly
ill-smelling Legation district.
At nine o’clock all the Anglo-Saxons sang a Te Deum on the
tennis-court. Mr. Norris conducted the service, and Dr. Smith, the
author of “Chinese Characteristics,” made a most stirring address.
We all surely sang it with hearts full of a thankfulness we had rarely
ever before felt.

August 20.
To-day I took a walk all over the German lines with Mr. von
Bergen, Second Secretary of the Legation, and, in fact, all over our
old siege lines, and said a cheerful good-bye to it all. To-night Mrs.
Squiers has a farewell dinner, and to-morrow, at 6.30 a.m., we start
with ourselves and our baggage in United States Army schooners en
route to Tungchow, where we take primitive houseboats to sail down
the Pei-ho to Tien-tsin. A detachment from the 9th United States
Infantry is to accompany us, and everything is to be very military in
this escort for the first convoy. How absurd to compare my coming to
Peking and my leaving it! I came up on Sir Robert Hart’s private car
in a few hours, and will go down to the coast in an antiquated
Chinese boat, which will take as many days as the train took hours.
And so, floating down the river, I will have much time to think quietly
about this wonderful siege, to forget the disagreeable and the bad,
and to remember the great and the good.

American Legation. See Legations

Armstrong, Miss, 17, 23
Austrian Legation. See Legations

Belgian Legation. See Legations

Below, Von, Secretary to German Legation, 14;
effect of siege on, 100
Bergen, Von, Second Secretary to German Legation, 203
Boxers, the, rising of, 7, 16, 23;
captures of, 29, 35, 76, 152;
outrages by, 38, 57
Brent, Mrs., 17
British Legation. See Legations
Bruce, Admiral, 197
Bruce, Mount, 2;
ascent of, 4

Carles, Mr., British Consul at Tien-tsin, 148, 149

Cartier, M. de, 142
Cassini, Countess Marguerite, 5
Chaffee, General: arrival at Tien-tsin, 158;
the relief of Peking, 177, 181, 199;
a funeral incident, 184;
the convoy to Tien-tsin, 187, 197
Chamot, Swiss proprietor of the Peking Hotel, provides food for the
besieged, 114
Cheshire, Mr., American Legation, waiting for the relief troops, 15,
his bravery, 77
Ch’ien Men Gate, burning of, 25;
firing of cannon from, 69;
arrival of the relief force, 179
China, Empress of, and Prince Ching, 132;
and Li Hung Chang, 163, 164
Ching, Prince, head of the Tsung-li Yamen, 69, 92;
correspondence with the besieged, 132, 137, 138
Christians, Chinese, outrages on, 35, 38;
located at the Fu, 75, 132;
their want of food, 161
Churchill, Colonel, British Military Attaché to Japan, 180, 196
Cologan, Señor, Spanish Minister at Peking, 43;
his illness, 120
Coltman, Dr. and Mrs., American physician at Peking, 20, 52, 79
Conger, Mr. and Mrs., American Minister at Peking, 52, 62, 120;
message from the Yamen, 136;
a funeral incident, 184;
his naïveness, 198

Dana Collection, the, 14

Dosio, Père, the Superior of Nan-t’ang, his loss of mind, 131;
Chinese outrage on, 176
Dutch Legation. See Legations

Favier, Archbishop, the Superior of Pei-t’ang, 37, 194

Feng-tai railway-station, 4;
burning of, 8
Fisher, a marine, death of, 125
Food-supply during the siege, 58, 73, 85, 106, 108, 109;
an amusing incident, 146
French Legation. See Legations
Fu, the, Chinese Christians located at, 72, 132, 161
Fukushima, General, commander of the Japanese relief forces, 167

Gamewell, Rev., a missionary, a mainstay to the besieged, 112, 193

Gaselee, General, commander of British relief forces, 149, 167, 176
German Legation. See Legations
Giers, M. de, Russian Minister at Peking, 43, 120;
message from the Yamen, 136;
and the Americans, 186
Giers, Madame de, her wonderful help in nursing, 143

Hanlin Library, the, 107, 116

Hart, Sir Robert, Inspector-General of Customs, 13, 18, 50;
death of Oliphant, 105;
letters from the Yamen, 139, 151
Ha Ta Men Gate, defence of, 22, 33, 92
Hsu Ching Cheng, Director of Imperial University, 156

“International” cannon, the, 116

Italian Legation. See Legations

James, Dr. H., 75;

murder of, 76
Japanese Legation. See Legations
Joostens, M., Belgian Minister, 141, 142
Jung Lu, communications with the besieged, 132, 134, 159

Kempff, Admiral, 14, 16, 17

Ketteler, Baron von, German Minister at Peking:
Boxer incident, 24, 25;
murder of, 45;
discovery of body, 194
Kettles, Mr., the Belgian Consul, 141
Knobel, M., Dutch Minister at Peking, 43, 120;
the chicken episode, 146, 147
Kroupensky, Mr., Russian Secretary, 23

Boxer outrages, 7 et seq.;
arrival of the marines, 15;
weakness of the American, 18, 31;
waiting for the relief party, 21, 27;
attempts to burn, 25 et seq.;
alarming state of, 31;
rescue of Chinese Christians, 35 et seq.;
Chinese offer an escort to the coast, 42, 159;
murder of Baron von Ketteler, 45, 194;
strength of the British Legation, 48, 72;
American women and children transferred to the British, 48, 50;
American missionaries brought in, 49;
life in, 50 et seq., 119 et seq.;
evacuation and burning of the Belgian, 56;
attempt on the Dutch, 57;
supply of food, 58 et seq., 86, 108 et seq., 160;
in great danger, 61 et seq.;
evacuation of Austrian and fright of the French, 63;
general panic, 64;
fighting the fire, 65 et seq.;
the crowded hospital, 74, 90, 91, 102, 103, 105, 116, 142, 143;
a sortie, 75;
murder of Dr. James, 76;
armistice, 78;
renewed attacks on, 80 et seq.;
attack on German, 92 et seq.;
an unsuccessful sortie, 95;
racial friendships and animosities, 95, 96, 121, 122, 135;
Japanese valour, 97;
boldness of the Chinese, 98;
successful charge down the wall, 99, 100;
funerals, 102 et seq.;
discovery and successful use of an old cannon, 115, 116;
plague of flies, 123, 124;
Captain Strouts mortally wounded, 125;
a bad day, 125 et seq.,
wave of despondency, 129 et seq.;
a missionary becomes insane, 131;
communications with the Yamen, 132-134, 136, 145, 151, 159,
163, 169;
Chinese send in food, 138;
news of the relief force, 140;
a chicken episode, 146;
messenger sent to Tien-tsin, 149;
description of the barricades, 151 et seq.;
letters from Tien-tsin, 157;
food running short, 160;
more severe attacks, 165, 168, 171;
good news, 167;
arrival of the relief force, 171 et seq.;
the question of loot, 191;
the state of the German Legation, 193;
discovery of mines, 193

Li Hung Chang, 163;

and the Empress of China, 164, 165;
purchase of guns, 171
Linqua Su, temple of, description of, 2;
defence of, 9, 10
Lippitt, Dr., 34;
wounded, 91, 142;
typhoid fever, 186

McCalla, Captain, in command of the Japanese marines, 15;

returns to Tien-tsin, 16;
and the relief party, 21, 34
Macdonald, Sir Claude, British Minister at Peking, elected
Commander-in-Chief, 120, 121;
and Von Rostand, 122;
Communications from the Yamen, 132, 133;
and the relief force, 173, 179, 186
Macdonald, Lady, and her children, 17;
and Baroness von Ketteler, 46;
lodges the American missionaries in the chapel 50;
food-supply, 85, 160
McKinley, President of the United States, forbids looting, 191
Magi-poo, rioting at, 14
Mallory, Colonel, sends news to the besieged, 158
Marines, the, arrival at Peking, 15;
on the sick-list, 34;
sorties, 35, 41, 99;
death of Captain Strouts, 126;

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